Monday, November 21, 2016

HILARION November 2016

HILARION November 2016

HILARION November 20-27, 2016

Beloved Ones,

The adjustments of humanity continue to occur as there are many people who are unable to accept the shock of the great change that has taken place before their very eyes. We watch with interest as people galvanize into action. However, the majority of the people in their country have made a choice and that is the change that is now being implemented. In this case, those who protest and start movements are doing so without taking into consideration that there was a majority of the citizens of their country who turned out to vote for the candidate who is now the incumbent to bear the great responsibility of the highest office of the land in service to the people of their country as a result of the election process.

It is a negation, in a sense, of all that their nation stands for but these are changing times, awakening times, and sometimes the awakening happens in a rude and stark manner and this is what is occurring now. In the meantime, the cosmic energies are inundating the atmosphere of the Earth and everyone upon her. These energies are increasing immensely in their intensity and so all that is occurring has an element of wild and unstable possibilities. And so, you Beloved Ones, who have been training and preparing for these times are now in position to create the stability that is so very necessary as this plays out upon the surface of the planet.

Many of you are experiencing more and more moments of extreme happiness, joy and bliss within yourselves and this is excellent! This is an excellent way to shine your Light - for this is the frequency of the new Golden age. Those who can maintain and sustain these frequencies, making them more and more a part of their daily existence, are the ones who are aligning with the Golden age possibility and certainty. Those of you who are experiencing this are also experiencing creative ideas and creative possibilities. Each day is filled with boundless inspiration.

You are the forerunners of that which is in the future for all of humanity when everyone upon the planet will have their basic needs provided. They will have suddenly, this opportunity to explore their inner realms and they will find this process exciting and most liberating. Upon your world right now, there are diverse evolutionary levels within the understanding of each person and this is something that will continue for a few more years. It requires the loving patience of everyone who is aware that they can make a difference by maintaining a peaceful, calm attitude as the turbulence of the energy effects take place.

We from the higher realms are overjoyed to see how much of a difference, now that it really matters, how much of a difference is taking place as you hold your Light and stand in your Light. We are so proud of each and every one of you! As we work together, we are making a wonderful and positive difference for the highest good of all. Your planet will continue in her re-genesis, there will be many areas of the world that will change. It will not be total, drastic change everywhere but in certain areas of the world, there will continue to be changes, there will be land masses that will sink into the ocean and there will be land masses that rise.

There is no timetable to these events, it will happen when it occurs. Now, all the changes that are occurring are basically taking place as what is perceived as a ‘normal’ way. Other than the events of the last few weeks, the changes continue in a way that is not questioned or resisted in any way. Continue to be of good cheer; continue to foster the higher feelings of joy, happiness and bliss. This is highly beneficial for everyone in your sphere of activity and influence, and within the entire planets probabilities and possibilities.

In the outer atmosphere of your planet, the space is overloaded with observing galactic visitors who are waiting with bated breath to see how and when humanity collectively remembers their higher purpose and their reason for coming to the Earth during these times. During this collective memory event, it will turn the tide to the Light forever and in this we watch and wait. We are in deep anticipation - joyful anticipation for this to occur.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here   
Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her and the same applies to the publishing of her articles in a magazine. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.
HILARION November 13-20, 2016

Beloved Ones,

Duality in all its aspects is now playing out before your eyes. There is a greater picture of what is at stake here. It is a battle between the Light and the dark, it is the age old battle that is now coming to completion. Those who follow an agenda that is not for the highest good of all are taking their last stand and they are being revealed in all their tactics and every step that they take to try to regain control.

Those who follow our messages and those who have the eyes to see have been filled with sadness by the polarity energies that are being expressed by those who purport to carry the Light. We ask you to remember our words to have tolerance, patience and the understanding that these times that are now manifesting upon your world are a necessary part of the cleansing and purging that is occurring in the higher picture of the events upon your planet and within human systems and society’s structures.

It is not as dire as it seems, it merely requires acceptance, the noting of the energies that are at work and a re-centering within self. All is perfect, Dear Ones, please remember this and hold steady your Light. The sky is not falling - the world continues to spin and continues on its journey. Know that adjustments are taking place within each human person who has been expressing great angst very stridently. This too, shall pass, and life will continue.

These times that you are now observing and experiencing, are awakening times, to allow each individual to consciously choose love; the way of love, higher energy and unity consciousness. This is a necessary and desirable quality to embody in a spiritually mature individual who can accept that all they are experiencing is in a state of flux and that they have chosen sides, if you will, of where they wish to focus their energy.

If you become overwhelmed by all that you are experiencing in social media and the news media reports each day, then know that it is time for you to re-center and ground yourself back to the reality of your own consciousness and that for which you have been standing. You will understand that there is nothing that you need to change, that you need to do. It is what it is, let the energies play out and you will see great transformation begin to take place upon your planet.

The shift has begun in earnest, being made manifest in the world around you and it is about time! Each individual has the right to express and act on their own inner convictions of what they feel is the right thing to do and it behooves everyone to begin to respect each other no matter what the diversity of their opinions and convictions are. Everyone has the right of free will choice because you live on a free will planet and that is what it means to live on a free will planet!

It is the right of each individual to access their internal sovereignty and use their Divine wisdom and knowledge to make free will choices in that which they feel is the right and good thing to do. Because opinions differ does not mean that those you oppose are less than you - all it means is that they walk to a different beat, all that means is that they have taken the time to go within and choose that which they believe is the right choice to make.

