Sunday, July 30, 2017

Denise Le Fay: August 2017 Solar Eclipse & the Physical Separation of Worlds

August 2017 Solar Eclipse & the Physical Separation of Worlds

I’ve tried to write this particular article since July 16th and every time I tried to do much of anything, I’ve had to lay down and do nothing but release more, expand more and Embody more NEW higher Light and deal with the natural physical aches, pressures, pains, hot flashes and related sweating purging, and related anomalies of doing so. This severe amplification started for me on July 16th and lasted that whole week. I assumed it was just a “tough week” and that I’d feel better the next week but these same extra intense AEP (Ascension Embodiment Process) side effects continued into the next week and are still happening as I write this today, July 27th. Some of these side effects have felt being very weak, muscle weakness, joint aches and pains, inner heat hot flashes and shock-like sweating from burning off more density, head spinning, head feeling cosmic-sized and very “spacey” from Embodying more and moving into expanded NEW space etc., linear time not being linear at all and needing to get better at dealing with that, increased anomalies happening such as small physical objects showing up in my house I didn’t buy or weren’t given to me etc., other objects disappearing for periods of time, two atomic clocks and one electric (not batteries but a plug into a wall outlet) clock all suddenly displaying different times at the same time, Seeing/seeing energies and lights and groups of lights and energies in strange clustered shapes moving through my house, and other amplified high weirdness including feeling extra strange and painful in NEW ways continues. I’m still amazed at how I can feel so empowered, increasingly sovereign and at times blissful and all beat-up physically at the same time sometimes!

All to be expected (and more) due to the ongoing Separation of Worlds happening fully in the physical level finally, which the full Solar Eclipse across the USA (Forerunner with this) in August 2017 during the Lion’s Gate has been greatly amplifying since mid-July. Things have and will continue to get increasingly intense, cause more and new physical body aches and pains for some of the Forerunners, unusual otherworldly Spherical Consciousness and reality periods for those energetically able to cope with being conscious of their multidimensionality, and increasingly confusing and frustrating for many others as greater chunks of the old lower 3D patriarchal world and reality rapidly disappears the rest of this year and beyond.

These NEW higher energies of July 2017, have been hard to Embody and do much of anything physical which is why it’s taken me longer than I’d have preferred to get this article written, edited and published. I’m pushing the issue because I know that many other Forerunners have been feeling these NEW higher and very amplified energies in July too, and we know they’re only going to get more expansive with what’s coming throughout August and that we are and will continue to Embody more and more.

I’ve been hot flashing and sweating like crazy again almost every time I move physically, plus I ache most of the time, hurting in new places, purging, expanding, dizzy, ungrounded in those old earthy ways, and feeling rather lousy physically due to these seriously higher July energies. More about that in a moment but I’m using this old cartoon lion image I bought last year for the annual August Running of the Lions as I like to call the Lion’s Gate period, because it makes me smile and remember that no matter how spectacular, how painful, how painfully spectacular, how blissful, otherworldly and simultaneously beat-up feeling I’ve often felt during much of the first-half of 2017, that we’ve reached that long-awaited point where the Separation of Worlds is happening fully in the physical finally, and it shows finally to most everyone, which is very important and a further global quickening in itself.

I’ve had specific Higher Awareness knowings since the start of 2017 about 2017, plus recent visual images/information coming in one after another that show what’s going on now, why, and how important it is within the entire Ascension and Embodiment Processes. The primary knowing that’s been a constant for me since January 2017, has been a higher perspective comparison of the start of the physical biological level of the Ascension Process in 1998–1999, AND the start of the physical level Separation of Worlds & Timelines in 2017. That’s a big multi-leveled sentence so re-read and float in it for a moment if needed for a greater perspective on what’s being experienced now in 2017 by everyone at radically different levels (Stair-steps) and why.

Every time I’d have this particular knowing comparison of 1998–1999 with 2017, I’d cringe slightly because my physical, biological, physical body Ascension Process began fully on February 1, 1999, and was profoundly brutal for a decade. Having 2017 be compared to that was a bit unnerving for me earlier this year, but I understand the comparisons between these two super powerhouse activation points within the evolutionary Ascension Process and Galactic Alignment.

