Lynda Hill: The Light In The Darkness; Messages Of Hope And Valuable Gems:
November's Taurus Super Moon
Your treasure house is within; it contains all you’ll ever need. Hui-Hai
The fortune, which nobody sees, makes a person happy and unenvied. Francis Bacon
He does not posses wealth that allows it to possess him. Benjamin Franklin
Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure. Jewish Saying
Not on one strand are all life’s jewels strung. William Morris
The man who treasures his friends is usually solid gold himself. Marjorie Holmes
Treasure your relationships, not your possessions. Anthony J. D’Angelo
November's full Moon, occurring on November 14 in the US and November 15 in Australia, is a supermoon, it is the biggest full Moon that the earth has seen for about 70 years. This is a Beaver Moon, because "this was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs," according to the Old Farmer's Almanac. You can read more about this Supermoon - click here.
It's an extraordinary time of change that we're in. So many things are going on that can
This full Moon feels like a culmination of energies, alright, we can feel like we are in some kind of weird moment - perhaps we'll wake up from it and be perfectly fine - perhaps everything is going to hell in a hand-basket. It's hard to tell. I think that this full Moon will release a lot of energies, and, we may feel somewhat better once the peaked feelings (that often come with a full Moon) subside.
I have decided to leave out the Karmic and Quest degrees from my newsletters as the whole thing was getting too long. However, if you want to read up on all of them, you can by clicking here, and, clicking on the Nov 14 full moon from the selection bar on the left. Click here to check it out.
We also have Mars on Aquarius 3 just before this full Moon. Aquarius 3: A Deserter From The Navy Stands Suddenly Aware That Freedom Is Never The Result Of Compromise.
And, we have Venus on Capricorn 2: Three Stained-Glass Windows In A Gothic Church, One Is Damaged By Bombardment.
Mercury's Karmic Condition is Sagittarius 3: Two Men Playing Chess...
If you would like to contribute to this newsletter, or to my website, please consider it to keep it going... you can do so here.
All the above degree symbols can be rather stressful, especially
as they are all operating at once. If you want to read up on all of the
Symbols, both Karmic and Quest, you can by clicking on the Nov 14 full
moon from the selection bar on the left. Click here to check it out.
One of the major aspects of this full Moon is Neptune exactly conjuncting the Moon's south node. We may feel as if we are being sucked into some bad replication of weirdness, or, that things are cloudy, all smoke and mirrors, or, just plain frightening and/or hurtful. The pains of the past may come up, and, we may be having trouble sleeping. I've been hearing reports of weird dreams or nightmares, and, Jupiter is on a degree that can have us not able to relax, stay asleep, or, it may have us wanting to stay on the lounge and cop out. Neptune and the south node can feel like a time of dealing with 'karmic issues', letting go of the past, having the scales falling from our eyes, etc. It can also show a connection (or reconnection) with our artistic and creative pursuits, and, we could feel a renewed sense of finding spiritual strength to stay on top of what's going on.
Another major aspect is Jupiter coming up to square Pluto just days after the full
That can bring up conflicts, ideological differences and battles, and
the judiciary taking on the establishment (and vice versa). Jupiter is also on a degree that can bring about sleeplessness - Libra 14: In The Heat Of The Noon, A Man Takes A Siesta.
Taking a 'siesta' can often show the need to sleep in the day time,
while a sense of restless can bring about a lack of sleep at night. This
degree doesn't always work like that, but, I often see it having these
kinds of issues. The Siesta degree can also show someone working too
hard, slogging it out when they probably need some time out, or, feel in
need of a holiday.
There can be a sense of relief from Chiron (The Wounded Healer and The Stories That We Tell Ourselves) as it is in a nice sextile to the full Moon and trine the Sun. It is by examining the 'stories' that we tell ourselves, and listen to, that we can see them as stories and lighten our load by not engaging with them. It's not always easy, but, it seems to be the way to affect a healing on many levels. Especially now.
I wish everybody a sense of peace and trust in the upcoming days. What a time we're in! It's useful and reassuring to note that the Karmic Condition degree of the full Moon is -Taurus 22: A WHITE DOVE FLYING STRAIGHT AND FEARLESSLY OVER TROUBLED WATERS - the following is my shortened take on this degree:
Symbol implies a talent for bringing calm, protection and good tidings
to those who need help. Although there may be trouble all around, you
are able to rise above this and find safe ground. You may have to cross
over into the dark side in order to bring order and safety to people’s
lives. Even though you may be lost from sight for a while and people may
feel you have abandoned them, you will return and guide them to safety
and reassurance. You may need to send a message to those who could be
feeling left out and in need of reassurance.
