Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Akashic Records of August 2017 by Jen Eramith (an excerpt from the Monthly Message):

The Akashic Records of August 2017 by Jen Eramith
(an excerpt from the Monthly Message):

The energy moves quickly this month. It is like a fast-moving river or a big wind blowing. Yet time moves slowly this month, so it may feel like this month goes on forever. There is potential for so much to occur as energy moves quickly and time moves slowly -- so there is even more time to get things done. This can be a very productive month for many of you. It can be an optimistic, enlightening, and exhilarating month. Everything is out in the open this month.

Amidst all that fast-moving energy, there is a stronger potential for crashing. While some of you will soar through the entire month, many will find yourselves crashing into things every now and then. At an individual level, this means that you may enter conflicts that seem bigger than usual or more important than usual. You may run into a roadblock when trying to get something done, or you may have something physically happen in your life that stops you in your tracks. This will be different for everyone.

There is no need to fear. Your individual life is choreographed by your spirit beings and your loved ones. You will have the crashes that you need to help you redirect yourself and learn the lessons that you need, just like always. It is just that this month’s energy is bigger and faster so the crashes will be more obvious. When things are going well, it will feel especially good this month. When things go wrong, they are going to go wrong dramatically. Everything is more obvious in August 2017 because things are bigger and there is a sweeping energy.

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