Tuesday, June 23, 2015

NorthPoint Astrology Journal Your guide to planetary energies for June 22 to 28, 2015 By Pam Younghans

NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Photo: Midnight sun in Alaska, U.S.A. (from Bing images, credit unknown) 

Highlighted Aspects this Week:

MON: Jupiter trine Uranus; TUE: Mercury square Neptune, Mars quincunx Saturn; WED: Chiron goes retrograde, Mars enters Cancer; SAT: Sun squares North Node, Sun semisquare Jupiter; SUN: Mercury quincunx Pluto, Venus trine Uranus

OUR LAST full week of June begins a Jupiter-Uranus trine designed to help us take risks, be open to change, and make choices that enhance our enjoyment of life. This is the third time Jupiter and Uranus have formed a trine aspect in the past 10 months -- the first exact aspect occurred in September 2014, and the second was in early March of this year.

With both planets in fire signs (Jupiter in Leo, Uranus in Aries), this is a highly energized influence. When it is in effect, we can feel especially restless and eager for new experiences. We may also choose to do things outside of our comfort zone, or feel more rebellious about continuing to follow the life script that we've created.

This combination of energies can provide the courage we've been needing to take a leap of faith, but it can also encourage us to take risks that may or may not be beneficial in the long run.

WE'LL CERTAINLY want to take advantage of the support these planets offer for embarking on the road less traveled -- we may even feel that life is magically, synchronistically, opening doors to guide us forward. But we should also be sure to check where we're walking from time to time, to make sure we don't step off a ledge.

This caution is especially important due to the aspects that occur on Tuesday: a Mercury-Neptune square and a Mars-Saturn quincunx. When Mercury and Neptune get together, they can support flights of the imagination and working with our dreams, but they rarely assist us in thinking clearly or rationally.

And, the Mars-Saturn aspect indicates that we need to make some adjustments before we go very far down the road. If we feel frustrated with obstacles or delays on Tuesday, it may mean that our focus is too scattered (Mars in Gemini). Getting clearer on our true motivations will help us refocus our intentions and achieve greater success (Saturn in Scorpio).

CHIRON goes retrograde (backward) on Wednesday, which means the influence of the Wounded Healer is stronger than usual this week. When Chiron's influence is heightened, each of us is asked to do our own healing work. This is especially true for someone who is currently working with a Chiron transit to their natal chart.

Since Chiron is in Pisces right now, we may be even more aware than usual of the frightened child within us who doesn't know how to trust that everything is going to be OK. As always when we work with Chiron's energy, our healing is facilitated when we can embrace and feel compassion for that fearful aspect of ourselves, rather than either ignoring it or judging it.

MARS begins its six-week journey through watery Cancer on Wednesday. In the positive, Mars in Cancer enhances our capacity to work hard, especially when our efforts are directed toward supporting our family and home environment.

But, given that Mars represents direct intention and forceful action, it can feel somewhat uncomfortable in such an emotionally-based sign. We'll need to do our best to be in observation mode when it comes to our emotional reactions, since it can be easy to be over-protective or slip into defensiveness.

As always with Cancer, we will benefit by reminding ourselves that "It is rarely (if ever) personal" -- and to get into the habit of saying, "That's interesting" when something occurs, to maintain a level of objectivity. Since Cancer rules the digestion, it's also important to avoid eating when we're feeling emotional. That advice may always be sound, but it's especially true during Mar's transit of the fourth sign.

NEXT WEEKEND is a bit of a mixed bag energetically. On Saturday, the Cancer Sun squares the Moon's nodes, challenging us to face and move beyond karmic patterns that have resulted in over-sensitivity and fear. The Sun also forms a semisquare with Jupiter, which may make both the issue and the possibility of resolution even larger.

The biggest aspect on Sunday is a Venus-Uranus trine late in the day, which can help us lighten up, enjoy ourselves, and do something creative or social. But the Moon in Scorpio may keep us in a deeper and more serious emotional place, especially around the Moon-Saturn alignment at 6:50pm PDT. We may need to wait until the Moon enters Sagittarius at 8:21pm PDT before we begin to feel more buoyant.

 MY THANKS to everyone who joined us for the teleclass last Thursday! I hope you enjoyed the class, and that each of you gained insights that will assist you in navigating the rest of 2015 with grace and success.

If you weren't able to sign up for the class, you can still purchase the audio replay and slideshow pdf -- just send an email with "Teleclass Replay" in the subject line to pam@northpointastrology.com, and I'll reply with details.

Copyright Pam Younghans 2015. All rights reserved.

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