Transcending worry through spiritual awareness. Prophetic mission. Messages and symbols of peace. Going for objectives. Calming troubled minds. Redemption and hope.
The Caution: Being too caught up in worries. Not being able to accept that things are getting better or any form of solace. Always dipping into dramatic situations.
The full Moon each month marks a time of heightened energies and events. It often marks the culmination of the energies released at the new Moon. Emotions can be supercharged as the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the zodiac and illumination is increased - it's like we can see in the dark - and we can be hyper-aware as well as being hyper-awake. The effects of a full Moon can be major or minor, depending on how they interact with your own chart. Sometimes, realisations or events that are unleashed, or unlocked, can stretch their meaning months into the future. A lot can be learned at the time of the full Moon and whether it's lunacy or illumination, or a combination of both, there's magic unleashed with every full Moon. Full Moon: Nov 14, 2016 1:51 pm GMT
this is a beautiful degree, it reminds us that we are blessed,
talented, beautiful, etc. Connecting with beauty (in all its forms) can
be an antidote to the very strong feelings that have been around.
This Symbol points to an abundance of beauty, talent, riches or potentiality. This degree brings
the message of admiring the achievements of others whilst also allowing
yours to be recognized and admired as well. Realize that what you need
is either at hand or soon will be. Also, something you create can last
way beyond your own years. Believing in yourself and those around you
can bring a wonderful sense of reward and fulfillment. Try wearing
special jewelry to remind you of your self-worth, talent, ability and
Keywords: Great talent, wealth, rewards and gifts. Beauty that brings joy. Materialization of perfection. Judges of worth. Things that shine. Jewelry, stones, gold and silver. Shops, especially those that have beautiful displays. The rewards and bounty of the natural world. Treasure of any description. Purity. Genius. Crystals. Security guards. Window shopping. Personal Adornments. Things that glimmer.
The Caution: Wanting more than one's share of rewards, even if there is plenty to share. Things for looking at, not touching. Being jealous of other's success. Pilfering.
The Moon symbolizes: Emotions, moods, mother, family, clan, domestic issues, relationship to home and country. Feelings, sentiments, nourishment, emotional nurturing, monkey chatter mind, lunar and menstrual cycles, clarity of emotions or lunacy. Female energy - yours and others.
Symbol shows ascension or evolution to higher states of being. You may
find your self having a transformative realization that will take your
focus away from the baser, animal instincts, to a more evolved, higher
spiritual perception. This can lead to having higher codes of living;
operating on elevated planes of being. Coming to terms with one's vital
energies can free you up to find a higher state of being. This can feel
like a “Metamorphosis” – like you’re morphing into someone different,
perhaps someone quite unique from others. Ascension in consciousness is
likely to be happening - enjoy the ride!
Keywords: Revelation of hidden talents. Vegetarianism. Changing one's lifestyle completely. Rapid and total transformation. Morphing. Giving up merely battling for survival. Ascension of consciousness. Elementals. Evolution. Moving into a new level of being. Raising one's vibration. Complete changes. Psychic attunement. Losing one's sexual charge. The moment we indulge our affections, the earth is metamorphosed; there is no winter and no night; all tragedies, all ennui's, vanish, all duties even. Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Caution: Being dissatisfied with one’s transformation. Feeling ineffective or impotent. One's sexual power taken away. Feeling 'neutered'. Neglecting body.
The Sun symbolizes: One’s core center, spirit, heart, issues to do with father, men, self, ego, your male side. How you radiate your sense of being. What others see, how you are recognized or remembered, sense of identity and connection with male energy - yours and others.
This Symbol implies the necessity of those older to be teachers, exemplars or guides to the
or less experienced. The “Child” needs the “Encouragement” of “Parents”
in order to feel supported or guided. At times, you are likely to
fulfill the roles of child or parent to others. You may be moving into
new phases of learning that, despite all your previous experience, are
surprisingly difficult. Patience and step-by-step progress is needed, as
is a guiding hand and a kind word or two. There may be those around you
that don't take your difficulties or responsibility seriously, but your
struggles will pay off, particularly if you care and share.
Keywords: Making genuine progress or always tripping over. Instinctive determination to get on with the job. People taking delight in the smallest progress. Baby steps leading to big things. Trying out and accepting one's individuality. Help from authorities. Seeking guidance and advice. Feeling mother earth under your feet. Parental assistance. Walking on new ground.
The Caution: Relying on skills that are not mastered. Not taking the initiative. Preferring being at risk rather than accepting help. Being left alone. Tripping others up.
Mercury symbolizes: Mind, thought, communication, memory, expression, intelligence. News, exchanges, chatting, conversations, short journeys, connections with others, telephones, emails, siblings, neighbors, the reasoning mind. Day-to-day activities. Cars, keys, small animals.
