NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your guide to planetary energies for May 16 to 22, 2016
By Pam Younghans
Highlighted Aspects This Week
TUE: Sun semisquare Ceres
THU: Venus sextile Chiron
FRI: Sun enters Gemini, Mars semisquare Pluto
SAT: Jupiter quincunx Ceres, Mars opposite Vesta, Full Moon 2:14pm PDT (9:14pm GMT)
SUN: Sun opposite Mars, Mercury goes direct 6:19am PDT (1:19pm GMT), Saturn trine Ceres, Sun sesquiquadrate Pluto
OUR FULL MOON next Saturday is the energetic crest of the lunar cycle that began on May 6. The New Moon on that day was in Taurus, and offered us the opportunity and incentive to begin to recreate our lives so that they are more in sync with our deepest values. It also called us to simplify our lives so that space is made for the new creations to grow.
Over the past 10 days, and in the next few days leading up to Saturday's Full Moon, we are encouraged to continue our dedication to these goals. Luna travels through two other signs this week before coming into fullness in Sagittarius; this journey provides support for us first to re-balance ourselves emotionally and find greater internal harmony with the past (Libra) and then to dive more deeply into our knowing of what we truly desire and what energizes our passionate involvement in life (Scorpio).
BY THE TIME of the Full Moon itself, at 2:14pm PDT (9:14pm GMT) on Saturday, having done our work of preparation, we will be primed to take full advantage of the insights and activation being offered as the Sun and Moon oppose each other in the sky.
The Moon is aligned with Mars for the lunation, increasing our confidence, conviction, and courage -- but with Mars now retrograde, this alignment also means that before we take action, we must make sure that our aspirations are consistent with our spirit's intentions.
GIVEN THAT MARS is retrograde in Sagittarius, we may benefit most by focusing the energy of this lunation in clearing out old beliefs and seeing where we have spread ourselves too thin. This is actually in keeping with the original intentions of simplification and value clarification set with the Taurus New Moon two weeks ago.
If we first do this clearing and consolidation, our energy will then be much clearer and cleaner -- which means the outward actions we ultimately take will be that much more aligned with our deeper truth, and therefore that much more supported by our higher selves.
THE SABIAN SYMBOL for this Full Moon emphasizes the powerful forces that accompany Mars' involvement in the lunation:
"White-capped waves display the power of wind over sea: the mobilization of unconscious energies under the pressure of superpersonal motives."
In his interpretation of this symbol, astrologer Dane Rudhyar writes:
"In symbolism, the wind is associated with spiritual dynamism. The stirring of deep energies this dynamism produces obeys cosmic or superpersonal rhythms, the power of which is irresistible."
It may be that we will be compelled to take action in some way with this Full Moon. In fact, many people will likely be feeling very restless and impatient, and find it difficult not to act instinctively. But again, it appears to be very important that when we do take action, we "obey the cosmic rhythms" that guide us from the higher realms.
THE SUN adds additional insights into the New Moon themes through its close alignment with the asteroid Vesta. This celestial body represents our capacity for dedication, specifically to our spiritual path -- much as the vestal virgins fully dedicated their lives to their sacred devotions.
As the Sun and Vesta conjoin in Gemini for the lunation and for the two days that follow, we become more serious about our commitments, and desire full agreement with our spiritual purposes. It is important to pay close attention to our thoughts, and to know that even unspoken words carry power and influence. With Vesta and the Sun opposite Mars and the Moon, our thoughts and words can serve either to inspire or alienate.
This alignment between the Sun and Vesta may be especially helpful for those who do telepathic work, communicating either with other physical beings or with those who are now in other dimensional realities. A trine aspect between Sun/Vesta and the asteroid Pallas Athene amplifies our capacity for healing and receiving inspiration through these activities.
TELECLASS ANNOUNCEMENT! Twice a year, I join forces with Wellness Educator Elsie Kerns to offer a teleclass providing astrological guidance for the next six months -- and we now have a date and theme for our next class!
The class is called "Bridging Realities" and you can read all about it by clicking on this link:
Below, you'll see the title page of the slideshow, which contains a photo of a suspension bridge, an apt metaphor for the times we are in. I hope you can join us!
Have a blessed and inspired week,
Copyright Pam Younghans 2016. All rights reserved.
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