Sunday, November 19, 2017

NorthPoint Journal  Your guide to planetary energies for November 20 to 26, 2017 By Pam Younghans


NorthPoint Journal 
Your guide to planetary energies for

November 20 to 26, 2017

By Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects this Week
TUE: Venus sextile Pluto, Venus square Nodes, Sun enters Sagittarius
WED: Neptune goes direct, Jupiter sesquiquadrate Chiron
FRI: Mercury square Chiron, Sun semisquare Pluto, Mercury semisquare Jupiter
SAT: Mercury trine Uranus
SUN: Venus trine Chiron, Saturn trine Pallas Athene

 and continuing through the first week of December, the planet Saturn is at the same degree as the Galactic Center, the black hole at the center of our universe. This alignment activates a release of old patterns while also creating a window of access to higher-level insights and solutions.

The Galactic Center (GC) emits powerful infrared radiation. In his article "The Soul of Sky," astrologer Philip Sedgwick writes:

"The Galactic Center’s infrared jolt to the energy field naturally induces the release of past memories that preclude an individual from making progress in life. This infrared energy pressures the subconscious mind, providing the release of learned behavior and memories, both negative and positive, all in the interest of moving forward. The energetic crowding process pushes out mentally/emotionally stored data to clear space for new information to enter both the conscious and subconscious minds."

According to Mr. Sedgwick, the key to both steps in the process activated by the GC -- the purging of the old and the receiving of the new -- is staying grounded:

"Meditation, if not grounded, does not support the Galactic Center. In fact, disconnected spiritual exercises make access to galactic points more difficult to integrate -- especially this one. Simply sitting upon the ground, tail bone connected with Earth, does the trick."

who has described the effects of the GC is Mary Elizabeth Jochmans. In her book, An Introduction to Karmic Galactic Astrology, she writes that with the Galactic Center:

"Old patterns, concepts and ways of being which are limiting are constantly being ferreted out. Once this happens, the information pouring in from this black hole is brought into awareness and an inner knowing takes place which cannot be explained.

"Once a commitment is made to work with the information received, the fullness of the information can be perceived, allowed to come through and be expressed in some form. This is a catalyst for change in humanity."

POWERFUL STUFF. I must note that Saturn was also aligned with the GC in early 2017, from late February through late May -- a longer transit due to Saturn going retrograde. My hope is that this earlier three-month-long transit undertook the "ferreting out" portion of the GC's work, and that we've succeeded in clearing the old patterns and concepts that have stood in the way of our progress.

If that has occurred, perhaps with this upcoming alignment we can gain clear access to those higher-level insights and solutions that will enable true progress. Since Saturn is involved, it will require clear intention, commitment, and discipline for us to sit and listen, so that we may gain the information that will take us forward.

Technically, this alignment with the GC occurs about every 29 years, whenever Saturn reaches 27 degrees of Sagittarius. But from a metaphysical and spiritual perspective, this particular alignment, manifesting at this unique time in our personal and shared journey, has never occurred before and will never occur again.

AGAINST THAT BACKDROP, other planets are of course in motion this week. Most notably, Neptune goes direct on Wednesday, after having been retrograde (appearing to move backward) since June 16.

When a planet comes to a standstill to change direction, we tend to experience its influence more fully. Neptune's usual effects are to sensitize us to beauty, to pain, to our spiritual calling, and to our need to use our creativity and imagination. Its lessons include learning to trust when outcomes are unclear, opening our hearts in compassion when they want to close in protection, and transcending the dramas of physical existence through connecting with a higher source and allowing our creative muse to speak through us.

Because of Neptune's strength this week, we may feel more foggy or less focused than usual, less in control of outcomes, more psychically "porous," and more sensitive to both beauty and pain. And, since we are completing the planet's retrograde phase, it will benefit us to take a few moments to review the past five months, to consider what patterns we have released, how we have dealt our emotional vulnerability, and how our inner world has expanded to support us in difficult times.

CHIRON is quite active this week. The Wounded Healer makes hard aspects to Jupiter on Wednesday and Mercury on Friday, then wraps up the week with a harmonious Venus aspect on Sunday.

As always, we can anticipate some emotional uncertainty around the days when Chiron is in aspect, especially on Wednesday when it interacts with Jupiter. This aspect corresponds with times when we may experience a lack of faith and diminished hope -- but we also have the opportunity to heal the fears that feed those lacks, through holding compassion for self and others.

On Friday, we may second-guess our ideas or feel that we are not being heard -- but we also have the potential to heal our ability to hear ourselves and our spiritual guidance. With Sunday's Venus-Chiron aspect, the road is paved for deepening our relationships, based on an understanding of another's true feelings, and a knowing that we all carry wounds and are doing our best to heal.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Your personal new year involves some soul-searching, as you endeavor to understand how you can both live in joy and be of service to others, without falling into self-sacrificial roles. Not long ago, you went through a period of uncertainty and disillusionment; as you move forward into the coming year, you will have the opportunity to move beyond perspectives that leave you feeling helpless and hopeless. Once Saturn enters Capricorn in late December, you will start to feel more and more supported in pursuing your highest goals and purpose.

In peace,


Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2017. All rights reserved.

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