Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Denise LeFay: Let’s Better Understand Individuality & the “We are all ONE” Business

Let’s Better Understand Individuality & the “We are all ONE” Business

I don’t want to hear one more person say, ‘We are becoming ONE’. No, we are not becoming “ONE” and there are very important and positive reasons for this which we’ll get to. What we are doing now and will continue doing for as long as it takes is integrating, merging, unifying and embodying within ourselves INDIVIDUALLY. Forget about that popular pre-recorded message ‘we’re becoming ONE’  because it’s incorrect. What is correct is that you are becoming ONE within yourself, and I am becoming ONE within myself, and he and her are each becoming ONE within themselves individually.

Remember that important message I received in April 1995? It looked like this:




Here’s a link to an old article about it which may help some better understand that this is the current evolutionary Ascension Process out of old lower duality and into greater individual unity. YOU are becoming ONE, or 1 as it was represented in my lucid dream message many years ago, not all of us merging back into oneness together.

We’re nowhere near that advanced stage yet. First we as individuals must become unified within ourselves and doing so automatically makes it so much easier to feel, know, sense, perceive and love/LOVE all the other individuals, human and otherwise.


We as individuals could no more instantly go from the extreme severe separation that’s been the norm for eons, to full and complete ONE-ness during this Ascension Process any more than you or I could be in the direct full presence of “God” as we are now. The energy gap is far too large even with the current Ascension Process happening and it would destroy whatever vehicle we were in not to mention considerably mess us up in other ways too.

What’s happening is that we incarnate aspects and selves are going through the end of eons of intentional separation (in so many ways) because Source desired to experience it via each of us in our individual selves and experiences in all dimensions. What was originally ONE desired to individuate and further separate, layer after layer to learn, experience and create at and in those levels of being and existence as and through all those individuated aspects of the original ONE. 
All individuals are not merging or unifying back into oneness/ONE/1 all together with no individuality anymore. What has been intentionally separated for eons is now intentionally re-merging, re-uniting within each of us individually. The whys of this are so vast and complex but it has to do with evolution on all levels.

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Increased Merging in Individuals Quickens the Separation of Worlds
As you know from reading my past articles, my life hasn’t been a whole lotta fun since the start of 2014. It still isn’t and in some ways it’s gotten a bit harder and more difficult emotionally, even more isolated feeling which surprised me, and far more complex which I did expect. Such is growth and change however. Since 2014 when my life was suddenly turned upside down due to my mom’s triple bypass that produced a devastating stroke two weeks later, on top of pre-existing (heart disease related) dementia, life hasn’t been a bunch of happy times for me in my sixties as her caregiver as she further deteriorates. Her dementia is worsening and she hallucinates sometimes and from reading up on dementia, this probably isn’t going to end well unless I work on certain things in myself, which I’ve been doing all along.

On top of that I sold a house, bought a “new” (old) one, worked on it for eight months (from May of 2015 and still am working on it today) because it was that horrible and filthy, finally moved us into it (January 2016), hurt myself doing so, and have felt more depressed and isolated ever since.

I knew the moment I saw this “new” old house that the person who’d owned and lived in it for decades was depressed (her family had removed her from the house months before they put it on the market so the house was empty of any humans when I first saw it with the realtor) and that I’d have to clear that residual energy (her depression, fears, isolation and probably dementia too as she aged etc.) because I could feel it and knew I’d be affected by it if I didn’t transmute and clear every speck of it. I always do this when I move into any place because I have to energetically clean along with physically clean a place I’m going to live in.

Nonetheless I’ve continued feeling periods of depression and growing isolation since I moved us in here in January of this year despite this house being a big improvement in many ways for all of us. I’ve energetically cleared and re-cleared this house yet this feeling comes and goes, in me, not necessarily this house unless I energetically pollute/re-pollute it! Because of this on-again off-again depression and growing sense of being isolated even more than before, I’ve been working on discerning all this as best I’m capable of at this time. Usually I can perceive/receive information easily and quickly but this hasn’t been the case with this which means it is extra big and that I’m still very much living it.

