Gibbous Moon Phase: trust; magical
Moon in Libra
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): all
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): all
Skill: persevere
True Alignments: talent within, rising above, having a parachute, ploughing on, sharing, second chances, the right reasons, celebrations, deeper understanding of something, revitalized, romantic, chivalrous, prophetic, secure
Catalysts for Change: greedy, deceptions/delusions/denial, superficial or surface concerns, numb, sad, lethargic, lost, self-loathing, suppression of emotions and expression, domination, misguided, settling for less or whatever is available, the wrong reasons
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a symbolic battle between swords and torches" (becoming enlightened to something important)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (tran
"The King of the Fairies approaches his domain."
Welcome to the first day of the Gibbous Moon phase, the phase before the Full Moon and the time of the lunar cycle when magic is afoot. This Gibbous Moon phase, the Aeon of Will and Desire, Thelete, cometh.
We might call what transpires today magic, but it is actually energetic frequencies at work. The frequencies are rather magical. It is a mighty day.
The Earth is discharging the archetypal energetic of "the king of the fairies approaching his domain." In an expansion on the Gnostic teachings, the King of the Elementals would be Thelete, the partner of the Sophia, the Aeon of Wisdom, who is currently in physical construct as planet Earth - Gaia Sophia.
This report is departure from traditional reports, so if you do not follow the Gnostic part of my work, please read the True Alignments and Catalysts for Change for the fundamentals of today's energetics.
This report is a report about the ELEMENTALS of today's energetics. A heavenly exchange is occurring today. At other levels of consciousness, the Archons will be the recipients of a tremendous "wave" that sets them back, pushing them closer into re-integration with their source -- Gaia Sophia. The shadow side undergoes a degree of reintegration.
Thelete and his emissaries (the Knights of Sophia) lead a grand collaborative effort with Sophia and her emissaries (the Mahavidyas, the Wisdom Goddesses), and a contingent of the fellowship of humanity (anyone awake and wise to it). Today, Thelete and Company push back.
What's asked of us is two fold:
1- TRUST - Gibbous Moon phases ask us to trust. In what do you trust? It does not have to be related to anything written here. It's the ability to do it. It is an elemental spiritual function.
Can we trust that life is evolving out of tyranny over the heart, body, mind, and soul?
If you knew the outcome was a win, would it make the effort easier or, shockingly, more fun? Would it be an adventure instead of a battle?
Would your attitude or perspective change?
Venus discharges the energetic of "a white dove flying over troubled waters," one with which we are very familiar lately.
Mercury discharges another one we have experienced a few times recently: "a man with a rakish (tattered) silk hat muffled against the cold braves a storm." Troubled waters and cold storms are turned on the Archons today. Evidence of this will most likely not be visible until February and March of 2017, but there may be elements of this that show today.
2- PERSEVERANCE - Since the Archons are generally clinging on to humans to some degree, we feel the energetics, too. We are asked, once again, to practice the skill of perseverance.
At a higher level of understanding, shadows are returning from where they came. It is a good thing, a happy thing. It does not necessarily feel good when it is happening.
If we can change our perspective -- radically -- toward the celebratory energetic that would be felt when the "king of the fairies approaches his domain," we can experience today much differently.
We can return home, in our hearts. We can feel assured. We can feel safe.
The Aeon Thelete speaks. "All is well."
Calling all wise owls...
REMINDER: Transits of the Moon through tomorrow remain posted below for reference.
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THE ORACLE REPORT: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 Moon Phase: trust; magical
Moon in Libra
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): all
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): all
Skill: persevere
True Alignments: talent within, rising above, having a parachute, ploughing on, sharing, second chances, the right reasons, celebrations, deeper understanding of something, revitalized, romantic, chivalrous, prophetic, secure
Catalysts for Change: greedy, deceptions/delusions/denial, superficial or surface concerns, numb, sad, lethargic, lost, self-loathing, suppression of emotions and expression, domination, misguided, settling for less or whatever is available, the wrong reasons
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a symbolic battle between swords and torches" (becoming enlightened to something important)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (tran
"The King of the Fairies approaches his domain."
