Monday, July 17, 2017

NorthPoint Journal:  Your guide to planetary energies for July 17 to 23, 2017 By Pam Younghans

By Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects this Week
MON: Venus square Neptune, Mars square Uranus
TUE: Mars trine Chiron, Venus trine Jupiter, Mars sesquiquadrate Neptune
WED: Mercury trine Saturn
THU: Eris goes retrograde, Mars enters Leo, Venus quincunx Pluto, Sun square Uranus, Sun trine Chiron
FRI: Mercury conjunct North Node, Sun sesquiquadrate Neptune
SAT: Sun enters Leo
SUN: New Moon 2:45am PDT (9:45am GMT)

LET THE GAMES BEGIN. Each of the signs of the zodiac is associated with a long list of qualities, both positive and negative. As both Mars and the Sun enter Leo this week, and we have the first of two New Moons in the sign (the second is the Total Eclipse on August 21), both the higher-frequency and lower-frequency manifestations of Leo will increase over this week and the coming weeks.

At best, Leo the Lion is courageous, confident, social, generous, regal, creative, and child-like -- much like the transformed Cowardly Lion as seen in the last scenes of "The Wizard of Oz." At worst, Leo can be self-absorbed, egotistical, melodramatic, ferocious, power-hungry, and childish -- the roaring, in-your-face Cowardly Lion we see at the beginning of Dorothy's journey through the Land of Oz.

Each of us has choices to make as we work with this energy. Leo rules the heart in the physical body, so we will want to consider what it means to be open-hearted. And how do we use our power in our everyday interactions? Do we find creative solutions that involve others, or do we try to dominate situations and forcefully insist on our own agenda? In other words, do we rule our realms with compassion or by intimidation?

MARS AND THE SUN play pivotal roles in other ways this week, too. Before they leave Cancer, each planet forms a confrontational square aspect with Uranus. When Mars and Uranus square off on Monday, we can see unexpected, surprising, or radical actions. On the same day, a Venus-Neptune square means we'll be dealing with some confusion about who to believe.

The Earth keeps spinning on its axis, however, and planetary aspects on Tuesday and Wednesday can provide some relief from the pressure. We may feel a bit more optimistic (Venus trine Jupiter) and rational (Mercury trine Saturn) on these days, and may even feel greater trust that our story will have a happy ending (Mars trine Chiron).

ON THURSDAY, it looks like we're back in the thick of it. The dwarf planet Eris is at a standstill, perhaps proving to us why it was named after the goddess of discord. And, as mentioned earlier, Mars enters Leo on this day. Topping it all off, Thursday is also the day of the Sun-Uranus square, so drama and surprises are to be expected.

By Friday, Mercury jumps in to assist us in our efforts to develop those higher-vibrational qualities of Leo. The Messenger Planet is aligned with the North Node, providing a signpost and direction marker for the soul growth that these times are requiring.

THE SUN joins Mars in Leo on Saturday. These two planets will be traveling in close proximity for the next five weeks. Astrologer Emily Trinkaus writes in the current issue of The Mountain Astrologer that during this time, since Mars is "under the beams of the Sun":

"We may notice that our vitality and motivation are low, or we may feel confused about our desires and direction. But this transit does serve a purpose: Old out-grown expressions of the masculine are being burnt away by the Sun's rays. Mars will gradually regain its strength, and in early September, when Mars separates from the Sun and become visible again, we'll be ready to move forward with renewed energy and clarity."

SUNDAY'S NEW MOON occurs in Leo in the early hours of the morning (2:45am PDT, 9:45am GMT). With both the Sun and Moon aligned with Mars, this lunation has strong intentions behind it. But, since Mars is under the Sun's beams, it will be interesting to see what is "burnt away" over the next four weeks -- and then how the Total Eclipse on August 21 takes us forward from there.

The keynote for next Sunday's New Moon is "Conflagration";  the Sabian symbol gives us a strong indicator of some ways that these Leonine themes could play out:

"Blood rushes to a man's head as his vital energies are mobilized under the spur of ambition: An eruption of bio-psychic energies into the ego-controlled field of consciousness." 

 control how others are affected by (or use) the energies of this new lunar cycle, each of us is the master of our own domains. We have the power, and can choose, to consciously and compassionately direct the "eruption of bio-psychic energies" to create positive changes in our lives and in the world.

Lastly, here's a brief synopsis of this New Moon from the script I wrote for last month's teleclass:

"Our new lunar month is heated in more ways than one. Some will be fanning the flames, some will be doing their best to calm them -- but no one will be sitting back, pretending they don't care."

TELECLASS REPLAY: Last chance! If you missed my recent class covering the astrological influences for the next six months, the replay and slideshow are still available for purchase for one more week. Just send an email to with "Teleclass Replay" in the subject line, and I'll reply with details.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Many changes are on the agenda for you this year. It's time to break free from old self-definitions that have limited you or are beginning to feel too confining for the person you aspire to be. This can be a very creative year, as you tap into your knowing of what will be most fulfilling for you and are more willing to take risks. Your impatience and restlessness will increase until you gather the courage needed to take the leap into your new future. But your ideas are sound and your discipline strong, so you will not be without resources as you take that leap of faith.

In peace,


Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2017. All rights reserved.

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