Monday, June 29, 2015

HILARION 2015 ~ SUMMER (May 31-September 6, 2015 ) By Marlene Swetlishoff | THE RAINBOW SCRIBE



June 28-September 6, 2015

Beloved Ones,

As life on the planet continues to evolve and expand, many are being called to align to their reason and purpose for this particular incarnation. It behooves each individual to seek within themselves for the answers; for the unfolding of this preordained service to the divine plan and to consciously and with intention, align themselves to it each day. When you do this, events begin to occur that seem to be divinely directed. There will be more information about this that will come to you through various means such as, bringing people into your awareness and sphere of influence who resonate with your soul’s purpose and those who can give the assistance that helps set you on your true path. There will be brought to your awareness information; in the form of books, websites and people which will activate your remembrance of the work you have come to do. You are now opening to your highest potential, one step at a time so that it does not overwhelm and overpower you. Your path must feel good to you.

There is a new dawn on the horizon, a time of fulfilling and positive experiences which help to cement alliances that will be beneficial to you in the future. When confronted with a situation that you have not foreseen that requires making a choice and decision that overwhelms you, do not rush into action but bide your time and wait for signs that will lead to the highest outcome. Take time out to relax, to play, to laugh and just be. When you do this, you are immensely renewed and equilibrium is restored. This leads to greater clarity in all the situations and events that you encounter and you will be more in touch with your core essence, and that which is right for you to do. Others around you have their own paths to follow and this is to be respected and honoured. It is true that All is One; however, each individual is a unique spark of the divine and has their own purpose. They must allow the divine to express and manifest through them in a way that is empowering and uplifting to them. In this way, all are being served.

You are now beginning to come into your personal power. You have done the majority of the work of clearing old thought patterns and ways of being that are not conducive to the path you have chosen and have let them go. Now you are like an empty vessel which the universe seeks to fill through opportunities and encounters that are more in alignment with your soul’s true calling. Like is beginning to attract like – those who are resonating at the same frequency and purpose. People will come into your life through chance encounter, through pre-destined agreements, through soul group activities. Your lives will take on the appearance of the miraculous at times, for when an individual is totally aligned with their divine essence and follows its directives, the appearance of the manifestation of their dreams and desires happens much more frequently in an ease and flow that feels natural and harmonious.

You have established a firm foundation and now there will be no one and no-thing that can sway you from your true purpose and this is as it should be. On the higher realms, the workings of divine will are in effect and each soul is apprised of their role in the outer manifestation of it. Do not doubt your part in it but rather, trust that all is as ordained and follow your inner guidance as to what to do. Let the divine’s will be done in and through you. Be aware of the fact that the divine will for your life throughout the ages was and is always, that you experience the bounty and beauty that is available in co-creatorship in all its activities. Take the gifts that are offered to you in full confidence that it is in your highest and best interest. Align your heart to the well of love and abundance of the universe and drink deeply of it.

Keep in mind that the deeper you ground your roots into the Earth, the higher you will go. Allow your gentle soul to expand into everything you have asked for. Be the incredible brilliant star within the heart of the Infinite One. Be the chalice of pure light overflowing with glory and grace. Drink in the nectar of joy flowing to you from your divine essence. The inner expansion of your divine essence within you will require physical action in the next steps of your blessed journey. Stay in tune with the perfection of all life. When you make the time for creative work, it is like making time for prayer, it is a unification activity which involves the visible and the invisible, the known and the unknown. You are worthy of the time it takes to create whatever you feel called to create.

Until we meet again…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and all live website links are included.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.
June 21-28, 2015

Beloved Ones,

Each of you is coming closer to a stronger connection with your divine essence and this will help you feel more stable than has been evident in the past several months. This process is opening new doors of perception which will help you to move forward once again. There is ever the ebb and flow in the energetic waves that move through your personal and planetary cycles. As you become aware of these and how they affect you, you align with their influences and act accordingly. As you do this, life becomes more harmonious and pleasant. The people around you are more responsive to you and show you their appreciation and love. When you are in tune with your personal energy cycles, life becomes an ever expanding adventure of new experience. This new state of being requires its recipient to be willing to go beyond their established comfort zones and take the steps necessary into new directions.

