with audio day of post: http://www.oraclereport.com/
Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign
Moon in Aries
Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)
God of Will: Ian (God of The East)
Skill: observe and learn
Catalysts for Change: cornered, overwhelmed by emotions and information, emotional barriers, angry outbursts, being on the edge and not realizing it, heavy-hearted, reliance on old structures and systems for needs, not seeing consequences of one's actions
True Alignments: planning, alternatives, changing with the seasons, taking a chance or a leap of faith, coming to terms with the reality of something, overcoming, completion
Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: "a mature woman reawakened to romance"
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres"
The last day of Mercury's retrograde often feels like a hot summer day without wind. Air is stagnant and nothing moves.
Trying to force or push things forward runs contrary to the energy. Pushing forward results in frustration and befuddlement. It's best to detach and let things be. It seems I write "let it be" a lot nowadays, but we are learning how to "be" smarter, not struggle harder. This means understanding how to work with the energies, not against them.
Of course, we aren't giving up on things, we just recognize that the "music of the spheres" (the energetics of the planets) is dissonant today. Mercury winnows things down to basic components. If those basic components are not in resonance or aligned toward the same things, Mercury attempts to revise or rectify it. If something was trying to come to light or to be revised during Mercury's retrograde, it's last chance comes today. Tomorrow, constriction within the fields of consciousness and experience will release, and communications, messages, telecoms, and electronics will "snap" into a better alignment. They won't snap back into place, where they were; things have changed. They snap into a different place. If Mercury retrograded in aspect to a planet in your natal chart (14 Gemini) , tomorrow you will find yourself in a much different situation than you did on May 18.
One thing that this round of Mercury retrograde delivered was increased abilities to communicate with people with our minds. The Sabian symbol of the degree of Mercury's retrograde is "two people, living far apart, in telepathic communication." Communication without the use of technology is working its way toward becoming standard. The energetic connection between like-minded people (and also between people aligned or aligning with their soul family) is surpassing the previously-held limitations of space and time. Many people are already intuiting and experiencing this.
A preponderance of active and even aggressive energy continues to churn with the Sun and Mars in conjunction this week. Mars wants to move things forward and the Sun empowers this tendency, so we really want things to move forward but Mercury has things on lock until tomorrow.
A Sun-Mars conjunction brings up anger and it's twin, depression. If this is your experience, something is trying to change. What is not working? If you are a Virgo or Pisces or have the Black Moon in Virgo or Pisces, this energy is sweeping all the way to your core. It wants to break you free from any fears that are holding you back or anything else that is holding you back. You are on the edge of breakthrough.
Wise owls will take today's energetic signature of being able to see what's shaping up for the near future and use that knowledge accordingly. We will watch this day closely.
(Addendum with today's audio recording of the Report.)
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