Monday, November 27, 2017

Station to Station -- Astrology Forecast for Mon., Nov. 27th - Sun., Dec. 3rd, 2017 | Astrologer Coach: Sonja Francis

Astrology Forecasts by Astrologer Coach: Sonja Francis

Station to Station -- Astrology Forecast for Mon., Nov. 27th - Sun., Dec. 3rd, 2017

Please note that all times given below are Eastern Standard Time -- to change the listed times to your own timezone, I recommend clicking here for the time and date converter

The theme of last week for me was "go with the flow and celebrate others!"

This week's headline items
include lots of "station-related" matters... Mercury starts station on Monday, preparing for its 3-week retrograde phase; Chiron's intensifies on Wednesday, Mercury's does the same on Friday (prior to it halting very late Saturday), and Neptune's ends on Saturday. In other news, Venus will change signs (from Scorpio to Sagittarius) on Friday early morning and the Full SuperMoon in Gemini becomes exact on Sunday, late in the morning.

There will also be three Moon VoC phases this week: Tuesday morning (for almost 4.5 hours), Thursday afternoon (for 2 hours), and Friday evening (for 19.5 hours).

Monday (November 27th): the Moon remains increative, sensitive Pisces all day. It will journey there until Tuesday late morning. This Moon placement often finds us more sensitive, intuitive, idealistic and imaginative than normal. We also have a greater capacity for compassion, sympathy and affection for all -- but especially for those who suffer or can be regarded as the underdog. 

But... that very idealism could also be our downfall at this time: We tend to see the best in everyone and everything, and when reality doesn't match our idyllic vision, we might feel upset and even victimized by those harsh realities. A way out of this is to channel our idealism into spiritual or creative endeavors. 

It's also a great time for releasing fears -- especially the ones based on a sense of separation -- and experiencing "oneness". Feelings tend to flow more freely; as best as you can, let them -- in fact, "going with the flow" is the best way to go for the next couple of days. 

Monday morning, a somewhat challenging Venus/Uranus aspect becomes exact at 6:48am EST. We started to feel this aspect from Sunday (Nov. 26th) on; it will remain strong until Monday night/Tuesday early morning. This aspect operates more on an internal level. We feel uneasy about something, almost awkward -- and we need to make a choice… so we need to develop inner awareness. 

Learning to let go of the past means being willing to release relationships we have outgrown. Learning ways to abruptly alter our circumstances without emotional turmoil: This is the way Uranus’s energy urges us to grow. We need freedom "within" our relationships, not "from" them. 

It's also time to reevaluate the ways we've imprisoned ourselves in protective behaviors and then rebel against them. While "Different" is not always "improved", change is essential to our evolutionary process. 

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 24-26 degrees of Scorpio or Aries? If so, you will be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Taurus, Libra or Aquarius (Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra; Uranus rules Aquarius)

Also on Monday, Mercury starts to slow down (“station”) in a late degree of Sagittarius, preparing to come to a halt this coming Sunday, Dec. 3rd (when it will begin its 3-week retrograde phase). More on that later... 

For the next 9 days (until Dec. 6th), we need to be patient with ourselves and others -- especially if there is a connection with communication or transportation, and their associated technologies. This is not the best time to start anything brand-new, especially if it contains new information that needs to be processed.

We might experience delays or misunderstandings, and things tend to feel "off" or stagnant. It might be a good idea to give yourself some extra time to get ready or travel somewhere -- especially if you intend to use public transportation or drive (For more details on Mercury Shadow Phases and Retrogrades, click here)

Some of us will feel the effects of this station more than others: those of us with Gemini or Virgo as our Sun- or Rising-Sign (Ascendant) -- and those of us with personal planets (or angles) in 27-29 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo, or 0 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra.

Tuesday (Nov. 28th): the Moon remains in creative, sensitive Pisces until 11:30am EST (see Monday for details). 

Tuesday very early morning, a Mercury/Saturn alignment in 27.5 degrees of Sagittarius becomes exact at 1:58am EST. We started to feel this aspect from last Friday (Nov. 24th) on; and due to Mercury's station phase, it will remain strong until next week Saturday (Dec. 9th). 

This connection strengthens our ability to make realistic decisions connected to our need for expansion and learning. We are more able to come from a place of integrity and maturity when planning anything long-term. 

