Thursday, July 13, 2017

Robert David Steele - #UNRIG | The Deep State | July 2017 |πŸ‘‍πŸ—¨End Of Days | Coast to Coast AM | EOD 48

If you are still unclear about what the Deep State is and does, this is a great overview. ~PB
Published on Jul 9, 2017
Episode 48: Give Every Man Thy Ear But Few Thy Voice

Michael opens the show by introducing tonight’s guest. Robert David Steele is an internationally acclaimed intelligence author and practitioner with 30 years of service in intelligence. He is a former CIA case officer and is co-founder of the United States Marine Corps Intelligence Command. Recently, he founded Open Source Solutions and is now the Chief Enabling Officer of Earth Intelligence Network.

The media hit job backfired. They put words in his mouth. It was orchestrated by a known pedophile to distract people from his three minutes on Alex Jones “that really mattered.” He says pedophilia is the Achilles heel of the Deep State. The face on Mars is a fact. He never said there was child slavery on Mars.

He rips apart FOX News, tells us how we’re being poisoned...

The media hit job on him has caused him to look more deeply at NASA, which he believes is co-equal to the CIA as an “evil entity.” He tells us why.

For a taste of “how evil our government has become,” he recommends two books: Trance: Formation of America by Cathy O’Brien, and Project Human Extinction: The Ultimate Conspiracy by Chris Thomas and Dave Morgan.

He says, “A lot of people who watch YouTube don’t read.” Burning Crap. “Most history is a lie.”

Robert believes that Vice President Mike Pence – unlike President Trump – has been fully briefed on NASA’s bases in space as well as their capabilities and will become NASA’s protector. He says NASA is home base for the Neo-Nazis that think they own the United States of America and that it’s time to shut NASA down.

Pedophilia and sodomy are being used as the elite initiation ritual and the elite blackmail ritual.


  1. Jordan Sather Interviews Robert David Steele #UNRIG & Suppressed Technologies
    Victurus Libertas VL
    Published on Jun 5, 2017

    Robert David Steele interview with Jordan Sather of Destroying the Illusion. This is a mirror of that interview with the permission of RDS and Jordan. Thanks, guys!

    Robert David Steele is the Chief Enabling Officer (CeO) of Earth Intelligence Network and is devoted to teaching holistic analytics, and open source everything engineering. He is a former CIA clandestine services officer and was the second highest ranking civilian in US Marine Intelligence. He is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the 2017 cycle for his work into open source intelligence.

    In this interview we discuss in #Unrig campaign to push for electoral reform, how Donald Trump can work to defeat the Deep State, and the potential humanity could have once suppressed and hidden technologies are released.

    Robert can be found on his personal website and his public intelligence blog:

    Jordan's info:
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    Victurus Libertas info:
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    1. Re: Seth Rich murder: "Trump and Sessions are not being given all of the data the NSA, the FBI and the CIA have on the Seth Rich murder. It's being withheld from Trump and the Attorney General. He really needs to figure out how to get the Intelligence Community straightened out.........the reality is that Seth Rich was covered up just like John Kennedy was covered up..." -RDS

  2. "What else is on those emails? Child Sex Trafficking. And this is one of the reasons why Seth Rich had to be murdered. He had to know what was on there. He talks, people go to prison. Also, the Federal Prosecuter in Deborah Wasserman-Schultz's district, who was found bludgeoned to death, who was looking at voter fraud, and who was looking at these emails that had already been released. Not all of them but some of them had been released, and he's murdered to cover this up. Does this tell you how extensive Murder Inc. is in the DNC? But they could NOT send this information to the FBI." -The Common Sense Show

    Breaking-Podesta Exposed at the G20 Conference
    The Common Sense Show
