THE ORACLE REPORT: Thursday, July 20, 2017

Balsamic Moon Phase:  release the old to prepare for the new

Moon in Gemini

SUN:  29 Cancer - "a Greek muse weighing newborn twins in golden scales"
     Higher Expression:  choices or alternatives, seeing commonality, birth of ideas, hopes and wishes
     Lower Expression:  comparing to others, splitting, out of balance

EARTH:  29 Capricorn - "a woman reading tea leaves"
     Higher Expression: seeing patterns and symbols, information about course or direction, portents of the future
     Lower Expression:  lack of trust in self and intuition, hopeless, unable to accept the truth or reality

Mars has moved into Leo, preparing the way for the New Moon on Sunday as it discharges the energetic of the New Moon, "under emotional stress, blood rushes to a man's head."  It is extra-important today to not be resistant or inflexible.  Essentially, with this energetic we have to slow down and "go with the flow" to avoid a head rush (and other headaches).

This comes today on a Black Moon Day.  Recall from yesterday's report with a few additions:

The Moon has entered Gemini, transiting opposite the Black Moon in Sagittarius.  This makes the next couple of days what I call "Black Moon Days" -- the twice monthly opportunity we have to make friends with our "shadow sides" and birth a new version of ourselves.  Though Black Moon Days always bring us to a more enlightened place, the wisdom is often hard-earned.  We tend to project our shadow sides (what we fear we lack in ourselves) onto others.  People's tempers can become heated, and what one feels about oneself is mirrored in what one accuses another of being or doing.

Those with the Sun, Chiron, or Black Moon in Gemini or Sagittarius are experiencing the rebirthing effects of the Black Moon more sharply than the rest of us.  Remember that a newer version of you is being created from the old you that is falling away (or purging or burning away).  This process will end in early November.  It is a temporary, but highly potent time -- one of the most transformative of your life.

The often-forgotten part of Black Moon transits is that they bring great blessings.  This is even stronger when Venus becomes involved, as it is right now.  The Moon will conjunct Venus at 7:38 am ET/11:38 am UT and Venus will make exact opposition with the Black Moon at 1:19 pm ET/5:19 pm UT.  When Venus and the Black Moon combine, relationships come under focus. When the Moon is in Gemini, the relationship with OURSELVES undergoes revision.

Core issues of rejection, acceptance, approval, meaninglessness, truth, and lies are in effect for the next two days.  The objective is self-approval, self-acceptance, and the search for meaning.  This is where we aim.

Things will progressively "fire up" as the New Moon approaches.  Since Mars, which rules our energy, will be in close range (conjunction) with the New Moon, it will energize things throughout the next month.  Let's identify or get ahold of any angry feelings (feelings of personal failure or disappointment or loss) now and release them during this Balsamic Moon phase before the New Moon phase begins.  This will set us up in a much better place for the upcoming month.  Today's energy of the "twins being weighed" tells us to balance out. 

What do you need to surrender and release now?