Akashic Transformations
May 2016 Message
by Jen Eramith
From the Akashic Records: An Excerpt from the Message of May 2016
Are there particular exercises that will help us harness the energy this month?
It will be beneficial for you to make your physical bodies stronger, taller, and steadier. With any physical activities you engage in, focus on doing them a little more slowly and mindfully so that you can stand taller. Use your core strength and engage muscles in a way that helps you be steady on your feet. This will support your ability to be focused and more effective with each motion that you take. This focus can be through formal physical exercise, and it can also be through something as simple as lifting a pan off the stove or moving a piece of paper from one desk to another. This is a time to use your physical posture and your physical body to reinforce a sense of empowerment, a sense of calm, centered power.
It will also be beneficial to pay attention to people around you as if you have been assigned to watch over them. Think of yourself as an angel in disguise. Look for what people may need and offer it in any small way you can. Think of yourself as the sacred steward of those around you. You are not meant to interfere or get involved in other people's drama, but instead to look for small ways to make life easier.
Do not be frugal this month. Withholding your energy or kindness this month will only make you smaller. Instead, be very generous in small everyday moments. You are not meant to give away too much, you are not meant to sacrifice yourself, but you are meant to be a bigger person than you usually are. Strive to be the kinder, more loving, and more thoughtful person in the room...
May 2016 Message
by Jen Eramith
From the Akashic Records: An Excerpt from the Message of May 2016
To access the full monthly message including all of the information the
Keepers have to share about this month, please login above. If you're
not a member, consider joining Akashic Transformations, and compare the benefits of membership to public access before joining!
What energy and experiences can we expect in May 2016?
The energy this month continues to be uplifting, moving upward as it was in April, but it also becomes more grounded and focused. Instead of finding things moving unexpectedly, this month you will find that the upliftment becomes unified. This can be very reassuring and inspiring.
The sensation of the energy this month is as if you are standing tall and someone has a string on your heart, gently pulling it directly upward. This is an image that is often used in yoga classes. The metaphor we wish to impart is the sense that your heart is lifting bravely and proudly upward and outward. This is the month when the heart expansion of 2016 really becomes evident.
This month you will be called to be braver and stronger, kinder and more loving. You will be called to take pride in who you are and to take pride in your actions. This is a time to open your heart to what is happening rather than rushing through or just trying to survive. This is a time for you to take a deep breath, stand tall, and try to be bigger than the challenges that face you. And all of this must be grounded in love for yourself -- otherwise it will deplete you.
If you can stand and expand into love, you will find that this month will be incredibly, incredibly empowering. It may be difficult. Many of you will face great challenges this month. Yet every challenge is set up by your soul to create a situation where you can be bigger and better than you ever have been before.
The energy this month continues to be uplifting, moving upward as it was in April, but it also becomes more grounded and focused. Instead of finding things moving unexpectedly, this month you will find that the upliftment becomes unified. This can be very reassuring and inspiring.
The sensation of the energy this month is as if you are standing tall and someone has a string on your heart, gently pulling it directly upward. This is an image that is often used in yoga classes. The metaphor we wish to impart is the sense that your heart is lifting bravely and proudly upward and outward. This is the month when the heart expansion of 2016 really becomes evident.
This month you will be called to be braver and stronger, kinder and more loving. You will be called to take pride in who you are and to take pride in your actions. This is a time to open your heart to what is happening rather than rushing through or just trying to survive. This is a time for you to take a deep breath, stand tall, and try to be bigger than the challenges that face you. And all of this must be grounded in love for yourself -- otherwise it will deplete you.
If you can stand and expand into love, you will find that this month will be incredibly, incredibly empowering. It may be difficult. Many of you will face great challenges this month. Yet every challenge is set up by your soul to create a situation where you can be bigger and better than you ever have been before.
Are there particular exercises that will help us harness the energy this month?
It will be beneficial for you to make your physical bodies stronger, taller, and steadier. With any physical activities you engage in, focus on doing them a little more slowly and mindfully so that you can stand taller. Use your core strength and engage muscles in a way that helps you be steady on your feet. This will support your ability to be focused and more effective with each motion that you take. This focus can be through formal physical exercise, and it can also be through something as simple as lifting a pan off the stove or moving a piece of paper from one desk to another. This is a time to use your physical posture and your physical body to reinforce a sense of empowerment, a sense of calm, centered power.
It will also be beneficial to pay attention to people around you as if you have been assigned to watch over them. Think of yourself as an angel in disguise. Look for what people may need and offer it in any small way you can. Think of yourself as the sacred steward of those around you. You are not meant to interfere or get involved in other people's drama, but instead to look for small ways to make life easier.
Do not be frugal this month. Withholding your energy or kindness this month will only make you smaller. Instead, be very generous in small everyday moments. You are not meant to give away too much, you are not meant to sacrifice yourself, but you are meant to be a bigger person than you usually are. Strive to be the kinder, more loving, and more thoughtful person in the room...
additional information about this month, including specific information
about what to avoid and watch out for this month, and a special message
from the Keepers about the potent energy of this month, consider
joining Akashic Transformations as a member. Compare the benefits of membership to public access before joining!
can receive an excerpt from the Monthly Message, updated channelings,
and additional insights from the Akashic Records by signing up for our free newsletter.
This Message was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith MA through Akashic Transformations.
It may be shared with individuals provided that the
content is complete; all credit is given to the author; and it is
distributed for no financial or other compensation to anyone other than
Jen Eramith and Akashic Transformations. Please include this message
with all redistribution.
For official distribution rights, please contact Jen.
You can receive an excerpt of the Monthly Message by email each month by signing up for our free newsletter.
If you would like to consult the Records about your life or any other personal question, please schedule a Personal Consultation from Jen.
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