THE ORACLE REPORT: Friday, July 14, 2017

Disseminating Moon Phase:  share, communicate

Moon in Pisces/Aries 7:53 pm ET/11:53 pm UT

SUN: 23 Cancer - " the meeting of a literary society"

     Higher Expression:  striving to find and share what is truly meaningful
     Lower Expression: falsity, manipulation, mind control

EARTH: 23 Capricorn - "a soldier receiving two awards for bravery in combat"

     Higher Expression: efforts rewarded, appreciation and recognition of self and of others
     Lower Expression:  seeking appreciation from others, feelings of guilt

Last night, the Sun released an M2 class CME at 10:09 pm ET/02:09 am UT during an amazing two hour eruption.  What was Sabaoth's (the Sun's) message?  We look to the degree of the Moon at the time of the CME.  The Moon was located at 18' Pisces 12" with the accompanying energy of "a master instructing his disciple."  (Smile.)  Wisdom, we are attending.

Not coincidentally, the Moon was making a square with the Black Moon, and a trine to the Sun at the time of the CME.  Of particular note are sextiles with the Earth and with Pluto (with the sextile to Pluto THIS CLOSE, as Pluto was at 18' Capricorn 01").  Thus, the CME strongly enhances the energetic of Pluto at "a child of about five carrying a huge shopping bag filled with groceries" and brings more energy to RELIEVE BURDENS.

As this solar storm continues today, interactions may be fast and furious.  Be aware that the Moon will conjunct Chiron at 5:40 pm ET/9:40 pm UT at 29 Pisces, "light breaking through into many colors as it passes through a prism."  Chiron brings healing, but it is often quite emotional.  Past traumas are triggered.  Combined with the theme of releasing burdens, we can break through, sort out, and find light.  Whatever happens today, let's put it through a prism, and see the myriad of possibilities that are revealed.

Happy Friday, wise owls, and happy Independence Day, French-style!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Disseminating Moon Phase:  share, communicate

Moon in Pisces

SUN: 22 Cancer - "a young woman awaiting a sailboat"

  Higher Expression: adjustment of expectations, recognizing one's blessings
  Lower Expression:   missing out on opportunities

EARTH: 22 Capricorn - "a general accepting defeat gracefully"

  Higher Expression:  recognizing self worth, adapting to changes
  Lower Expression:  negative attitude, self-sabotage