THE ORACLE REPORT: Tuesday, March 1, 2016
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Third Quarter Moon Phase: completion, responsibility
Moon in Sagittarius
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Matangi, Goddess of the Wind
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment
Skill: open to receiving
True Alignments: practical, seeing true worth, the power to analyze, lessons and learning, willingness, freshening things up, guardianship, loyalty, standing up, secrets revealed, losing illusions, faith, protected, objectivity, seeing alternatives
Catalysts for Change: exposed, harshness, commitment and/or fidelity issues, disloyal, testing others, judgmental, condescension, not providing for oneself, nosey, violations, intentions of dragging someone down, pressure to perform, difficulty seeing one's blessings, fear of rejection
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a large white dove bearing a message" (important information offered)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (recalibration of the consciousness of the collective of humanity)
The Third Quarter Moon phase (aka the Last Quarter Moon Phase) begins today, ushering a three plus day time frame that favors completing things, tying things up, and accepting personal responsibility. Third Quarter Moon phases flood the field with the energy to do our best. The solar-lunar month is in its closing out time, which means that this month's theme of important information being offered to us is also nearing deadline. The large white dove (Spirit) is working overtime to get it done.
There are a few things that may be helpful to know:
1- DYNAMICS OF THE SACRED MASCULINE STRONGLY IN EFFECT with gale force winds. As I consider the energetics right now, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto are dominating the scene, and it would be hard to say which is the main player. In hyper-focus is Mars, as this Third Quarter Moon phase sees Mars in its final five days of its transit through Scorpio. It takes Mars about 58 days to move through one sign of the zodiac, so since January 4, 2016, Mars has been in Scorpio. Mars rules energy levels, initiative, leadership, new ideas, strikes and striking new paths, anger, war, the head, impulsivity, decisiveness, assertiveness, and masculinity among many other things.
Mars is the original ruler of Scorpio, so it is at home in Scorpio, but Pluto is now considered the dominant ruler of Scorpio. The combination of the two planets being associated with Scorpio makes Mars in Scorpio quite "scorpionic." People have a tendency to lash out. It can get down and dirty, going into the Underworld, which is ruled by Scorpio.
Wise owls are aware of the heightened potential for conflict or warlike/aggressive responses within our personal lives and within the world at large while Mars speeds out of Scorpio. We are also aware of the clear and pure energy to leave any darkness of the Underworld behind and come to a higher level of understanding or awareness or action. Ultimately, Mars in Scorpio desires to transcend.
2- DYNAMICS OF THE SACRED FEMININE SHIFT toward refreshment and nurturance, with the Black Moon moving to the 22nd degree of Libra today at 10:58 am ET/3:58 pm UT. The Sabian symbol or energetic frequency of 22 Libra is "a child giving birds a drink at a fountain." With its movement to 22 Libra, the Black Moon completes its opposition with the Eris Point - the energy of rebirth and revolution (Sabian symbol of "a boxer entering the ring"). If you have read my book on Eris (free on the Books tab), you know that this is the energetic the Illuminati used to use to forward control agendas.
The Black Moon now moves from activation (by opposition or 180 degrees) of the "boxer in a ring" energetic to "the gate to the garden of all unfulfilled desires." We like this one. Are we ready to open the gate. I believe so. This "gate" is open until March 9th. What do you desire? Open up to it.
3- DYNAMICS OF JUDGMENT, PRESSURE, ALERTNESS, AND SACRIFICE are weaving throughout the day with:
THE SUN at "an examination of initiates in the sanctuary of an occult brotherhood" (judgment)
THE EARTH at "a bride with her veil snatched away" (pressure)
VENUS at "a watchdog standing guard, protecting his master and his possessions" (alertness)
MERCURY at "a man turning his back on his passions teaching deep wisdom from his experience" (sacrifice)
MARS at "an Indian woman pleading for the lives of her children" (sacrifice)
4- DYNAMICS TO ANALYZE AND RESTRUCTURE BASED ON WORTHINESS OR APPROPRIATENESS are provided with the Moon's conjunction with Saturn today (exact conjunction at 2:15 pm ET/7:15 pm UT). The conjunction occurs at 16 Sagittarius and energetic of "seagulls flying around a ship looking for food." With the above dynamics of judgment (including self-judgment), pressure, alertness, and sacrifice in effect, we want to align with true value and true values, not scraps or mediocrity. Situations should be viewed in light of what is in the highest and best interests of ourselves and others.