1998–1999 was the halfway point of the Sun transiting across the Milky Way Galactic Equator (GE) and the Ascension Process (AP) got triggered on the physical level and dimension then due to the Sun reaching that alignment or exact conjunction point. The Forerunners of the Forerunners, the Forerunners, the Wayshowers and Pathpavers etc. were activated physically, biologically first then to begin the AP in their physical bodies.

2017 is the completion and exit point of the Sun starting, reaching the halfway point, and finally completing and exiting out the other side of this rare evolutionary alignment transit across the Milky Way Galactic Equator. Reaching this 2017 completion point of this cosmic transit fully activates the Separation of Worlds & Timelines physically on the physical level. It is also triggering NEW and slightly different AP and EP symptoms or side effects in the Forerunners of the Forerunners and the Forerunners which is why some of us have felt more physically beat-up and achy, dizzy, hot flashing, purging, not anywhere we’re used to having been and much more this month. It felt like it felt to each of us back in 1998–1999 when we were activated to start the AP in our physical bodies, and it feels like it feels to each of us now in 2017 as we complete and exit this lengthy and incomprehensibly potent natural evolutionary transit of the Sun across the Milky Way Galactic Equator. It hurt entering this, and it’s hurting exiting it and ascending into the NEW and that’s perfectly okay, just realize the why of your amplified NEW aches and pains of late plus other related side effects and anomalies etc. manifesting not only this year but much more so in July 2017. August should and will be epic and literally propel us into higher NEW locations that are a frequency match to each of us during these mega transitions.

One of these has been the repeated higher image of the floor under my feet dropping away yet I’m able to continue being supported in NEW, higher frequency ways and through my own ongoing Embodiment and growing sovereignty and higher abilities. The floor under my feet disappearing represents the old 3D patriarchal Earth world all of us were born into. It informs us that those old lower Codes for that Earth world and matching global reality structure (old Saturn energies Team Dark distorted) no longer exist and no longer have any energy being directed into them whatsoever. They are disintegrating under humanities Piscean Age feet and yet we’re supported because we’ve Embodied the NEW Evolutionary Cycle’s Codes or blueprints or templates. This image informs us that a lot more of the old lower patriarchal Earth world reality we incarnated into is about to disappear in much larger chunks than anything that’s happened so far, and to not energetically fall into fear over any of this. The August 2017 energies will dramatically escalate this entire process of the Separation of Worlds & Timelines much faster now in the physical than what could happen before so be aware of this and don’t panic when old stuff and systems etc. suddenly disappears in greater, larger and faster ways than what’s been happening for the past twenty-five years or so already. Other higher NEW things will replace them and they will be so much better for you and for All. Trust the Ascension Process and this Separation of Worlds phase of it. Who are the Conscious Creators of the NEW? Those who’ve Embodied it.

The other side of this floor under my feet dropping away process is that of releasing even more from myself (sense of self, old habits, old beliefs, old thoughts and emotions) to make space for more Light/Higher Self/crystalline Christ frequency consciousness currently being Embodied. That floor dropping away is both external stuff and internal stuff so be ready to off-load even more of your old lower stuff—whatever that is at this point within the AP and EP for you personally—because these two Processes always happen simultaneously now. Old lower frequency junk out while NEW higher and much better comes in and is Embodied by each of us.
From a Single Crown of Thorns to Individuals Wearing Crowns of Light

Another Higher Awareness image and information I’ve Seen and perceived repeatedly for a while has been, and this is unusual for me because I’m not and never have been religious in this life, an overhead image of the Crown of Thorns. No head of Jesus, no intentional Emotional Body manipulations or hooks, just an overhead image of a Crown of Thorns in black and white like this image. The accompanying information was about the crucifixion having been done to all of humanity, not just one person or being. Another reminder that the deliberately distorted negativity around the entire Age of Pisces primary world religions is one of those things that’s disappearing beneath humanities Piscean Age feet now. These two main world religions that have been inserted into the human collective for the past Age of Pisces (2,160 plus years) is one of those deliberately distorted old Codes that’s no longer supported energetically because they’re not aligned with real Light and LOVE and are literally disintegrating and disappearing because of that.


