Monday, March 7, 2016

Kelly M. Beard: The Light at the End of the Tunnel is YOU!

The Light at the End of the Tunnel is YOU!

There are some power-full and permanent shifts under way. You are firmly in the new energy and assimilating at this time. The remainder of the year is so supported for closure on the past and full integration of the future. However, remember that the power lies in the present moment – which is pregnant with possibilities.

The choices you make during the course of this 1-3 year period, will ground the whole 19-yr cycle that just rebooted (1997-2016). You are at a crossroads where you are going to have to choose whether to continue on the same path & see it through to the end, or move in this new direction of a path that is less traveled, but more soulful & natural for you.

Eclipses are powerful triggers in everyone’s life. If you are ready for a radical shift in your life, Eclipses are a blessing. They represent turning points and give us the momentum and fortitude to breakthrough our perceived limitations at the time. You have a choice at this juncture to co-create on a level you have never known (in this lifetime).

You have access to healing ALL aspects of your life … physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as financial. If you integrate a practical daily routine, that supports your Highest Vision (for your life) ~ then your due rewards are already on the way!

As we enter the current Pisces energy, many people will be feeling more sensitive than usual, picking up all kinds of information via all six senses. Over-sensitivity that disrupts your flow and takes you away from your center is one thing, but a better way to think of this energy is to ponder the concept of how sound penetrates when you put your head under water. It is likely the same sensation as when you were in the womb of your mother’s belly. You actually “feel” the sounds more than you “hear” them, you “sense” all the activity around you.

That is the essence of NOW. And like back then, you are picking up a multitude of vibrations ~ hearing, feeling and sensing the world around you at this time. To properly navigate these sometimes murky waters, you must integrate the opposite energy of Pisces, which is Virgo. By getting present & grounded, sorting & sifting through these vibrations and connecting to the ones that resonate deeply within you, while filtering out the disharmony, you connect to that which is more natural for your system. Then the question becomes, what does the world around you “feel” and “sound” like? Is it peaceful or chaotic? Is it loud or quiet? Is it warm or cold? Is it comfortable or uncomfortable?

You must be highly discriminating about the people, energies and circumstances you are near, just as an expecting mother would not put her health in danger as it could also harm the baby. You are at a delicate time in your evolution and everything matters. Things are no longer linear and everyone is being pushed to adjust to that fact and what it means for us individually as well as collectively.

You will be relying more on your intuition than your intellect. This is a terrific month to search your heart and soul for what “non-linear thinking” means for you personally. Meditate, commune with your invisible helpers, ask the questions and invite the answers to how you can lovingly move your Self along in this new world, which is being (re)formed at this time. How will your life have to change for you to integrate more non-linear ways of being? ~ of existing on this planet here & now today? ~ of living in and contributing to your individual communities?

~ Virgo asks …
“What is the most effective and efficient way to accomplishing my goals?”

~ Pisces asks …
“What is the most beautiful and unifying way to accomplishing my goals?”

Once again, both are useful, especially when they are integrated, Earth (Virgo) can give the Water (Pisces) a structure which guides the FLOW … Healing & Completion are the goals this month, in preparation for rebirth come Spring Equinox and Aries time. I invite you to entertain the Infinite Possibilities during this time. I invite you to search your deepest, core being and retrieve that precious part of your soul, that you buried long ago (under the guise of “protecting” it from harm) and bring it back up in to your conscious awareness to be re-introduced at this higher level where it can now be fully embodied by you and genuinely embraced by others. By doing so, you are connecting to your internal power Source and re-activating the part of you that knows how to live intuitively. Perhaps back then, you recognized an innate strength or gift but feared the unknown consequences of expressing it fully. No more fear, now you have 19+ years of information & experience under your belt! It is time to live soul-fully (Pisces) on a daily basis (Virgo). You’ve tried everything else, now try this!! (living intuitively) This month, you can HEAL that separation and prepare to move in to this new season fortified & ready to walk a new Path.

There comes a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud
is more painful than the risk it takes to blossom.

The current energy is helping you integrate your physical (Virgo/Earth) and spiritual (Pisces/Water) selves. At this time, you have to combine your intuition (Pisces) with the facts (Virgo) to determine your own reality. You can’t be distracted by Pisces‘ delusions of grandeur, nor can you allow Virgo to obsess over inconsequentials. The imperative at this time is to take a personal inventory.

What do you have?
What do you need?
What is it worth to you?
What will you have to sacrifice?
What will you have to embrace?

During Pisces time, it is darkest before the dawn. You are preparing for an upcoming initiation. Alone, you must enter the tunnel that leads you to the other side (of wherever you are now) … to the Light. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. What do you have to lose at this point? Only YOU can do this for your Self and it requires a certain determination, self-knowledge and focus.

Focusing is the use of all of our senses, including intuition. It is from this world that women come to claim their own voices, their own values, their imaginations, their clairvoyance, their stories, and the ancient memories of women. And these are the work of focus and creation. If you’ve lost focus, just sit down and be still. Take the idea and rock it to and fro. Keep some of it and throw some away, and it will renew itself. You need do no more.” from Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola-Estes

What lies behind us and what lies before us

are small matters compared to what lies within us.

Major shifts have been happening for the last several years and continue to prepare you for the next several years and this month you will need to take periodic time-outs to rest, recognize and fully release that which is done and complete, while simultaneously continuing to grow forward, onward and upward. Pisces time is the completion and return to the womb in order to assimilate (Virgo) all the information gathered over this last astrological year. How can you unite your body and soul to launch the new year strong & fully integrated? To reflect on 6-months ago, check out this Article.

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