What's Happening in the Stars: June 8-14, 2015
~contributed by Hillory Skott
Mercury moves direct clearing the air for more precise
movement forward. But wait . . . Dreamy Neptune might
confuse things for awhile- if it’s too good to be true, bow out.
The question is: How do you tell the difference between a
shyster and a helpful connection? It may be hard to tell right
now. Also, this week backtracking Saturn is re-entering Scorpio
until September. Expect a revisiting of the issues you were
dealing with late last year. They are coming up for final completion.
Lean into all those uncomfortable feelings.
All week there is luck and harmony connecting life in ways we can't
see. If you need to express yourself midweek is helpful. Communications
can be downright magical. Like when you know exactly what someone
is going to say. Or you realized you share the same reoccurring dream
with someone. Those moments when the coincidence is all too much
to just be coincidence. I wonder if atheists have less synchronicity in
their lives than more spiritual types. It is those moments of magical
timing that assure me something much grander than I can imagine is
in this with me. And what a giant relief that is. Expect unexpected good
news. How lucky.
Mercury does go direct again on the 11th. It won’t be back to where it
was until the 27th, but this shadow period is still a forward moving time.
Less glitches to contend with. Don't make any really big commitments
until the end of the month. And do enjoy the curious energy of Gemini.
Get out and socialize, make connections. Pollinate, cross pollinate even.
Neptune will be retrograde until mid-November. Neptune is a slippery
shimmery planet that creates illusion for us. It fogs over the details.
It changes by dissolving. It rules addiction and denial. It is the supreme
escapist. But it is also our connection to the unseen world. It inspires
and creates and dances and sings. With a backtracking Neptune
previously hidden truths make their way to the light of day. You may
have been fooling yourself until now. If this is the case with some
situation in your life, you need to really deal with it head on. Otherwise
things will prove more difficult. If you don’t take the nudge eventually
you will get the shove.
The great thing about Neptune Retrograding is that we get a chance to
feel clearer. We can get a glimpse into things that might have been kept
secret. It can be big like finding out you were adopted or something simple
like finding out you are eligible for a rebate on child taxes. Something
formerly hidden will be clear. And that is always helpful.
Sunday PST Saturn steps back into Scorpio. Ain't no secrets here. Scorpio
is a probing sign, they like to dig out the infected pockets of pain inside.
Scorpio sniffs out the dysfunction. With super realistic Saturn here you
might find yourself feeling a lot more than is comfortable. But facing the
facts is always preferable to pretending they do not exist. This is the last
pass in Scorpio for another 28 or so years. So be a trooper and deal with
the emotional details that come up now. This a chance to bury the hatchet,
and lay something done down to rest. Something old. Practice forgiveness.
With Neptune and Saturn retrograde in water signs taking care of your
emotional health is important. Nurture yourself and stay away from unnatural
substances. Neptune rules the lymph in our bodies. Dry skin brushing,
castor oil packs, Epsom salt baths, wind chimes, crystals and magical
sticks of clearing sage will help you immensely. All forms of subtle gentle
body/mind/soul care works wonders. Remove the blockage and life will
return with gusto. Honor your processes with gratitude; you couldn’t do it
without you. Blessings, blessings everywhere!
~Contributed by Hillory Skott
Enjoy your week!
Karen and Salma
Be more...Love more...Live more And Never Settle for Less Go Beyond!
Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc.
49 Canyon Blvd West
Lethbridge, AB
T1K 6X6
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