Sunday, May 15, 2016

Ascension Process Info for Newbies & Forerunners By Denise Le Fay | Higher Heart Life

Ascension Process Info for Newbies & Forerunners
By Denise Le Fay | Higher Heart Life

Friday, May 13, 2016

(I’m posting this article at both TRANSITIONS and HighHeartLife today)
The first half of this article is specifically for people new (“newbies”) to the Ascension Process, plus have no firsthand knowledge about higher levels of reality, consciousness and being. The second half is for the Forerunners/Wayshowers/Pathpavers.


‘…I get the inner body vibrations most of the time. It sucks. Sometimes I can’t lay on my back because I can feel the energy going up and out my back. I also get like a static energy in my legs. My head used to really hurt. Like tingling and being pulled apart. My vibrations feel like I have a motor in my body somewhere. It scares me. I’m not sure if this is ascension or if something is just wrong with me. I don’t understand 3d 4d or 5d…’

This is a recent Comment  from another article that pretty much sums up how I suspect a lot of “newbie” people feel and think at this point. They’re new to the natural evolutionary Ascension Process, plus are new to complex subjects such as multidimensionality, realities beyond linear time, Spherical Consciousness, different frequencies of energy, different beings that exist within different frequencies and dimensions, Team Dark, Team Light and much more. There certainly isn’t anything wrong with not having knowledge about these complex things, but when a person is activated by the Ascension Process (current compressed evolution) and searches online for information about what they’re experiencing, they typically run across older articles that were, for the most part, written for other Forerunners/Pathpavers/Wayshowers/First Wavers/Second Wavers and so on. They were not written for the general masses that wouldn’t be starting the Ascension Process for a decade or more in the future, which is the now of 2016.

The Ascension Process itself is confusing, especially so if you don’t have an esoteric, metaphysical background. Many of us that write/teach/lecture etc. about this and related topics do, but for growing numbers of people just beginning this current evolutionary process without any higher knowledge about reality outside the old lower negative controlled consciousness “box”, it could quickly become overwhelming, highly confusing and probably frightening.

As the person that wrote the Comment quoted above said, she doesn’t understand 3D, 4D or 5D. Most people don’t and that’s fine. If needed you will in time, otherwise do not worry about it or worse, don’t guess or speculate over any of it. Live what you are and learn from it as best you can in each moment. Doing so only expands your awareness and abilities which means you’ll automatically know a bit more and more over time about all things from your own Higher Awareness, not from collecting information from outside of yourself. This is so very important and something both newbies and Forerunners must Master individually.

What everyone new to the Ascension Process and related topics needs to know now is that the majority of online articles were originally written for what’s called among the Ascension Communities – the Forerunners of the Forerunners, Forerunners, Wayshowers, Pathpavers, First Wavers, Second Wavers, Third Wavers and Indigos. They were not written at that time for the general masses who wouldn’t begin this natural evolutionary process for a couple of decades or more. They were written at that time for fellow Forerunners/Wayshowers/Pathpavers/Indigos that needed help in further consciously awakening to why they were reincarnated on Earth now and living the Ascension Process long before everyone else. The “newbies” to the Ascension Process need to keep this fact in mind when they read any of these older articles written by myself or other Ascension Teachers and/or channelers.

Here we are nearly thirty years into this Process at the completion of Galactic Alignment and the masses are being triggered by the NEW higher Light energies entering their bodies, minds, emotions, life, relationships, work and very reality to evolve and quickly now. All aspects of their lives, bodies and reality are suddenly being turned upside down and inside out and they have no knowledge about how to access their own Higher Awareness yet or how to discern mundane or spiritual and energetic information, people, teachers, physical events, nonphysical events, media messages etc. to gain insights or guidance about what’s really happening to them, their bodies, consciousness, lives and reality on Earth at this time.

What I’d like the “newbies” to this Process to know now is that you do not need to know about all the things that were written for Forerunners/Wayshowers/Pathpavers/First Wavers/First Embodiers etc. one, two or more decades ago. What you need to know is that you are evolving now which means you, your old familiar sense of “self” and “identity”, your ego self, your consciousness, your body, life and both personal and global reality are and will continue changing and rather quickly. Know too that that paragraph reads simply and easily, where living it is a very different story! No fear however because it’s easier and faster to do now than ever before thanks to those Forerunners/Wayshowers/Pathpavers that went first to make it easier and safer for everyone else coming up behind them. Stair-steps in all ways with all aspects of this Process.

