In early November when this article appeared, I was unable to read and fathom it,
so I bookmarked it for later. Now that I have extricated myself from a
challenging intimate relationship with someone bearing all the
characteristics of one possessed with multiple souls and related
behaviors as Lisa Rene describes below, I am able to fathom and
assimilate this information. I didn't see it at first, but in
psychological terms, he seemed to have Multiple Personalities, exhibited
Narcissism and Sociopathic tendencies, had clear blocks of missing
time/memory loss where his recall of events and his own behavior was
denied as ever having occurred. My understanding of this unfolded
gradually, after much confusion. Hindsight is brilliant. A good reason
to set firm intentions.
As an empath, being involved with such a
personality was particularly damaging. I felt drained by his disrespect
for boundaries and his not so obvious lies and manipulation. However,
I was confused by the way that was woven into his charming, sweet,
upbeat persona...until it hit me, after witnessing him have missing time
and shift personalities right in front of me, that I was dealing with
more than one being, even if he was unconscious of this. Unfortunately,
the manipulative Charmer dominated and suppressed the kind, Sweet One
inside. When I finally realized this, I felt dumbfounded and
disheartened. I tried to call him on his behavior, but it was clear the
being I spoke to was unaware on some levels of the one being suppressed
inside him, and vice-verse. The Sweet One had emerged through loving
connection when I opened my heart to him. I felt despair, not for me,
but for that sweet being trapped inside by a negative dominant persona
who had learned to behave that way in order to survive and get what he
wanted in any given moment.
There was nothing more I could do but walk
away for my own self-protection. This
helpful (though dark) article and other articles came to my attention
in a synchronistic manner, which gave me a lot of insight. Now I can
really see what was happening, from a spiritual perspective. Although
the situation still pains me, there is enough distance and understanding
that I am well on my way to healing, and have drawn into my sphere a
healthier, sensitive someone who really can see and appreciate me for
who I am. Knowing what does not serve us, and refusing to tolerate it,
is often the first step to magnetizing something better, that is more in
alignment with our higher good. With the right intentions, we can shift
things quickly for the better. Shields up! ~PB
Time Shift Blog
Spiritual Warfare by Lisa Rene | Energetic Synthesis
- 7 November 2016
During this time of shift into the
higher consciousness realms of the next harmonic universe, and the
resultant need to create new paradigms that support the recognition of
value for all human beings and for life itself, there are new
multi-dimensional challenges for those humans that are taking a
conscious, pro-active and leading role in their own evolution and the
evolution of the planet. These challenges come in many forms including
psychic attack, artificial intelligence trackers, negative implants,
tags and dark entities that direct interference in order to diminish the
quality of our energetic resources, physical vitality and optimum
functioning by harvesting and utilizing our precious resources. Hence,
suppressing our ability to perceive greater realities of truth and live
our maximum soul’s potential of experiencing spiritual fulfillment,
sovereignty and freedom on the Earth Plane. During the evolutionary
process of one’s awakening and remembrance of the soul’s blueprint and
contracts, the more conscious and ascended beings take back their
sovereignty and live in accordance with the laws of the Creator, rather
than man-made laws, thereby transcending the dark tyranny and existing
in alignment to the high frequency of living light. As a result of
living in the light, these humans, through their actions, influence and
guide others to the light and truth, thereby exponentially increasing
the power of the light and truth in this world, and diminishing the
power of tyrannical control that the darkness uses to keep people in
bondage and servitude.