It is a complex day and a complex Moon phase. Let's open to taking delivery of the messages that come with it from the large white dove of Spirit.
THE ORACLE REPORT: Monday, February 29, 2016
Disseminating Moon Phase: communicate, shareMoon in Scorpio/Sagittarius 6:57 pm ET/11:57 pm UT
Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Matangi, Goddess of the Wind
Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment
Skill: stay true to your path
True Alignments: trusting, following the signs, quests (especially spiritual quests), leadership, guidance, the value of individuality, that which is worthy, going above and beyond, the inner feeling of home, self-care, free will and respect for the free will of others, paths of potential, spiritual communication
Catalysts for Change: conformity, lead astray, ignoring gut feelings/instincts/intuition, against one's will, difficulty recovering, blinded to truth, bossing people around, the need to be the center of attention, unrealistic expectations of others, projecting onto others, unable to grow or grow up, compromising ourselves, feeling powerless to direct one's life
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a large white dove bearing a message" (information, signs and synchronicities that guide or confirm)
Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the music of the spheres" (recalibration of consciousness)
We have come to the Disseminating phase of the Moon, the time of the solar-month when the energetics favor sharing our thoughts and ideas with others, and the time when Spirit sends us messages and feedback via heightened potential for synchronicities and heightened levels of communication.
This solar-lunar month happens to be all about receiving exactly these sorts of things, because the Sabian symbol or primary energetic is "a large white dove bearing a message." Spirit bears a message. Do we want to accept delivery?
Specifically today, the nature and content of the messages and information relate to:
THE WAY: The Sun is located at the degree of "men travelling a narrow path seeking illumination." This energetic involves our highest ideals and values, and our ability to stay true to those things. Perseverance is often needed. Sometimes this places us at odds with something - other people, other values, other ideas, and other paradigms.
Since we are in the Shift of the Ages, a choice between an old way (and the old, crumbling world of control systems) and a new way (the new, emerging world of life based on liberty and pursuit of happiness) may cross our "path" today. The symbol tells us that it is a narrow path, one that is traveled one by one. I see this also as energy that is like "threading the needle" -- energy that enables us to skillfully and accurately shoot into the other side of something. - a precise shot through a narrow pathway.
THE WHY: The "men travelling a narrow path" are seeking illumination and this is the purpose of today's energy. Spirit is working very hard right now to help us see MANY things that are very important to the course of our lives and the course of humanity. So, circumstances, events, and situations that occur today, though they may involve a conflict or clash of our old way of thinking and being and doing, ultimately serve to enlighten us. Can we see ourselves and the messages clearly?
Venus at "a big businessman at his desk" also gives us the "why" for today's energy by pushing the need for decisions. With the combination of these energetics it is vital to reject or disallow anything that seeks to take advantage of or "use" us. We stay true to our hearts, even if it is unpopular or flies in the face of others' expectations of us. (The Earth is located at "a boy molded in his mother's aspirations for him.")
THE HOW: The Moon will have its once-a-month meeting (conjunction) with Mars today; exact conjunction at 2:54 pm ET/7:54 pm UT. This occurs at 28 Scorpio and the Sabian symbol of "the king of the fairies approaching his domain." I love this symbol! It's all about returning home.
The "narrow path to illumination" is the internal path of returning "home." It is a journey of involution. It is the calm, centered place removed from chaos.
Insight, information, and ideas about what we need to do and how we need to do it may become quite obvious or apparent (if we are paying attention), as Mercury, The Messenger himself, discharges the energy of "a big bear sitting down waving all of it paws." Something tries to get our attention.
It's a treat of a day. Sophia acousome. Wisdom let us attend.
(Note: Many thank to everyone who participated in the Wings Around the World group meditation. It was a powerful one.)
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