These current times are all about choosing to follow your own star, to walk in joy, to do those things that bring you joy, that bring you happiness. It is not required that you need the outer world to dictate to you what can bring that joy to you, it is all within you and it has always been within you - for that is where the Divine lives – within you! That which you think about, act upon and speak is affecting the collective consciousness so those who choose peace, those who choose to follow their own authentic self - do not become swayed by those who would try to demean you because you do not  have the same perspective on what is occurring upon your planet at this time.

Know that you are listening to your own hearts counsel and this is always good. We say to you, Beloved Ones, this too, shall pass. It is the nature of the affairs of the world to continue on, it is the nature of humanity to adapt, adjust and accept. Soon there will be a new perspective, a greater and deeper comprehension and understanding of all that is occurring during these times. Have patience; express your kindness and goodwill to each other. Nothing has changed in regards to the goodness within people, nothing is different. All are equal and always have been equal - there is no division in unity consciousness.

We ask you to continue to stand in your Light, to observe and reflect your inner Light, your inner goodness, the peace and goodwill that you hold towards everyone. This is what you then add to the collective consciousness in peace, tranquility and serenity; this is the energy that YOU add to the collective consciousness and this is what is most important during these changing times. Watch, observe and learn, there is much that is unfolding that is amazing and miraculous, look for those, Dear Ones!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here  
Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her and the same applies to the publishing of her articles in a magazine. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. 
HILARION November 6-13, 2016

Beloved Ones,

We come on the wings of love as your world continues in its inexorable changes and transformations that are now occurring on a moment by moment basis. All that was once held dear as real and true is now being shown to be an illusion of sorts. As this process continues, the people of the world will feel as though they are walking on quicksand, that everything that they believed to be solid and real and true is not that which they had assumed. Everything that they were conditioned to believe is not the way it really is. This brings forward feelings of anxiety and a strident need to discover the truth of the world around them.

The world stands at a precipice, one that is inevitable, one that has been foretold for many ages and it is now upon this world and all of her inhabitants. In every corner of the world changes and transformations are taking place within people, within the structures of their governments, their educational systems, their news media reports. In short, everything that has been accepted by humanity to this point is in the process of accelerated change.

Now we have been telling you for many, many years that it is important for you to stay grounded, to stay rooted into the Earth, for this will help as these energies – some very chaotic, some shocking, and some stunning in their revelations, it is important to remain grounded and to remain at the very core of your being, centered and in touch with the truth of your being. If you could but see many years ahead, you would see that this time was the transitional time – the time of transformation into the New Age reality. 

What the world needs most now is the energy of love. Project love into the Earth, into the Earth’s grids, into the hearts of every living being upon this planet, whether human or of other kingdoms – all are one. All are experiencing this transformation. It is a momentous time, one that will be recorded and remembered for all time, even though when we think of the universe, there is no time. What we refer to is the fact that this experience that you are all going through now will always be remembered in the annals of the akashic records and you, as soul, were a part of it. That will never leave your experience and the contributions that you each have made to this process will be recorded for all akashic record history.

Many of you are and will be directed to the knowledge that you need to move into your next phase, your next step on your spiritual journey. You will be lead to certain people, to certain books, to certain websites. Even as you do google searches, somehow, magically, you end up just where you need to be! Keep your eyes and mind open to these possibilities that will be coming forth in the days ahead.

All is in alignment with the Divine Plan for the Earth and for the individual Divine Plan for you and all humanity. Remember to call upon us each day. As you awaken each morning call upon us, ask us to be with you throughout the day giving you guidance, giving you the knowledge that you need. Always we are with you!

The changes as they come now will be fast and furious so that is why we counsel grounding. Please remember what we have told you before, being out in nature is very beneficial. The tree family, if you stand beside them will help you to balance your energies, will help you to ground into the core of the Earth, will help you to integrate the changes and revelations as they continue each day. You have the ability to stay on top of this. Know that we are ever with you.

Everything is in alignment - the heavenly positions are coming into alignment with that which was foretold for many, many ages. It is now upon this world - the initiation, the graduation of the Earth and all her peoples, all of her inhabitants is now in process, is now taking place. It is a momentous occasion and a great accomplishment for all the souls who are sojourning upon the Earth at this time. We ask you to hold a space of love within your hearts, within your minds, within your intentions throughout the coming days. It is very, very important that this energy of love, Christ love, be the prevailing energy.

As the events unfold no matter what the outcomes of them, know that all is well, that all is as it should be, all is taking place in accordance with Divine Will. You who are the Lightbearers, the torch bearers for the Light of God that never fails are now holding that Light within your hearts to the highest level and frequency that your physical bodies can withstand. This is in agreements that have been made from the journeys you have made beyond sleep and it is for the specific purpose of maintaining as much stability that is possible during the transformations that are occurring.

Each of you who have followed our messages is in a unique position, for you have followed the advice, you have followed the guidance, and therefore, you are in a place of equilibrium and balance. You are in what could be termed an enviable position for you to be in during these times. There is much that is unfolding and you are in synchronistic attunement to the highest outcomes that can happen. Be at peace, Beloved Ones.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here  
Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her and the same applies to the publishing of her articles in a magazine. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.

My tags: Hilarion, Marlene Swetlishoff, The Rainbow Scribe, Awakening Change, Polarity, Election, Healing Humanity, Earth Changes, Duality, Cleansing, Choose Love, Sovereignty, Free Will, Adapt, Adjust, Accept, Stand in Your Light, Stay Grounded, Nature,

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