Thursday, July 31, 2014

Akashic Trnasformations: An Excerpt from the Message of August 2014 by Jen Eramith ~What energy and experiences can we expect in August 2014?

~What energy and experiences can we expect in August 2014?
~Are there particular activities that will serve us during the month of August 2014?
August 2014 Message From the Akashic Records:
An Excerpt from the Message of August 2014 by Jen Eramith


What energy and experiences can we expect in August 2014?
The energy this month will feel like coming out of a dark room into bright sunlight, or like waking up from a deep sleep.  There is the feeling of big energy that is available for you that may be so big that it is overwhelming at first, but you will adjust as the month goes on. 

Many of you might feel disoriented at the beginning of the month.  It will be important for you to work on being grounded and centered.  You may find it useful to get a little more sleep than usual and to include other physical grounding activities.  Yet the most important thing to do this month will be to pay attention to what you see, hear and feel -- and be authentic and honest about those things.  Do not pretend anything.  It is important for you to be grounded in what is really true, not what you hope to be true.  Do not dwell on what you wish is true, nor on what you are afraid may be true.  Embrace and be grounded in what really is happening.  That will be the key for this month. 

This energy coming in August is a big healing energy.  It is like a big ball of Light.  It may come as a relief to some of you.  It is very clear that this month, both on a personal level and on the collective level, there is much to be done.  If you imagine yourself coming out of a dark room into bright sunlight, once you get oriented then you see things you have never seen before.  You will be called to act, or moved, to do things as you realize more of what you can see now.  Be prepared and make time in your schedule for new or unexpected events.  Plan on having a lot of work to do, many relationships to manage, and extra time for dealing with changes along the way. 

This is a good time to roll up your sleeves and smile while you work.  It will not serve you to be lazy or avoidant this month.  There is so much happening so fast, it will be important for you to keep up with it.  The overall vibration here is one of goodwill, love, and healing.  So it will be enjoyable work if you cease to resist and instead choose to embrace it.  Embrace the truth, embrace the work that you are called to do, and embrace any problem that comes your way as an opportunity to get that work done.

Are there particular activities that will serve us during the month of August 2014?
It will be useful for many of you to spend time with people.  Fill your social calendar with things to do, especially if they include opportunities to meet with people and have conversations.  For some of you, formal or professional meetings will be useful.  For others it may be more informal, such as barbecues or coffee dates with friends.  Most will find it useful to increase both formal and informal meetings this month. 

It will be important for you to plan ahead and look forward to each conversation.  Be prepared for times when you are interacting with people by thinking ahead about what you have learned in each relationship.  Consider what you know and what you want to have happen in your relationship with each person you meet.  Try to be grounded and aware of your priorities before the meeting begins so you can remain centered and take full advantage of your time together.  There is so much that needs to be done and a lot of it will transpire in your relationships and through your interactions.  Embrace that by planning interactions rather than reacting to the interactions that come your way by accident.  That is one activity that will serve you very well this month..."

For additional information about this month, including specific information about what to avoid and watch out for this month, and a special message from the Keepers about the potent energy of this month, consider joining Akashic Transformations as a member. Compare the benefits of membership to public access before joining!  You can receive an excerpt from the Monthly Message, updated channelings, and additional insights from the Akashic Records by signing up for our free newsletter.  This Message was channeled from the Akashic Records by  Jen Eramith MA through Akashic Transformations. It may be shared with individuals provided that the content is complete; all credit is given to the author; and it is distributed for no financial or other compensation to anyone other than Jen Eramith and Akashic Transformations.  Please include this message with all redistribution. For official distribution rights, please contact Jen. 

You can receive an excerpt of the Monthly Message by email each month by signing up for our free newsletter. If you would like to consult the Records about your life or any other personal question, please schedule a Personal Consultation from Jen.

Welcome to a magical conversation with Spirit

All audio and text protected under copyright
© Akashic Transformations
All rights reserved

DAILY OM ~ July 31, 2014 Interconnected Experiences: Noticing Synchronicity

"Things happen in our lives for a reason, even if that reason is not clear to you right away."

DAILY OM ~ July 31, 2014
Interconnected Experiences: Noticing Synchronicity

by Madisyn Taylor

"When events appear to fit together perfectly in our lives it may seem at first that they are random occurrences, things that are the result of coincidence. These synchronous happenings, though, are much more than that, for, if we look at them more closely they can show us that the universe is listening to us and gently communicating with us. Learning to pay attention to and link the things that occur on a daily basis can be a way for us to become more attuned to the fact that most everything happens in our lives for a reason – even when that reason is not clear right away.

When we realize that things often go more smoothly than we can ever imagine, it allows us to take the time to reflect on the patterns in our lives. Even events that might not at first seem to be related to each other are indicators that the universe is working with, not against, us. This idea of synchronicity, then, means that we have to trust there is more to our lives than what we experience on a physical level. We need to be willing to look more closely at the bigger picture, accepting and having confidence in the fact that there is more to our experiences than immediately meets the eye. Being open to synchronicity also means that we have to understand that our lives are filled with both positive and negative events. Once we can recognize that one event is neither more desirable nor better than the other – they all have an overall purpose in our lives -- then we are truly ready to listen to the messages the universe gives us.

While we may not be able to see everything in our lives as being synchronous, we can certainly use hindsight to be more aware of how the universe guides us. This sense of wonder at the mysteries of the universe and the interconnectedness present in our lives will help us see our overall ways of being and will in turn make it easier to work more consciously towards our spiritual evolution."

A Perfect Reflection

“The Universe has never created anything less than what it should be at any given moment. You are not, nor have you ever been. Have faith and take heart in the fact that you are a perfect reflection of The Divine.” ~ Creator

A Perfect Reflection
Originally posted on The Creator Writings:
The Universe has never created anything less than what it should be at any given moment.  You are not, nor have you
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Weekly LightBlast: State of (Human) Being a message from Jamye Price

Weekly LightBlast: State of (Human) Being
a message from Jamye Price

Thursday, 31 July, 2014

You are a state of being, not a finite form.  Time is always moving and you are deeply entwined with Time.  Therefore, movement is deeply entangled with you.  If you look at the quantum theory of Entanglement, it is a deep core lesson of Life and one of your most important scientific discoveries, for its birthing into the consciousness of humanity began a deeper understanding of the unseen world on a larger scale.   Yet it was right before your eyes all along.  In your more tribal days, you realized the connection of sustainment with the Earth and with others.  Being exiled from the tribe was nearly sure death.  You assisted and inspired each other.  As you progressed through evolution, which is inevitable, you focused less on physical survival and more on the creative aspect of Life.  Though you may look at the history and see much pain and domination, look beyond that at the unseen opportunity to strengthen Love within the Self.  It is Entangled in all you experience.

