What resonates with you this month? Let us know in the comments below...
The following is transcribed and edited from Lee's spoken video message.Hello everyone and welcome to the Energy Forecast for March 2016, coming to you from Palo Alto, California.
So before anything else, let’s just take a few breaths together.
First, a breath to take in where you are right now, to sense everything that’s going on around you … in sound or in feeling.
And a breath to invite the energies of March into your life.
March will herald a very new beginning—not only for the year of 2016 but one that closes out the past four months as well. November and December were very strong, chaotic, and powerful months on the planet in many different ways, and this left a kind of hangover feeling for many people through January. Many reported feeling lethargic, low energy, or experiencing a lot of density or harder experiences in the self or in the outer world, with February still carrying some of that but with a little more push-pull energy. Think of a concertina effect on your emotions, your thoughts, and your experience of life. So there could have been some very flat-lined times, but then a real squeezing of fear or of other emotions in order to propel you into wider experiences.
In the February forecast, I spoke about ‘awakening energy’ coming in quite strong during the month for more people as a whole. We are all in different places on our journey, but there is a collective thread that moves through the planet at certain times. And the awakening energy that was re-awakening in February in a stronger way—after having been dormant for most people for several months—is going to come online in a really big way in March, April, and continuing in towards the summer.
What this means for those of you who have felt like you are hibernating is that if February didn’t start to gently bring you out of that, March will open for you with a real bang. A bang back into life. And a bang back into feeling, being, and doing—those three elements that make you feel very alive.
For those of you who experienced February as intense, you have probably gone through a fear flush—an intense level of feeling and lots of symptoms, like feeling isolated from everyone else. This could have also shown up as feeling like you are the orphan child in the midst of family or through comparing yourself to others, looking at other people’s lives and wishing you had more of what they have. These of course are always dangerous glasses to try on, because when we compare ourselves to someone else, we don’t really know what’s going on for them. We can hold the idea that their life looks like the kind of life we want, but we actually don’t really know how they are feeling or experiencing that life themselves. We don’t know what they are yearning for, and we also don’t know how it would be for us if we were to actually have that life because it would show up differently for us.
When we are comparing ourselves to others, we tend to be trapped in self-judgement and our own energy compression. It’s like the idea that we have to stay home while everyone else gets to go out and party. The truth is, if we could just learn to walk towards the party and recognize that if a party is happening there that we can see, observe, and taste, we can also join with it when we move through this inner compression. Then we realize that comparison is not necessarily this negative force that we’re using to whip ourselves a bit harder or crank up the self-judgement. Instead, we are looking at a light that we want to move towards.
For many of you in February, there was this polarity dance that I addressed between light and dark, and it can be very fast. One day you can feel really light and alive, and the next day, “Ugh, what’s going on? Why am I back in this old story?” This awakening energy is going to continue to move across the planet for many people. And for those of you who are not playing that out through drama, conflict, or competition energy with other people anymore, the awakening energy starts to free you from old cultural energies.
You will start to notice now in March more of a sense of living on purpose, in every moment of your life feeling connected to what you are doing. And if you are not feeling connected to what you are doing, knowing very quickly to: A) change it, or B) ask your higher self, ask the universe to help you change it. And you’ll just get very good at dancing into that rather than sitting and crying about it for a few days. Crying about it for a few days is not a problem if that’s where you need to be, but what I’m saying is that many of us on the planet are no longer able to hang out in density for quite as long.
It can be intense and fast when we are moving through those compression phases. But as you walk into March, especially if this has been your story in the last couple of months, you are going to experience a lot more opening and a lot more synchronistic relationship aspects with people. People will come into your world that you will feel a crackle of energy with, and you will be able to partner with them in a myriad of ways and make something very new and very strong for yourself. So this is all going to be there.
Now, those of you who are saying, “Aghhh, I still feel like I want to stay quiet and stay home,” (you know you do that!)—what I am saying is that there is going to be a bit more light coming through the window and you are going to notice it. And you will go out and join people when you feel ready.
