Tuesday, May 31, 2016

June 2016 Message From the Akashic Records: An Excerpt from the Message of June 2016 by Jen Eramith

June 2016 Message  From the Akashic Records:
An Excerpt from the Message of June 2016 by Jen Eramith

Members: To access the full monthly message including all of the information the Keepers have to share about this month, please login above. If you're not a member, consider joining Akashic Transformations, and compare the benefits of membership to public access before joining!

~~What energy and experiences can we expect in June 2016?

~~Are there particular activities that will help us best harness this energy?

~What energy and experiences can we expect in June 2016?

The energy this month will call you to stand up and be braver than you ever have been before. Overall, the energy of the year is made to build compassion through having your hearts open so much that you are able to feel inner Love for yourselves and for everyone around you. That process is underway for each of you, though in very individual ways.

At this point the Love has expanded, yet most of you have not yet found a way to fully embrace it. You will likely find experiences in your life that push you this month. You may feel pushed to fight for something that is important to you, or to hold strong and healthy boundaries for yourself and for those that you love. You are going to feel pushed to say the right thing or step up and be the bigger person, even when it is not fair. Overall, these experiences are calling upon you to find deeper courage within yourself. It could be the courage to stand up and fight, or it could be the courage to walk away from something that will harm you. There are so many different actions that courage might lead you to, but it is important for you to explore bravery in your own life and what would it take for you to do the thing that will bring the most Love to your life and to the lives of those around you.

There is a very specific dynamic that will come up for you in so many different ways, which is exploring the difference between bringing Love by letting someone take from you, or by standing up for what is right and pushing back on those things that harm you. This is where the courage comes. For so many of you, the courage you will need will be to break old patterns and to stop doing what you have done before. Even if what you have done before is in the name of Love, you must now consider whether your happiness and your well-being are thriving in your current situations and behaviors.

Find the courage to change whatever needs to change so that you can be thriving. Do not allow people to take your vitality from you, but instead find ways to offer Love on your own terms. This will make more room for Love in every part of your life. This dynamic will look different for each of you, but it is the sort of thing that will be coming up this month. Most of you are finding that you are being called up to be a bigger, braver person than you ever have before.

~Are there particular activities that will help us best harness this energy?

It will be really beneficial for each of you to do everything you can throughout the day to make yourself bigger and to feel big. Use your physical body to do this. Take deep breaths, push with your muscles, and if you can run or jump then do so. Do things that make you feel big. Jump over something if you are physically capable – even over a pillow on the floor. Do anything to give yourself that feeling of being big. This can also include sitting with your legs spread or standing with your arms outstretched. Give yourself moments when you take up all the space you can.

These little moments throughout the day will make the difference between whether you feel big and relaxed, or whether you feel small and defensive. If you are holding your body small, it is harder to harness bigger Love and courage. Use your physical body to feel big in whatever way you can in order to support and enhance your growing courage.

In the same way, try to laugh more. When you are able to laugh at something, you feel bigger than the problem or the situation. When you see the humor in something, then you are able to see that whatever it may be is not the end of the world. Laughter will be very supportive and therapeutic, especially if you will laugh loud and long. Spend time with people who make you laugh; spend time doing things that make you laugh. Spend time with people who encourage you to try new things. Spend time with people who encourage you to be a bigger person, to encourage you to laugh or to stand taller. All of these things will make a huge difference in how much you are able to harness a sense of courage and bravery this month.

Use these little things throughout every day to support a sense of being bigger than the problems or the challenges you face. You cannot afford to hold yourself small this month or this year...


For additional information about this month, including specific information about what to avoid and watch out for this month, and a special message from the Keepers about the potent energy of this month, consider joining Akashic Transformations as a member. Compare the benefits of membership to public access before joining!

You can receive an excerpt from the Monthly Message, updated channelings, and additional insights from the Akashic Records by signing up for our free newsletter.

This Message was channeled from the Akashic Records by  Jen Eramith MA through Akashic Transformations.  

It may be shared with individuals provided that the content is complete; all credit is given to the author; and it is distributed for no financial or other compensation to anyone other than Jen Eramith and Akashic Transformations.  Please include this message with all redistribution.

For official distribution rights, please contact Jen. 

You can receive an excerpt of the Monthly Message by email each month by signing up for our free newsletter.

If you would like to consult the Records about your life or any other personal question, please schedule a Personal Consultation from Jen.

Welcome to a magical conversation with Spirit

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