Realizing fully that you are a State of Being can set you free in the present moment.  Since you are a State of Being, the present moment is temporary.  You reside in linear time, so understand its influence on you and you come into coherence with it rather than resisting it.  Your present moment is a culmination of your collective past.  The past is you, all you have experienced, all those you have encountered and the collective of life on Earth.  You need not know all the details of the past, it is written in your present moment.  Since you are a State of Being, change is eminent.  How would you like to change?

Based on the present moment that was built by the past, there is a probable outcome.  You see this in your simple math: 1+1=2.  Yet you live in a Time where deeper levels of math are now available and probability is built into your math.  In your Life, you are that probability.  What will you choose in your present moment?  Will you choose to repeat the same action (reaction) that created the present experience, or will you choose anew?  As a State of Being entangled with linear Time, your choice affects the future.  Probability is defined through you.

How do you choose anew?  Choose a new ‘reaction.’  Choose a new thought that opens your heart to Love.  Choose to Love yourself, and Loving others through empowerment is inevitable.  You may not see instant manifestation of change, yet it will come.  The more you actualize your State of Beingness, rather than ‘form is final-ness,’ you will decrease the impact of linear time and begin to live the experience of Spherical Time, seeing all the angles (angels?!) within it.  Choose empowering Love and you choose anew.

As we sit to Blast State of Being, we are opening the floodgates of Love and bringing True change to the world.  We are deluging the nature of Life with the Love that blossoms beauty into the world.  We are shifting probability into practicality as Love becomes the current that creates the waves of change.  We are holding the State of Being in form that informs the future into new form.  We are embracing Life and becoming the sphere of Love that cocoons the caterpillar of the present until the butterfly is strong enough to fly free.  Blast on!

Copyright: © 2005-2014 Jamye Price, All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.

This message was originally posted here

The manuscript of survival – part 422

Originally posted on aisha north:
You have for a long time now been prepared to step fully back up to the helm and take over the rudder. In other words, you have been primed to reenter your roles as co-creators of this magnificent world of yours and now, we would like to add some additional information on the topic of said Creation. You see, you have in many ways been trained to focus in a direction that will enable you to literally overlook the obvious, but now your lenses have been corrected as it were, and it is time to once again turn your eyes to the very core. And when we say core, we mean that in a very literal way, for you have been well trained to focus on all of the fuzz and interference and static that has been brought into your line of vision, so you could not see through it…

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Realization of the absolute futility of conflict of any sort is dawning on humanity. July 31, 2014 by John Smallman

Realization of the absolute futility of conflict of any sort is dawning on humanity.
July 31, 2014 by John Smallman

"Here in the spiritual realms excitement, as you might put, is approaching fever pitch!  Yet all across the world, and particularly in the area of Palestine and Israel, it would seem that people are experiencing hell on Earth.  There is an enormous amount of unnecessary and totally unjustified pain and suffering as anger intensifies and conflicts rage, but be aware that this is the essential raising into humanity’s conscious awareness of the futility of these ways of behaving, relating, and attempting to resolve differences between peoples.

For eons conflict has totally failed to resolve disagreements let alone establish peaceful co-existence between warring factions.  Finally humanity is getting the message, but it has taken this recent escalation of conflict across the globe to really bring this message home.  Consequently enormous numbers of good and loving people are working together to persuade those filled with hate and resentment to take a break from conflict and to meet with one another, initially to end the hostile activities that are tearing families and societies apart, and then to work together to establish a loving acceptance of each others right to live in peace.

It does seem to you that people have been futilely attempting this for generations, which they have, but now there is such an intensity of Love bringing peoples together that the angry reactionary excitement of those you might describe as “hotheads” will be calmed down in order that their often intense rage ceases to fuel the fires of dissent that it seems can never be extinguished.

It is a time for acceptance, for accepting that enormous numbers of people have been killed, tortured, and injured, and that nothing can alter that fact, and for also accepting that to continue burning with rage, just as before, will bring not solutions but only more utterly unnecessary and horrific suffering.

Up until very recent times it had been considered logical by humanity generally that the way to win a conflict was to increase the size of their armies and the effectiveness of their weapons.  However the nuclear ending to the second world war made it clear that this was becoming an increasingly dangerous and indeed insane attitude to maintain or encourage.

Humans are social beings who chose to limit their access to their individual spiritual natures, and as a result they divided into different races, creeds, and cultures, further separating themselves from their oneness with their divine Source.  However, deep within every human being, hidden under a dark and divisive cloak of fear there burns an inextinguishable flame of Love.  As a consequence of the escalating violence across the planet over the last few decades, and the realization that the threat of a worldwide nuclear holocaust has not yet been totally removed, many, in desperation or perhaps frustration, are lifting that dark cloak within themselves and finding their true nature beneath it waiting to embrace them.

And this is why, here in the spiritual realms, we are so excited, uplifted, and encouraged, because we can see the absolutely amazing and elevating effects that the Tsunami of Love is causing and promoting very rapidly across the planet and throughout humanity.  Realization of the absolute futility of conflict of any sort is dawning on humanity, and many are now getting together to gently and lovingly restrain those who, as yet, cannot see this and would continue engaging in senseless, wasteful, and in fact insane conflict.

So what we are seeing is that the futility of conflict has finally been truly recognized by the vast majority, consequently it will cease.  From your perspective, reliant on the mainstream media for much of your inadequate information about the state of the world, the situation seems increasingly alarming.  That is not a bad thing because it strongly encourages people to take notice and focus ever more intently on being loving in every moment.

It is humanity’s total embrace of Love, All That Exists, the Power Source and creative Intent of God, that will stabilize the New Age allowing it to grow and prosper as divinely intended.  When Love is locked out, avoided, or denied chaos ensues, and the illusion is a state of chaos.

Love is One.  Separation, the illusory state in which you appear to have your existence as humans, is chaotic because your ability to communicate is severely restricted by the limitations a human vehicle imposes on the divine being who chooses to experience life from that perspective.  Your free will choice to separate from your Source and from all the infinite skills and abilities that state provides meant that only chaos resulted.  It was initially very exciting for you, you had brought limited skills to the illusion – the rules of the game – but they were quickly found to be inadequate, and then its chaos overwhelmed you.  Your different languages, cultures, religions, skin colors, and apparent differing levels of intelligence further divided you, and meaningful communication, which had initially been difficult, became virtually impossible.