Venus is on Capricorn 3: THE HUMAN SOUL, IN ITS EAGERNESS FOR NEW EXPERIENCES, SEEKS EMBODIMENT - this is a fabulous degree. It can show a rebirth on many levels, and, the feeling of the need for it. This is the degree of the Sun at Christmas time each year.
Symbol shows being open and receptive to the messages of the world
around you, as there is an expansion into a new understanding and a new
way of life. Writing is an excellent way for the “Soul” to “Seek
Embodiment”. Also there can be issues to do with one’s body. There can
be many times of quiet; of inner contemplation and outer observance.
Regardless of your more immediate, physical circumstances, there is an
evolution of understanding going on. Unbounded enthusiasm is likely to
be around. It may be useful to keep a diary or to write things down.
Extraordinary events can happen with this degree.
Keywords: Inner motivation leading to expansion. Jesus and his disciples. Being "born" quickly. Manifesting one's desires without concern for consequences. Being "born again". Feeling like a changed person. The need to drop into the body. Religious and spiritual rebirth. Reincarnation. The urge to create. Writers and writing.
The Caution: Denying growth in favor of social responsibility. Obsessions with ideals or ideas. Feeling one ‘needs permission’ to step into new ways of being. Cast adrift.
Venus symbolizes: Relatedness, cooperation, what attracts you. The experience of sweetness, beauty or delight. Social interactions, love, friends, how you reach out to people. Feminine persona, relationship with mother and females. Money, possessions, sense of values.
Mars is on Aquarius 4: A HINDU HEALER GLOWS WITH A MYSTIC HEALING POWER - a healing is in order, and Mars is fired up about it in ways that might surprise.
This Symbol shows a “Healing”, to be able to tune into a sense of radiant health and show the
path for others to follow in life. The “Hindu Healer” is often someone
who practices forms of healing, often alternative; they channel the
power of God to affect a healing process. Often, you’ll find that
solving problems logically and rationally doesn’t work as well as
employing more creative or spiritual solutions. There may be a need to
heal wounds, illness, trauma or some other affected part of the body or
mind. Look to your spiritual center for healing power. This requires
focus, practice and determination. The healing can lead to profound
Keywords: Divine healing potency. Natural healing methods. Going on faith. Humility in the face of greatness. Yogis and fakirs. Finding one's center. Healers of all kinds. Glowing health. Radiating love, spirit and calm. Tapping vast reservoirs of healing forces. Reverence for simple methods. Auras that radiate. Urine therapy. Pranic energy. Yogis. Reiki healing
The Caution: False claims of powers. Charlatans. Manipulation. Tricks with smoke and mirrors. Failure of orthodox healing. Neglect of body, health or relationships. Neglect.
Mars symbolizes: Drive, determination or agenda, how you get to your goals. How you express and handle anger, ambition, assertion of self and ability to step forward. The male principle, sexuality, the ability to step up to the plate when one needs to. Fight or flight.
Jupiter is on Libra 14: IN THE HEAT OF THE NOON, A PERSON TAKES A SIESTA - this can bring a sense of 'you snooze, you lose', but, sometimes we need to just take some time off on the lounge.
Symbol speaks of taking a rest when one needs to. At times, you may
feel the need to take a break even though you are in the middle of a
situation. To relax and recuperate will often serve to give you greater
strength to complete the task at hand, also, being always on the go can
be rather wearying. However, being lazy and unproductive is not the
answer either. Taking a “Noon Siesta” can end up meaning taking hours
and hours off work and not managing to make progress or get anywhere.
Striking a balance between working too hard and not working hard enough
is definitely the key.
Keywords: Meditation. The need to take time out. Sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. Midday rushes. Recuperating or laziness. Hammocks. Long lunch hours. Rejuvenation. Knowing when to call a halt. Taking breaks. Looking after one's health. Tiredness and yawning. Hot and demanding days leading to inertia or exhaustion. Dreams and fantasies.
The Caution: Wasting time. Disinterested. Losing energy or interest when at the peak of activity or achievement OR refusing to take a break. Dropping from exhaustion.
Jupiter symbolizes: The big picture, expansion, exploration, aspirations, religious and philosophical ideals, issues to do with traveling, foreign lands, people and traditions, culture, education, generosity, luck, abundance, support, optimism. Insight through knowledge and wisdom.
Saturn is on Sagittarius 16: SEA GULLS FLY AROUND A SHIP LOOKING FOR FOOD - we have really to decide what is 'nourishment' and what is 'garbage' in our lives.