Those awakening to remember themselves
as multidimensional light-beings and becoming a part of the collective
Starseed grid network on this Planet tend to be the targets for these
dark forces and their technologies, such as methods used for electronic
harassment. The energy of a highly conscious human being creates a
frequency signal that activates the radar screen of awareness at the
center of control for dark consciousness. Once on the radar screen of
darkness, darkness places a tag, artifact, attachment or cord on the
enlightened being to track them and determine if they are a threat to
the survival of the ego predator mind, and the type of self-awareness
that the darkness represents as a consciousness. The forces of darkness
include many broad streams of sentient beings that are trapped in the
planetary consciousness body, and they exist as spiritual forces that
are locked into time and matter, unable to evolve, until humanity stops
feeding them. It is important to understand that the forces of Satanism
are not intellectual forces as claimed by the atheists behind the Church
of Satan, but encompass a massive hierarchy of darkly primitive
conscious beings, many of these forces can be described by an energetic
signature that directly connects them with Fallen Angelics, Watchers,
such as the Baphomet or Leviathan fields. These collective satanic
forces make up collective consciousness streams that then can be
connected to demonic bodies or generated to create more groupings of
satanic hierarchy in the earth. These forces can hop into a human vessel
that is unaware, weakened, and mind controlled by the consent of the
satanic vibration. These satanic beings exist at different levels of
darkness and depravity, however, they operate together as a collective
consciousness force that is directed by off planet entities that are
higher and more powerful in the Satanic chain of command. Satanic forces
are not sovereign entities, they are parasitic and need human energy to
exist, they can appear human or not human as Negative Alien bodies, and
they are trapped in the matter fields or low densities, unable to
evolve beyond the bondage and servitude to the earth plane, and are
slaves to those dark forces that are higher on the food chain.
War Over Consciousness
Those of us committed to the Law of One,
to promote sovereignty and freedom for this planet and humanity, have
more grid and energetic support than we have ever had. If we have had
Possession, implant and entity harassment, the Spiritual Deliverance
techniques should offer relief with some level of commitment to the
process. We must remember we have returned to this earth to master
ourselves and master these Fallen Angelic entities and the negative
energies here. This requires we learn exactly how these entities think,
what their strategies are, where they came from and how they infiltrated
this planet. We are in a War Over Consciousness that requires we master
the Psycho-Spiritual Warfare being directed toward humanity. In many
cases, this will require we directly experience Alien Implants,
entities, psychic attack and forms of alien aggression. We cannot heal
the Consciousness of our planet until we understand exactly how it
became corrupted with the reptilian virus and synthetic Alien Machinery.
Please have patience with the process and command your space as a
God-Sovereign-Free GSF being.
Portal Opening and Black Holes
Since major portals opening, we have
undergone sequential events that have radically shifted the Universal
Geomantic Structure. This is the architecture linking celestial bodies,
constellations, and stars with our planet. Transmissions are activated
the planetary body to communicate with the intelligent living matrix of
the Canis Major constellation and the Sirius Star System. This activated
previously dormant or corrupted communication links and Ley Lines
networks into the planetary body. These new links cannot be circumvented
by alien machinery or their synthetic timelines. These triad
communication networks are analogous to dropping a new intergalactic
wireless internet hook up from Sirius B and the massive Sirius Sun, into
the planetary body.
The main axis of this network was placed
in the 33rd North Parallel line and is intended as a support for the
Starseeds that work the grids in service to the Cosmic Sovereign Law.
Additionally, this new network supports progress with the alien invasion
problem located in the Equator line of the planet, with an infestation
of nests and phantom wormholes and underground bases.
This is significant because this is a
demarcation point in the War Over Consciousness memories that relate to
the future timelines of evolution of the human race on this planet. This
planet has been in a war over consciousness memories where the truth of
human evolution histories has been erased. This has been done by
multiple competing species, with attempts to completely destroy
historical records in the timelines, by the NAA groups. This phase will
reveal more in depth extraterrestrial involvement with our planet and
with humanity. This means that all issues relating to alien Mind
Control, hybridization, abduction, military programs (such as MILABS and
Secret Space programs abusing technology), galactic history,
underground bases and the many species interacting with us, will be
ramped up to the next level of disclosure.
We are entering potentially explosive
timelines with extraterrestrial disclosure, which open into this year
and ongoing into 2017. As we learn more about multiple species agendas,
we must improve energetic discernment of the variety of forces that we
interact with. These are both seen and unseen forces that take advantage
of our lack of awareness. Because we are awakening from the Dark Aeon
of alien hybridization, which is the primary reason for the imprisonment
of our consciousness, we must shake off these parasites and reclaim our
sovereign right to Single Soul Occupancy. We are providing a basic
primer to address the most common issues of parasitism that are the
result of alien hybridization, implantation and genetic manipulation of
the consciousness of the human being. Once informed, any person may be
empowered to identify and terminate the source of spiritual oppression.