Over the last few hundred years or so there have been ongoing attempts to improve humanity’s living conditions, although those who had inherited power and influence strongly resisted alterations to the status quo.  Nevertheless, it marked a turning of the tide, and then the nuclear devastation at the end of World War II brought the realization that either you had to find a better way to live together in peace and harmony on the planet or you were doomed to destroy yourselves.

This has not happened, and it will not!

However it remains essential that you all embrace the eternal and inextinguishable flame of Love buried deep within each one of you – and daily meditation within your quiet inner sanctuary is the way to do that – because that is the way to return to the state of oneness that is your eternal nature.  As One it is impossible that you would do anything that would harm another.  It is as One that you have your eternal existence, and in that state communication is instant, clear, comprehensible, and utterly loving.

Remember, your awakening has been divinely assured, so focus on bringing it to fruition by intending to be loving regardless of any situation that might suggest to you that Love does not work.  It does, and that is why you are moving forward so positively and determinedly to your inevitable awakening.

Your loving brother, Jesus."



             Beloved masters, as you traverse the return path into the higher-dimensional realms of existence known as the River of Light/Life, or sometimes, the Rainbow Bridge of Cosmic Consciousness, the vibrational patterns within and around you are in a constant state of change.  This has resulted in an ever-increasing expansion of consciousness, whereby the filters through which you view your world of reality, as well as the belief-structures you have built around you, are gradually being replaced with higher, more empowering truths.  The world you have created and those you interact with will always reflect back to you the beliefs and expectations you have accepted as your truth.

            In a painful or debilitating situation, there are always distorted or imbalanced beliefs and attachments which keep you imprisoned in a false, illusional reality. The beliefs which control many of your actions and reactions on a daily basis are slowly dissolving, and are being replaced with self-empowering concepts you are gradually accepting as your new version (vision) of reality.  You are in the process of expanding your awareness of Self, and you are developing a more focused, in-depth awareness of those with whom you interact, and also of the realms beyond your present ability to see. You have often heard the saying that "all is an illusion."  This does not mean that everything that has been created in the physical realm of existence is not solid, does not have structure, or is not real.  Nor does it mean that the higher realms are illusional with no tangible structure or definition. Every level of existence throughout this Universe seems as real to those who reside there as your earthly home does to you. The Creator and Its all-encompassing influence are most assuredly real, just as we are.

             The illusion is your perception of the world, a reality you view through filters of your own making: beliefs, structures, taboos and limitations you have encoded within your subconscious mind and have accepted as your truth.  Everyone views the world and daily events through a veil of their own beliefs and a modified level of awareness. That is why many see everything through a filter of negativity, while en-Lighten-ed Souls experience life through a filter of love and non-judgment.

            During these times of accelerated transformation, you are experiencing great changes both within and without. The membranes between the subconscious, conscious and superconscious minds are becoming thinner, thereby allowing you access to the subjective, self-limiting information you need to release and the distorted concepts you need to heal in order to return to balance within as you strive to reclaim Self-mastery. The right and left hemispheres of your brain, as well as the matrix of your subconscious, conscious and superconscious are in the process of merging and returning to a unified state of super- or macro-consciousness. In many ways, the saying "as it was in the beginning, so it will be once more" applies to the transformational process humanity is now experiencing.

            Every observation via the physical senses that makes an impression on you, as well as every action, interaction and reaction, is automatically transmitted and recorded within the memory cells of the subconscious mind.  Again, we stress, your subconscious mind is subjective and takes every thought or experience literally, and is thereafter affected by your individual bias. The subconscious mind will continue to respond to and replay old thought patterns and conditions over and over again until the misconceptions are resolved and reprogrammed.

            Your third- and fourth-dimensional world is random and chaotic while the time/space continuum of the higher-fourth dimension and beyond is more flexible and fluid. As you integrate the vibrational patterns of the higher dimensions, all that is not compatible will rise to the surface for resolution, which results in higher wisdom. For those who have developed their inner sight, they know that thoughts are tangible things.   They are aware that the quality or frequency patterns of a thought determine its color, while the nature of an emotion determines the form it will take. The more focused and detailed a thought is, the clearer the outline will be. Thoughts of a low frequency level are dark, muddy and distorted while the higher octaves of thought, those infused with love, are more delicate and luminous.  You must accept the fact that your thoughts do have substance and that they do have an effect on you and the world around you.

            You must be willing to examine the preconceived ideas about the complex traditions /structures/boundaries of your life, and you must release or transform the beliefs which are keeping you stuck in self-inflicted structural limitations. Releasing attachments, outmoded habits and concepts is an ongoing process and requires constant vigilance and upgrading. We are aware that you have built comfort zones around you which are difficult to move beyond, even if they are uncomfortable and constrictive.  But that is exactly what you must do, beloveds, if you are to expand and become the masters of cocreation you were meant to be.

             Letting go is liberating and gives you the power to expand your consciousness and your world.  The higher your vibrational patterns become, the more fluid the restrictions around you become.  Do not become attached to the structures of life you have built around you.  You must realize that change is an integral part of growth. You make decisions and choices every day, and as a master-becoming, it is imperative that you always strive for the highest choices.  The boundaries of your spectrum of duality will become narrower, and the pendulum of choice will swing in a much smaller range to the right and left of center.  As a result, your perception and conscious awareness will expand and be raised exponentially.   "A master always follows the narrow upward path" is an ancient truth that still applies.  You must always seek your highest truth and then live it to the best of your ability.

            It is important that you are aware that there is an orderly sequence to the Cosmic Cycles of Creation which define and emphasize a great variety of GODLY EXPRESSION.  Therefore, it is important that you learn to flow and adapt to the changes of the time, to discard the restrictive, limiting beliefs of your third- and fourth-dimensional reality as you gain wisdom, seek higher truths and grow closer to your original "State of Divinity."

            We are in the midst of one of the greatest cycles of transformation that this Universe has ever experienced; however, it is important that you understand that there have been many minor cycles of change on Earth, and each of you has experienced these transformational times in one way or another.

