November's new Moon occurs on the 18th, and, it's an interesting new Moon with lots of promise and rewards, although it could have some frustration amongst the energies going on. The degree of the new Moon is Scorpio 26.19, and, it is quincunx (in a 150 degree aspect) to Uranus, and, it's semi-sextile Saturn. This can have us feeling a little held back, or, it can have us feeling that some adjustments needs to be made that can feel like going over old ground, rather than covering the new. Still, we can change a lot of our paradigms as this new Moon is trine Chiron, and that can have us examining The Stories That We Tell Ourselves in order to find where we can be changing our tune.
And, changing our tune is a very useful thing to do right now. Of course, we might be quite happy with the tune we're playing, but, other might not be, or, we might feel that we've played that tune long enough and we would do well to try out another melody - another aspects of ourselves that we can resonate with.
Part of the deal at the moment is recognising who belongs in our lives and who doesn't. We may have people appearing that are downright challenging, horrid, accusatory, dismissive, etc, and, we might wonder what we're doing continuing to entertain the thought of having them in our sphere. If they break through your boundaries, if they hurt you, accuse you, throw things at you that don't belong to you, if they are so out of left field that you don't want them in your life anymore, this can be a time to let them go, to free them up, along with freeing yourself up (which is actually more important).
After all, after Chiron is on Pisces 25: THE PURGING OF THE PRIESTHOOD, it moves onto Pisces 26: A NEW MOON REVEALS THAT IT'S TIME FOR PEOPLE TO GO AHEAD WITH THEIR DIFFERENT PROJECTS. So, it could be time for you to split off and go in a different direction OR it could be time for you to concentrate on what you need in order to grow and prosper without being concerned about other peoples' direction in amongst it. The trick is to stay focused on your needs in amongst what's going on.
Redemption and relief is possible, always, but, especially now as Saturn is smack on the Galactic Center.
With Saturn on the Galactic Center on Sagittarius 27: A SCULPTOR'S VISION IS TAKING FORM, we might be seeing our thoughts readily manifesting into situations, conversations and outcomes almost before we've had a chance to truly think about them. We are likely to find many synchronicities and psychic occurrences, some of which can be mind-blowing and revelatory. We are being asked, perhaps now more than ever, to keep a watch on our thoughts. Where are our intentions taking us? Where are we directing ourselves in our day-to-day lives?
Saturn and Chiron are square to each other, so, we are being asked to examine those stories, those tales that we tell every single day. This can equate to the things we say to ourselves about ourselves, but, it can also show up where we talk about others, along with the stories that cross our minds a million times a day which are time wasting, sabotaging, of no use or just plain useless. It's by noticing what crosses your mind that you can drop the negative or non productive thoughts with a statement of 'not useful to me', 'don't need to think about that', or, just merely switching to another mode of thought. Doing this can lead to major insights into how our mind works, and, we will find that we go into those negative time wasting spaces less and less. This is, after all, a time to drop our 'wounds', the worn-out things from the past that no longer serve us in order to move into the future less encumbered, less triggered and less reactionary.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer and The Stories That We Tell Ourselves, is on a degree that speaks of sorting out the wheat from the chaff, the good from the not-so-good, the people that we want to keep in our lives from the ones that we realise are bad for us, holding us back, undermining us, or, just generally being a damp squib sapping us of our energies. Chiron is on Pisces 25: THE PURGING OF THE PRIESTHOOD. Chiron has spent many months on this degree over the several months, and, we have had an increased awareness about (or intolerance for) those who abuse our trust, those who overstep their boundaries, those who really should not have a place of power and authority in our lives.
Adding to the ability to see where we would do well to change our lives is the trine between Saturn and Uranus. This can help us to get straight about what we want, and, it can help us to get our ducks in a row to achieve those things. We can see where we might do better by being more disciplined and organised while still being real about our desires for an authentic life; one not dictated by others against our best wishes.
One of the trickier aspects of this new Moon is the quincunx (150 degree aspect) between the new Moon and Uranus. I see the quincunx (some people call it the inconjunct) as being 'the itch that is hard to scratch'. We may see where we want to make changes, but, it's like we can't see around corners, we sometimes have to wait, to make a better or bigger plan, to make sure we can see where we're heading before making some of the bigger commitments or decisions. Or course, life goes on and we can't always delay making big decisions, but, if we can hold off and gather more information, it can be good to do it now as there might be more information to be gained.