Slowly however I’ve gained enough altitude again to access Higher Awareness while living it. What I finally perceived recently is what this article is about because I know many of you have had a rough go of it this year too, not to mention how crazy difficult 2014 and 2015 was for some of us as well.

I’ve always had a tendency—as some Volunteers, Starseeds, Forerunners do—to get low sometimes and then have to work my way back up out of the depression muck once again. But this time (2016) it’s felt different to me, much more amplified, quicker in and out of it, and like even it is an aspect of the Ascension Process. I didn’t understand for a while and that’s bothered me because I don’t want to be sad or frustrated anymore.

Then I finally perceived this complex and difficult to describe hazy image and awareness of the Forerunners currently living the Embodiment Process in stages as we have been for a while now. The depression and further sense of isolation some of us have felt has to do with some of our own remaining inner stuff from these lives and times, while some of it is coming from the human Collective on Earth, and some of it’s coming from Team Dark if you can believe that!, and some is coming from very high dimensions where plenty of change is taking place too. In other words, the depression and sense of growing isolation I’ve struggled with this year in greatly amplified ways isn’t all “my stuff” but a lot of other people’s and beings and worlds and dimensions’ stuff too. Oddly, knowing this makes it all much easier for me to deal with and work my way through. Just because you’re feeling something doesn’t automatically make it yours or mean it’s coming from you. Discernment helps with things like this so always use it.

I perceived that some of what some of us have been and still are feeling today is stemming from super ancient times, other worlds, other dimensions, other beings, Team Dark and so on and isn’t so much our personal inner unresolved stuff, junk, negative crap, karma etc. Some of it is our stuff but at this point it’s relatively small in comparison to the overall galactic and universal picture. Keep in heartmind too that everything is now so amplified feeling and seeming to us (of the Light) that that tiny pea under the Princesses’ many mattresses often feels so huge and unbearably painful to us.

To one part of us this information makes little to no sense at all, but to other parts of us it makes perfect sense for where we’re at now and what we’re going through – the Embodiment of Higher and Lower in these physical bodies and how that naturally matches the amplification of the Separation of Worlds. The more we Embody the Higher with the Lower in-body on Earth in the physical, the more pressure is put on everyone and everything to push away from, to separate from that which one does not resonate with or energetically match, from what one is out of alignment with, from what one is not ready for or desirous of attaining at this time.

As those living the merge/Embody/unify individually more and more now, the Separation of Worlds also increases and quickens because these two energy levels and states of being cannot co-exist in the same space with each other. The energy gap is too great (not to mention a huge irritation for everyone) and so we have, and many of us are very much feeling, this slowly increasing unity from the Embodiment phase within ourselves individually while simultaneously feeling an increase of separation from and misalignment with lower consciousness others and a sort of general depression that comes and goes like waves. This has always been that Princess and the Pea business for the Forerunners, but it’s so amplified now that it’s almost unbearable at times. I suspect even this has to do with my personal perspective on the Embodiment Process at this moment and level and it too will change as I (as each of us individually) am further changed from living the Embodiment.

We’re so far beyond the whose negativity and dank crap stuff is this anyway? phase and are soul-deep in cleaning up the Cosmic Campgrounds before we embark on a NEW Evolutionary adventure. Exciting, exhausting, confusing, magical, so very special and rare, painful, difficult, heartbreaking, freeing, uplifting, creative and simply wondrous.

Feel what you are but don’t buy into it, don’t be overtaken by it or claim it all as you or yours. Neutral Observer and all that to borrow another great term from Lisa Renee. Know some of it is the old little you, while much of it is ancient and multidimensional going back to the beginning of this past Evolutionary Cycle. Some of it is the death of our old selves as we’ve known them plus the demise of our old familiar 3D lives and world, even in such profound Team Dark negativity and control as they were. You think it’s crazy busy and ultra-weird here on physical Earth? It’s just as hectic and wonderfully strange and full of positive changes everywhere else. Complete the 9 energies in preparation for the coming 1 energies but completely in the NEW this time.

May 23, 2016

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heartcopyright Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2016. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this Copyright Notice and live link. https://highheartlife.wordpress.com

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