            The coming Seventh Root Race will be highly-evolved and spiritually-attuned and will be influenced by the SEVENTH RAY of transformation, purification, freedom and redemption. Everyone and everything on Earth will be affected by the radiance of the Seventh Ray, the Violet Transmuting Flame. Many of the old, outmoded teachings are being discarded as you evolve in wisdom and raise your frequency patterns. The love-based and empowering religious beliefs will be retained, while the fear-based, controlling concepts are slowly being discarded. During the transition into the age of enlightenment, the religions that will survive are those which are willing to expand their philosophy to incorporate the revealed, higher Creator truths.

            New cycles of "Being" are initiated through a willingness to change and can gradually be incorporated with ease and grace. However, for those who are resistant, it will be through chaos and conflict.  Much depends on your capacity to attract, respond and absorb (or reject), and then transmit the more refined energies known as "higher truth."  Your Soul and Higher Self remember the reason you chose to experience and express painful situations--not as a punishment, but for resolution.

            It is vitally important that you strive to strengthen your self-determination and your desire for fulfillment.  You must evolve from an ego self-serving mode to a Soul-serving state.  Your Soul is the part of you which is connected to the "Universal Whole."  You gain compassion the hard way through pain and suffering (ego-driven), or the easy way through the process of reunion with your Higher Self and God Ray (Soul-inspired).

            Nothing can escape the radiation and magnetic influence of the rarified Creator Light/Adamantine Particles now permeating this Universe, Sub-universe, galaxy, solar system, the Earth and humanity. The chakras are like electromagnetic batteries within the body.  The vibrations of electromagnetic frequencies communicate to many levels of consciousness. You must be harmonious with and attuned to the vibrational frequencies in order to integrate them. The higher frequencies of Light/ thought/sound vibrate through your blood, cells, organs, bones, muscles and tissues, enriching your sense of well-being.  The lower frequencies of the third- / fourth-dimensional environment restrict the flow of life-giving energy, and increase the density in your four lower-body systems.  Your blood carries genetic encodings of your earthly lineage, but more important, your cosmic lineage and your Divine heritage.

            My beloved bearers of Light, we ask you to view each test and challenge as an opportunity to release outmoded thoughts and vibrational patterns which no longer serve your greater good. We implore you to view your life experiences through the filters of your Sacred Heart/Mind as you draw forth the Diamond Ray Particles of Life/Light and infuse them with your love before radiating them out into the world and to humanity.  We are all in this cosmic dance of evolution, and together, we shall prevail.  I AM Archangel Michael.



            Meditating regularly on the Sacred Heart, and consciously activating the incoming Adamantine Particles of Creator Light that you integrate, will result in a major transformation in your life as you become a cocreative Self-Master of the highest order.

            In a relaxed state, begin the Breath of Infinity--(a figure 8). With each breath, imagine your consciousness expanding to incorporate all of the solar system.......... then the galaxy............... and then this Sub-universe. Envision, however you perceive, the magnificence of the planets, star systems, galaxies, and also feel within your Sacred Heart the power and majesty of the vastness of space.......the "Great Void" filled with the unmanifested potential of Love/Light (the Adamantine Particles of Creation, powered by Love).

            Now envision yourself as the center, the focal point within this Sub-universe, as the "Flow of Divine Light" radiates forth from all directions toward you.  See the prisms of Light refracting into Rainbow Colors, which contain all the virtues, qualities, attributes and potential of Creation.  Breathe deeply as you ingest this gift of Love/Life, as you begin to feel the flow to you and from you.......the never-ending supply of Divine Light Substance.   Breathe in...........breathe out............ breathe in...........breathe you see this magic elixir flow forth from your Sacred Heart center in an Infinity Sign, from both the front and back portals of your heart.   Be aware that, with you as the receptacle and the conduit on the material plane, the Creator particles of pure Light substance will pour forth into you and from you in a never-ending supply.  These particles will stream outward into the material world to be molded into an unlimited variety of physical manifestations via your visions, seed thoughts and pure intentions / will / actions!



            Lastly, but of vast importance, always maintain an attitude of gratitude for all things, large and small.  A constant state of thanksgiving generated from within the Sacred Heart will magnify and enhance your ability to cocreate in alignment with the Divine Plan for the greatest good of all.

How will you use this gift which is a treasure beyond imagining? What are your greatest desires? What will be your legacy to the world and humanity?  Reach for the stars, beloved friends, for there is no limit to what you can manifest and share when your desires are in harmony with Spirit. Forever love and angel blessings, Ronna


















Transmitted through Ronna * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from : * *

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Blue Dragon Journal ~ Eliza: Touching the Heart of Love

<3 If you are not feeling the love and are in need of nurturing, go sit in nature and listen to…the wind..the birds…the stillness. Then come back and read this gem, and know you are loved. -PB

Blue Dragon Journal ~ Eliza: Touching the Heart of Love

by Eliza Ayres
Eliza: Touching the Heart of Love
In the past week since publishing my four-part series, “From One Who Has Served”, I have received the most extraordinary outpouring of love from the hearts of devoted readers. This has touched me to the core of MY being, for where there is Love, it can only multiply and grow.
Indeed, your love written out in many languages and felt by my heart as you register the meanings of the words of these latest sharing, has given impetus to the opening of my Higher Heart even more. Indeed, you may think that I planned it this way… and I will reply, we all did, dear ones.
If there was not something within you that resonated to my humble words, you would not still be reading them… and wishing that I was going to stay longer. Like knows like… and like can only know something that it has known before, somewhere, some other time and place. We truly KNOW each other in our Wholeness and I hope that many of you simply blossom forth with new courage, whether to follow in my footsteps or to carve your own.
Life here has been an adventure. I have had glimpses into other lifetimes but know that they are actually playing out simultaneously, so what you accomplish in clearing out of the closet in THIS lifetime, will assist to clear and balance ALL lifetimes.
Even though I came here originally to teach and to lend a civilizing influence to your world, along with many other light beings, I have also learned much and will take my hard-earned knowledge “Home” with me to augment my own spiritual development.
I will share that life in 5D will not be quite so trying or exhausting as it has been in 3D. It is a wonder that any of us have survived the amount of stress that people are put through every day here, even more so for some now as the planet has plunged into an intense transitional period.
The Heart of Love for me is Compassion or Love in Action. I have written of the importance of Self-love as a first step on one’s journey to regain a sense of personal empowerment and balance. And as your love and acceptance of every aspect of yourself grows, your love naturally expands forth to include others.
We are One is the motto of the Galactic Federation of Light. We mean it. We live it. We have dedicated untold lifetimes and resources for the cause of freeing this planet and assisting its evolution. And many of my readers are part of the GFL, whether or not they are currently aware of being so. And if not, you may discover at some future date, that you are an emissary of your world, from this galaxy or from one far, far away…
There are those among light-workers that also quote, “We Are One!” frequently, because as light workers you understand this phrase to the core of your being, yet you might not understand the entirety of the phrase.