Through the Law of Consent, we can remove its access and influence upon
our spiritual bodies.
In order to be spiritually freed from
mind control and energetic possession, we must comprehend the necessity
of commanding our right to sovereign Single Soul Occupancy within our
body and energetic aura. The original blueprint for all who incarnate
into human bodies on this planet, is Single Soul Occupancy.
Alien Implantation is Reptilian Ownership
Many people on this earth carry an
assortment of fragments, attachments, ancestral beings, alien implants,
Fallen Angelics, and potentially one or more alien hosts as a result of
hybridization, Miasma, karmic bloodlines, or alien abduction. Mind
Control programming and their Holographic Inserts, allow the
consciousness body of the individual to be infiltrated through the
energetic signature of the alien implant. Mind Control programs enforced
through alien implantation, and their entity attachments or
possessions, are two sides of the same coin. The energetic signature of
the alien implant will depend on the genetic and consciousness
relationship that person has, to the entity that has placed the implant
in their human target. Many of these entities believe that humans are
their personal property, so the alien implant will have specific
information from the extradimensional source of the species that have
"laid claim" to that individual, family line or group. The mindset of
the Reptoids and other invading species of the NAA, is that humans are
their personal property to be used as a resource that serves their
domination agenda. The degree to which they perform benevolent actions
towards humans, is the degree to which that action serves their
enslavement agenda. Overall they are calculating liars and masterful
deceivers, and will say anything the human wants to hear, in order to
manipulate the results to serve their agenda. Like a farmer that may
tend to a sick cow in the herd, it is so he can get more milk out of the
cow and continue to make money from his farm. This is similar to the
collective thought form of the NAA, who consider human beings as a
portion of their overall portfolio of investments.
Multiple Occupants = Soul Possession
Through the Law of Consent, it is your
sovereign right to command your space and demand Single Soul Occupancy
in your body, mind, and consciousness. Single Soul Occupancy is the
original Soul Matrix design for the 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions that
unite these three layers into one wholly merged and integrated
consciousness within your physical body. Many people on this earth are
not Single Soul Occupied, and have multiple occupants, soul fragments,
attachments or entities hosting them. How has this happened?
The hidden agendas of multiple invading
extradimensional species include hybridization programs, breeding
programs, genetic modification and manipulation of human DNA. The
manipulation of human DNA works both for the genetic enhancement of the
preferred bloodlines that are hybridized with primarily reptilian
genetics, while others are genetically digressed and "dumbed down" to be
a working slave class. Whether a person is abducted and subsequently
genetically altered with enhancements to perform certain roles, or
digressed in order to be made a spiritual zombie, both methods of
genetic modification are the result of the invading species agenda to
completely dominate earth resources. Humans are grouped into the
planetary resources as slave labor, replicated into Clones, imaged into
future synthetic holograms, or used as bargaining tools with other
species. As an example, children are coveted for abduction and sold on
and off planet for sexual slavery by these NAA groups. This is why
Sexual Slavery is a global epidemic and will not improve until humans
realize that the Sexual Misery programs and pedophilia are sourcing from
the NAA. This is not human.
The War Over God
The Fallen Ones started to infect their
diseased minds with the Mental Laws they created as falsely masked
Universal Truths. To make this actualized in physical they cultivated
their human and non-human contacts into alliances that would serve these
agendas. The Fallen Ones infected the God-King lineages of the planet
and replaced beliefs of sovereignty and freedom as Universal Truth to
concepts of Hierarchal Enslavement, genetic discrimination and karmic
retribution. As they proclaimed and defended themselves as the True God
Creator, the War over God and God’s Natural Laws became the main power
conflict in our system. These False Gods in their corrupt actions to
have dominion and control over others imprinted the Mental Laws with the
dark archetype of the False God-False King of Tyranny. The Kings of
Tyranny fought amongst themselves as they usurped the Sovereign Truth
belonging to the One, and the battle for the True God became the primary
battle within multiple dimensions of existence. 3D Humans were dragged
into the conflict as pawns to act out this drama and actualize the
battle over God in the physical world. As above, so below, and the War
Over God has been the Battle of Personal Wills to come to the Great
Revelation of Truth to be discovered in these End Times.
