Thursday, November 30, 2017

THE ORACLE REPORT: Thursday, November 30, 2017

THE ORACLE REPORT: Thursday, November 30, 2017

Gibbous Moon Phase:
trust, prepare

Moon in Aries (Moon will go void of course at 1:37 PM before entering Taurus at 3:38 PM)

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kamala, The lotus goddess

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Elias, God of the West

Sabian Symbol for the Solar Lunar Month: 27 Scorpio: “A Military Band Marches Noisily on Through the City Streets”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: 08 Aries: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind" (attune, align with new ways, hold on to your hat, stabilize)

Sabian Symbols for the Solar-Lunar Day:
  • SUN: 9 Sagittarius - “A mother leads her small child step by step up the stairs”
  • EARTH: 9 Gemini - “A medieval archer stands with ease of one wholly sure of himself, bow in hand, his quiver filled with arrows.”

Interpretation By Andrew:

For the Sun – 9 Sagittarius - “A mother leads her small child step by step up the stairs”
Lending a hand to someone in need is an important part of life. This is mother energy; offering helping and nurturing support to those in your care. But its not just to children in your care. It is for anyone in need. This symbol is of course close to our heart as caregivers to our children and the fosters in our care. In the past few years, we have specifically worked with medically fragile children. And care for them requires digging deep within yourself at times.

Here’s a message that came to me this morning. Take it with you today as well!

For the Earth – 9 Gemini - “A medieval archer stands with ease of one wholly sure of himself, bow in hand, his quiver filled with arrows.”

Have you ever shot a weapon? This can be anything from a pea shooter, a dart gun, or a rifle. Even throwing a rock or squirting with a water pistol. You find that the idea is pretty simple, but the execution is another thing. And being able to hit the bullseye requires much more skill than luck (though anyone can get lucky once in a while).

Growing up, we went camping a lot with a group. And at some of our campouts, the weekend warriors would bring guns. I learned to shoot trap and skeet with shot guns very young and target shooting with 22’s. And being responsible gun owners, we were heaped with plenty of lessons about gun safety (even back in the 70’s). Though I was never very good at it, I did learn the skills and an appreciation for what is needed to be good. For me the appreciation was that the box of shells was expensive – which my parents made me buy myself.

THE ORACLE REPORT: Wednesday, November 29, 2017

First Quarter Moon Phase:
step out, take action

Moon in Aries

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom):
Kamala, The lotus goddess

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will):
Elias, God of the West

Sabian Symbol for the Solar Lunar Month: 27 Scorpio:
“A Military Band Marches Noisily on Through the City Streets”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: 08 Aries:
"a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind" (attune, align with new ways, hold on to your hat, stabilize)

Sabian Symbols for the Solar-Lunar Day:
  • SUN: 8 Sagittarius - “Deep within the depths of the earth, new elements are being formed”
  • EARTH: 8 Gemini - “Aroused strikers surround a factory.”

Interpretation By Andrew:

A special thanks to wise owl Christine Vincent for the picture today. This is a drawing that she shared last year, and it captures the visual essence of the energy today.

For the Sun – 8 Sagittarius - “Deep within the depths of the earth, new elements are being formed”
For those paying attention, the last week has shown a lot of energy for what I will call “What lies beneath”. To me, this can be best be brought to life in the genre of horror, where the realm of what lies beneath resides so well. And the great writers and artists tell their stories using the hidden to create the drama and action. It is what is hidden in the closet, or the heart of the person behind the clown makeup. During the renaissance, it was seen in the artistic style called chiaroscuro, which is the use of shadows to create drama. In the last century, this was used in Film Noir.

For today, the image is of what lies beneath the surface of the earth. When we delve here, the educational establishment has woefully little to say about how things work. How to diamonds or gold form? These being some of the most valuable substances. One an element. The other and expression of an element – carbon placed under extreme pressure. I saw a picture on Facebook postulating how diamonds are formed – miles beneath our feet, between the crust and the mantle. Where things given pressure and heat and time are forming as we speak. And somehow in odd spots around the world like in Africa and Missouri, they come to the surface.

In the world today, much is going on beneath the surface. Most are not seen by the naked eye or felt as they happen. But things are shifting. What do you see in them.

For the Earth – 8 Gemini - “Aroused strikers surround a factory”

I have seen labor issues happening first hand and from both sides during my working career. I worked on the management side of a Union shop. And from our perspective, the Union was part in parcel with everything our company represented. We sold and marketed American Made Union products and it was my job to build the demand for them. It would hurt each time that they were up for contract negotiation, because it was never the actual workers who were doing the fighting. It was the national union. And they would bring up issues that had nothing to do with our shops. They would inflame the workers on issues they never faced. We always gave them what they wanted.

On the other side of it, I see my own grown son working in a Union manufacturing shop. The work sucks. It is long hours doing monumentally boring piece work day after day. They are unhappy, and not because of how they are treated from management. But because their work sucks. I can see why they want to go on strike. It’s a break in the monotony.

For the energy of the day, it’s about standing up for your rights against oppressors. Is it a fight. Or can it be negotiated into win win for both sides?


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