And frankly, the collective of Earth’s humanity has quite a ways to go before they really are able to feel the AT-ONE-MENT. There is so much to clear and cleanse, to forgive and forget, to let go of and release… and that is what many of you are here to do… by doing it first for yourself.
In this time period, the 21st century, while there are still gurus in places like India and other light-workers who present themselves as teachers and assistants, the bulk of the work towards ascension lies upon the individual shoulders of each awakened one. Never believe it if someone tells you that they can do the work for you, for to do so would be to violate Cosmic Law.
As a focus of individuated consciousness, you are the only One who can free yourself from whatever you think is holding you back. So, open your heart, forgive yourself for whatever you have allowed to happen to you, forgive the perpetrators… and allow your heart flame to burn away the dross. Be creative. Use the Violet Flame or whatever other Ray of God works for you to clear your four bodies and do this daily, as a refreshing light shower.
I have moved through great darkness within the years of this lifetime and have emerged into the bright sunlight of my own Higher Heart. From the days of the Korean affair and the raw beginnings of the Cold War to now… it is like night and day. The dawn has come for me. It will come for you if you still linger in the darker corners of your consciousness, filled with fear and self-doubt or recrimination. Let them go; they are not YOU.
As my High Heart opens even more than it has already, I find the love I feel within encompassing all that I see and experience here. Of course, I have moments of stress and have to concentrate on work tasks, but there is always the underlying surety that Love exists as a binder between all life.
For many years, I have been able to feel when someone is thinking about me or now. It has only been in the past couple of years that I realized I was an empath. I’ve known that I am a highly sensitive individual and an introvert for much longer. Being all those things in our society has not been easy. However, when I’m comfortable in a situation, I can be quite gregarious and social.
The reason that I share this, is as your own heart opens, you may also begin to feel when someone else is thinking about you or wishes to communicate with you via email or phone… I’m sure that you’ve all experienced at one time or another thought about someone only to have them phone up in the next moment or two. These intuitions and nudges are signs of incipient telepathy, a talent that everyone will eventually master.
Being connected on an energetic level is natural. Being disconnected, alienated and filled with angst is unnatural. So learn to step beyond your comfort zone and begin to share your own journeys. Choose an approach that appeals to you, whether through song, poetry, art, dance… climbing, writing, video work… whatever gives you joy and fills you with anticipation for the next “outing”.
The opposite of Love is Fear. Learn to move through whatever fears that you are currently experiencing as the Chimera (imaged beastie) they are. You may discover in the process that what you feared was the seed or root of your greatest strength.
With me, my greatest challenge was to tell my story about my father and me. You can find it in my earlier entries in 2012 under, “A Lesson in Forgiveness”. Once I had shared this story, I felt much freer and lighter. The memories no longer had any power over me. I was released and was able to tackle other fears and hidden demons. I am still working with some, although not to the degree that I was before.
Let’s face it, gang, life here can be tough sometimes, even if you are blessed with a beautiful family or a great job. It takes great courage simply to incarnate upon this planet and few of you give yourself kudos for doing so. So… once in a while, send gratitude to your Higher Self for sending you to this school room of delights and darkness. Through gratitude and acknowledgement, your connection with the greater part of Self will grow.
You are Love and you are Light. Love is the essence of the Divine Feminine. Light is the essence of Divine Masculine. To ascend you must balance both of these aspects within your own being. And you will, by being willing to step forth and face the challenges that come at you with an open heart and open mind.
If you feel yourself closing in on yourself through a momentary twinge of fear, breathe. See your lungs fill with the Rays of God, the Violet Flame, the Indigo Blue of Archangel Michael, the Sea-Foam Green of the 8th Ray… and the others… to release that fear, wash it from your presence and to dissolve it permanently into the Light.
Through Love and Light, you bring balance and peace to yourself and you will begin to find that peace within transforms how you view the world.
Although my focus is narrowing down due to my looming departure (still some months away) I feel that a part of me is expanding and encompassing all of you within my Heart. It is as if I have become a Mother to many… most of whom I will never meet in the flesh, yet united in love and light through the communications that we have shared. If nothing else, I AM your sister and will always find you tucked away within my Heart.
A long time ago when I was a teenager, I opened up a fortune cookie received when dining at a Chinese restaurant. I never forgot the writing on that scrap of paper: “You will be loved by many children.” As I grew older and did not become a mother or a teacher, I wondered how those words would come true. I can tell you now, while few of my readers are children, I do know that I am loved. Thank you.
Remember, dear ones, when fear seizes you… that you are an eternal being and nothing can destroy you. When you truly understand the meaning of that phrase, you will be able to step forth with more confidence, into your own power and beauty, with grace and ease. All these things are already within, but it for you to open up the package and reveal it to the world, by simply being yourself.
Bright blessings to all!
I AM Tazjima Amariah Kumara VaCoupe
© All Rights Reserved, Elizabeth Ayres Escher,
Eliza Ayres | July 30, 2014 at 11:57 pm | Categories: Personal Thoughts, The Shift, Writings by Eliza | URL:


    Clearing the ground for something new and improved…or in this case, clearing the air! -PB


The purification phase has begun, and it is up to all of you to assist in bringing the awakened ones into a new understanding of self. For as the energies released from their conscious and subconscious selves enters your sphere of existence, it shall influence the without and the within. For these energies to be contained and transformed, you are to begin working with the crystalline energies that are stored within your vehicle, by utilizing various tools and crystals at your disposal. For the crystalline energy shall permeate your lives in the next few months to come. For indeed this next phase shall bring forth fruitful commencement of a new era, a new era amidst the seeming destruction of your old world.


"Dearly beloved children of light, love and universal decrees. We speak to you now from the echelons of the Pleiades. From the echelons of the 33rd parallel. From the echelons of the Arcturus. From the echelons of the Andromeda. From the echelons of the ENTIRE COSMIC GATEWAY.  Our dearly beloved children – The Moment has come and your planet has indeed entered into Phase II.  The Christened Energies, the energies of love and the heart code have indeed been ingrained into your very planet’s core and each and every single being dwelling therein.