I am providing an update describing the escalation of the Mainstreaming of the Satanic Agenda from the recent October class:
(Begin Transcript)
Before we get started I'd like to talk about the current energetic terrain because it has been very challenging. Given the absolute chaos and energetic intensity during the last weeks that have been accumulating pressure in the planet's fields, this has been a very challenging time for many people. For some of us on the Spiritual Awakening path especially for those of us that do Grid Work or Energy Session Work this time has been filled with a tremendous amount of dark aggression, psychic warfare, consciousness wiping, 3D entrapment scenarios - everything and the kitchen sink that the regressive entities and dark forces use as a weapon to target and harm Star Seeded or Indigo people. Please know that you're not alone in this and that this is a global agenda towards those of us on the awakening path.
Since the magnetic peak my guidance has informed me to stay very low, going inward. When this guidance comes in to stay very low on the radar it's the same as when an animal is being hunted for food by predators. In many cases the animal being hunted gets very still and conserves energy. When you are being attacked aggressively you must learn to conserve energy and not extend yourself or put yourself in high-risk places or with high-risk people.
During this time I have been viewing portals of black hole systems that lead into a phantom matrix system called the Wesedrak looking for vulnerabilities where these black hole systems and reversal portals are connected into the damaged areas of the Earth body. As a result this can be tracked to Satanic Agendas playing out on the Earth surface seeing how these extremely dark creatures from the black hole systems are conjuring black magic, Satanic Ritual Abuse to become more active in the Earth people that are weakened or asleep. These forces have told the Satanists and the Satanic Church to go and open black portals in certain areas of the Earth in order to get black hole systems opened directly in certain demographic areas.
It is important for you to realize that practicing Satanists exist everywhere at the highest echelons of political and governmental control. These power elite are those who pull the strings in many cases and are enmeshed with these Satanic Agendas at different degrees. Some are totally into the rituals or are ritual-ists while others agree to carry out satanic strategies and are complicit with the spreading of Satanism into the mainstream world to desensitize people to accept Satanism otherwise known as anti-human values in order to make Satanism mainstream and accepted by the masses. As an example there are mainstream publications that print articles to sympathize with pedophiles attempting to label sex with children as just another sexual preference.
Currently in the USA there is a Satanic Agenda to take complete and total control over the Office of the Presidency. These many groups of Satanists believe that they are building black houses, that they are building the Satanic structures that will hold some of the most ancient, old spiritual aspects of prominent Satanists in previous timelines and they are attempting to open the black holes, open the portals which allow these satanic creatures, some human and some non-human and reptilian to take over human bodies for their intended rule over the planet. I think it is worthwhile to note that this is an aggressive agenda now to take over male bodies that they feel that have a genetic preference in order to vacate the sole occupant and use that body for full possession. It seems that they hold value or status for the genetics of the family of Michael so they have been attacking this lineage more aggressively trying to gain access over the body in assorted ways.
The Satanists believe they are waiting for their Satanic god or more appropriate, the Beast, the pinnacle of hedonistic pleasures of the flesh to come to the Earth to rule it completely and take possession over the physical human bodies - very similar to the prophecies of the anti-Christ taking over the Earth. They are trying to fulfil that prophecy now to change the future timelines of the Earth. Hence, Satanists are trying to open the gates of hell for Satan, which actually is ripping open holes in the phantom matrix areas and it seems that some are aware this is for giving more access to the negative aliens or they believe they're opening the black holes for the collective consciousness of Satanism itself.
These black forces leading back to the parallel black hole system are spinning misinformation to Light Workers or vulnerable people generally getting them to attack others to play out victimizer dramas to breed extreme confusion, chaos and paranoia at every level. For some people it's very hard to place their trust anywhere at this time because these distortions and deceptions are very heavy with an agenda to create chaos so people cannot tell what is real or what is false. This is a gas lighting manipulation technique to destroy the inner spiritual compass or the heart guidance of the people. Please pay attention and see this working in the mainstream. If you can see it when it’s playing out you can clear it, you can move around it so it does not impact you.
