Heads up - Mercury Retrograde officially starts today. This can send phones, computers, electronics etc haywire so if you've been getting the nudge to back up files and photo's, you might want to get onto that now.
you buy anything like a computer or car over the next few weeks, double
check and triple check everything. Same goes for signing contracts of
any kind. Some people steer clear from signing contracts over a Mercury
Retro, while others love it because it means that it will be easy to
re-negotiate later down the track.
and people from the past often swing our way in a Mercury Retro. Maybe a
job offer didn't work out at some point, but out of the blue you'll get
a call and be offered that same job now. Perhaps there has been a
project just sitting there for the longest time. A Mercury Retrograde
can have you picking it up again, resolving to get it finished this
Mercury is
retrograding in Taurus, the sign that loves to show us how we value
ourselves, and what we think we are worth. This can come up with money,
income, relationships, self-care and self-nurturing. You might draw some
lines in the sand, or set new groundrules for yourself and your life,
committing to a new level of allowing more of what you need into your
life - and less of what you don't.
Remember, Mars and Pluto (and Saturn and Jupiter) are in retrograde too so they are all influencing each other in this little retrograde party.
will be asking "How are your energy levels? Do you need to take a step
back and ease up on the pedals? Do you need to put your foot down and
accelerate faster than you usually do?"
Pluto will be there with his strong presence making sure you are in your authentic power, and using it wisely and for good.
is a LOT of energy whirling around right now because everybody's inner
stuff is being churned up and IF someone isn't owning whatever they need
to own, it is resulting in major chaos. People are projecting onto
others left, right and centre, subconsciously wanting someone else to
hold what they can't. Or it's all imploding and feeling like a huge
emotional collapse.
As much
as possible try to stay in your centre. Feel your connection to your
inner light and your soul. Listen to any messages that are wanting your
attention. When you see that someone is swirling in drama that they are
not wanting to address, it is usually a good idea to not step into that
Feel your way into
(or out of) everything. Check in with your body. Does it feel flowing
with what you are doing (or thinking to do), or does it tense up? If it
tenses up, do you need to shift some thoughts or beliefs before
continuing to move forward or is your body showing you your authentic
truth and telling you clearly "Not this way."
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Have a lovely weekend!
How are you all feeling? xx
(c) Dana Mrkich 2016
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Life & Soul
Mercury retrograde
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