The moment has come and you shall step into your respective missions urgently so, for urgently so you are to begin the purification phase, phase two. The purification of the energies that exist outside of your vehicle. For the energies that are surrounding you wherever you may be stationed on earth shall begin to be unified with the transformational christened energies flowing freely through your cosmic awareness.

And so the focus of Phase II shall primarily be on cleansing out all that has been overcome, all that has been left behind, the lingering energies, of the ones that have released them into your atmosphere, into the “air” that you breathe and the energy that you surrounds you. The purification phase has begun, and it is up to all of you to assist in bringing the awakened ones into a new understanding of self. For as the energies released from their conscious and subconscious selves enters your sphere of existence, it shall influence the without and the within.

For these energies to be contained and transformed, you are to begin working with the crystalline energies that are stored within your vehicle, by utilizing various tools and crystals at your disposal. For the crystalline energy shall permeate your lives in the next few months to come. For indeed this next phase shall bring forth fruitful commencement of a new era, a new era amidst the seeming destruction of your old world.

Please understand that the seeming destruction is merely a transformation into a new paradigm of thinking, for as the Armageddon continues to storm within each vessel that is presently occupied with thoughts of lesser vibrations understand that  what is merely occurring before you is the destruction of the old paradigm, a shift in consciousness. It is of outmost importance for you our dearly beloved ground crew to understand that upon the introduction of any new energy, be it of a negative or positive proportions as is understood in your present earthly reality, the new energy pushes out the old energy that already is present within the vehicle, and as such the energy that has been pushed out roams freely around the vehicle of time and space , looking to attach itself to other such vehicles!

And as such, it is of outmost importance to purify said energy, to purify it and release it into the light and transmute it with the violet flame of your heart’s code. Purify the vehicle, purify the energy surrounding the vehicle, purify the energy lay lines that of planet earth, purify the lay lines of all that you see before you. For indeed the time has come to purify, yourself, and those around you.

Focus on the ones that have awakened, for they are in dire need of your assistance and understanding of that which they are. Let go of the ones that wish not to find the way to enlightenment at this point in time, for the time shall come that they too will awaken to their true selves. Know and understand that the passion of love and light that you shall surround each and every soul that harbors any negativity as perceived in your earthly reality shall break the matrix within their heart space and allow them to see the light of the divinity of which they are! Purify, release and christen the awakened ones, for indeed the energy of love and understanding, the true energies of love and understanding shall prevail on your planet. For it is so, and so it is.

That is all what we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now."

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery”. In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW”, the “WHY” and the “WHEN”. For more information please visit :

~Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker-Author. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –

“How to create abundance of every form” by angelicguides ~ channeled by Taryn Crimi

“How to create abundance of every form”

by angelicguides by Taryn Crimi
healing2Today we would like to take this time to discuss the manifestation of abundance. Now, it is important to note that we are not merely speaking about financial abundance as that is just one form of abundance, rather we will be discussing how to create abundance of anything you desire. Let us begin.
We often say that all of you are always creating abundance at all times, you may just not particularly like what you are abundant in. Remember you can be abundant in problems, lack, disease and challenges just as easily as you can be abundant in finances, joy, love, bliss and friendships. This is why we say, all of you are always manifesting abundance however we would like to further explain how you can consciously direct what you wish to be abundant in.
Those of you who are drawn to this message are already well aware that you are the creators of your reality. So why then is their still lack, disease, suffering and heartache? To this we reply, because though you have become consciously aware that you have been the sole creator of your reality, you are only just beginning to remember how to consciously direct what it is that you wish to create. We often relate the ability to consciously manifest to any other muscle within the human body. Just as with any muscle, if it goes unused for an extended period of time it will begin to weaken, and with time it will eventually atrophy.
You see, your ability has never gone away, it merely atrophied due to the lack of use; however with the use and conscious development of this skill you will once again regain the ability to direct it at will. Because you are still tied to the illusion of linear time you will likely regain this ability over time rather than experiencing the reawakening of this ability in an instant.
So, you wonder, how can I develop the ability to consciously manifest all of my desires? How may I begin to create abundance in my life? To this we reply, you must first and foremost allow it to enter your life by letting go of the walls and limits you have created which have prevented it from flowing in. As we have said, abundance of money is not the only form of abundance, it is however one of the more commonly sought after forms of abundance. Though we will now focus primarily upon creating financial abundance, please know that creating any form of abundance is not only well within your capability, but also your divine right as a creator being.
We will now share some of the very most common fears that still remain within the mass collective consciousness about creating an abundance of monetary gains. There is the very prevalent fear of lack, the feeling of being undeserving, and the belief that you cannot be spiritual and abundant at the same time. These are just some of the most prominent fears and beliefs that are held within many on your world regardless of the nationality, culture, race or creed.
Let us briefly address these concerns. As we have said many times again, you cannot fear lack and attract abundance at the same time. The belief that you give the most energy to will be what you successfully attract into your reality. You are living in a universe that is made entirely up of energy. You yourself are energy. The universe is infinitely abundant, and therefore it can never “run out” of energy. What you choose to manifest is entirely up to you. The universe which you exist within is infinitely abundant; you can choose to have a lot or a little, it makes no difference. With that being said, let us assure you that your decision to manifest abundance for yourself does not in anyway take away another’s ability to create their own abundance.
There are also very many who question if they are actually deserving of abundance, holding onto many guilt’s and past regrets that they fear in some way makes them less deserving of the abundance they desire. Let us be clear, abundance is never created based upon who is deserving of it or not. Surely there are many millions of beings who do not live in abundance and yet are more than deserving of it. Abundance is created through your beliefs, intentions and expectation of it.
There are still many on your world who believe that it is more spiritual to live in lack than to live in abundance of material wealth.   To this we smile, remember that you are a divine being choosing to have a physical incarnation; and as a divine being, you will always be privy to infinite abundance.  Where we often see a misunderstanding is in the belief that material wealth will somehow detract from your spiritual growth.  To attract abundance within your physical reality does not make you any “less spiritual” of a person than someone who chooses to block abundance and experience lack.  Spirituality is not something that you can gain or lose, it is who you are.   Though you may have momentarily forgotten your divinity, your spirituality is eternal.  To say it is more spiritual to deprive yourself of material wealth than it is to experience abundance would be similar to saying: it is more spiritual to experience illness than it is to experience an abundance of health.  This phrase would strike many as odd, and yet some still find it difficult to integrate the belief that material abundance is equally their divine right.
If it is your desire to live in lack then we certainly encourage you to do so, and if it is your wish to live in abundance then we encourage you to create this as well.  We do not see either choice as a “mistake” both will result in soul growth.  However we do not want you to feel as though you must deprive yourself of abundance and live a life of lack in order to ensure that you will have spiritual growth.  You are creator beings and you are free to create whatever you wish to experience.
Each of you are divine creator beings who are without question deserving and capable of creating abundance in every form. You are meant to be abundant in love, energy, health, finance, friends, peace and bliss.
We would like to share with you our recommendation on how to welcome abundance of every aspect into your life if it is your wish to do so.  Rather than determining exactly how abundance can flow into your life by focusing so intently on only your income, paychecks, clients, relationships and customers you block the infinite flow of abundance from coming to you any other way.  The universe is infinitely abundant and it seeks to serve.  Allow your heart to open to all possibilities that abundance can come to you.  It may be a gift, it may be an idea, it may be a stranger, it may even come in the form of a trade.  There are an infinite number of ways which all that you desire can manifest.
If you find yourself holding onto beliefs which no longer serve you, we welcome you to call upon us and we will gladly assist you in transmuting these limiting beliefs into one which will support the divinity within.  Remember that we cannot change the beliefs for you; however we will gladly remind you how to release any belief with ease if it is your wish.  Know that we are not teaching you something new, rather we are reminding you what you already know within.
We hope that we have served in you in some way.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides
ANGELIC GUIDES IS NOW ON YOUTUBE! FOR MORE LIVE CHANNELINGS PLEASE GO TO http://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/ANGELICGUIDES  DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE ANGELIC GUIDES YOUTUBE CHANNEL!! For those of you who like to make these messages into youtube videos please share the Angelic Guides youtube videos as they are encoded with the Angels energy.  Thank you <3
Copyright © 2012-2014 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Habits of Change Inspiration from Aristole to Zen on the art of mastering habits.