This time has been taken advantage of by these black hole creatures to direct as much black force, parasites, fears to the Light Bearers especially targeting Star People to attempt to slow them down, discourage them, stimulate persecution, victimization and despair and even attacks against our loved ones. When we remember that the agenda to suck the Earth down into the black hole system has been a long standing threat of intimidation from these satanic creatures and negative alien invaders its obvious they're still pounding on that agenda to trick us and subvert our real selves from activating our highest potentials.
Stay strong and do not let these creatures get you down.
They are desperate and clawing for any way to make inroads. We are slowly separating from these black hole systems. Guardian teams have been working on installing over-ride pillar gates to handle transits at the death exit cycle and to help stabilize the Earth grids. We are progressing but we are in a deeply disturbing evolution phase because the mass unconsciousness of human pain surfaces and this can feel like massive tidal waves of blackness. It can feel overwhelming by the emotional body of an empathic or sensitive person. Many of us can feel the satanic forces working their angles to get a stronger foothold in this reality. We cannot succumb to these forces. We have to see them as they are. Whether they exist inside people or not do not judge the human being. See the force behind them. See the force controlling them and call it what it is. These forces are parasites, psychopaths, sociopaths, emotional illiterates, tyrants, unable to feel empathy for any living creature and are driven by the most primitive levels of profanity and base desires with no impulse control. In this phase of bifurcation as we travel the span of realms opened into these black hole systems it is a rough time.
There also have been escalating conflicts over access in and out of the Solar Gate System that appear to be a bi-product of vulnerabilities generated by these black hole systems and as well as we are gradually shifting into a planetary alignment in late 2017. Therefore, certain Star Seeds or Grid Workers have been observing or dealing with a lot of aggressive attacks designed to harass and even attempt to take hostage over members of the family of Michael or Seraphim Avian Lines on the Earth. This current stage is an aggressive agenda to take claim and ownership over primarily the masculine aspects and male bodies, Michael family members having been taken hostage against their will in previous timelines. I feel this is very important for us to stay awake and aware to this event, to this potential. We need to bear witness in order to stop the manipulation of this occurring in the male and masculine aspects around us as well as help to protect those of us that have partners or family members that have been targeted for aggression.
Many of us realize that these Fallen angelic entities believe they are alien gods and we include them in the definition of the Negative Alien Agenda (NAA). These groups notice their territory in the Solar system is being encroached and this is another reason for their aggression to harass people. The Luciferian Rebellion timelines and histories are stirring up a hornet’s nest at this time and the factions of dark forces are agitated to take claim and ownership over those people that these entities believe they had conquered for territory and thus they believe they have a claim and right to ownership.
The state of ownership is relegated to picking those in such as the Michael group as playthings, pets. I have seen Belial entities put a claim on heterosexual men they believe is a status symbol and want to take as a sexual pet. It takes a lot of strength to stay neutral in this as the mockery, degradation and humiliation that is intended for our consciousness family is very disturbing. So please take in what only feels supportive for your personal knowing and growth at this time and discard the rest.
I firmly believe that the planet in its current state will catalyze a lot more people, a lot more males into spiritual emergency and this concerns me greatly for those people that do not have a strong, loving presence or compassionate female presence or anchor or in the ascension or spiritual awakening awareness. In this phase I especially feel that the male aspects of this Earth desperately need the prayer and spiritual power, the real unconditional love and empathy of the feminine aspects of the Holy Mother to help strengthen and support them through a very difficult phase.
The satanic agenda is spreading alien implants and mind control beliefs and we can see the promotion of this through multiple species hybridization agendas, synthetic integration with Artificial Neural Networks which are designed to gain control over humanity's Central Nervous System (CNS) and brain. We must remember that these minions of soulless AI synthetic beings do not have organic bio-circuitry. They do not have the capacity for emotions, sensory experiences or for feeling empathy. Therefore this agenda is to troll for human specimens that they can either manipulate into those sensory experiences or use as pets or even attempt consciousness transfers of another's satanic spiritual essence into human bodies.
Certain preferential genetics are being trolled for and this is a part of the satanic agenda at this time to put satanic spirits and previous satanic humans inside genetically preferred male human bodies. Partial possessions can be setups for full body snatching of which the satanic groups are more aggressive and attempting to do more often as well in order to change future timelines. Physical abductions have been curtailed mostly because of changes made in the Solar system but now it is easier for them to go in the Astral energies and manipulate their target in sleep state rather than physically abduct them.