This Symbol shows situations of dependence and/or co-dependence. The “Sea Gulls” are
for sustenance, a place of refuge perhaps, somewhere that’s a reliable
source of food. This can imply situations such as social security,
foundations that provide food and shelter for people, charities and
benefits OR it can imply spongers, borrowers or people who dog others
looking to see what they can gain from the things they discard or don’t
want. The trick with this is; don't look to others or have others look
to you for opportunities and nourishment, for you may miss your chance
of being creative and independent. Who's looking for scraps? Are they
worth it?
Keywords: Losing sight of alternative possibilities and going for the easy "feed". Issues of dependence. Diminishing one's essential worth while trying to please a specific need. Being opportunistic. Settling for the small things in life. Scalpers. Jettisoning scraps. Leftovers. The rewards and pitfalls of "meal tickets". Issues of social security. The homeless.
The Caution: Waiting for unworthy scraps that may not come. People leaning on each other too much. Bin diving. Users and abusers. Satellites. Hounding and harassing.
Saturn symbolizes: Authority, rules, discipline and obligation The heavy stuff. What we fear, loss, karma, aging, the establishment, orthodoxy, tradition, status, the concept of time, walls, boundaries, limits, older people, restrictions, patience, conquering difficulties.
Symbol brings up fabulous opportunities and possibilities. You could
find yourself in beautiful places with your desires met. There can be
the promise of happiness; stability and feeling like you’ve arrived
where you want to be. At times, though, you may be right at the point of
what you want, but perhaps you need to make the deliberate action of
opening the gate; admitting to your self what you want and where you
want to be. Perhaps you need to knock, showing your intention of wanting
in. Maybe you already have everything you need - look around.
Keywords: Craving happiness. Gardens and their treasures. Trellises and flowing plants. Pathways to bliss. Gates and doors. Unlocking and opening gates and doors. Analyzing your heart's desires. The grass being greener on the other side. Rewards and treasures waiting. The allure of somewhere else. Initiations. Passages to a better life. Acquiring property. Sexual fulfillment. Opening up to life's possibilities and rewards.
The Caution: Denying your self the right to receive just rewards. The grass being greener on the other side. Always wanting more and more. Possessions owning you.
Uranus symbolizes: The unexpected, things that are individual or 'different'. Charged, energetic dynamics, electricity, light, lightning bolts, sudden changes, those who live on the fringe of society. Sudden turns and twists of fate. Rebellion, surprises, liberation, freedom.
Neptune is on Pisces 10: AN AVIATOR IN THE CLOUDS -
seeing reality, or is the ground 'obscured by clouds'? Ascension or
escapism seem to be a message from Neptune, especially as it is exactly
conjunct (together with) the Moon's south node.
This shows being able to stay on course, not allowing distractions or difficult or confusing
to deter you from your destination. Perhaps you need to rise above and
transcend the more nitty-gritty realities of earthly existence and its
difficulties, just be aware that you may not be seeing the complete
picture very clearly sometimes. If you take special notice, you may be
able to see through illusions, seeing past the surface appearances to
things that others miss. You may be able to rely on your spiritual,
creative or intellectual skills to take you above and beyond those
things that others have to deal with. However, you may also be evading
the real truth.
Keywords: Elevated views. Always seeing the best in people and things. Peace and tranquility. The longing for transcendence. Not seeing limitations. Being in a refined "head space". Mastery. Flight, planes, pilots. Avoidance of time constraints. Pollyanna attitudes. Free flights of fantasy and escapism. The need for accurate navigation. Being in charge of the controls. Seeking higher truths. Maps. Compasses. Global satellite positioning. Clouds. Mist and fog. Hang-gliding. Don't "over-control" like a novice pilot. Stay loose enough from the flow that you can observe it, modify, and improve it. Donald Rumsfeld
The Caution: Escaping responsibilities. Isolating oneself. Drugs and alcohol abuse. Avoiding reality. Unearthed. Unrealistic expectations. Missing the point. Evasive.
Neptune symbolizes: Mystical, "out there," spirituality and con artists. Dreams, mysteries, mystics and religious issues. Intuition, clairvoyance, seeing into the invisible. Addictive, chaotic, charming, deceptive, illusory, co dependent, sensory awareness.
Pluto has shown this Symbol up a lot in the last year or so, it spent
some time on it earlier this year. It has brought up sexual issues, left
right and center.
degree shows being vibrant and alive and in the physical body with
enthusiasm and excitement about life and the future. The “Gymnasium
Suits” shows the need to get active and to stay active, to have time in
your life to drop into the physical body and enjoy it. If you've been
neglecting your physical well-being, it is good to reestablish that
affinity with your vitality. Spontaneous enthusiasm and the joy of being
'alive' can regenerate and revive and bring about carefree contact with
like minded people. The trick is to bring some form of physical
discipline into your life while enjoying it and not feeling forced to do
what you don’t want to do.
