Tuesday, March 8, 2016

NorthPoint Astrology Journal: Your guide to planetary energies for March 7 to 13, 2016 By Pam Younghans

Total solar Eclipse from the ISS 3.20.15

By Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects This Week

MON: Mercury semisquare Uranus
TUE: Sun opposite Jupiter, Total Solar Eclipse 5:54pm PST (1:54am GMT on Wednesday)
WED: Saturn square Ceres
THU: Sun conjunct Chiron, Mercury conjunct Neptune
FRI: Sun conjunct South Node, Mars semisquare Pluto
SAT: Venus enters Pisces, Pluto sextile Ceres
SUN: Jupiter opposite Ceres, Venus semisquare Pluto

A TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE occurs in Pisces this week. Totality will be exact at 5:54pm PST on Tuesday (1:54am GMT on Wednesday). A Solar Eclipse is a time for important new endeavors -- but since Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, this eclipse requires that we first release patterns of the past, forgive ourselves and others, and surrender to the process of deep change that is occurring. As we let go of what has defined us up to this point, we then become open to new potentials.

A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are closely aligned, and so represents an opportunity for us to come into better alignment with higher aspects of our being. To help us take advantage of that opportunity, eclipses tend to be times of either breakthrough or breakdown, depending on what will best serve our personal evolutionary process.

AT THE TIME OF THE ECLIPSE, the Sun and Moon are within three degrees of the karmic point called the South Node. This close alignment tells us that the eclipse is intended to help us dissolve long-standing or karmic patterns that have kept us from finding solutions or inhibited our taking action in the world. These patterns include self-doubt, victim-based thinking, confusion and withdrawal, being overly influenced by energies that are not ours, and problems with staying grounded.

Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is a strong factor in this eclipse, being just two degrees away from the Sun and Moon. Chiron in Pisces wants to help us move beyond disillusionment and fear of the unknown, so that we might more fully realize that we are active participants in a larger Divine plan. Chiron's involvement in the eclipse helps us open our hearts in compassion and trust, and offers us the spiritual gifts of faith and inner peace as we do our release work.

The dwarf planet Ceres also plays a role in the eclipse themes, being just three degrees away from the Sun and Moon. Ceres in Pisces informs us that as we do the release work required by this eclipse, we are leaving behind feelings of helplessness and powerlessness that have kept us in victim or martyr roles.

JUPITER is within four degrees of the North Node in Virgo at the time of the eclipse, helping us stay focused on our goal of becoming a clearer channel of our highest and best Self. Jupiter's energy is expansive and optimistic, and inspires us to see new perspectives and higher meanings at this time.

And, to make sure we do the work needed to fulfill the potentials of this eclipse, Saturn is positioned in square aspect to all the planets and points we've mentioned (Sun, Moon, Chiron, Ceres, Jupiter, and the Nodes). Square aspects indicate that we must overcome an obstacle, so they are often seen as challenging -- but they also provide the incentive to make necessary changes.

With a square in effect, we usually become so uncomfortable with the current situation that we can no longer allow things to continue as they were. With Saturn squaring this eclipse, we are likely to be very aware that we must shift gears if we want to make it to the top of our chosen mountain.

THE SABIAN SYMBOL for the degree of the eclipse reiterates that this is an important time in our spiritual evolution:

"A Master instructing his disciple: The transfer of power and knowledge which keeps the original spiritual and creative impulse of the cycle active and undeviated."

This eclipse compels us to release lower-vibrational perspectives and to embrace higher aspects of our being. As we do this important work, we open to the "power and knowledge" of our inner Self -- our inner Master -- which keeps the "original spiritual and creative impulse" that enlivens us "active and undeviated," and makes a powerful difference in how our lives will unfold going forward.

In peace,



Copyright Pam Younghans 2016. All rights reserved.
 Total solar Eclipse from the ISS 3.20.15

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