We prefer to have serious conversations with others that move us forward, closer to a common goal. It's an excellent period for reviewing, reassessing, perfecting, and improving our thinking patterns, beliefs, and  foreign affairs. Even though we might have a more negative or critical outlook initially, this alignment serves the purpose of reaching a balanced, mature, and realistic state.

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (MC) or personal planets in 24-29 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo or Pisces, or 0-1 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra? If so, you will feel this alignment quite strongly. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Gemini, Virgo or Capricorn (Mercury is the ruler of Gemini and Virgo; Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn).

Tuesday at 7:09am EST, we enter a Moon void of course (VoC). that lasts for almost 4.5 hours, until 11:30am EST. We are pulled in two quite different directions: On the one hand, we experience a desire for inner silence, emotional oneness, and the flow of creativity through us. On the other hand, we want to explore our belief structures and share our discoveries. 

We may therefore feel anxious or restless; as best as you can, slow down, acknowledge what is, know that all is well in each "now moment".

Use this intuitive time to make adjustments and find creative solutions when it comes to these energies. As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don't start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Tuesday morning ahead of time ;-)  

Tuesday at 11:30am EST, the Moon moves into pioneering, fast-paced Aries, where it will journey until Thursday afternoon. Life is an adventure, we're more open to new ideas, and have great enthusiasm for new projects. Patience is certainly not our strong suit at this time, but we can decide quickly, and act immediately. 

Our independence and dynamism are important to us right now, so we may find it hard to be disciplined or accept advice at this time; in general, our responses to others tend to be more assertive or even aggressive. If you find your foot tapping, try hitting the gym, or finding other ways to burn off the body's excess energy. 

Wednesday (Nov. 29th): the Moon remains in pioneering, fast-paced Aries all day  (see Tuesday late morning for details). 

Tuesday night/Wednesday very early morning starts out harmoniously and with a commitment towards personal achievement and exploration. 

Later (in the evening), we are invited to make adjustments and find creative solutions around personal desires and needs, versus our deep passion and focus on long-term goals. As best as you can, allow yourself to make space for both; flexibility and adaptability are key if we mean to move forward with our plans and projects... 

Also on Wednesday, the Chiron station intensifies, as Chiron comes to a halt on next week Tuesday (Dec. 5th); we will feel effects of the station until Dec. 18th. As mentioned in last week's forecast already, Chiron's energies are more exalted during this period. 

Chiron is the wounded healer; currently in 24º of Pisces, our attention is guided towards our emotional and spiritual wounds. Chiron represents our inner insecurities, those self-conscious and wounded places. Chiron also represents the inner wound of abandonment and our need to "make it on our own". 

We are invited to approach these wounds on a holistic level, to heal them such that others are healed thereby. This is accomplished very simply and naturally when we work with the true beauty and strength of this energy: Compassion. Having compassion for our own wounds heals them and allows healing compassion for the wounds we now see in others. 

What emotional or spiritual sore spots could you acknowledge? What needs to heal? At a different level, this time might also see an increased emphasis on water as a global and environmental issue.

For those of you who want to have a better understanding of your personal healing journey, feel free to get the mp3-recording of my Chiron workshop: "Healing with Astrology" Click here for more info

Or to watch a 15-minute except from our most recent Forum about the Neptune and Chiron Station phases, click here 

Those of us with personal planets and points (ASC. or MC) in the following: 21-28 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, or 0 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer or Capricorn will feel this station more strongly.

Thursday (Nov. 30th): the Moon remains in pioneering, fast-paced Aries until 3:38pm EST (see Tuesday late morning for details). 

Thursday early morning, a somewhat challenging Mars/Chiron aspect becomes exact at 3:26am EST. We started to feel this aspect from Tuesday evening on; it will remain strong until Friday evening. This aspect operates more on an internal level. We feel uneasy about something, almost awkward -- and we need to make a choice… so we need to develop inner awareness. 

We might feel insecure about our heart's desires. What if you could simply allow yourself to be human and know that you are doing the best you can? What if everything had divine timing -- no matter how fast or slow?

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 23-25 degrees of Libra or Pisces? If so, you will be more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Aries or Pisces (Mars is the ruler of Aries; Neptune rules Pisces)

Thursday at 1:37pm EST, we enter a Moon void of course (VoC). that lasts for 2 hours, until 3:38pm EST. Use this intuitive time to connect to people that can enthusiastically support your projects and share with them what you have going on. 

