Monday, November 6, 2017

Kara Schallock: Be the Warrior of Love - 04-Nov-2017 | Soulstice Rising ~ Ascension Notes

Kara Schallock:  Be the Warrior of Love - 04-Nov-2017 | Soulstice Rising ~ Ascension Notes

If you truly desire to evolve, you must take Responsibility for all in your life; for all in your life are your own creations. Everything in your life you have created through your energy and thoughts (thoughts are energy, as is all of you). You then project all that you are out into the world, which is then reflected back to you. This is a gift for then you can make aware choices that are based in who you really are...if that is your choice. Of course, if you want to stay in the same dynamic, you make no changes. However, not making changes can keep you in pain, whether that is emotional, mental or physical. The best way to move beyond the old is to meditate, which strengthens your Heart and as your Heart is strengthened, you awaken from the illusion of creating something over and over again. The reason you stay in the same pattern is because it's comfortable; known by what is called your “comfort zone.” Let go of any resistance of moving beyond, which helps you release any fear you have of moving forward. You then can more easily let go of any control, which is fear. Control keeps you out of the Flow and out of the Moment, where all life is created from Awareness. When you control your life, you keep all old and debilitating patterns in place.

It is your intellect/your separate ego that keeps you in the old, for it only knows the past and the patterns that you initially created. It doesn't matter if someone passed these onto you when you were a child or not; all is your creation. These patterns include the continuous loop of old behaviors, beliefs and patterns. These continue to repeat until you take an action toward something new and different. When you meditate, your Heart then leads the way and as you follow the Intuition/Wisdom of your Heart (feelings), you move into a new space. This is not achieved through your intellect, but is created by your Heart. Be in the Moment, for that is the only place where you can feel your Heart's guidance. Guidance does not come from outside yourself or from the past or future. True guidance and Awareness only comes in the Moment and only from your Heart's Wisdom. You are your own creator. If anger or frustration emerge from the depths, it may be resistance to letting go of the past. It may come up because you are denying who you are: a masterful and powerful being of Love. It is important to not just be in Acceptance of what is “good,” but to accept all of who you are. It's all or nothing. Labeling something as good or bad is dualistic and you can begin to let this duality go by not falling into the “labeling trap.”

Realize too that this is great time to let go of all your ancestral karma. You can do this by focusing on the present and taking care of whatever comes up in you. When you take Responsibility for all in your life, it includes all of your other lifetimes in which you did not have the Awareness to change your course at that time. As you continue to evolve and awaken, your Higher Self/Soul then steps in to guide you and you become one with the higher realms, as you are meant to be. This ascension into the higher realms then upgrades your DNA, dormant gifts and chakras (all of them; not just the generalized seven that most know of).

Higher frequencies are being activatd within you, so that your Lightbody (the eternal you) may merge completely within you. This greatly affects every aspect of your being. You may feel this especially in your physical body, for it brings much Awareness, heightened Sensitivity and more integration with Unity Consciousness. You may experience this as feeling more Love, more Light and more Freedom. Also, you may unite with your Twin Soul (two of the same essence), whether this is in the physical or within your Heart. You may bring forth this One by simply calling to him or her to join you when you meditate.

We are in a powerful time of Transformation. Much of what I have shared has led us to this magical moment. The Transformation of the old to the New is easier now, as long as you don't resist and cling to where you are comfortable. Question everything from your Heart Space. Know of your Mission; your Promise. Be in Divine Service. This does not necessarily mean to drop everything and go into war-torn areas or it can, depending in what or where you are guided to be. There is much work for all, as we all have within us how to share Love. It is as unique as each of us are. We share Love, our essence, in whatever way we are guided to do so.

Feel what is important for you to do. If you are drawn to completing a simple chore for instance, feel whether that is coming from your old self of “needing or shoulding” to be responsible or productive or based on someone else's desire for you. Often when you feel into something, a choice is born. Do you feel Joy or do you feel it is an old program? To increase your Light, do what is Joyful and not what is a “should” based on an old pattern. Listening to your Heart, you will know. Sometimes doing something that seems so 3D may actually be a step toward evolving. Only you know the Truth if you feel deeply into it. Our path is to continue to purify and ascend and we do this through each aware choice we make. I also want to mention that by infusing your Joy into a simple chore is helping you evolve as well.

This entire year and beyond (Truth knows no time, so is not confined to a day, a year or milennia) there has been much Expansion and releasing. As we know, this goes for Gaia as well. Be in radical Trust and stay true to your Path. Do not let yourself be distracted by all that goes on, but stay committed to your Path of Ascension. All is born from what you hold inside of you. If you are broken within, you will see the outer world broken. It all begins within. Even if you feel you cannot take one more step, do it anyway, or you may choose to rest for a bit. Whatever your choice, know that your consciousness is reflecting all the Light you have been receiving.

New pathways may open for you; surrender to what you are guided to. If you do feel overwhelmed by everything, this surely tells you that you are not balanced. Scan yourself and see if you are unbalanced in any area of your life and then make an adjustment. When in Balance, life flows beautifully.

When there is an over-abundance of Light flowing into you, you may feel anxious and confused. You might be forgetful and you may feel outer disturbances, whether from others or from the environment. You may feel shaky and want to close down, which can lead to depression because it is all just too much. Stay grounded and stay in your body because you might hurt yourself otherwise. Walking purposefully on Earth as well as being in Nature greatly helps. What you thought was coming your way may shift, for we are no longer in linear time. If something you desire looks like it is being manifest and then dissipates in thin air, realize that it is for your very highest expansion. What is best for you will always come to you. Observe deceptions (illusions) in the world and within yourself. Just feel into everything and you will know what the higher Truth for you is. Observation without attaching to what is presented is best, for then nothing sticks to you.

Do not let fear take hold; be the Warrior you are. We are ending and we are beginning. If you practice Yoga, do the Warrior Pose often, for the energy of it integrates into all your bodies. Connect often with the Heart of Gaia (the crystalline cluster at the center of Earth), for She is the greatest Warrior of all. Be Love, for Love is much stronger than fear. Observe the matrix being disintegrated; surely we see this with the current events of this powerful time. Honor who you are in all moments of your life. Rise up!

~ ~ ~

If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!

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My tags: Marilyn Raffaele, Warrior of Love, Arcturian Group Message, Choices, Meditation, Heart-Centered Navigation, Beyond Comfort Zone, Release Fear + Control, Ancestral Karma, Present Moment, Personal Responsibility, Ascension, Truth, Awakening Humanity, Connect With Nature, Heart of Gaia,

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