Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign
Moon in Pisces/Aries 9:10 pm ET/Tuesday 1:10 am UT
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East
Skill: be a pioneer
True Alignments: non-judgmental, epiphanies, moving past a fear, breaking away from something that is limiting, a new opportunity, bringing light to something, caring, self-nurturance, open minded, a new outlook
Catalysts for Change: rationalizing behavior and actions, self-sacrifice just to keep the peace, defensive, arguments, unprepared, restriction of growth, clinging to the past, domineering, repeating an old pattern, divide and conquer tactics, heightened anger
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a symbolic battle between swords and torches" (reconciling the inner and the outer)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending the past, worries, difficulties)
Today, I will list the primary themes and then cover a couple of things coming ahead on our Magic Carpet Ride of 2016:
1- BE A PIONEER - The Sun discharges the energetic of "newly opened lands offer the pioneer new opportunities and experiences." This is a fabulous energetic to move past a fear or barrier to get to a better place (physically, mentally, emotionally). Pioneering requires breaking away from the familiar, to some degree or another. It also usually involves the unknown.
2- FULL PACK - Once again, Venus has our backs, helping us pioneer into the unknown with the re-activation of "a quiver filled with arrows." Recall that the Sun activated this energetic on Friday. Venus is "chasing" the Sun and will unite (conjunct) with it on June 6. (We can expect strong geologic effects that day, per the Electric Universe principle.)
As Venus chases the Sun, we can track the "variations on a theme" first when the Sun activates a degree and then again when Venus re-activates it. In other words, things that developed on Friday (events, moods, feelings, etc.) recur or are built upon today (since on Friday the Sun activated "a quiver filled with arrows" and today Venus reaches that degree).
The "quiver" in this Sabian symbol is filled, not empty. It is filled with what we need. When Venus discharges this degree, the quiver is filled with love. Anything can be accomplished with abundant love, and the fellowship of humanity is abundantly loved. Our quiver, our pack, our hearts are full. Where we take it from there is up to us.
3- LINKING - Today, we get smarter! We put things together and figure them out. The Earth is discharging the energetic of "the lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple." Spirit and mind unite. This symbol underscores the need to be "in body" and to care for the body as a temple. This is wonderful for realigning and balancing. There may be some resistance with this, as Mercury completes its discharge of "the symbolic battle between swords and torches." Dualities are trying to reconcile.
4- ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY AND BEING LENIENT - Mars (retrograde) is now at the degree of "an Indian woman pleading to the chief for the lives of her children." There may be a need to stand up for someone (or oneself). Take a look at any hierarchy (any power and control dynamic) before making a case.
Finally, at 10:23 am ET/2:23 pm UT, the Black Moon will move to 2 degrees of Scorpio and "a broken bottle and spilled perfume." The Black Moon will discharge this energetic through June 8. It will be in effect when the Sun opposes Saturn on June 3, at the New Moon in Gemini on June 4, and when Venus conjuncts the Sun on June 6. June 3-8 will be energetically intensive.
But today we have the beginnings of some things breaking loose, spilling over, and becoming known.
Pioneers make the unknown known. The Black Moon begins to speed the process, and the magic carpet ride continues to relate wondrous sights. What is new today?
(NOTE: The Black Moon is now one degree closer to opposition with the Chiron Point, the energy of the wounded healer and teacher. Those with the Sun, Black Moon, or Chiron in Taurus or Scorpio, be aware that your "rebirth" experience may be sharper or cut a little deeper until the Black Moon moves out of range of the Chiron Point (June 26). Be gentle with yourself, rest when you feel tired, and turn your feelings over to the energetics of the transit if they become overwhelming. Release your burden.)
Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, complete
Moon in Pisces
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East
Skill: rectify or make something better
True Alignments: support, sincerity, protection, last minute saves, creativity, beauty, offerings, self care, recognizing a good thing when you see it, ability to redirect the course, the mysteries of life
Catalysts for Change: always chasing something else, mistrust, propaganda, unsupportive, shake ups, diving in without looking, self-sabotage or working against oneself, control issues, loss of faith or belief, drama
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month:" a symbolic battle between swords and torches" (becoming enlightened to something; the might of light)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending)
Today we enter the seventh of the eight phases of the Moon, the Third Quarter phase, which essentially signals the end of this lunar month. The eighth Moon phase, the Balsamic Moon phase, exists "out of time" somewhat, because it is the transition phase into new energy. We revise and realign before preparing for the New.
Today, Mercury, which has newly stationed direct or is appearing to move forward in the sky once again, returns to the degree/energetic theme for this month: "a symbolic battle between swords and torches."
Mercury rules our thoughts, thinking processes, and communications. We think about things in a new light today. We see and understand something that has eluded us. The psyche wants to "put down" a battle it has had with itself. The energetic of the "symbolic battle between swords and torches" helps us overcome anything in which we are mired.
This may come about as a result of something "falling down," "falling short," "falling away," "shaking up," or "taking a downturn." The Sun is discharging the energetic of "an airplane performing a nosedive." There can be a tendency to self-sabotage when this frequency of energy is in effect. Defiance is more common, but the higher purpose of the energy is to take care of ourselves or save ourselves from something. We pull up.
New directions (even with things that seem too good to be true) are offered with the Earth discharging "a theatrical representation of a golden-haired goddess of opportunity." Each of us is playing out a story - a narrative. Internal or external shifts happen today to put us on the path of opportunities. Using discernment is always best, so look twice at things before acting. We do not want to be fooled by an act, play, or performance.
To assist, Venus discharges "an old fashioned well," which tells us that the golden opportunities and the new perspectives we gain are those which are supportive and sincere, not degenerative and halfway. We have a plentiful "well of experiences" from which to draw and discern. The hardest part may be believing that something better could actually result. We rarely expect "better," but it is time to rectify that. Today's energetics help.
Today, Spirit turns over the controls of our magic carpet rides. We can take them anywhere we would like it to go. All of the world is our stage.
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THE ORACLE REPORT: Monday, May 30, 2016
http://www.oraclereport.comThird Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign
Moon in Pisces/Aries 9:10 pm ET/Tuesday 1:10 am UT
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East
Skill: be a pioneer
True Alignments: non-judgmental, epiphanies, moving past a fear, breaking away from something that is limiting, a new opportunity, bringing light to something, caring, self-nurturance, open minded, a new outlook
Catalysts for Change: rationalizing behavior and actions, self-sacrifice just to keep the peace, defensive, arguments, unprepared, restriction of growth, clinging to the past, domineering, repeating an old pattern, divide and conquer tactics, heightened anger
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a symbolic battle between swords and torches" (reconciling the inner and the outer)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending the past, worries, difficulties)
Today, I will list the primary themes and then cover a couple of things coming ahead on our Magic Carpet Ride of 2016:
1- BE A PIONEER - The Sun discharges the energetic of "newly opened lands offer the pioneer new opportunities and experiences." This is a fabulous energetic to move past a fear or barrier to get to a better place (physically, mentally, emotionally). Pioneering requires breaking away from the familiar, to some degree or another. It also usually involves the unknown.
2- FULL PACK - Once again, Venus has our backs, helping us pioneer into the unknown with the re-activation of "a quiver filled with arrows." Recall that the Sun activated this energetic on Friday. Venus is "chasing" the Sun and will unite (conjunct) with it on June 6. (We can expect strong geologic effects that day, per the Electric Universe principle.)
As Venus chases the Sun, we can track the "variations on a theme" first when the Sun activates a degree and then again when Venus re-activates it. In other words, things that developed on Friday (events, moods, feelings, etc.) recur or are built upon today (since on Friday the Sun activated "a quiver filled with arrows" and today Venus reaches that degree).
The "quiver" in this Sabian symbol is filled, not empty. It is filled with what we need. When Venus discharges this degree, the quiver is filled with love. Anything can be accomplished with abundant love, and the fellowship of humanity is abundantly loved. Our quiver, our pack, our hearts are full. Where we take it from there is up to us.