It takes courage and bravery to move past one’s former patterns of limitation and to begin taking action to forge a new path as one leaves behind all that one experienced in their lives, to make a start in the new beginning that beckons them forward.  Allow the self doubt and indecision to dissipate as to the right path you must follow; it will unfold in its own divine timing. It is difficult, we know, to focus on just one thing, as your senses are assailed by creative thoughts and ideas. Spend time in the outdoors, sitting quietly and experiencing the sights and sounds that array your senses. This helps to ground your energies and keep you aligned to your divine essence. The next step will be made clear to you through this activity of keeping things simple. Know that there are many loving, supportive, and nurturing energy beings constantly surrounding you. All is in the process of the unfolding story of your personal and collective lives.

We find that many of you are now experiencing the return of the energetic flow through your human operating system. For many of you, this was a missing ingredient that felt like a disconnection from source energy. This process was necessary in order to give you the time needed to absorb, assimilate and integrate the new downloads of information and activations that are being sent on waves of love. This process is ongoing, sometimes it comes as great energy flow and at other times, as a time of rest. Life is a continuous cycle with valleys and peaks and there is always motion, even when you don’t feel it. Follow the signs your physical body gives you, for these are important to listen to for your continued health and well being on all levels of interplay.

You are going through a rebirth and your body, mind and spirit are being brought into alignment and connection so that you can manifest a greater reality than you have previously known. You are in a process of regeneration and transformation that offers you an opportunity to express yourselves in new ways. Seize these moments as they manifest in your lives for they bring to the surface new treasures from your soul. It is always up to you to choose how you grow, move forward and expand in your conscious awareness and evolvement; there is no one else who can do it for you. When you commit to taking a new direction, what you need to manifest it will be drawn to you.

Experience the joy and fulfillment that comes with creation and expect the unexpected - for your life can take a new turn miraculously. In your new beginning, you are reaching a new level of understanding which is helping you to reach new dimensions within. By following your inner wisdom and listening to your inner guidance, you will achieve success in all of your endeavours. All that is required is your active involvement and that is the key that unlocks your great potential.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and all live website links are included.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.
June 14-21, 2015

Beloved Ones,

Each of you is stretching for the potential that rests within. This potential beckons you onward, poignant in its endless possibilities and its creative energies help open the flow to needed movement and direction. These are creating inner growth and are not outwardly seen but inwardly felt. Follow your heart in all things. Former ways of doing things are now evolving as you follow your inner direction with faith and determination. Your trust in your intuition is becoming more developed and the insight provided into your own inner workings provides a greater awareness of the people and situations that surround you. As you practice being still and quiet, an inner knowingness comes, a spiritual energy that focuses on understandings that come from a place beyond one’s reason. As you give your inner guidance from the higher aspects of yourself the opportunity to manifest, your own intuition becomes a reality in its operation in your daily life. The key is to take the time to be still and know that you are on the right track.

The creativity you hold within you unfolds now and you find new levels of expression for it as you reach for ever greater expansion in finding ways to share your richness and goodness with the world. This opens you to the abundance of the universe and the greater gifts that you have acquired throughout time and the evolution of your inner growth begins to find physical expression. Your belief in your self and your value and worth intensifies as you further align to this higher inner direction. You realize that the only limitations you experience are those that you put on yourself and you seek to break those crystallized forms so that you can further expand into areas that uncover ever greater potential. As the limits of your conscious mind are removed, you raise your energy level and your frequency to the next step in your ongoing evolution of consciousness.

As you give ever greater focus to the spiritual values, your heart opens and you become more aware of the intensity of the spirit within which seeks ever greater manifestation in your reality. You are entering into a new phase of inner and outer development. This development comes in ebbs and flows, sometimes the inner guidance encourages withdrawal from the world around you, and this inner growth then seeks manifestation in the outer world. It is important to be yourself, to know who you are and stay grounded in that knowing. There are new beginnings that are coming forward and previously hidden facets of your self coming into expression. Allowing this new direction to take shape brings new perspectives and a new level of your inner truth comes forward to be acknowledged and fully integrated. This will open you to an ever greater understanding and expansion of yourself.

Allow this new level of truth to touch into all aspects of your life. Personal wisdom is gained through experience and is guiding and opening you to the greater mysteries of the universe. It lightens your spirit and brings you to a greater awareness that you have the freedom to be or do whatever you want; all you have to do is claim the right to do so. The choices before you are limitless and all you have to do is take the action necessary to claim them as yours. To be abundant in your world is to experience the joy of creation. What you set in motion returns to you. You are in control of each situation that you encounter by what you choose to empower. The universal energy of creation is always present and this cosmic balance and perfection is reflected within you, recognize this and come into the rhythm with creation.