Keywords: Developing muscular coordination. Sexual energy, attraction or satisfaction. Playing, marching, competition, rivalry. Singing songs of unity. New anthems for the young. The search for identity. Being able to accomplish things on the physical level. Physical fitness. Uniforms and uniformity. Gymnasiums. Exercise equipment. Conscription. Being one of many. Learning how to get along with the opposite sex. Bodybuilding. Level playing fields.
The Caution: Showing off. Relationships based on physical or sexual attraction. Feeling only one of the many. Being forced to do things. Rote performances. People that disdain the intellectual.
Pluto symbolizes: Unconscious motivations, depth psychology, history. Sex, procreation at a deep level, intensity, profound emotions, taking hold of one's power. Being king or queen of one's underworld. Strength, survival mode instincts. Big money. Big power. The Plutocracy. Power vs power struggles.
Chiron is on Pisces 21: A LITTLE WHITE LAMB, A CHILD AND A CHINESE SERVANT - gentleness seems to be the message here, along with looking after those that you love.
This shows being able to provide care, safety and comfort to those who need it. The “Child” has
a “Servant”; he is well looked after. He also has a “Little White
Lamb”, an animal companion, one he can be with, hug and enjoy. In our
early years it was the sense of touch that was initially satisfied. If
you felt cradled and comfortable, you could grow knowing that all was
safe and well. You could find yourself in a place of privilege; cradled
from those things that could hurt or challenge you, having someone to
look after you. Conversely, you could be the one who’s always there for
others, supporting and loving them regardless of who they are or where
they’re from.
Keywords: Being protected by higher, more aware, energies. The privileges money and social status bring. Awareness of the different levels of situations. Differing perspectives. Helpers, servants. Care. Being watched over. Watchfulness. Pets and animals. The supervision of youngsters. Purity of vision. Caring for the child within.
The Caution: Social incompatibility. Snobbery. Not having to grow up. Not taking responsibility. Acting the brat. Racial prejudice. The school of ‘hard knocks’.
Chiron symbolizes: Our wounds, Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer. The wounds are The Stories That We Tell Ourselves, it is where we have to focus on healing, it can show things that are out of shape or misplaced or in need of repair.
The Moon's North Node is on Virgo 10: TWO HEADS LOOKING OUT AND BEYOND THE SHADOWS -
oh heck, are we seeing this. The old political maxim of 'divide and
conquer', or, 'divide and rule' has been played to the max.
Symbol implies the ability to see things from many sides, not just one.
You may be able to, or need to, see things from two perspectives. This
can be a marvelous asset, particularly with the Virgo ability to
discriminate and make observations. This Symbol can also imply split
personalities or not being able to make one’s mind up. Further, it can
show situations where two people are checking each other out, but aren’t
able, or allowed, to show themselves, they’re “Beyond the Shadows”.
This Symbol asks that you look beyond situations and into the light.
People may be afraid to take a chance, just 'looking out' and not moving
Keywords: Duality of observation or thought. Being able to see both sides of a situation. Fear being the opposite of faith. People peering and peeking. Secret service and government agencies. Gunfights of the old west. Trench warfare. The media, the press, paparazzi, spies, private detectives. Conspiracy theories. Crossed eyes. Eavesdropping. Voyeurism.
The Caution: Confused by duality. Failing to see the integration and cohesion of seeing more than one perspective.
The Moon's North Node symbolizes: This is known as quite a 'karmic point' (although all planets and points in a chart can be'karmic'). One's destiny in this life. The things you are meant to integrate, move towards, become. Destined relationships and relationship issues can show up here.
The Moon's South Node is on Pisces 10: AN AVIATOR IN THE CLOUDS - sometimes, we have to lift ourselves above the noise, the clammer, the distractions.
This shows being able to stay on course, not allowing distractions or difficult or confusing
to deter you from your destination. Perhaps you need to rise above and
transcend the more nitty-gritty realities of earthly existence and its
difficulties, just be aware that you may not be seeing the complete
picture very clearly sometimes. If you take special notice, you may be
able to see through illusions, seeing past the surface appearances to
things that others miss. You may be able to rely on your spiritual,
creative or intellectual skills to take you above and beyond those
things that others have to deal with. However, you may also be evading
the real truth.