I read this funny line somewhere thirty-some years ago and it feels right to share here. I’m sorry I don’t remember who authored it because it’s great.

‘Lo tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall not tarry and build a summer cottage!’

“Newbies” don’t necessarily need to know what 4D has been all about to the same degree that you know the back of your hand! It’s enough for now to know that 4D—the fourth dimension—is what’s been called the Astral plane and that you’ve been moving through it in this natural evolutionary Ascension Process. You do not need to spend years or decades mopping and polishing the vast labyrinth of floors there, just deal with your stuff, your inner emotional issues you’ve ignored, suppressed, denied and/or projected and keep moving. Don’t tarry and build a summer cottage there in whatever remaining dank Astral rubble of the collective past still exists because it is not your job to do so. YOU and you alone are your job. Please read that last sentence again or as many times as you need to.

You also don’t necessarily need to know all the wonderful details about what 5D—fifth dimension—is and isn’t at this moment either. You’ll soon know for yourself exactly what 5D is and isn’t because you are existing within that dimensional frequency. For now, just know it is “heaven” in comparison to the old lower 3D (third dimension) physical Earth world of profound negativity and dense Duality we incarnated into! There’s a big payoff to all this difficult evolutionary work “newbies” so just keep moving forward and don’t get sidetracked over the complex details that don’t apply to you personally but were written for Forerunners/Pathpavers/Wayshowers/Indigos that needed that info it at that time for their personal reasons.

At this point all the “newbies” to the evolutionary Ascension Process need to do is be flexible and brave; flexible to constant changes, and brave because they’re happening no matter what! Again, that sentence reads easily but actually living it usually is more difficult and confusing but such are the times we live in. And how absolutely amazing and unique is that? Be proud that you’re incarnate now to personally experience such rare and profound change, growing freedom and increasing responsibilities.


Please keep in mind and heart the fact that most all the information about the Ascension Process that was written by myself here at TRANSITIONS, and by many other Ascension Teachers at their online sites, is now ten, twenty or more years old and was, once again, written for other Forerunners/Wayshowers/Pathpavers/Indigos that very much needed to consciously know and/or remember why they were reincarnate here now and why they and their bodies and consciousness were going through such profound weird changes, painful experiences and repeated attacks. That information still stands today however the newbies won’t need to experience exactly what most Forerunners did because it’s simply not necessary for them to do so. The newbies won’t go through the same symptoms or side effects or for as long or as severely as the Forerunners did. Be very glad of that fact!

All you need to do now is live through what you are while constantly releasing your old lower concepts and beliefs about everything—yourself included—so that you can move through these rapid and amplified changes easier and with less “friction” created from resisting or fighting this Alchemical Process. When you hunt for information online or in books about the Ascension Process and related Kundalini (not the old info about Kundalini from a hundred years or so ago!), keep in mind that the older material was written for the First Groups that Volunteered to go through this first and Pathpave it all so that you and the masses could step on to that NEW higher Path much easier, faster and less painfully. In other words, take from the older information only what you need now and ignore the rest of it that doesn’t apply to you.

Also I need to mention the obvious, which is the growing insanity, negativity and chaos of the old lower patriarchy and their old lower systems and beliefs etc. It unfortunately goes with what’s happening which is their “end times”. Many of these negative lower vibe and consciousness people and beings are still fighting, hustling and trying their best to hang on to as many humans as they can, be they awake or still asleep doesn’t much matter to them at this late date in the Ascension Process. Bottom line with all this is to not be stupid, gullible, naïve, lazy, careless or expecting someone or something else will arrive on a snorting white steed to “save” you at the last moment. Ain’t gonna happen, this time is about YOU/ME/WE doing it, not about someone else or a group of someone’s (like ETs or Angels etc.) coming down to Earth physicality and “rescuing” you or doing all the hard work for you. These beings have always been where they are, working their etheric backsides off helping all of us to do it ourselves now down here.

And finally, know that life as we’ve all known it here is over and a NEW higher way of being and reality is rapidly manifesting in each of us and of course externally too. The prep work is always the longest and hardest while the great stuff happens pretty quickly in comparison. (I’m going to repeat that line for the Forerunners too newbies.)

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