Welcome to the first day of the Gibbous Moon phase, the phase before the Full Moon and the time of the lunar cycle when magic is afoot. This Gibbous Moon phase, the Aeon of Will and Desire, Thelete, cometh.
We might call what transpires today magic, but it is actually energetic frequencies at work. The frequencies are rather magical. It is a mighty day.
The Earth is discharging the archetypal energetic of "the king of the fairies approaching his domain." In an expansion on the Gnostic teachings, the King of the Elementals would be Thelete, the partner of the Sophia, the Aeon of Wisdom, who is currently in physical construct as planet Earth - Gaia Sophia.
This report is departure from traditional reports, so if you do not follow the Gnostic part of my work, please read the True Alignments and Catalysts for Change for the fundamentals of today's energetics.
This report is a report about the ELEMENTALS of today's energetics. A heavenly exchange is occurring today. At other levels of consciousness, the Archons will be the recipients of a tremendous "wave" that sets them back, pushing them closer into re-integration with their source -- Gaia Sophia. The shadow side undergoes a degree of reintegration.
Thelete and his emissaries (the Knights of Sophia) lead a grand collaborative effort with Sophia and her emissaries (the Mahavidyas, the Wisdom Goddesses), and a contingent of the fellowship of humanity (anyone awake and wise to it). Today, Thelete and Company push back.
What's asked of us is two fold:
1- TRUST - Gibbous Moon phases ask us to trust. In what do you trust? It does not have to be related to anything written here. It's the ability to do it. It is an elemental spiritual function.
Can we trust that life is evolving out of tyranny over the heart, body, mind, and soul?
If you knew the outcome was a win, would it make the effort easier or, shockingly, more fun? Would it be an adventure instead of a battle?
Would your attitude or perspective change?
Venus discharges the energetic of "a white dove flying over troubled waters," one with which we are very familiar lately.
Mercury discharges another one we have experienced a few times recently: "a man with a rakish (tattered) silk hat muffled against the cold braves a storm." Troubled waters and cold storms are turned on the Archons today. Evidence of this will most likely not be visible until February and March of 2017, but there may be elements of this that show today.
2- PERSEVERANCE - Since the Archons are generally clinging on to humans to some degree, we feel the energetics, too. We are asked, once again, to practice the skill of perseverance.
At a higher level of understanding, shadows are returning from where they came. It is a good thing, a happy thing. It does not necessarily feel good when it is happening.
If we can change our perspective -- radically -- toward the celebratory energetic that would be felt when the "king of the fairies approaches his domain," we can experience today much differently.
We can return home, in our hearts. We can feel assured. We can feel safe.
The Aeon Thelete speaks. "All is well."
Calling all wise owls...
REMINDER: Transits of the Moon through tomorrow remain posted below for reference.
Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!
To assist, here is the breakdown of this last round of the Moon and Black Moon in Libra:
ReplyDeleteMONDAY, MAY 16 1:32 pm ET/5:32 pm UT: Moon enters Libra(Black Moon Days in effect -- days when people's fears and shadow sides surface)
WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 11:22 am ET/3:32 pm UT: Moon opposes Uranus (change that is often radical, surprises, accidents that later reveal a silver lining)
THURSDAY, MAY 19 1:58 am ET/5:58 am UT: Moon conjuncts Black Moon (most intense time of this transit, shadow sides come out in major ways)
THURSDAY, MAY 19 2:30 am ET/6:30 am UT: Moon enters Scorpio
Until then, things could get very noisy, very dark, and very ugly. People will tend to lash out and speak before thinking, project their own feelings onto others, and seek scapegoats.
We will do this a different way, a wiser way. Since we know that rebirth is the theme, we step aside and let the energy work in its own way. Can we do it gracefully? Absolutely. That's the goal.