8 Ways to Make Self-Love a Habit
by Denise Roberge | Awakening People
Self-Love is actually a reflection of that part of us that is connected to The Infinite Love of the Universe, that some call God, Jesus, The I AM Presence, and more. We are born with this, but over time Life circumstances create blocks and we temporarily “forget”. When we awaken spiritually, we need to re-member how to love! Self-love will help you create a great life, and will heal others and the planet. Here is some information to help you anchor self-love into your consciousness, day by day, and help co-create Heaven on Earth!
1. Mindfulness: Be in the Moment. Monitor how you are feeling, what you are thinking, what you need right here and now.
2. Self-Care: Take note of what you really need. Do you need a break? Do you need to pray or meditate? Do you need to eat or drink? Are you sleeping enough? Does your body need to move in some way? What needs to change in this moment?
3. Goal Setting: When you awaken to the desire to live from Self-Love, you will find new ideas brewing. Make a “Self-Love Priority List” that includes anything from being less judgmental of others, to not engaging in gossip, to starting a fun fitness regime, to exploring new career opportunities, to engaging in spiritual practices, to finding new friends, relationships and social groups, to philanthropic or volunteer pursuits, to committing to meeting regularly with a mentor, life coach or therapist. The possibilities are endless! Open your mind to the idea that you can love yourself in new and exciting ways starting right now. You get to choose! Use your God-given dominion and free will to live from the standpoint of self-love. You can improve every aspect of your Life!
4. Positive Affirmations: To offset the “critical voice”, practice saying wonderful things to yourself! The words “I AM” are very powerful, and are believed to be a name for The Highest Power, which many call God. So what is true of your God is true of you, because you are a spark of this Divine Source. Here some examples:
I AM enough.
I AM beautiful.
I AM strong and capable.
I AM love, lovable, and loved.
I AM happy, holy, and healthy
5. Gratitude: Write a gratitude list. There is so much to be grateful for. Gratitude can change your attitude in a heartbeat. Thank your Higher Power, the people in your life, and yourself for the beauty, joy, breakthroughs, and for the gift of life. Be grateful for what you have. When you are grateful for what you have, you make energetic space for more abundance to flow into your life.
6. Maintain connection with your Spirit: Pay attention to your values, priorities, those people and conditions that make your life worth living. Make decisions from your inner guidance rather than from societal conditioning or the opinions of others.
7. Communicate with your Spiritual Guides and Guardians: If you believe in Angels, Fairies, Ascended Masters, guardian spirits, Christ, Buddha, or any other deity, spend time each day in conscious communion with them. Talk with them using your own everyday language. Receive their guidance by letting them know of your openness to all forms of Love, including and especially self-love.
8. Spend time in quiet solitude: Build in times to “just be”. You may already practice some form of meditation, where you get to “visit” with yourself and slow down your thoughts and your life. If you aren’t particularly spiritual, other wonderful options are communing with nature (gardening, hiking, swimming for example), walking, running or dancing, listening to soothing music, daydreaming, or keeping a journal.
How does Self-Love help others?
Everything is energy. Emotions, thoughts, intentions, and actions are energy and what you and permeates the the electro-magnetic field around you which is often called your “aura”. Thus, everything you think and feel can be picked up energetically by others, sometimes in a very subtle manner, through their auras. Even when you are not speaking or acting, your self-love can be felt by others. People notice a warm glow around you. People find themselves inexplicably drawn to you. Your self-love can comfort or heal others who may be in fear or self-loathing. Your positive feelings are transmitted in powerful and sometimes subtle ways. You can make a difference in the lives of others when you love yourself! So the old saying “You must love yourself first” is energetically and spiritually true. This is how love, healing, and wisdom are transmitted around the globe energetically. Self-Love can change the world! Being of service when we are in this elevated state is a blessing to All.
Something to ponder: How do you feel when you are around someone who does not love him/herself? Those who don’t love themselves can feel draining or exhausting to us.
We often intuit what they are feeling, which could bring on feelings of sadness, discomfort, anxiety or anger in us. Our compassion could kick in and we may have a desire to “help” them in some way. The truth is, someone who lacks self-love may or may not be able to receive any help. So, when we try to help someone who isn’t receptive, we are draining ourselves of our own life force. We must protect our life force energy, and sometimes that means avoiding or minimizing time spent with people who are not in a state of comfort within their own being. That is not selfish, it is positive self care.
Posted 4/14/2015
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