There must be a balance between the spiritual and the physical. There is always a pattern, an order and a system that is in operation to every creation that manifests. There is a constant flow of energy which comes from different realms that gifts the seeds of wisdom that is required for your ongoing evolution and enlightenment. This wisdom puts you in touch with the light that illuminates your connection with the infinite. Your personal star is waiting to shine in your life.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and websites are included. 
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.
June 6-12, 2015
Beloved Ones,
As the days move forward there will continue to be more weather anomalies as the Earth strives to bring balance within. There are many ancient energies that were buried in the past now being brought to the surface. These are recognizable as feelings of sadness, anxiousness and worry, for in the past, many were the people who lived in constant fear, for their lives were not their own. They were subjugated and literally owned by others who controlled their daily lives with an iron fist. There was no empathy or regard for the sanctity of their lives and their lives could at any time be destroyed.
This energy is rising in the collective consciousness of humanity and is experienced with a feeling of heaviness, the sense of heavy burdens which are hard to dissipate and clear. Know, Dear Ones,  these are temporary in nature and try not to become engaged when and if, they surface, in your thoughts and feelings. They are being cleared from the collective field by those who volunteered for this task. When one is aware of what is happening, it becomes easier to deal with it. Awareness means self-empowerment. It means that you were deemed able to transmute these energies through the power of love.
As these deep layers are brought to the surface, more revelations are also exposed to the awareness of humanity. All that was successfully hidden by those individuals who misused their power in times past can no longer keep it suppressed from public scrutiny. Humanity in general is waking up to the realization that their world is much different than they were told and perceived it was. Everyone is growing weary with the constant changes taking place.
These changes are bringing to light all that needs to be addressed in the world systems in order that more equitable and enlightened practices replace all that is not serving the individual and greater good of Earth’s inhabitants. It is a challenging endeavour but will become easier as these reformations occur. There will come a time when the consensus amongst all the people of the world will be that peace is their highest priority.
As it takes root, stay strong and steadfast as that consensus becomes the new reality here on Earth. Your loving efforts are bringing it ever closer.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and all live website links are included.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

May 31-June 6, 2015
Beloved Ones,

As you step into a greater unfolding in the acceleration of the peeling away of the layers of your human perceptions, you open yourselves to ever greater energies that stream in to take their place. These will begin to open you to the gifts you hold within you which will now surface in the most delightful ways. You will have the most inspiring and uplifting thoughts, joyful thoughts that will fill you with anticipation and enthusiasm for new beginnings. Let love open a greater door to the truth of your being and your life. How blessed you are, in truth, for you have discourse with the angels! Each day they show you the reality of their presence in many different ways and bring to you meaningful validations of the path that you are on. There are also many human angels who surround you, support you and let you know that they are always there for you.

The manifestation of all your dreams is occurring in seemingly miraculous and graceful ways. This is because the energies now support this occurrence. The blocks that you held within you to the manifestation of the greater good you have so earnestly desired dissolve as though they have never been. The deep cleansing you are now experiencing has opened many doors that were shut before. This dissolving of old patterns of thought and behaviour leaves you open to explore your greater potential. As old dreams manifest for you, dream new ones, and never stop learning and growing, gathering new knowledge and new skills to add to your tool box of abilities. You will be supported in all that you embrace.

The journey through life is all about experience and the partaking of the opportunities that come into your awareness. Breathe a deep breath and allow these new ideas to germinate and take root. As you take this step, greater doors will open and this is how to create the life of your dreams. It always requires your direct participation and action. Without this, your life will just stay in a holding pattern and bring stagnation. There is so much that you can be and do and every new experience adds an enriching quality to your life, to the fullness of it. Be willing to encounter and embrace every opportunity to meet and talk to new people who will now be coming into your sphere of influence. These people will add a new dimension to your every experience.

Your gratitude for these new experiences does not go unnoticed by the universe, for the universe always gives more for which you are grateful and also more of what you dwell on. This is why it is important to ensure that your every thought is an empowering and enhancing one, for this is what you will then experience. As you become adept at building and weaving the life of your dreams, you also become a living example of what can be possible to others who in turn become inspired to create the life of their own potential and possibilities.

All is unfolding in its divine timing and will continue to create a better world for all, one person at a time. As each person embraces their potential, they experience more good and positive synchronicities in their own lives and the path to freedom from their limited past widens considerably. So it is that all life upon your planet benefits greatly from your living and loving example. Open your hearts fully to this experience and it will be good.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and all live website links are included. 
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

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