There is also the semi-sextile from the new Moon to Saturn; this can also have us hedging our bets and holding off - if at all possible - in order to feel more sure and settled about decisions made now.
One of the bigger aspects at this new Moon is the square between Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. This has a super-charged energy about it as the Sabian Symbols for Mars around this new Moon are some of the most challenging in the entire zodiac,
These two degrees are highlighted very soon after the new Moon, and, with the square to Pluto in Capricorn 18: THE UNION JACK FLIES FROM A NEW BRITISH WARSHIP, we might find a lot of things being revealed, a lot of energies feeling rather gnarly and problematic, and, a lot of anger or frustration might result. Of course, as often happens, these Symbols may manifest on the outside, most probably in the world of politics, although it could be that we will hear more sex scandals out of the entertainment and political worlds. (A caveat here: We don't always feel all of these energies ourselves, but, we will often see them in the world around us...).
The biggest promise of this Mars/Pluto square is one of transformation. Through feeling our feelings, acknowledging what's really going on, watching and listening to the truth of matters, etc, we can have a huge transformation and one that takes us into a new way of being. We may have to see where we're being challenged to stay in our own power, to own our own truth, to stand up and be strong. This can be easier said than done, but, with careful exploration of the energies around us, we can step up to a stronger sense of self. It may be necessary to let others go from your life, to drop the stories that no longer serve around being triggered or set off in ways that no longer serve you (they probably haven't served us for a long time...).
Mars in Libra, especially with this new Moon in Scorpio, along with the square from Mars to Pluto in
This type of growth shown by Mars and Pluto in square (especially in Libra and Capricorn) can be very maturing and rewarding, but we are being asked to really identify boundaries. Fighting is not going to work, it never particularly does, but especially not now. We need to be firm and not waver or feel guilt or that we've done something wrong (unless, of course, we really feel that we have transgressed our usual boundaries, in which case we will do well to forgive ourselves and let things lie for a little while while they sort themselves out.
The pic on the right with the saying "Cut the poison out of your life..." can relate to not entertaining useless thoughts, opinions, beliefs, etc. When negative trains of thought come up, it is very useful to just drop them, let them go, say to yourself "not now, not ever, do I need to think about this", and, just drop it. Otherwise, we can find that Mars and Pluto at this Scorpionic new Moon can have us going over and over old stories, rehashing old wounds and just perpetuating the very difficulties that we would rather transcend. Out with the old and in with the new, more positive, more vibrant and more sustaining.
Of course, there's also the Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio. Jupiter on Scorpio 9: A DENTIST AT WORK, along with Venus on Scorpio 14: TELEPHONE LINESMEN AT WORK INSTALLING NEW CONNECTIONS, is a fabulous and helpful energy that can be very healing and rewarding. 'Installing new connections' can see us reaching out to new people, new opportunities, new ways of connecting with others, opportunities, places, situations, events, etc, that further us and can take us into bigger and more rewarding outcomes. Venus and Jupiter together hold the promise of so much of the good and rewarding, and, we might be surprised where it takes us as the story continues to unfold through and after this new Moon! Abundance, expansion, goodness, truth telling, etc, can prevail, especially if we stand in our power and see the goodness in the world - there truly is so much goodness to be seen, felt, experienced and celebrated!
There's more that can be said about this full Moon (there always is) but, a lot of it is covered in the list of Sabian Symbols for the planets below -
The new Moon each month marks a time of new beginnings and realisations. It's like a birth after a time of gestation or being 'in the womb'. Here, the light begins to return and we can see new beginnings and possibilities. A new Moon means that the Sun and the Moon are both together - bringing a synergy of their energies together. The new Moon is a perfect time to set your intentions for the future. This period is wonderful for planting seeds of whatever kind. What do you want to manifest in your future? Whether you write it down, sing about it or just hold the thought forms in your mind, doing this at the new Moon can realise some fabulous results around the things that you want to draw into your life.
Read the rest at this link:
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I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for being so supportive in the Gofundme campaign that my daughter Jess set up. It was very helpful and reassuring and sustaining. Thank you. I had an angel appear and I'm now OK and rejuvenated. It can be confronting to ask for help or to reach out when one feels that the stumble can turn into a major fall, and, I had moments of feeling like turning my back on this work. But, well, I can't. It's in my blood... so onwards and upwards.
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