NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your guide to planetary energies for May 30 to June 5, 2016
By Pam Younghans
Highlighted Aspects This Week
MON: Venus semisquare Uranus, Mercury trine Pluto
TUE: Pluto square Ceres
WED: Sun square Neptune
THU: Venus square Neptune, Sun opposite Saturn
FRI: Venus opposite Saturn
SAT: Sun square Jupiter, Venus square Jupiter, New Moon 7:59pm PDT (2:59am GMT on Sunday)
OUR SENSE OF "REALITY" continues to be challenged this coming week. In one moment, we may feel hopeful and inspired, and just a short time later feel depressed and disillusioned. Our nervous systems and mental capacities are being stressed to their maximum as we work with the unstable energies of the mutable t-square involving Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune.
This t-square is pushing us to face and move through many of the karmic patterns we brought into this lifetime. Because it is working on emotional, mental, and physical levels, we may feel especially moody, confused, and exhausted when we run into places where the energy is stuck.
THE ULTIMATE INTENTION of a t-square, according to astrologer Bil Tierney, is to "drive us onward with a well-defined sense of aim and direction, while forcing us to confront and overcome obstacles in our path." It appears that many of the obstacles involved with this particular t-square are mental, as we are challenged to overcome long-standing pessimistic, cynical, or judgmental thought patterns and beliefs.
As we do our work to free up these areas where the energy has been blocked, Mr. Tierney writes that we begin to "harness and control the versatile powers of our minds" and become "capable of masterful technique in all areas of mental creativity."
THE INFLUENCE of the t-square is emphasized this week starting on Wednesday, when the Sun and Venus begin interacting with the t-square planets. But, we are likely to feel the strongest effects around the time of the New Moon over the weekend (Saturday at 7:59pm PDT/Sunday at 2:59am GMT).
At the time of the New Moon, three planets (the Sun, Moon, and Venus) are all at 14 degrees of Gemini, filling in the missing leg of the t-square. This creates a mutable grand cross with Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune.
IF YOUR BIRTH CHART contains planets or points between 11 and 16 degrees of one of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces), this is an especially important and powerful New Moon for you. Over the next four weeks, a specific part of your personality and certain areas of your life are being reconfigured. As you allow this shift to happen, open your mind and forgive and release the past, you also open doors to new experiences and spiritual growth.
For all of us, this new lunar cycle is designed -- and perhaps destined -- to sensitize us and open our hearts (Pisces), help us gain a broader perspective and understand deeper meanings (Sagittarius), enhance our conscious understanding and ability to think through important issues (Gemini), and assist us in clarifying the practical steps we need to take to make improvements in our lives and in the world (Virgo).
THE CHALLENGE is working with so much energy -- and so many growth demands! -- all at once. Watch especially for the signs that mean it's past time to take a break, such as respiratory problems, nervous tension, and mental stress.
This is a time of accelerated evolution for those who are willing to participate. Throughout the next four weeks, it will be vital to take the time -- and make it a priority -- to calm your mind, reflect and relax, meditate, write down your thoughts and your dreams (waking and sleeping), and otherwise shift your consciousness to provide a break from the pressures of so many “growth opportunities.” It is, of course, very important to do this in healthy ways, since it can be tempting to fall into old habits of addiction, avoidance, and escapism as a way to cope.
THE SABIAN SYMBOL for the New Moon provides another way to help us navigate the energies of the new lunar cycle:
"Two Dutch children talking to each other, exchanging their knowledge: The need to clarify one's experiences through actual contacts with like-minded individuals."
We all know that it can be very fulfilling to interact with others who share our beliefs and support our life perspective. This image of the Dutch children -- and the fact that conversational Gemini is the "missing leg" of the ongoing t-square -- reminds us that sharing experience and knowledge with others is a vital part of our process.
HERE'S MORE from astrologer Dane Rudhyar about the meaning of this Sabian symbol:
"Transcendent experiences and supernormal faculties must be tested and clarified through the use of normal and collectively tested means of communication ... this demands a 'clean' and open mind, eager to test what is experienced in an exchange of views with one's peers."
When we're in the midst of so many changes, we can sometimes withdraw into ourselves. And, introspection is of course essential. But this New Moon reminds us that our growth also involves interaction and sharing with others. We are not alone, and even brief exchanges with others who support our journey can be very helpful now. Those “others” may be dear friends or family members, or even a therapist or practitioner who you feel can be your ally at this time.
REGISTER NOW FOR MY JUNE TELECLASS! After so much change and growth already this year, are you wondering what the last six months of 2016 have in store? In "Bridging Realities," my teleclass at the end of June, we will talk about everything that's going on astrologically during the last half of the year. The class will provide insights and explain timing to help you take advantage of the opportunities and navigate the challenges ahead.
To read more about the class, please click on this link:
Please note that when you register, you should immediately receive an email confirmation from EventBrite. This email contains important instructions for attending the teleclass and listening to the replay. If you don't find it in your inbox, please check your spam folder!
Below, you'll see the title page of my slideshow for the class, which contains a photo of a suspension bridge. This is the image I'm using to represent the themes for the last half of 2016.
I hope you can join us!
In peace,
Copyright Pam Younghans 2016. All rights reserved.
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