The Higher Awareness image I received immediately following the Crown of Thorns energy imprint is that of the upcoming August 2017 full Solar Eclipse corona. The moment I Saw these two images—the old negative Crown of Thorns and the August 2017 full Solar Eclipse corona—I knew they were informing us that the old limited, imprisoned and crucified energies that had been laid on mass humanity for the past two thousand plus years is over and being replaced with the thing itself; higher frequency, higher evolutionary, higher world consciousness that is individuals capable of Embodying and existing with a Crown of Light, a Solar Christ Crown. Could these two images with their radically different energies, consciousness and global realities be any further apart? This particular evolutionary event alone is such a huge and massive energy, consciousness and reality shift that it takes some time to even consider the consequences of this upcoming and ongoing unfolding Embodiment event(s). Separation of Worlds indeed!

Most won’t know what to do with this sudden falling away of one of many negative contraptions that have deliberately held them captive at a very low-level of being, awareness and external physical reality and life. This one change (but there’s many happening simultaneously) is so huge and globally encompassing, even for those of us who’ve never believed in the Piscean Age religious myths yet have lived our lives in the global human collective that did and still do, that it’s going to change humanity so completely and relatively quickly that it will amaze and uplift All. Breath, release, Embody more. Rinse and repeat as many times as needed cause this one is a biggie for sure. The con is over and now it’s time to do IT ourselves individually. Open your HighHeart, become Embodied crystal/Christ frequency and consciousness and wear the NEW Crown of Light yourself. External reality will follow for All but this is a DIY affair for each Forerunner first as usual.

Another very helpful bit of information about this huge Shift/Process/Separation of Worlds down in the physical happening now was something Sandra Walter said recently in one of her articles. Thank you for it and much more Sandra. It was that of the August 2017 full Solar Eclipse as a Solar corona which is a Crown.

This upcoming August Solar Eclipse corona/Crown has to do with our  Embodying a huge NEW amount of crystalline Christ frequency energies and consciousness into our bodies and selves now in July and throughout August and the rest of this year and beyond. The old negative Crown of Thorns is no more and is being replaced by NEW HighHeart crystalline Christ frequency energy and consciousness by each individual person that’s ready to do so. That is one hell of an evolutionary jump fellow Forerunners! What’s that building pressure in your Crown chakra above your physical head? It’s much more crystalline Christ Light Energies coming in and being Embodied by you/me/us.
I did my best to find images that represent these profound events and Processes the Forerunners and mass humanity are and will be going through. They’re always lacking to me but it’s the best I could find to help visually express some of these massive transformations, highly compressed evolution, the physical level Separation of Worlds, beliefs and consciousness. One reader wrote a Comment on another article recently that in her meditations a Lion shows up on the beach with her. Leo the Lion is the opposite sign to Aquarius the Cosmic or Galactic Human, and Leo is ruled by the Sun and rules the 5D and higher HighHeart. Not much more needs to be said about 5D Leo! So 5D ascended human and Earth Leo, plus ancient Sirian Lions, Hearts and HighHearts and individuals Embodying Crowns of Krystic/Crystal/Christ frequency Light Crowns via the August 2017 full Solar Eclipse and more. [This morning, July 23, 2017, was the New Moon at 0° Leo 44′ indicating we’ve entered this phase already.] Our spiritual HighHeart cups and plates are full, and overflowing. Just deal, feel, release, expand and Embody more.

Want more NEW? Want higher world reality and life for yourself and All else? Want to live in a very high NEW Earth world and reality? The quickest way for that to happen for each of us is to off-load, release, let go of EVERYTHING that was the old lower frequency, lower consciousness, lower reality Earth world and life in it. The more we Forerunners release the old lower everything internally and externally, the quicker and more effortlessly the vastly higher NEW EVERYTHING can come in, be Embodied, be anchored and be manifest for more and more people globally. Now that sounds easy, but as more of us have discovered since 2013, it actually takes tons of very hard Inner Work, trust, Higher Knowing, HighHeart and nitty-gritty soul determination to walk between worlds and stars and star systems and realities and collectives and not have much of anything under our NEW feet yet. There is but you know what I mean. Increased sovereignty from ongoing Embodiment, and now putting on the NEW Christ frequency Crown of Light ourselves, is getting this job done however.

Here’s to your/my/our ongoing Service Work to Source, Self-as-Source and ALL everywhere.

July 27, 2017

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author(s) and this URL and Copyright Notice are included.

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