More Evolutionary Growing Pains by Denise LeFay
in Ascension Symptoms | HighHeartLife
May 9, 2016
‘A geomagnetic storm is a temporary disturbance of the Earth‘s magnetosphere caused by a solar wind shock wave and/or cloud of magnetic field that interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field. The increase in the solar wind pressure initially compresses the magnetosphere. The solar wind’s magnetic field interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field and transfers an increased energy into the magnetosphere. Both interactions cause an increase in plasma movement through the magnetosphere (driven by increased electric fields inside the magnetosphere) and an increase in electric current in the magnetosphere and ionosphere.’

Since May 8th, Mother’s Day, there’s been geomagnetic storms again. Nothing new about that, but this latest round has had a greatly amplified effect on my body. I’ve always been extremely sensitive to anything the Sun transmits, radiates etc., but this feels like it’s happening about twenty Stair-steps higher than the last time we had a geomagnetic storm! Because of this, I closed my eyes and had a look-see with Higher Vision to understand this a bit better. What I perceived was that we are, again, in a NEW location (by we I mean Earth and all life on her) meaning we’ve never experienced geomagnetic storms in this exact way due to this slightly NEW location in space.
Said another way, during this month of May 2016, we’ve moved into NEW space again in that typical Ascension Process Stair-step fashion. Because of this many sensitives are feeling these latest solar energy transmissions much like getting hit by a 90 mph Mack truck! We’ve experienced this many times before over these ascension years, but, we’ve never experienced them at the “level” we and Earth are now and because of this they hurt a bit more than they did before. Energetic stair-steps.
I almost always have things I intend to do every day and set off each morning to take care of as many of them as I have the energy to do each day. That’s the plan at least but not always what happens! This happened both yesterday morning and today. I got up and prepared to get some things done and suddenly, whammo, I’m out cold! Out cold as in unexpectedly passed out asleep, crashed, out-of-body, heavy-duty nap time and in the morning only two hours after I’d gotten out of bed! Wow…
This morning it happened again. I’d just gotten some morning work done when I suddenly lost all power and HAD to go to sleep immediately. It was only 10:00AM and I was passed out asleep in a chair dreaming like it was the middle of the night. When I woke up three hours later, I was slightly disoriented and didn’t know what time or day it was or where I was. I was “out” that far and that much that it took some time once back in-body to get my (latest) bearings again.
Backtracking to about seven or eight days ago.
I noticed one of my atomic clocks had again jumped time, but this time it jumped from early May all the way to November 22, 2016! That’s one big time jump any of my atomic clocks have ever done over these Ascension years. As strange as this may sound, that told me that we were about to or just had entered another area of space where we were going to be “ascending” energetically and locationally another good bit. I’ve experienced this many times over the years and this seemingly weird formula with my atomic clocks jumping time holds true every time. One or more of my atomic clocks (with fresh batteries in them all) jumps “forward” by days, weeks or months and this is always shortly followed by some solar and/or cosmic energies or Wave etc. arriving that literally pushes, lifts, propels us—Earth and humanity—deeper into the 7D Photonic Light energies, by a good bit I mean. Some physical aches and pains and disorientation would seem appropriate wouldn’t you think with such profound actions taking place?
So if you too have, once again, suddenly been feeling some old familiar Ascension symptoms like the Ascension Flu, or burning hot bottoms of your feet, burning hot hands, all over hot flashes, inner ear ringing (like it ever stops at this point!), increased pressures and pains in certain areas of your spine (I get this often behind my HighHeart area in my spine and back), body, muscle and joint pains, sense of positive Beings being near by and seeing them sometimes etc., need to rest more, need to sleep more, need to be out-of-body more during these intense changes, know that you/we are on the move again in big ways. Self-care and rest as much as you need now during this move into more of the NEW in a new location in space time.
May 9, 2016
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