Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Enlightening Life: The Energies of July 2014 by Jennifer Hoffman

Enlightening Life: The Energies of July 2014
by Jennifer Hoffman

Monday, 30 June, 2014

In the 2014 predictions, which you can read here, I wrote that the second half of 2014 would be much different than the first half and that period begins on July 1. It is quite appropriate that the month begins with Mercury turning direct and during the month Mars and Saturn will both end their long retrogrades, and four planets will change signs. That’s a lot of activity for one month but we are ready for it, aren’t we? July will open the doors to change, releasing a lot of stagnant energy and inviting us to step into the changes and transformation we have been waiting to make for a long time. That time we have been hoping and waiting for is now here. All we have to do is decide what we’re going to do with the energy.

The difference between change and transformation, on an energetic level, are profound. With change we simply substitute one thing for another, in the same way that we change our underwear every day. With transformation we get a total makeover so even the people who know us well no longer recognize us. We have the opportunity for transformation now — are we willing to take it and become a new version of ourselves? That’s what we are being invited and compelled to do but as much as we say we want it, making the commitment and aligning with and integrating the energy is a whole new ballgame.

Let’s face it, this has not been an easy period for anyone, starting with the early 1990s and really gearing up in the early 2000s. My life has taken some hard and unexpected turns during that period, and I  know yours have too. I have, at times, tried so hard to make changes but the timing was off, things weren’t right, I had other things to do that I wasn’t aware of and work to do that was keeping me firmly grounded in a place I did not want to be in. But my wishes didn’t seem to be as important as the tasks at hand and this has been our experience, until now.

There is nothing that holds us back now, except perhaps the discomfort that comes from being suddenly released after a long period of confinement. It may take some time for us to learn how to let go of the missions that have been our life purpose for so long, but they are as eager to be rid of us, as we are of them. Everything is seeking transformation now, and we will probably not need to ask where the release needs to happen as it will be quite obvious, in the form of situations and relationships that we are no longer aligned or resonate with.

Our hands and hearts, so accustomed to shouldering heavy burdens of healing, are now free to seek other avenues. Can we let go of what we know has been our life purpose and soul mission and allow ourselves to step into a new purpose that serves our joy? Change is in the air but it is the promise of transformation, at a soul level, that is our new path. If we’re going to be aligned with new energy, we need to be willing to become new versions of ourselves, to reconnect with the full scope of our power that we have denied ourselves in service to our healing missions and this requires transformation first, and then our acceptance of the changes that will arise from it.

What does it feel like to not be a healer in every situation? What kinds of relationships can we have if our primary intention is to be served at our level of service, to receive in equal measure to what we so freely give to others? This is one of the things we must address as we enter July and a new phase of our individual and collective journey.

Those who have relied on others to bear the burden of their pain and healing will now have to learn to rely on themselves. Those who have supported and at times encouraged this level of co-dependency will find that they have neither the time nor the energy to do so.  The time of the Martyred Healer is over, as is the era of the Light Worker. We are now Light Beacons, shining our light from our own space of joy, peace, love, fulfillment, and abundance so that others can know what it is to lived from a place of being that is healed, whole, and complete. We are better healers when we remind others of their power, rather than feeling pity for their pain. We are also better healers when we are happy and living in joy, than when we suffer and struggle with energy that doesn’t belong to us. The earth and humanity do not need us to show them their pain, they need to know that there is an alternative and will look to us to show them the portal that they must pass through by themselves.

July’s themes all begin with the letter ‘E’, expanded, energized, enlightened, and evolved, where we expand our ability and willingness to receive and hold energy at new levels of frequency and vibration we are energized with our new purpose and mission and use the new energy to create a new life and way of being that serves us and that we love, we shine our light brightly as beacons of inspired transformation for others, and we evolve into new, higher frequency ways of being.

We are also going to have opportunities to fulfill our dreams of relationship because this new energy requires partnerships, on all levels, and that includes creating loving, fulfilling, romantic relationships with partners who are kindred spirits (no more soul mates or karmic partners) and who are also ready for relationships that begin at an equal level of completeness and healing.  Does it get much better than that? After months and years of waiting, I think we’re finally here and I am looking forward to the movement and transformation, as I know you are too. Have a wonderful month.

Copyright (c) 2014 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.  You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to http://enlighteninglife.com


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