These satanic entities attempt to maintain control over the human body through manipulating neural implants that block the mental body from communicating directly with the Soul Body or Heart. Effectively this blocks higher spiritual connection and this is the design of a recent implant we've been speaking of called the Zeta Seal. It is my belief that this particular implant - the Zeta Seal - is being used right now as the Satanics are attempting to take over male bodies trying to gain control over them because there are many men on this planet that got these Zeta implants reinforced in the military service or at some role in the government through the use of Grey Alien military technology.
Please do not let this overwhelm you but be informed. Pay attention to the people around you as you may as well be able to help them. Awareness and Spiritual connection protects you and protects others around you. Please know that as you pray, as you consecrate your body to God, as you shield yourself, as you commit to GSF and Cosmic Sovereign Law in the Christ Consciousness this puts a damper on their ability to interfere.
The biggest issue here is taking your consent and authority back, standing in your spiritual power fearlessly even in the face of this satanic force and reaffirming Who and What you serve and What you stand for which is God Sovereign Free. They continue to harass but they cannot take your rights away when you command them in the Law. Their leverage is always taken when we don't understand or know what is happening through the imposter games of deception and trickery. As a GSF being you have rights to repeat and command the Laws of God in service to the greater good and with your clear consent you are powerful to claim other beings as free under Human Divine Rights under God's Universal Laws. All humans have this right but they do not understand it so you, in many cases can act as their representative if you view them being harmed, trapped or enslaved by these forces without their direct knowledge.
Remember that speaking directly from your own heart in your own words to express what you want to say out loud is just as powerful. I suggest that we bless and consecrate all of those you may become aware of that are being harassed in this way. Remember kindness above all. Stop taking things personally. Work on being a force of pure, loving kindness. The world, the people need this more than anything right now.
Thank you for listening as these are difficult times for those of us that work with the planet Earth's fields and it's important that we find solidarity between us with loving, kind and compassionate hearts and to not let the naysayers, the criticizers, the victimizers, the people that are dark portals and ignorant of larger events to exert control over you. You must be strong now and it will take every part of your commitment to remain strong in dedication of your service to God in the face of a satanic scourge. We cannot walk on eggshells for those people who are easily offended or insulted. Be kind but be fierce in the defense of your inner spirit and preserving your direct relationship with the Godhead.
End Transcript
We send our blessings of love, peace and
spiritual strength to our warrior families for serving the light of
God, the light of truth, may peace be with your heart in all ways during
these intense times of spiritual warfare. Bless you.
With a loving heart, Lisa
Index or articles:
Passing by Black Hole Systems
Gaslighting 101
Index or articles:
Passing by Black Hole Systems
Gaslighting 101
Psychopaths, Power, and Politics
ReplyDeleteIncisive Analysis of Psychopathic Politicians
"..Dr. Hare's list of psychopathic personality traits include:
• Displaying glibness and superficial charm
• Being in constant need of stimulation and prone to excessive boredom
• Acting in a conning or manipulative way
• Showing shallow emotional responses
• Acting out promiscuous sexual behavior
• Behaving irresponsibly
• Avoiding long term relationships
• Feeling a grandiose sense of self worth
• Lying repeatedly without remorse
• Lacking any remorse or guilt
• Lacking empathy for others
• Having poor behavioral controls
• Displaying behavioral problems early on in life
• Behaving impulsively
• Failing to accept responsibility for actions
• Displaying signs of criminal diversity
Dr. Hare's predecessor Harvey Cleckly, perhaps the first psychologist to study the psychopathic phenomenon decades earlier, compiled a similar list:
• Superficial charm and average intelligence.
• Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking.
• Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations.
• Unreliability.
• Untruthfulness and insincerity.
• Lack of remorse or shame.
• Antisocial behavior without apparent compunction.
• Poor judgment and failure to learn from experience.
• Pathological egocentricity and incapacity to love.
• General poverty in major affective reactions.
• Specific loss of insight.
• Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations.
• Fantastic and uninviting behavior with drink, and sometimes without.
• Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated...."