Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Karen Downing: Free-For-All Time: A Guide to Discernment

Free-For-All Time: A Guide to Discernment

There is excitement building in many ways. So many people can feel that something big is happening, but what exactly is it?

You may hear many different terms to describe what the planet is currently going through; Ascension, the Event, The Emergence, The Shift, are just some of the terms that are being used. What it really comes down to is this: Humanity is waking up to its true and full empowerment in a way like never before.

What does this mean?

This means that after eons of living inside a structured energetic-grid overlay (AKA 3d), Gaia, or Mother Earth, is breaking free into the 5D (full moon 5-2). The old ways of energy manipulation, fear mongering and blankets of doubt are being lifted.

As has been spoken of before, this is a process. It is not an overnight switch, but a gradual change. This time of excitement means that we have reached the tipping point. With the majority of Gaia’s energy in the 5D, it will also speed up the individual and collective process of humanity’s FULL awakening. It is truly a time when All are Free to grow into their full expansiveness.

How Can You Best Navigate This Time?
This time is more important than ever to have your discernment at full awareness. What is discernment? It is the process of knowing/feeling truth. This truth is is two forms, your truth (or the truth of what you are experiencing) and Truth (as in Universe Truths and Knowledge being revealed/accepted).

There are two key pieces to discernment, one is knowledge and the other is intuition. There are many ways to gain knowledge, but the most important source of knowledge for discernment comes from self-education. Taking the time to know yourself, as well as taking the time to look at facts, statements, teachings, and so forth with due diligence. AKA fact-checking. The easiest way to discern facts for yourself is to stay away from opinion-laced news sources, and to research happenings and events for yourself.

Now, on to intuition. Intuition is your guidance system to inform you if the information you encounter feels right to you. Intuition is how your Higher Self/Soul Essence speaks to you. Intuition is very simple and direct; it does not need to tell you why, it simply states what is or is not. Learn how your individual intuitive antenna works. You can feel, or see, or hear, or sense, or smell, or a combination of all of these, plus more. Remember, each individual is opening up to the full expansiveness of the Higher Self. (This is happening in a way not experienced by anyone before. There is no longer a ceiling to the energy).

The reason why discernment is so important at this time, is because in this All are Free / Free for All time, there will be many new and different sources of esoteric information. And, just because each individual is now open to a higher level of expansiveness than ever before, does mean that each individual will accept that expansiveness. This means that some will still stay in the comfort zone of their own Ego, relaying messages that are last attempts to tap into the failing 3D grid.

How can you tell if a message is NOT of the Highest Energy? There are several things to look for.

Messages that create doubt within you about yourself (see previous post, “Beware of the Doubt-Seeders”)

Messages written to incite anger about a cause, situation, person or belief system

Anger is a destructive force, and only feeds the person or energy who is inciting you to feel that way. Anger is the way of the old system. If someone is telling you to be angry about something, this is from the Ego. The flip side of Anger is passion. Passion is about speaking up for what you are passionate about. Passion leads to transformation and creation of the new. Anger leads only to destruction. You cannot destroy destruction with destruction. You can only oppose destruction with the energy of creation.

Learn the difference between Anger and passion, and you will be better able to discern when someone is trying to get you on board with their outrage, or when someone is assisting you to use your own passion to create positive change. This is a subtle distinction, and yet very important to learn about. If you are being asked to express anger/stand up against/fight for something that you would have not done so on your own, then this is a good time to re-examine how you came to feel that way about such a topic.

For example, if you are passionate about animal welfare, you will be already acting on your own to give to charities, write articles, or inform others about this topic. If all of a sudden you answer a call to action about this topic, but you have never done anything with it before, this is your signal that someone (a person or energy) is manipulating you into feeding anger, by getting you all riled up about it. (This is how many political talk shows operate, but this behavior can certainly extend into spirituality and many other life areas.)

Fear-Mongering: Messages Written To Spread Fear

As things progress forward, for a time there will still be messages that speak to fear. Again, this is because each individual is at a different place in their process of embracing the new energy. Those who are stuck in fear themselves, will be more likely to write messages that speak to fear. Some of these messages will be about natural disasters, war, greed and so forth. Where discernment is important is to determine if the message is providing facts about what has happened, or is instilling fear about what is yet to happen.

Remember, natural disasters and such have been a part of Gaia’s history since the beginning of time. Just as the human body experiences skin eruptions or muscle twitches, so must Gaia release the energy stored within her. One thing that you can rest assured in, is that because of so many Lightworkers signed up to help Gaia transform herself energetically, the severity of any future occurrences of such events is GREATLY reduced. Have no fear about Gaia’s release process, instead ask to volunteer to be an energy transformer to help her complete her shifting process.

If a message forewarns of a date, time or fearful outcome to something, this is fear-mongering. If a message speaks of disasters occurring because humanity has not done enough/is not holy enough/is not pure enough, etc., this is also fear-mongering.

Messages Written in a Better than/less than Scenario

No one person is less than another. Period. It does not matter what choices a person makes or does not make. It does not matter what belief system someone holds. It does not matter what someone did or did not do. It does not matter where someone lives, what race or gender they are, their sexual orientation, age, family situation, education, status, wealth, etc., etc. All of humanity is equal. If any messages tells you about the superiority or inferiority of any one person or group over any other person or group, for ANY reason, be very cautious about the message. Messages of unworthiness are not of the Highest Energy.

