THE ORACLE REPORT: Tuesday, July 25, 2017

New Moon Phase:
  begin, intend

Moon in Virgo

Sun: 04 Leo (2:37 pm ET/6:37 pm UT) - "a man, formally dressed, stands near trophies he brought back from a hunting expedition"
Higher Expression:  willpower, successful venture, achievements,  a win
Lower Expression:  displaying to show off, conquests, the need to prove something

Earth: 04 Aquarius (2:37 pm ET/6:37 pm UT) - "a Hindu healer"
Higher Expression: spiritual solutions, finding alternatives, focus and discipline for healing
Lower Expression:  lacking in rational thought, pretense, unfounded

Mercury moves out of Leo and into Virgo at 7:42 pm ET/11:42 pm UT.  Mercury in Leo can be hot-headed and fast-acting, but Mercury in Virgo heals our minds.  Tackling problems or complications are a specialty of Virgo energy.  We find the answers we need to solve things.

Chiron rules Virgo.  Today, the Sun and Mars meet up to make exact square with the Chiron Point, delivering healing and learning to difficult situations.  Chiron is the Healer of Healers; with the Earth discharging "a Hindu healer," we are in good hands.  The pain of life is mended by Chiron.  Today we have a very special opportunity to evaluate the status of things and make space for wisdom and healing to occur.

The doctor is in!  Ask for what you need from the divine healing energies.