THE ORACLE REPORT: Monday, July 24, 2017

New Moon Phase:
  begin, intend

Moon in Leo

SUN: 03 Leo (1:30 pm ET/5:30 pm UT) - "a mature woman, keeping up with the times, having her hair bobbed"
Higher Expression:  switching attitudes, positive outlook, inner self, assertive
Lower Expression: changes that are only superficial, reliance on appearance, masking true self

EARTH: 03 Aquarius (1:30 pm ET/5:30 pm UT) - "a deserter from the navy"
Higher Expression:  decisions based on morals, acceptance of consequences, handling challenges (especially emotional challenges)
Lower Expression:  intolerable rules, pressure, escape, "drowning" in disappointment

Five hours before the New Moon in Leo conjunct Mars yesterday morning, there was a massive explosion on the far side of the Sun. reported that an X class flare was possible at that time, with Mars taking a direct hit.  At the reported time of the ejection, the Moon was located at 27 Cancer, "a violent storm in a canyon filled with expensive homes."  This is one of the more potent of the 360 degrees of the zodiac, so a CME at this degree carries quite a "sun storm."

With this coronal ejection, Sabaoth's (the Sun's) objective is further and faster degradation of the corrupt cabal.  Archons are being pushed "over the canyon" into the welcoming arms of their source, the aeon Sophia.  It's a win for everyone involved.

The Sun was located at this degree last Wednesday - July 19.  The CME will reinforce or re-imprint or bring some sort of re-vising to things that were going on, developing, or pervasive that day, so it may be helpful to look back to what was happening for you then.

A CME with a New Moon dramatically strengthens the energetics of the planets at the time of the New Moon, which means that the month will be a powerful one (with many changes since it is a First Quarter solar cycle - the time of stepping outside of one's box and taking action).

Mars is the planet in focus, and Mars was discharging "an epidemic of mumps" at the time of the CME and the New Moon.  Get ready for an "epidemic" of rapid fire renaissance because that is what is going to accelerate this month.  Truth spreads.  Liberty spreads.  Renaissance spreads.

While this happens this month, we will be unleashing the power of our minds, transcending negative down-spirals with the New Moon's theme of "under emotional stress, blood rushes to a man's head."  The head rush is going to change the conditions and situations of our lives and the world.

Let's "keep up with the times" today and start spreading our own form of renaissance.  Align with beauty, truth, love, and wisdom.