Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, manifestation
Moon in Virgo
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Matangi, Goddess of the Wind
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment
Skill: find humor in situations; lighten up
True Alignments: respect for what is passing, closure, rooted with the Earth, truth prevailing, not playing "the game," fun, cohesive, transferring, reaching potential, an orderly progression, qualifying, implementation of something new, releasing what has been held in, proper expression of emotions, objectivity when seeing self, seeing the light side
Catalysts for Change: projecting one's feelings about self onto others, a need to gain acceptance, arrogant, losing one's way, impractical, not seeing where one is hurting (oneself?), temper tantrums, outbursts, bizarre behavior, lack of reverence, triviality, secrets, unexpressive, not seeing the gravity of a situation
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a table set for an evening meal" (setting things in place, re-ordering or re-arranging, expectations, hopes)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (the recalibration of consciousness which began on April 18, 2015)
Astrologically, this week is intense, which means that life gets intense. You will want to make sure to check back for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday's reports, as these days will be complex due to the number and nature of the astrological aspects. On Wednesday (March 23), the day of the Full Moon, all of the planets, including the Moon, are activated in one way or another.
The "table" for this is being "set" today, with the Moon pivoting off aspects to Venus, Jupiter, and then Saturn. All one really needs to understand with this is that very special and rare times that could be called "volcanic-like eruptions of rebirth" are happening. This is the undercurrent of everything right now.
This dynamic comes courtesy of Jupiter at the degree of the Sabian symbol "a volcanic eruption" making a square (90 degrees away) with Saturn at the degree of "an Easter sunrise service."
Jupiter is "releasing" things, especially things that have been pent up or stored or in hibernation, or in hiding. Deep catharsis is happening. The word "cathar" means "clean" or "pure" in Greek.
Saturn is discharging an energetic that brings "rebirth" to things, especially ourselves. Darkness, doubt, and despair fade out with the rise of the Sun, and the possibilities that come with an awakening or new beginning.
Saturn also grinds to a halt this week, as it prepares to station retrograde (appear to move backwards in the sky) on Friday, "Good Friday." Saturn stations retrograde on Good Friday at the degree of the Sabian symbol of "an Easter sunrise service."
"Holy Week" portends to be quite something.
Jupiter's "volcanic eruptions" and Saturn's "Easter rebirth" changes up the field of consciousness. This month's mission of re-setting things into proper alignment or what is best ("a table set for an evening meal") is forwarded. Situations, circumstances, and conditions in our lives - on our "tables of consciousness" -- are re-setting things in place for an abundant experience.
Since Saturn will retrograde at the degree of "an Easter sunrise service," it will be discharging this degree through April 16. Light progressively rises and new ways follow. It is a great blessing to have this energetic at this time.
Volcanic eruptions of rebirth (sudden changes in the way we are, the way things are, and the way they ought to be) happen today in relation to feeling like we are being tested or judged (even by ourselves).
The Sun and Earth provide answers to help with any eruptions, The Sun is located at "a comedian entertaining the group." Humor and a light-hearted approach work best today. Laughing is good medicine, especially when we are prone to beat up on ourselves with predominant astrological influences.
The Earth is located at "the light of the sixth race is transmuted to the seventh." This is about taking the best of the past with us -- good memories that happened even within "bad" experiences.
Here is a guide to when today's aspects are strongest, though the energies ripple like waves and are in effect all day (some much longer):
11:13 am ET/3:13 pm UT: potential testing self and others, and also judging self and others is highest
7:20 pm ET/11:20 pm UT: thoughts and communications (great ideas especially) speed up with Mercury entering Aries, where it will transit or move through until April 5. This is all about speed, but can easily burn out fast. Ideas come in fast and furiously, so we can write down all of the ideas and then implement them over the next astrological year that begins on April 7, just a couple of days later. We embrace new thoughts, beliefs, and expectations.
9:05 pm ET/1:05 am UT: potential for eruptions (emotional outbursts, conflicts, arguments, disruptions, or terrorizing) is higher.
9:26 pm ET/1:26 am UT: revelations, insights, and understandings about what needs to change in order for it to be better for us are higher.
As we build towards Wednesday's Full Moon energetics and the intensity that follows Thursday and Friday, wise owls are called to maintain equilibrium. We will keep ourselves in balance by spending time outside in nature, savoring the last two weeks of the Year of the Music of the Spheres -- the year when everything changed, the year when the deck became stacked in favor of free humanity.
Knowing in advance that the middle to end of the week has high potential to be tumultuous, enables us an opportunity to experience the week in a different way. We know that we want to take care of or complete as much as possible (task wise) today and tomorrow, as our energies may be called for in other ways by mid-week. Energetic resources may be needed then to help keep the fabric of humanity's psyche in a strong state.
I close with an expansion on a big theme here at Oracle Report: Second Renaissance (2R). I often talk about how we are simultaneously watching the old world of control systems (Archon-driven) dissolve and turning toward the real ways, the true ways, the fair ways. The infrastructure of 2R is already in place. For example, "awake" people who are focused on health and wellness have put themselves in place (to forward the anti-GMO movement and) to offer healthy, organic food. People have returned to learning a craft or trade. People are beginning to discuss Archons. These are but a few examples. No worries. Second Renaissance is; it has been constructed over the past several years by people who have the natural way in their hearts. Now, we just have to be it. For this, we follow a true value system, and place our time, energy, attention, and resources on that which is in alignment with goodness.
We are ready for the energetics this week brings, we hold the line and hold the space for Oneness, and find joy and beauty in life, no matter how hard it may be sometimes. We have all that we need. We just have to believe.
Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report
THE ORACLE REPORT: Monday, March 21, 2016
w/audio: http://www.oraclereport.com/Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, manifestation
Moon in Virgo
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Matangi, Goddess of the Wind
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment
Skill: find humor in situations; lighten up
True Alignments: respect for what is passing, closure, rooted with the Earth, truth prevailing, not playing "the game," fun, cohesive, transferring, reaching potential, an orderly progression, qualifying, implementation of something new, releasing what has been held in, proper expression of emotions, objectivity when seeing self, seeing the light side
Catalysts for Change: projecting one's feelings about self onto others, a need to gain acceptance, arrogant, losing one's way, impractical, not seeing where one is hurting (oneself?), temper tantrums, outbursts, bizarre behavior, lack of reverence, triviality, secrets, unexpressive, not seeing the gravity of a situation
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a table set for an evening meal" (setting things in place, re-ordering or re-arranging, expectations, hopes)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (the recalibration of consciousness which began on April 18, 2015)
Astrologically, this week is intense, which means that life gets intense. You will want to make sure to check back for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday's reports, as these days will be complex due to the number and nature of the astrological aspects. On Wednesday (March 23), the day of the Full Moon, all of the planets, including the Moon, are activated in one way or another.
The "table" for this is being "set" today, with the Moon pivoting off aspects to Venus, Jupiter, and then Saturn. All one really needs to understand with this is that very special and rare times that could be called "volcanic-like eruptions of rebirth" are happening. This is the undercurrent of everything right now.
This dynamic comes courtesy of Jupiter at the degree of the Sabian symbol "a volcanic eruption" making a square (90 degrees away) with Saturn at the degree of "an Easter sunrise service."
Jupiter is "releasing" things, especially things that have been pent up or stored or in hibernation, or in hiding. Deep catharsis is happening. The word "cathar" means "clean" or "pure" in Greek.
Saturn is discharging an energetic that brings "rebirth" to things, especially ourselves. Darkness, doubt, and despair fade out with the rise of the Sun, and the possibilities that come with an awakening or new beginning.
Saturn also grinds to a halt this week, as it prepares to station retrograde (appear to move backwards in the sky) on Friday, "Good Friday." Saturn stations retrograde on Good Friday at the degree of the Sabian symbol of "an Easter sunrise service."
"Holy Week" portends to be quite something.
Jupiter's "volcanic eruptions" and Saturn's "Easter rebirth" changes up the field of consciousness. This month's mission of re-setting things into proper alignment or what is best ("a table set for an evening meal") is forwarded. Situations, circumstances, and conditions in our lives - on our "tables of consciousness" -- are re-setting things in place for an abundant experience.
Since Saturn will retrograde at the degree of "an Easter sunrise service," it will be discharging this degree through April 16. Light progressively rises and new ways follow. It is a great blessing to have this energetic at this time.
Volcanic eruptions of rebirth (sudden changes in the way we are, the way things are, and the way they ought to be) happen today in relation to feeling like we are being tested or judged (even by ourselves).
The Sun and Earth provide answers to help with any eruptions, The Sun is located at "a comedian entertaining the group." Humor and a light-hearted approach work best today. Laughing is good medicine, especially when we are prone to beat up on ourselves with predominant astrological influences.
The Earth is located at "the light of the sixth race is transmuted to the seventh." This is about taking the best of the past with us -- good memories that happened even within "bad" experiences.
Here is a guide to when today's aspects are strongest, though the energies ripple like waves and are in effect all day (some much longer):
11:13 am ET/3:13 pm UT: potential testing self and others, and also judging self and others is highest
7:20 pm ET/11:20 pm UT: thoughts and communications (great ideas especially) speed up with Mercury entering Aries, where it will transit or move through until April 5. This is all about speed, but can easily burn out fast. Ideas come in fast and furiously, so we can write down all of the ideas and then implement them over the next astrological year that begins on April 7, just a couple of days later. We embrace new thoughts, beliefs, and expectations.
9:05 pm ET/1:05 am UT: potential for eruptions (emotional outbursts, conflicts, arguments, disruptions, or terrorizing) is higher.
9:26 pm ET/1:26 am UT: revelations, insights, and understandings about what needs to change in order for it to be better for us are higher.
As we build towards Wednesday's Full Moon energetics and the intensity that follows Thursday and Friday, wise owls are called to maintain equilibrium. We will keep ourselves in balance by spending time outside in nature, savoring the last two weeks of the Year of the Music of the Spheres -- the year when everything changed, the year when the deck became stacked in favor of free humanity.
Knowing in advance that the middle to end of the week has high potential to be tumultuous, enables us an opportunity to experience the week in a different way. We know that we want to take care of or complete as much as possible (task wise) today and tomorrow, as our energies may be called for in other ways by mid-week. Energetic resources may be needed then to help keep the fabric of humanity's psyche in a strong state.
I close with an expansion on a big theme here at Oracle Report: Second Renaissance (2R). I often talk about how we are simultaneously watching the old world of control systems (Archon-driven) dissolve and turning toward the real ways, the true ways, the fair ways. The infrastructure of 2R is already in place. For example, "awake" people who are focused on health and wellness have put themselves in place (to forward the anti-GMO movement and) to offer healthy, organic food. People have returned to learning a craft or trade. People are beginning to discuss Archons. These are but a few examples. No worries. Second Renaissance is; it has been constructed over the past several years by people who have the natural way in their hearts. Now, we just have to be it. For this, we follow a true value system, and place our time, energy, attention, and resources on that which is in alignment with goodness.
We are ready for the energetics this week brings, we hold the line and hold the space for Oneness, and find joy and beauty in life, no matter how hard it may be sometimes. We have all that we need. We just have to believe.
Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report
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