NorthPoint Astrology Journal
by Pam Younghans
July 14 to 20, 2014
Highlighted Aspects
MON: Neptune sesquisquare Sun, Saturn sesquisquare Mercury, Ceres conjunct North Node; TUE: Mars conjunct Vesta; WED: Sun square Nodes, Jupiter enters Leo 3:30a PDT, Sun square Ceres; FRI: Sun square Vesta, Venus enters Cancer, Neptune trine Mercury, Sun square Mars; SAT: Saturn sesquisquare Venus; SUN: Saturn stations direct 1:35p PDT
IT'S QUITE a mixed bag of energies this week. We are, of course, still working with the Saturn-Uranus themes that I wrote about in last week's journal. That "should I stay or should I go" influence will be with us very strongly this week, and into next week as well.
The "mixed bag" effect is apparent as I read through the planetary aspects for the next seven days. On one hand, we have some sticky sesquisquares to start the week. These are minor aspects, but still hold the energy of over-reactivity, which means we'll have to put extra effort into staying centered and in balance. Remember that things may be better than they look at first light, and that resorting to force or manipulation is not likely to bring the results we want.
Thankfully, Ceres is conjunct the North Node on Monday, which should help us remember the value of accepting others for who they are, rather than how we want them to be. Learning this lesson early in the week will come in handy when the Sun squares the Nodes and Ceres on Wednesday, exposing any places where we've acted out of defensiveness rather than strength.
ALSO ON WEDNESDAY, Jupiter enters Leo for the first time since 2003. As the largest planet in the known solar system, one of Jupiter's effects is to magnify energy. With Jupiter in Cancer for the past 12 months, our emotional sensitivities have been heightened, as well as our need for comfort and security.
That emphasis shifts as Jupiter enters fiery Leo, the sign known for creative self-expression, enthusiasm and generosity, playful spontaneity, and a strong drive for involvement and belonging. This shift may help some of us get more fully on board with some of the projects that have felt daunting until now.
Leo is not afraid to take risks, and is usually pretty willing to take charge of a situation, especially if a process is stalled. The caution with Leo is that an overabundance of this energy can lead to excessive dramatics -- and a group of individuals who all want to lead, or cast members on a stage who all want to be the star.
FRIDAY is another mix of energies. Neptune's trine to Mercury can help us go with the flow of the day, and tap into our intuitive knowing of best actions to take. However, the Sun squares Mars and Vesta at the same time, indicating some obstacles to getting our immediate needs met.
This delayed gratification effect is in keeping with the strong Saturn energies next weekend. Saturn often brings lessons of proper timing, and can correspond with what feels like postponements or blocked energies. It is often only after the fact that we find out that the obstacles we were complaining about actually kept us from crossing a bridge that was not yet stabilized on the other shore.
Today's photo: Moonrise over Lake Bowen, South Carolina, USA on July 12, 2014 (credit: Jimmy Eubanks, on SpaceWeather.com)
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