3- LINKING - Today, we get smarter! We put things together and figure them out. The Earth is discharging the energetic of "the lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple." Spirit and mind unite. This symbol underscores the need to be "in body" and to care for the body as a temple. This is wonderful for realigning and balancing. There may be some resistance with this, as Mercury completes its discharge of "the symbolic battle between swords and torches." Dualities are trying to reconcile.
4- ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY AND BEING LENIENT - Mars (retrograde) is now at the degree of "an Indian woman pleading to the chief for the lives of her children." There may be a need to stand up for someone (or oneself). Take a look at any hierarchy (any power and control dynamic) before making a case.
Finally, at 10:23 am ET/2:23 pm UT, the Black Moon will move to 2 degrees of Scorpio and "a broken bottle and spilled perfume." The Black Moon will discharge this energetic through June 8. It will be in effect when the Sun opposes Saturn on June 3, at the New Moon in Gemini on June 4, and when Venus conjuncts the Sun on June 6. June 3-8 will be energetically intensive.
But today we have the beginnings of some things breaking loose, spilling over, and becoming known.
Pioneers make the unknown known. The Black Moon begins to speed the process, and the magic carpet ride continues to relate wondrous sights. What is new today?
(NOTE: The Black Moon is now one degree closer to opposition with the Chiron Point, the energy of the wounded healer and teacher. Those with the Sun, Black Moon, or Chiron in Taurus or Scorpio, be aware that your "rebirth" experience may be sharper or cut a little deeper until the Black Moon moves out of range of the Chiron Point (June 26). Be gentle with yourself, rest when you feel tired, and turn your feelings over to the energetics of the transit if they become overwhelming. Release your burden.)
THE ORACLE REPORT: Sunday, May 29, 2016
Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, completeMoon in Pisces
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East
Skill: rectify or make something better
True Alignments: support, sincerity, protection, last minute saves, creativity, beauty, offerings, self care, recognizing a good thing when you see it, ability to redirect the course, the mysteries of life
Catalysts for Change: always chasing something else, mistrust, propaganda, unsupportive, shake ups, diving in without looking, self-sabotage or working against oneself, control issues, loss of faith or belief, drama
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month:" a symbolic battle between swords and torches" (becoming enlightened to something; the might of light)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending)
Today we enter the seventh of the eight phases of the Moon, the Third Quarter phase, which essentially signals the end of this lunar month. The eighth Moon phase, the Balsamic Moon phase, exists "out of time" somewhat, because it is the transition phase into new energy. We revise and realign before preparing for the New.
Today, Mercury, which has newly stationed direct or is appearing to move forward in the sky once again, returns to the degree/energetic theme for this month: "a symbolic battle between swords and torches."
Mercury rules our thoughts, thinking processes, and communications. We think about things in a new light today. We see and understand something that has eluded us. The psyche wants to "put down" a battle it has had with itself. The energetic of the "symbolic battle between swords and torches" helps us overcome anything in which we are mired.
This may come about as a result of something "falling down," "falling short," "falling away," "shaking up," or "taking a downturn." The Sun is discharging the energetic of "an airplane performing a nosedive." There can be a tendency to self-sabotage when this frequency of energy is in effect. Defiance is more common, but the higher purpose of the energy is to take care of ourselves or save ourselves from something. We pull up.
New directions (even with things that seem too good to be true) are offered with the Earth discharging "a theatrical representation of a golden-haired goddess of opportunity." Each of us is playing out a story - a narrative. Internal or external shifts happen today to put us on the path of opportunities. Using discernment is always best, so look twice at things before acting. We do not want to be fooled by an act, play, or performance.
To assist, Venus discharges "an old fashioned well," which tells us that the golden opportunities and the new perspectives we gain are those which are supportive and sincere, not degenerative and halfway. We have a plentiful "well of experiences" from which to draw and discern. The hardest part may be believing that something better could actually result. We rarely expect "better," but it is time to rectify that. Today's energetics help.
Today, Spirit turns over the controls of our magic carpet rides. We can take them anywhere we would like it to go. All of the world is our stage.
Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!
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