Monday, November 20, 2017

THE ORACLE REPORT: Monday, November 20, 2017

New Moon Phase:
begin, wish, set an intention

Moon in Sagittarius

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom):
Kamala, The lotus goddess

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will):
Elias, God of the West

Sabian Symbol for the Solar Lunar Month:
27 Scorpio: “A Military Band Marches Noisily on Through the City Streets”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: 08 Aries:
"a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind" (attune, align with new ways, hold on to your hat, stabilize)

Sabian Symbols for the Solar-Lunar Day:
  • SUN: 29 Scorpio - “An Indian Woman pleading to the chief for the lives of her children.”
  • EARTH: 29 Taurus - “Two cobblers working side by side at a table”

Interpretation By Andrew:

Happy Monday! Be Kind. Be Thoughtful. Be Genuine. But most of all Be Thankful!

For the Sun – 29 Scorpio – “An Indian Woman pleading to the chief for the lives of her children.”
Taking a stand and being an advocate is what this symbol is all about. Working within the foster care arena puts me in this position most of the time. We always seem to be on the bottom rung of the control structure. But it is in our hands that the care is given. So we act as the guardians for the children who come to us. I will hold this symbol close to my heart this week especially, through the appointments and court, thankful there will likely not be court again for a little while at least.

For the Earth – 29 Taurus - “Two cobblers working side by side at a table.”
The magic of this symbol is in cooperation. When collaboration and cooperation happens, the added benefit brings more than the sum of the parts. 1 + 1 equals more than 2. Each bring their own talents, but together they can accomplish more.


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