As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don't start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Thursday afternoon ahead of time ;-) 

Thursday at 3:38pm EST, the Moon moves into steady, peaceful Taurus, where it will be until Saturday late afternoon. We love all physical comforts, prefer consistency, and would rather stick with what we know works well. In other words: change is not our favorite thing and "rushing things" goes against our grain. 

What is our favorite thing for the next two days? It's probably, slowing down and getting in touch with whatever delights our senses ;-) 

Friday (December 1st): the Moon remains in steady, peaceful Taurus all day (see Thursday afternoon for details). 

Friday at 4:14am EST, Venus changes signs from intense, all-or-nothing Scorpio to adventurous, freedom-loving Sagittarius. It will journey there until Dec. 25th; until then, we feel more social, and inclined especially to connect to people from different backgrounds and countries. We like to explore new things, whether food or social gatherings: if it's exotic, it's great! 

We are more likely to take some risks now with others, and to say what's on our mind. Our relationships need to be connected to adventure -- a trip might be just the thing. Getting away from our routines and exploring life... hey, why not? :-)

Do you have your Ascendant or Sun-sign in Taurus or Libra? If so, you will feel more adventurous and spontaneous for the next 3.5 weeks; your heart will want to explore new things and get a new perspective on life. If you are a Sagittarius Sun-sign or Rising-sign, for as long as Venus is in your sign, you will attract more love, abundance and beauty into your life.

Friday early morning, a Mars/Uranus opposition becomes exact at 5:05am EST. We started to feel this aspect last Sunday, early in the evening (Nov. 26th); it will remain strong until next Tuesday (early evening, Dec 5th). 

We may have a strong urge to "step into our warrior", setting aside our feelings, and blazing our own trail. Of course, the "warrior" energy can provoke conflict, within and without; we need to find balance between courageously (or even heedlessly) charging forward, versus approval-seeking.

One way to find this balance is to remember that we need other people, if we are to achieve our goals and make necessary changes -- but co-dependent tendencies can be left behind on our journey towards interdependency. What does healthy interdependency look like to you?

Do your best to channel the "choppy" energy in a productive way -- physical exercise is great for this, as is consciously breaking away from relationships or situations that have limited you -- and we may well experience sudden insights in connection to other people or a situation in our lives. As best as you can, stay grounded and keep breathing regularly :-)

Think back to late February (2017), when Mars aligned with Uranus in 22º of Aries: What got started around then? With Mars opposing Uranus now, we can start to see the fruits of the seeds that were planted back then -- or at least are more aware how far we have come. In other words: What has emerged since late February of this year?

Do you have your Ascendant or personal planets in 21-28 degrees of Libra, Aries, Cancer or Capricorn? If so, you will feel the effects of this opposition more strongly than otherwise. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Aries or Aquarius (Mars is the ruler of Aries; Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius)

Friday at 8:53pm EST, we enter a Moon void of course (VoC). that lasts for 19.5 hours, until Saturday (Dec 2nd) at 4:21pm EST. Use this intuitive time to empower each other in regards to earthly issues and mutually support each other in practical ways. As always with a Moon VoC, as best as you can, don't start anything brand-new, stick to routine things, or simply go with the flow. You may also want to plan Friday evening/night and Saturday day ahead of time ;-) 

Saturday (Dec. 2nd): the Moon remains in steady, peaceful Taurus until 4:21pm EST (see Thursday afternoon for details). 

Saturday at 4:21pm EST, the Moon moves into chatty, versatile Gemini, where it will journey until Monday afternoon (Dec. 4th).  For the next two days, we like to learn, connect and interact as much as possible. "Busy" feels good: connecting online, on the phone, or sharing face-to-face, preferably multi-tasking all the way... 

The one thing we can do without is boredom: If our mind is not engaged in some way, we might as well curl up and play dead :-)This Moon placement also starts the build-up towards the Full Moon (exact on Sunday late monring). Click here to watch my Full Moon video

Saturday evening, a harmonious Jupiter/Neptune aspect becomes exact at 9:19pm EST. We started to feel this aspect from last Saturday (Nov. 18th) evening on; it will remain strong until Sunday (Dec. 17th) night. This brings the potential for spiritual inspiration. 