Keywords: Elevated views. Always seeing the best in people and things. Peace and tranquility. The longing for transcendence. Not seeing limitations. Being in a refined "head space". Mastery. Flight, planes, pilots. Avoidance of time constraints. Pollyanna attitudes. Free flights of fantasy and escapism. The need for accurate navigation. Being in charge of the controls. Seeking higher truths. Maps. Compasses. Global satellite positioning. Clouds. Mist and fog. Hang-gliding. Don't "over-control" like a novice pilot. Stay loose enough from the flow that you can observe it, modify, and improve it. Donald Rumsfeld
The Caution: Escaping responsibilities. Isolating oneself. Drugs and alcohol abuse. Avoiding reality. Unearthed. Unrealistic expectations. Missing the point. Evasive.
The Moon's South Node symbolizes: Past karmic patterns to be overcome, can be habits that are good, but can describe things, relationships, issues that you need to let go of, or, hold you back from manifesting your true destiny. Relationships that feel karmic and difficult, memories from the past.
One of the major aspects of this full Moon is Neptune exactly conjuncting the Moon's south node. We may feel as if we are being sucked into some bad replication of weirdness, or, that things are cloudy, all smoke and mirrors, or, just plain frightening and/or hurtful. The pains of the past may come up, and, we may be having trouble sleeping. I've been hearing reports of weird dreams or nightmares, and, Jupiter is on a degree that can have us not able to relax, stay asleep, or, it may have us wanting to stay on the lounge and cop out. Neptune and the south node can feel like a time of dealing with 'karmic issues', letting go of the past, having the scales falling from our eyes, etc. It can also show a connection (or reconnection) with our artistic and creative pursuits, and, we could feel a renewed sense of finding spiritual strength to stay on top of what's going on.
Another major aspect is Jupiter coming up to square Pluto just days after the full
There can be a sense of relief from Chiron (The Wounded Healer and The Stories That We Tell Ourselves) as it is in a nice sextile to the full Moon and trine the Sun. It is by examining the 'stories' that we tell ourselves, and listen to, that we can see them as stories and lighten our load by not engaging with them. It's not always easy, but, it seems to be the way to affect a healing on many levels. Especially now.
I wish everybody a sense of peace and trust in the upcoming days. What a time we're in! It's useful and reassuring to note that the Karmic Condition degree of the full Moon is -Taurus 22: A WHITE DOVE FLYING STRAIGHT AND FEARLESSLY OVER TROUBLED WATERS - the following is my shortened take on this degree:
Transcending worry through spiritual awareness. Prophetic mission. Messages and symbols of peace. Going for objectives. Calming troubled minds. Redemption and hope.
The Caution: Being too caught up in worries. Not being able to accept that things are getting better or any form of solace. Always dipping into dramatic situations.
The full Moon each month marks a time of heightened energies and events. It often marks the culmination of the energies released at the new Moon. Emotions can be supercharged as the Sun and Moon are on opposite sides of the zodiac and illumination is increased - it's like we can see in the dark - and we can be hyper-aware as well as being hyper-awake. The effects of a full Moon can be major or minor, depending on how they interact with your own chart. Sometimes, realisations or events that are unleashed, or unlocked, can stretch their meaning months into the future. A lot can be learned at the time of the full Moon and whether it's lunacy or illumination, or a combination of both, there's magic unleashed with every full Moon. Full Moon: Nov 14, 2016 1:51 pm GMT
This Symbol points to an abundance of beauty, talent, riches or potentiality. This degree brings
Keywords: Great talent, wealth, rewards and gifts. Beauty that brings joy. Materialization of perfection. Judges of worth. Things that shine. Jewelry, stones, gold and silver. Shops, especially those that have beautiful displays. The rewards and bounty of the natural world. Treasure of any description. Purity. Genius. Crystals. Security guards. Window shopping. Personal Adornments. Things that glimmer.
The Caution: Wanting more than one's share of rewards, even if there is plenty to share. Things for looking at, not touching. Being jealous of other's success. Pilfering.
The Moon symbolizes: Emotions, moods, mother, family, clan, domestic issues, relationship to home and country. Feelings, sentiments, nourishment, emotional nurturing, monkey chatter mind, lunar and menstrual cycles, clarity of emotions or lunacy. Female energy - yours and others.
Keywords: Revelation of hidden talents. Vegetarianism. Changing one's lifestyle completely. Rapid and total transformation. Morphing. Giving up merely battling for survival. Ascension of consciousness. Elementals. Evolution. Moving into a new level of being. Raising one's vibration. Complete changes. Psychic attunement. Losing one's sexual charge. The moment we indulge our affections, the earth is metamorphosed; there is no winter and no night; all tragedies, all ennui's, vanish, all duties even. Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Caution: Being dissatisfied with one’s transformation. Feeling ineffective or impotent. One's sexual power taken away. Feeling 'neutered'. Neglecting body.
The Sun symbolizes: One’s core center, spirit, heart, issues to do with father, men, self, ego, your male side. How you radiate your sense of being. What others see, how you are recognized or remembered, sense of identity and connection with male energy - yours and others.