In any case, these stronger energetic awakenings that keep flooding the planet are now scooping more and more people up.
The other thing I will say this month in regards to strong awakening energy is that creative force is coming online on the planet in a very big way. Yes, you can look at the problems that we are facing. And yes, you can look at some of the things that in one moment scare you and in another moment make you wonder how it’s solvable. But there is going to be an enormous inflow of solution energy across the next four to five years, a hell of a lot of innovation and new thought and new ways of doing things. So even though some sources and people will focus on the negative, those of us who are here to be in this dance of emerging consciousness on the planet are ready to shift in how things are done down here and how things move here. We will find ourselves swept up in a wave of community action and change that will be very organic.
My point is, you are no longer doing this alone. And for those of you who have felt like the lone warrior for a long time, some of the grief you have been feeling in recent months is you letting go of that story. It’s you letting go of the idea that you have to be the solo lightworker. You have to be the solo healer. You have to be the solo responsible person for others. Those old stories are dying in a very real, energetic way in the body, and have been for a few years for many of you, but have really gone through the crank machine in the last few months. As the stories are going, you will feel a release and a flood of energy coming into your body.
What I’m suggesting to you is that rather than you having to know what to do with that energy, other lights in the world (lights in other people and lights in situations and opportunities) will come and find you. There will be a magnetic connection that you will be a part of.
And so my overall message for those of you who are feeling this light and this awakening energy is this: You don’t have to do much with this. The whole beauty of awakening and operating at other dimensional levels is that there is an effortlessness to how things flow.
For those of you still grieving some of the past stories, you are not just grieving your own story, you are ending a long relationship where you have grieved for others and the world. So some of you out there are grieving for the planet, grieving for the animals, grieving for those who are going through intense suffering right now. Many of you will be shifting out of that way of being, not because you are becoming less compassionate but because you are going to be even more useful when you aren’t so aligned with trying to heal and process the suffering. You will become part of the solution for those very aspects of life, the earth, and humanity that you have been grieving for. So it’s an enormous shift.
Emotionally, it will be very intense for many of you to look back over the last six to twelve months and go, “Wow! I got through this!” Because there has been a real purge. And 2016-2020 are really important years in terms of how much change and innovation will happen, the speed at which it will happen, and how we will learn to go faster with it at a whole new level of grounding—and in a very different way of being.
So, there is a lot of new everybody! It’s very exciting. And it’s also very alive and very real.
you to ALL of you who came out to see me in New York City last Friday.
It’s always a thrill to be with you guys live, and I’m hoping that
that’s going to be more of what I do in the second half of this year.To kick that off, my only European Energy Mastery Private Retreat in 2016 will be in Berlin on the weekend of May 21st and 22nd.
I’ll also be in London doing Revolutionary Love, a 2-day workshop with Steven Washington and Meg Fenwick, and the Mind Body Spirit Festival in the month of May. Other live events will be announced soon.
For those of you who are in the Portal, this month’s MP3 is called Escape the Matrix.
If you aren’t a Portal member, you can get that in the store, but
Portal members receive the monthly MP3 for free, along with my monthly
live Q&A session.
And finally… This is the last monthly Energy Forecast I will be doing. It has been on my mind and in my consciousness for quite a long time now that this format needed to change in some way. I didn’t want to just abandon ship on all of you, especially since (especially when I meet you live) so many of you tell me how much this helps you. And I hear you on that. I’m not going away, but what I am aware of is that the monthly format, and the timing of the monthly format, has not been quite so congruent with recent energies. So I’m going to be continuing to do energy updates in shorter form and more regularly, as well as stand-alone videos for symptoms.
So if you are on my newsletter list, or if you are on Facebook following me there, you will know when all of these videos appear.
It’s been four years and one month that I’ve done these Energy Forecasts, so thank you to all of you who’ve been with me in this format. I look forward to continuing to serve you in any future format that is birthed in the coming years.
Big love, Everyone. Have a great March. And I will see you throughout this month and through future months in a slightly different way.
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