Extravagance or exaggeration are possible during this time; routine is particularly unsatisfying, we easily detour from the practical path. On the other hand, this is a great time for connecting to music or spiritual endeavors -- and for enthusiastic heart-centered connection, especially within our intimate relationships. 

Our intuition is at an all-time high, as is our ability to explore our traumas and demons; we are also more able to resolve anything that is no longer empowering to us personally -- in particular, we can dissolve the fears that have kept us from deepening our relationships -- and this is also true on a collective level.

Generosity, compassion and faith will likely increase; we more readily and easily make personal sacrifices for what we see as the greater good. We have a deeper sense that all of us are part of the human family -- a sense of the unity that is possible between people, nations and all living things on this planet.

This can be a chance to increase our creativity, perceptiveness and empathy; it's a time to allow for things to unfold and for seeing the perfection in everything that is.

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 8-15 degrees of Scorpio, Pisces, or Cancer? If so, you will be more blessed by this aspect; this is also true for those of us with the Ascendant or Sun-sign in Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces (Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius; Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn; Neptune is the ruler of Pisces)

Also on Saturday, Neptune resumes its normal pace through the sky, after a 5-month retrograde phase -- it is ending its station. What has come up in the last four weeks around resting, trusting and allowing? How closely are you in touch with your intuition? 

Sunday (Dec. 3rd): the Moon remains in chatty, versatile Gemini all day (see Saturday late afternoon for details). 

Sunday at 2:43am EST, Mercury comes to a still stand in 29º of Sagittarius (starting its 3-week retrograde phase), slowing things down tremendously from Saturday morning until Monday. Give yourself extra time to go to work this morning or to get things done. If you are traveling today, just simply go with the flow… you'll get there... eventually ;-) The same is true when it comes to all our technological devices…

This retrograde phase will last until Dec. 22nd. People worry about Mercury retrogrades, but it’s important not to stop one's life during these times. As mentioned above, certain things may take longer -- but a retrograde gives us a chance to resolve things that have been keeping us from living our lives in a more wholesome way -- especially things that came up within the past three weeks. 

Take time to investigate your own thought processes... ask yourself: What's too busy in my life? What if I got really clear about that?

For the next three weeks, we'll get a chance to explore our belief systems -- to connect from within to what we believe about ourselves, others, and life. It's also an opening to readdress communications, learning experiences, and mental conditioning. 

This is an internal process -- a chance to honor and reorganize our thoughts, working from the inside to the outside -- rethinking retooling and releasing what no longer works.

We also get a chance to readdress previous explorations of the truth about life, connecting from within to whatever needs a larger point of view or some kind of revision -- we may even get to reorganize our life, and explore new avenues that are better aligned with our beliefs (if we do the inner work of exploring what work for us and what doesn't). 

As always: with Mercury retrograde, always read the small print -- and re-read a contract before signing (if you have to sign something) -- or ask another person for a second opinion... Basically, during these periods, it's best to be aware of any details that we might have overlooked... and check in with our intuition... and stay open to the possibility of renegotiation or adjustments, down the line! 

In general, Mercury Retrograde is a great time for reevaluating and reorganizing. This is especially true for our thought patterns and decisions (particularly those made in the 3 weeks prior to the start of the retrograde) -- but it's true of our lives in general: we can reach a clearer understanding as to what works, and what doesn’t, and what needs to change. 

Reconnecting with old friends, clients and family members (especially siblings) is also favored at this time …
Mercury also represents our day-to-day mind; this too is experienced more internally at this time. When it comes to communication, make sure that what you say, write and hear is the same as the intended meaning -- and use the spell-checker ;-) 

Another thing to take into consideration: how does each Mercury retrograde phase affect your personal birth chart. Do you have any personal planets that Mercury will align with during its retrograde journey? The houses of your chart each represent different areas of your life -- which of the houses in your chart is affected by this retrograde?

If you have Gemini or Virgo as your Sun- or Rising-Sign (Ascendant), or personal planets (or angles) that are in 12-29 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo (or zero degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries or Libra)you can expect to feel the effect of the Mercury retrograde phase more strongly. 

Sunday morning, a challenging Sun/Neptune aspect becomes exact at 6:44am EST. We started to feel this aspect from Thursday morning (Nov. 30th) on; it will remain strong until next week Wednesday morning (Dec 5th). This aspect asks us to stretch and grow: On the one hand we want to use our mind to feel confident and centered, on the other hand, we are compelled to listen to our intuition and let our imagination go wild. 

