Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Update on the energies 11:11 2-29-16 by Jenny Schiltz

Update on the energies 11:11 2-29-16
by Jenny Schiltz

This is a very important energetic time. The light codes coming into earth are at the highest vibrational level I have experienced. It is literally changing everything even though it can seem so painfully slow. Many are feeling like they are being put through the wringer and in some ways you are. So much is being shown to us right now if we are present and aware. This takes practice as it requires that we slow down the swirling thoughts and emotions. From the place of presence we can allow spirit to come in and give us signs and synchronicities.

Right now what people are experiencing is dependent on where they are in this process. Many are seeing a resurgence of “old” thoughts, patterns, and behaviors. This can cause deep frustration and often the ego will come in and tell you that all the work you did previous was for nothing. Stop, breathe, and really look at what you are shown. Can you see how it is from a different perspective or angle so that you can heal it from this new level? Can you see how it is an opportunity to see it differently and then forgive self and others more deeply? Our thoughts, patterns, and behaviors are held on a cellular level. Clearing density from our form is a process, it is not done in one single moment, so it is normal for issues to arise. For some reoccurring thoughts just observe and see it drift away from you. For others, it may come up but show you a whole new side.

While it may feel as if you are out of control with this energy, that you have been thrown to the wind, know that it is a co-creation process. You have a blue print, a general plan for your life, lessons that are to be learned, but you also have free will and that can take us on quite the wild ride. We do not have to be passive in these times, we can be proactive and look deep within to see all that we need to. Ask your team (angels and guides) to show you in dreams, meditation and in human interactions what you need to know. Ask to be shown what is holding you back or what is no longer in your highest good. Ask to be shown how you are being inflexible or too flexible while on this path. Ask to be shown where you are resisting the changes or where you have created blocks. Once you ask, be aware of all that comes. Look at your interactions, the synchronicities, and how your body feels. Our interactions with others can act as a mirror for what is going on if we just allow ourselves to observe without judgment. Write down your dreams and that incredible insight that we often wake with but then fades as our brain switches back on.

Many are feeling frustration as they know their soul path but they are not seeing how it is supported in the physical world we live in. Asking to be shown exactly what needs work and changing within will help with this. While on an intellectual level we may know what needs changing and we may feel that we have done the work involved, there may be something hidden within the cellular memory that needs releasing. This can have the person reexamining the same issue again and again, lost in deep frustration. Working with your team, being open to all they can show you will help you to see things from a deeper perspective.

Also, I had a reading recently with a woman who is a talented reader and healer. She has been working on honing her abilities and clearing her layers. This is not easy work and the changes within can be astounding. Her biggest problem is that those around her (friends and family) did not see the growth nor truly understand the world she is stepping into. Her issue is not uncommon. As we go through the process of raising our vibration and embodying more of our soul we expand our personal hologram and how we view the world. However, this deep change within us does not mean that those around us acknowledge the change. They are still seeing us from their personal hologram which did not expand. This can be quite upsetting as we often want validation and support from our family and friends. This is why many have to find new support systems and step out on their own so that they build the confidence they need. For some this is an essential part of stepping into their power and any feelings of guilt for moving on only hinders the process.

Not feeling supported by family and friends can also lead you to examine the filters and layers within. How are you not validating and supporting yourself? What doubts do you have about the changes and the acceptance of the world at large? What abundance issues are wrapped into these beliefs? Allow everything to be an opportunity for you to grow and expand.

Physically, we are all over the place! For me I have had the Buddha belly as my body swelled to process the higher vibrating codes. For some they also experience digestive upset as the codes have triggered density to leave. This can leave us achy and quite uncomfortable. For some this same energy can trigger low back, hip, knee, and ankle pain as the body grounds. For others they are experiencing neck and upper shoulder pain as the body integrates these energies. Likewise headaches, particularly in the temples and third eye are also very common. So much is expanding!

Pay attention to your world, be present, much is changing. People are awakening and the animals, crystals, and the environment are acknowledging it. I was in a crystal shop on Sunday and two girls were in there and were amazed that the crystal they picked up vibrated in their hands. It’s beautiful confirmation that the world is indeed changing.

Love and blessing to you all. <3


To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to
Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.
**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **

Jenny Schiltz | February 29, 2016 at 12:45 pm | Tags: Ascension, heart space, highest self, integration, Light codes, Personal Mastery, purging and releasing, unconditional love, upgrades | Categories: Ascension help, Energy Update, Lady Nada, My perspective, Uncategorized | URL:

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