This Symbol implies the necessity of those older to be teachers, exemplars or guides to the
Keywords: Making genuine progress or always tripping over. Instinctive determination to get on with the job. People taking delight in the smallest progress. Baby steps leading to big things. Trying out and accepting one's individuality. Help from authorities. Seeking guidance and advice. Feeling mother earth under your feet. Parental assistance. Walking on new ground.
The Caution: Relying on skills that are not mastered. Not taking the initiative. Preferring being at risk rather than accepting help. Being left alone. Tripping others up.
Mercury symbolizes: Mind, thought, communication, memory, expression, intelligence. News, exchanges, chatting, conversations, short journeys, connections with others, telephones, emails, siblings, neighbors, the reasoning mind. Day-to-day activities. Cars, keys, small animals.
Keywords: Inner motivation leading to expansion. Jesus and his disciples. Being "born" quickly. Manifesting one's desires without concern for consequences. Being "born again". Feeling like a changed person. The need to drop into the body. Religious and spiritual rebirth. Reincarnation. The urge to create. Writers and writing.
The Caution: Denying growth in favor of social responsibility. Obsessions with ideals or ideas. Feeling one ‘needs permission’ to step into new ways of being. Cast adrift.
Venus symbolizes: Relatedness, cooperation, what attracts you. The experience of sweetness, beauty or delight. Social interactions, love, friends, how you reach out to people. Feminine persona, relationship with mother and females. Money, possessions, sense of values.
This Symbol shows a “Healing”, to be able to tune into a sense of radiant health and show the
Keywords: Divine healing potency. Natural healing methods. Going on faith. Humility in the face of greatness. Yogis and fakirs. Finding one's center. Healers of all kinds. Glowing health. Radiating love, spirit and calm. Tapping vast reservoirs of healing forces. Reverence for simple methods. Auras that radiate. Urine therapy. Pranic energy. Yogis. Reiki healing
The Caution: False claims of powers. Charlatans. Manipulation. Tricks with smoke and mirrors. Failure of orthodox healing. Neglect of body, health or relationships. Neglect.
Mars symbolizes: Drive, determination or agenda, how you get to your goals. How you express and handle anger, ambition, assertion of self and ability to step forward. The male principle, sexuality, the ability to step up to the plate when one needs to. Fight or flight.
Keywords: Meditation. The need to take time out. Sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. Midday rushes. Recuperating or laziness. Hammocks. Long lunch hours. Rejuvenation. Knowing when to call a halt. Taking breaks. Looking after one's health. Tiredness and yawning. Hot and demanding days leading to inertia or exhaustion. Dreams and fantasies.
The Caution: Wasting time. Disinterested. Losing energy or interest when at the peak of activity or achievement OR refusing to take a break. Dropping from exhaustion.
Jupiter symbolizes: The big picture, expansion, exploration, aspirations, religious and philosophical ideals, issues to do with traveling, foreign lands, people and traditions, culture, education, generosity, luck, abundance, support, optimism. Insight through knowledge and wisdom.
This Symbol shows situations of dependence and/or co-dependence. The “Sea Gulls” are
Keywords: Losing sight of alternative possibilities and going for the easy "feed". Issues of dependence. Diminishing one's essential worth while trying to please a specific need. Being opportunistic. Settling for the small things in life. Scalpers. Jettisoning scraps. Leftovers. The rewards and pitfalls of "meal tickets". Issues of social security. The homeless.
The Caution: Waiting for unworthy scraps that may not come. People leaning on each other too much. Bin diving. Users and abusers. Satellites. Hounding and harassing.
Saturn symbolizes: Authority, rules, discipline and obligation The heavy stuff. What we fear, loss, karma, aging, the establishment, orthodoxy, tradition, status, the concept of time, walls, boundaries, limits, older people, restrictions, patience, conquering difficulties.
Keywords: Craving happiness. Gardens and their treasures. Trellises and flowing plants. Pathways to bliss. Gates and doors. Unlocking and opening gates and doors. Analyzing your heart's desires. The grass being greener on the other side. Rewards and treasures waiting. The allure of somewhere else. Initiations. Passages to a better life. Acquiring property. Sexual fulfillment. Opening up to life's possibilities and rewards.
The Caution: Denying your self the right to receive just rewards. The grass being greener on the other side. Always wanting more and more. Possessions owning you.
Uranus symbolizes: The unexpected, things that are individual or 'different'. Charged, energetic dynamics, electricity, light, lightning bolts, sudden changes, those who live on the fringe of society. Sudden turns and twists of fate. Rebellion, surprises, liberation, freedom.