Giving Orders:
Messages giving orders to you, as in your better do this, or this will/will not happen.

There is no Higher Energy who will tell you what to do or how you should do something. The only exception to this would be your own intuition providing you with a personal directive from time to time, (as in, “Go to the store now, don’t wait.”) You should proceed with caution if you ever encounter a channeled (or even non-channeled) message from a source outside of you, which tells you what you MUST, SHALL, WILL, SHOULD, do. This is a time for Freedom for All. You are here at this time to make your own choices in ALL parts of your life, in fact you are about to experience more freedom of the Soul than you ever thought was possible. As long as your choices do not harm another person, then you are free to make them.

You need to be watchful if you are interacting with another person who is providing directives, orders, guilt-trips, or even sharing strong opinions that urge you to act. While everyone is most certainly entitled to have their own opinion about everything, it is quite another thing entirely to force an opinion upon another person. Learn to recognize the difference between a suggestion (like a friend giving advice) and a directive (forcing you to take a specific action). Again, this is subtle, so utilize both the knowledge available to you, as well as your own intuition to advise you about how to proceed in these situations.

Over positivity:
Messages that use positivity to obscure the facts

There is nothing wrong with putting a positive spin on something. What you want to be cautious of is the systematic use of positivity to ignore, obscure or manipulate the facts. This is often a guise for misdirection (even if done subconsciously). One way this shows up is when discussing this Ascension/Shift time, is when someone says that all souls will ascend. And, certainly while most souls (by far) will successfully make it through this changing time. There will be some who do not. This is not said in judgment, it is said in fact. Just like not everyone who begins school graduates, much is the same in this situation.

If you encounter a message stating that everyone has arrived or that everyone will Ascend, this is misleading and not giving a truthful picture of what is taking place. Remember, there are certain souls who have gone against Universal Laws, and as such, there are consequences to this. There are souls who have chosen not to ascend at this time as well, but will instead live on other planes of existence.

If you are reading this message here today, or are interested in developing your spirituality and relationship with yourself in one little bit, then you will move through this changing time successfully.

For those who are unfamiliar with the term Ascend as it is used here, it simply means to move fully into the 5D energy. This can happen either in a physical body, or upon transition to the other side. Neither life nor death is assurance for Ascension. Ascension takes place on an energetic level, and can be completed either while living in a physical body or upon death for those who have reached the end of their life at this time. Ascension is opening up to the full expansiveness of your Being! It is turning your body system from a remote controlled vehicle into a self-propelled vehicle.

Why you need to be careful of these messages is because using over-positivity is a sign that the individual is prone to manipulate circumstances to make someone feel better for the gain of the writer/author/channel.

Me, Me, Me:
Messages all about the author/writer

Experience is the best teacher, and many times someone will use their personal experience to demonstrate a lesson. This is just fine. What you want to watch for is a pattern of humble bragging, or messages that put attention back to the writer. Look for phrases that indicate the author/speaker/teacher is using themselves as an example for how to be/live, or a consistent use of comments where they are seeking out congratulations or praise from others. As in “look what I did today” “I accomplished this” “I helped with that” “It makes me sad when some does this” etc. These types of messages indicate that the individual is allowing their Ego to lead the communication process.

Hidden Pride:
Messages where the author is unable to take ownership in the fact that they brought forth the message

This is the opposite side to the same coin as above. This person is so focused on giving their energy away to everyone else, and often they cannot even accept a compliment. Hidden pride shows up as blame, judgment, anger, and frustration with others. These messages tend to be about giving your entire power/self/identity away to someone or something else. They can sound like they are written in humility, but this is VERY dangerous. If you are asked to give away a piece of who you are in any way, run away from the message!!

There is a balance that needs to be obtained on the quest for self-empowerment. Everyone is special, and yet no one is special. Everyone is unique and beautiful, but yet no one is better than another. Study these statements and feel how both parts of the statements are necessary. When someone only focuses on one side of the statement, things can get out of balance very quickly.

Discernment summary

The old energy and old way of doing things is falling away completely. As it does, it is still just as important to become aware of how to practice your discernment. Remember, in this time of spiritual liberation, not everyone will feel at ease with the process. As personal Egos try to hold on to the old way of doing things, many of the above listed scenarios will show up in their written or spoken communications. There is bound to be misinformation continuing to be presented still for a time.|

How does this Free-For-All time feel?

For the most part, this time feels open, expansive and very freeing. But, for some people it can also feel overwhelming, and a bit scary. This is because the old energetic structures that have been in place for so long are dismantling and will be gone shortly. On an individual level, for some there was a feeling of being accustomed to operating from this structured grid (even if that grid created an energetic ceiling on humanity’s full expansiveness), and so they will continue to try to use that grid until it is totally no more.

Now that this grid is dismantling, there is a strange feeling, much like being leaf that is blowing in the wind. You are free, but cannot predict the next moment. For some individuals, that feels wonderful because they have already learned how to steer their leaf. But, for others it feels very scary, like they are losing control on the reality they had gotten used to. These individuals simply have not yet learned how to use their new navigation tools, and there will certainly be an adjustment period.

Just relax and open up to your true expansiveness. There truly are no limits to what you can do, and to who you can be. If you feel any old limited beliefs creep in, transform them into your positive vision of your future. Visualize your energy growing in an expanded fashion. Feel the body open up and the chakras expand and complete their upgrade. Open to receive the new, trust that your personal Ascension process will unfold in the best manner for you.

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