As you can probably guess, we'll experience more "flow" in areas that favor intuition and imagination, such as creativity or spirituality. If possible, hold off on plans for more "practical" things.

We might feel confused; but we are being asked to have faith in the infinite support we receive every day from the universe — whether our mind understands it or not (what we understand with the mind is very different from what we comprehend with the heart). 

Seeing through the illusion of separation from the divine is perhaps the greatest perspective shift of all. What might be possible if we allowed ourselves to shift from our conditioning to feeling into the truth of who we are?

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 8-15 degrees of Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini or Virgo? If so, you are more affected by this aspect. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Pisces (the Sun rules Leo, Neptune rules Pisces).

Sunday late morning, at 10:47am EST, the Full Moon (SuperMoon) in 11.5 degrees of Gemini becomes exact. We started to feel this aspect build from the moment the Moon entered Gemini Saturday late afternoon.  Feel free to watch my Full Moon video for more details

This will be another "Super" Full Moon -- the last one of this year. SuperMoons occur when the Moon is either Full or New while at its closest distance to the Earth; they are therefore more powerful. 

This often means an increase in the intensity of emotional reactions, coupled with greater awareness around any issues connected to the energies of the particular Full Moon in question -- in this case, that would be the Sagittarius/Gemini polarity. We'll seek balance and integration around those poles -- something needs to be brought into alignment -- so let's look at them in more detail:  

Sagittarius repoints us from facts and learned knowledge to life experience and the wisdom gained thereby -- it's interested in the bigger picture, the truth about life. 

Gemini, on the other hand,wants us to stay connected to our immediate environment, our communities, and our day-to-day mind. It likes processing and sharing information (as fast and as much as possible) and is interested in the spoken and written word.  

We are being asked to integrate the Gemini mind-energy/information/conditioning with the wisdom-energy that comes from life's experiences and the quest for a larger truth or bigger understanding (Sagittarius).

Several hours before the Full Moon becomes exact, Mercury (ruler of Gemini) comes to a halt in 29 degrees of Sagittarius (starting its 3-week retrograde phase); as this happens, its energy will be more exalted, but also turned inward.

Our communications, sharing and processing of information (all related to Mercury) will feel internally heightened. We have an opportunity to review and rewrite all the stories we tell ourselves about life, intimate relationships, financial partnerships... and what we believe is the larger truth. 

Ask yourself: What do I merely think, and what do I really know, in those areas of my life? What gets through the filters? What maybe doesn't? What might be possible if I simply expanded my view?

Mercury also aligns with Saturn in Sagittarius, and squares Chiron in Pisces. This alignment to Saturn calls on us to make mature and responsible choices around Sagittarius's search for higher meaning -- and to take responsibility for our attitudes and limiting beliefs.

Questions you can ask yourself for the next two weeks: What guides my choices? What do I learn about life every day, just by living it? How does the experience of my current reality inform what I believe about life? What is the best way to handle "foreign" affairs? (matters that are unfamiliar or different from our typical day-to-day) 

Saturn will change signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn on Dec. 19th; I will be talking in more detail about this planetary movement in my next Monthly Forecasting Forum. If you’ve been thinking about taking part in the Dec. 6th Forum, click here to register

Mercury's involvement in the Saturn/Chiron Square brings a more rational dimension to this aspect -- one that we have been feeling most of this year already. 

Ask yourself: What beliefs about life keep me stuck in my inner child's wounds? What if I took responsibility for those wounds and insecurities? Do the stories I tell myself about life open my heart and mind? Do they make me more loving or more fearful? Do they enrich my life or narrow it? What if I rewrote the stories that have left me feeling separate and insecure? 

Chiron is exalted in the sky as it gets ready to come to halt only two days after the Full Moon becomes exact. This adds an extra layer of vulnerability around our wounds. What if a compassionate approach to my inner healing process actually benefited me and others?

To watch a 15-minute except from our most recent Forum about the Neptune and Chiron Station phases, click here 

Jupiter (Ruler of Sagittarius), currently in Scorpio, is making a trine to Neptune in Pisces and a quincunx to the Moon in Gemini

Jupiter's Trine to Neptune provides a nice support for the release of old patterns, beliefs and behaviors that we developed to protect ourselves from resurfacing old traumas.