Habits of Change

Inspiration from Aristole to Zen on the art of mastering habits. 

May 25, 2014

Zen Habits

“Changing habits is one of the most fundamental skills you can learn, because it allows you to reshape your life, to reshape who you are. That’s truly transformational.”

— Leo Babauta, Zen Habits

9 Habits Of The Super Successful

1. Get up insanely early.
2. Keep promises, no matter how small.
3. Learn how to tell stories.
4. Lead, don't dictate.
5. Don't be afraid of, or embarrassed by, your failures.
6. Ask questions, alot of them.
7. Be honest with yourself and others.
8. Take breaks.
9. Take notes and stay organized.

Habit Creation Is A Repeatable Process

“I was reminded there is a process to habit creation: believe it is possible, make small changes first, understand your motivation, overcome setbacks. There is a process — and it is repeatable. As long as we have breath we have opportunity to bring about change.”

- Joshua Becker,

Excellence Is A Habit

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle

Change Your Routine

Turning off the autopilot of even one daily routine can help you become more mindful overall. Take a small pause from routines here and there to allow new soul growth to emerge so when life gives you a big reason to pause, it won’t be a shock to your system.

1. Take a new route to work or school.
2. Trade cars with your partner for a day.
3. Take a shower with your eyes closed.
4. Sit in a different seat for meals at home or work.
5. Sleep on the other side of the bed.
6. Eat something you’ve never had before.
7. Eat breakfast for dinner; eat dessert first.
8. Listen to new music.
9. Leave the TV off.

Your Habits Become Your Destiny

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”

— Mohandas K. Gandhi

Turning Inwards to Core Power : A Planet and Population in Transition ~ AA Michael / Celia Fenn: July/August 2014

Once again you have reached the "New Year" of your planet. As you approach the end of July 2014, a turbulent month filled with challenges, you are now ready to cross the threshold and enter into a New Year of Light, Time and Experience. Will you choose to move with the rising light and into a new level of experiences, or will you simply continue to repeat the same experiences again and again in the coming year?

This is a valid question, for as the Planetary energies rise and increase in intensity, each living being on the Planet is given the opportunity to intiate a new level of personal growth and experience in accordance with the energies of the Planet and the incoming Light Codes that are transmitted from the Great Central Sun and the Galactic Center as Light Impulses from the Great Cosmic Heart and Mind.

This is not an easy time for any of you, as the Planet is moving through a period of Transition from the old pre-2012 system and order and into its New Earth manifestation and form, according to the blueprints and dreams of the Collective Heart and Mind in action. It may not seem so, since the level of confusion, violence and chaos on the Planet is intense. Yet we see this a manifestation of the old energies falling away in order to give rise to something new that will sustain life on Planet Earth in the years to come.

Each one of you, on the personal level, will be led to question your life and your values, and to choose a new path that aligns more closely with what you hold to be truth in your life.

You may also find that while you are asked to "let go", there may be nothing that arises immediately to take its place. This may be a frightening prospect, being asked to step into a void with nothing but trust that you will be held and guided. But in truth, Beloved Ones, you have been prepared for this moment for many years.

Yes, this is the moment when you are truly stepping forward as Masters of Light, Masters of Time and Space, and claiming your Core Power.

Core Power and how it Sustains you and Guides you in the Transition

You may ask....what is this Core Power of which we speak? It is a very deep inner power and knowing that you have been developing since you began your process of awakening and transformation.

When you awakened, you began the process of activating your Light Body and activating your DNA in accordance with the Divine Template or Blueprint for Human LIfe. When you were ready, you were able to receive the Light Codes that activated the Christ Consciousness with its Golden Christ Light, and the Diamond Codes that activated your Galactic Consciousness and enabled you to align fully with the incoming Galactic Light Codes.

The combination of an active Light Body and Light Activated DNA creates a powerful energetic flow that can be directed through the Heart and the Higher Chakras to create what we would call "Core Power" in each awakened and conscious individual.

This means that you have a power and an influence that goes beyond your mind and your simple mental thoughts and judgmemnts. You have a flow of energy that is aligned with the Cosmic Heart and you can draw on that power at times when you feel blocked, challenged, or without focus and direction on the Mental level.

Core Power is centered on the Heart, and it must be felt and experienced, rather than thought about. It is higher than the mental and emotional aspects of being, and is expressed primarily as feeling, passion, intuition and trust.