This shows being able to stay on course, not allowing distractions or difficult or confusing
Keywords: Elevated views. Always seeing the best in people and things. Peace and tranquility. The longing for transcendence. Not seeing limitations. Being in a refined "head space". Mastery. Flight, planes, pilots. Avoidance of time constraints. Pollyanna attitudes. Free flights of fantasy and escapism. The need for accurate navigation. Being in charge of the controls. Seeking higher truths. Maps. Compasses. Global satellite positioning. Clouds. Mist and fog. Hang-gliding. Don't "over-control" like a novice pilot. Stay loose enough from the flow that you can observe it, modify, and improve it. Donald Rumsfeld
The Caution: Escaping responsibilities. Isolating oneself. Drugs and alcohol abuse. Avoiding reality. Unearthed. Unrealistic expectations. Missing the point. Evasive.
Neptune symbolizes: Mystical, "out there," spirituality and con artists. Dreams, mysteries, mystics and religious issues. Intuition, clairvoyance, seeing into the invisible. Addictive, chaotic, charming, deceptive, illusory, co dependent, sensory awareness.
Keywords: Developing muscular coordination. Sexual energy, attraction or satisfaction. Playing, marching, competition, rivalry. Singing songs of unity. New anthems for the young. The search for identity. Being able to accomplish things on the physical level. Physical fitness. Uniforms and uniformity. Gymnasiums. Exercise equipment. Conscription. Being one of many. Learning how to get along with the opposite sex. Bodybuilding. Level playing fields.
The Caution: Showing off. Relationships based on physical or sexual attraction. Feeling only one of the many. Being forced to do things. Rote performances. People that disdain the intellectual.
Pluto symbolizes: Unconscious motivations, depth psychology, history. Sex, procreation at a deep level, intensity, profound emotions, taking hold of one's power. Being king or queen of one's underworld. Strength, survival mode instincts. Big money. Big power. The Plutocracy. Power vs power struggles.
This shows being able to provide care, safety and comfort to those who need it. The “Child” has
Keywords: Being protected by higher, more aware, energies. The privileges money and social status bring. Awareness of the different levels of situations. Differing perspectives. Helpers, servants. Care. Being watched over. Watchfulness. Pets and animals. The supervision of youngsters. Purity of vision. Caring for the child within.
The Caution: Social incompatibility. Snobbery. Not having to grow up. Not taking responsibility. Acting the brat. Racial prejudice. The school of ‘hard knocks’.
Chiron symbolizes: Our wounds, Chiron is known as The Wounded Healer. The wounds are The Stories That We Tell Ourselves, it is where we have to focus on healing, it can show things that are out of shape or misplaced or in need of repair.
Keywords: Duality of observation or thought. Being able to see both sides of a situation. Fear being the opposite of faith. People peering and peeking. Secret service and government agencies. Gunfights of the old west. Trench warfare. The media, the press, paparazzi, spies, private detectives. Conspiracy theories. Crossed eyes. Eavesdropping. Voyeurism.
The Caution: Confused by duality. Failing to see the integration and cohesion of seeing more than one perspective.
The Moon's North Node symbolizes: This is known as quite a 'karmic point' (although all planets and points in a chart can be'karmic'). One's destiny in this life. The things you are meant to integrate, move towards, become. Destined relationships and relationship issues can show up here.
This shows being able to stay on course, not allowing distractions or difficult or confusing
Keywords: Elevated views. Always seeing the best in people and things. Peace and tranquility. The longing for transcendence. Not seeing limitations. Being in a refined "head space". Mastery. Flight, planes, pilots. Avoidance of time constraints. Pollyanna attitudes. Free flights of fantasy and escapism. The need for accurate navigation. Being in charge of the controls. Seeking higher truths. Maps. Compasses. Global satellite positioning. Clouds. Mist and fog. Hang-gliding. Don't "over-control" like a novice pilot. Stay loose enough from the flow that you can observe it, modify, and improve it. Donald Rumsfeld
The Caution: Escaping responsibilities. Isolating oneself. Drugs and alcohol abuse. Avoiding reality. Unearthed. Unrealistic expectations. Missing the point. Evasive.
The Moon's South Node symbolizes: Past karmic patterns to be overcome, can be habits that are good, but can describe things, relationships, issues that you need to let go of, or, hold you back from manifesting your true destiny. Relationships that feel karmic and difficult, memories from the past.
Her eyes followed Joan Miro’s swirls as they danced across the walls. They danced a full circle round the oven hot terrace while a never thirsty fountain shot water high into the sun.
She gazed up through the spray towards the looming cathedral. She watched the earthen walls rise in the haze and disappear into heaven.
There is a stillness in Spain in the afternoon, even the clouds lay down for a nap."