What might be possible for those old traumas if I brought a good dose of self-compassion and a dust of trust in my own divinity to their transformation? How might my perspectives shift if I allowed my heart to open towards life? 

Feel free to also watch my Jupiter in Scorpio webinar for more insight: to watch a 30-minute except, click here To purchase the whole 90-plus minute webinar, click here

Jupiter's quincunx to the Moon might bring some internal discomfort; we need to make inner adjustments here and we are not necessarily sure how to do this... 

Ask yourself: What if it were possible to connect on a deep, emotional level and share my highest truth authentically within fast, rational, mental exchanges? How might an expanded view on mental and emotional connections support me right now?

This Full Moon chart also has a T-square with Neptune in Pisces as the focal point: Neptune squaring the Moon in Gemini, and the Sun in Sagittarius. This T-square asks us to stretch and grow; we are invited to release anything that no longer supports our growth -- individually and collectively.

As the "empty leg" of this T-square lands in Virgo, we are invited to create daily routines that support our connection with our inner divinity. Could I make time for silence, surrender, and self-reflection? Even if it's just a few minutes every day?

Rather than coming from a place of "good or bad", "right or wrong", ask yourself: What do I see when I look at this through a neutral lens? Could I try being kind (heart-energy) and clear (mind-energy) at the same time? 

With so many planets in mutable signs, we might feel restless and pulled in many directions. It's all definitely keeping us busy, but it could also bring up feelings of being ungrounded or overwhelmed. Ask yourself: Am I feeling overwhelmed? 

If you find that you are, ask yourself: Could I allow myself to hear the "me" beyond the mind chatter and even the external noise? Could I trust the subtle messages of my intuitive Self? 

Following our inner guidance on a daily basis is going to be very important, as is releasing any victim-based thinking -- and the best way to notice victim mentality is simply to catch ourselves when we blame others (or "life") for our current experiences -- if you catch yourself doing this, acknowledge it gently and be kind to yourself (we all do it from time to time... it's human).

As best as you can for the next two weeks, take breaks or at least slow down a little, allow your mind to relax. It’s important to explore ways to stay connected with your inner divinity. Seek tools or people to help you with that exploration -- any form of meditation, music/ sound therapy, walks in nature, breathing exercises, simply practicing being in the here and now… If you can manage even a little of this on a daily basis, it will likely be very helpful.

For this Full Moon and the next two weeks, you could ask yourself: Am I ready to let go of what I would "like" to be true? What is "fact" and what is “fiction"? What is "truth" -- does it exist? Know that your consciousness, your love, your light makes a difference, not only to those around you, but to the world. Feel free to watch my Full Moon video for more details

Do you have your Ascendant, Career Point (or personal planets) in 9-13 degrees of Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces? If so, you are more affected by this month's Full Moon. This is also true for those of us who have our Ascendant or Sun-sign in Leo or Cancer (the Sun rules Leo; the Moon rules Cancer). 

A head's up for next Monday (Dec. 4th): the Moon remains in chatty, versatile Gemini until 3:37pm EST (see Saturday late afternoon for details). At 2:13pm EST, we enter a Moon void of course (VoC). that lasts for a little over 1 hour, until 3:37pm EST. At that time, the Moon moves into Cancer, where it will journey until next week Wednesday afternoon. More about all the details in next week’s forecast ;-)

One Last Announcement:
Join me for next month's FORECASTING FORUM, on Wednesday, Dec. 6th, 2017 at 1pmPST/ 4pm EST/9pm GMT (London-time). Please note thatwe will be talking about Saturn changing signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn (it's own sign) -- where it will journey until Dec. 2020!

If you want to know how Saturn journey in Capricorn is going to impact you personally, join me live or sign up for the mp4-video presentation. Other than booking a reading with me, this is the highest level of support you can get -- and it's only $24 for the 90-minute webinar. To register now, click here 

Here is a testimonial from one of our participants right after joining our most recent Forum:
"The last Forecasting Forum was brilliant - you’re so spot on with your intuitive ability to interpret what’s going on astrologically." -- Arvi 

Have a fantastic week! 
Many blessings,

PS: To apply my forecasts and videos to your own birth chart, watch my 30-minute class on: "How to Read Your Birth Chart" and feel free to go to my Facebook Fan page for my daily forecasts ;-) 

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