Once this level of feeling and passion is activated in the Body/Light Body, then it can be directed downwards into the Mental, Emotional and Physical aspects of Being, allowing solutions and opportunities to manifest in an easy and natural way.

As you begin to work with Core Power, you will notice two things happening. Firstly you will be challenged on many levels, and secondly you will learn to let go and allow the power to flow and create solutions in your life.

The challenge will come from allowing the Core Power to take over and be the leading force in your life. Your mind and your emotions will seek to assert their control over you. They have been in control most of your life, and will be unwilling to just let go of their illusion of control. So many situations will arise where you will be confronted with a choice, to either use your Core Power, or to follow your mind and your emotions, or, as a Master to allow them to work in harmony and in balance. For the "natural" flow of energy is to engage the Core Power and then bring that through so that it may be expressed as mental, emotional and physical energies in the "real" world.

The Use of Core Power in the Coming New Cycle of Change and Transition

Beloved Ones, in this new cycle of Time and Space that will be initiated at the New Year and within the Lion's Gate portal, you will find many opportunities to make use of your Core Power. Indeed, we can say that unless you do make use of this Core Power you may feel lost and caught up in the confusion and chaos of those around you who are still awakening to their own power and core powers.

We will say too, Beloved Family, that this period of Transition on your Planet is likely to continue in the coming year and into 2016, so it really is important that you will embrace your Mastery and your Core power and work from this energy as you move forward.

Now, we will say too that the Core Power needs to be used in a balanced way. Indeed, as you will know, the Divine Feminine energy has been anchored on the Planet in a wonderful way in the past years, and it is important to allow the Divine Feminine energy aspect of the Core Power to be engaged. This means to allow the Flow of Life and to be closely connected to Love, Trust and Acceptance. Know when to simply allow the flow of life to bring to you the necessary opportunities and choices, but be ready to step forward and grasp those opportunities and make those choices at the right time. Be willing to see your life as a work of art in which you are consciously choosing the shapes, forms, colors and tones that will manifest as Beauty and Harmony.

But also, be willing to engage with the Divine Masculine aspects of your Core Power, in responsibility and integrity and commitment. As you make your choices, be empowered to walk in personal integrity and responsibility, being impeccable and walking in the light of honesty and truth. This includes not blaming yourself or others for choices made, and simply allowing the flow of life as it manifests into form. In your Masculine energy you will know that each form that manifests is a part of the manifestation power of Core Energy, and has a part to play in the unfolding narrative of your Timeline or Time Spirals in your life.

And then, once you have made your choices, remember to follow your path and your destiny down the Timeline with Passion, Creativity and Joy!

Beloved Family, now is certainly the time to remember that you have been trained to be a Master of Light and a Master Soul. You have access to Core Power and you are never alone. Always, there are Higher Energies and Angelic Forces that are on hand to assist you and guide you as you learn to engage your Core Power and to exist in the Earth Plane as a Human Angel and an Earthly Being of Light, Love and Power.

As you Remember Who You Are and focus on What your are Becoming, you will find it easier to move through this great period of Transition on your Planet, and to cope with the endings and changes that are a part of the releasing of the old and the coming of the New.

This will be especially intense in this period of the end of July and the beginning of August, as the new energies and frequencies of the next cycle are flooding onto the Planet.

Remember also that this Transition includes the shift to the new Diamond Crystal Grids on the Earth, where you will reconnect with Nature and with the new Light Codes that are preparing to manifest a new and sustainable Earth as soon as they are called forth by those who are in training to be the new Shamans and Dream Walkers on the Earth. In the next two years, many will be called to follow the path of the New Earth Shaman, and to work with nature and the Elemental energies in bringing the New Earth into manifestation on the Planet,through Dreaming, Ceremonies and Circles of Power, as well as working with the land in programs of community and the creation of sustainable ways of being on the Earth.

The Planetary New Year and a New Cycle of Time

According to the Galactic Calendars that were kept by the Mayans and other advanced races on Earth, the "natural" New Year of the Planet is on 26th of July. Because the more traditional calendars do not keep accurate time in synchronization with Galactic cycles, the 25th of July is designated as the "Day out of Time" when the Earth realigns with Galactic time in preparation for the New Cycle of Ascension and Creation. This is a magical day filled with Joy and Creativity and Magic as the New Energy is birthed.

The 26th marks the New Year itself, as the moment when the New Light Codes are fully grounded and a new cycle of creation can begin. This cycle is always experienced at a higher level of consciousness in the natural order of things, as consciousness is always evolving in an upwards spiral towards Light. However, in your old energy matrix, many have chosen not to move upwards, but to keep cycling round and round in the same old energies and making the same old choices. At this time too, those in power often try to hold the mass consciousness at a level of fear and anger by creating drama and diversion so that the Earth Collective will not "naturally" move upwards but will stay pinned in the levels of fear and violence. It is therefore so necessary, Beloved Family of Light, that you do not allow yourself to be pulled into the mass emotions at this time, but allow yourself to move on the upward flow of evolutionary energy that is "natural" in your existence on Earth.

As you make this choice, individually, and by engaging your Core Power, you will enable others to also begin making this choice. The field of resonance of those making the choice to evolve provides a powerful alignment with Divine Light and enables the Planet to begin more easily aliging with Divine Light. Your choices right now are powerful and can assist the Planet on her journey into Higher Consciousness as a Collective.

In the coming month of August, these energies will culminate at the Lion's Gate on the 8/8, a powerful momet of integration and grounding of the new energies and light codes, and by 12th August your new direction for the upcoming cycle will be established, both on the personal level and on the Planetary level.

Beloved Family of Light, we wish you much Joy as you engage your Conscious Creator Energy and work with the Galactic Diamond Light. May you enter into the Clarity of Heart, Soul and Mind as you create a New Cycle of Time on Planet Earth.

* * * * *
If you would like to learn more about the Diamond Light Frequencies and the incoming Diamond Codes, we invite you to read Celia Fenn's new book with Activations by Archangel Michael.

to read more and to order please Click Here.

My tags: Planetary Change, Energies, New Earth, Manifestation, 3-D, 5-D, Intensity, Deeper Truth, Surrender & Release, Collective Consciousness, Core Power, Overcoming Challenge, Divine Flow, Love, Trust, Acceptance, Divine Feminine, Passion, Creativity, Joy, Choice, Galactic Diamond Light, Nature, Elementals, Mayan New Year, Natural Time, Resonance, Co-Creation,