Friday, November 18, 2016

Jaime Maussan talks to Stephen Bassett / The ET`s are Here, is the World near Disclosure?

Elizabeth Trutwin posted this video on twitter.  Apparently, since Obama has been unable to announce Disclosure as he was supposedly destined to, Plan B was that Hillary would announce it once in office...but that didn't happen. Now we hear there is a move to get the word out while Obama is still in office. Stephen Bassett says Hillary holds the key. She could have a more in-depth interview about the topic, and she and Podesta can speak up about their ET/UFO email conversations and the Rockefeller Initiative. They could more easily push this forward to bring this discussion to the public ASAP, so that Obama will be able to have the backing of the Military and Pentagon and announce Disclosure. After that, other countries will quickly follow suit, concurring with this knowledge. He says this would be an extraordinary legacy for Clinton, as well as Obama, and Trump would come into office in a Post-Disclosure world.  -PB

Stephen Bassett received an encrypted text message:

"There are a number of people working on the E.T. issue, inside the Military Intelligence community, within the Pentagon, that are ready to cooperate with the top people, like the Secretary of Defense, and get this issue out/end the Truth Embargo, under President Obama."

We have 68 days.

Jaime Maussan talks to Stephen Bassett / The ET`s are Here, is the World near Disclosure?
Published on Nov 17, 2016
Stephen Bassett talks about the Disclosure, how Hillary Clinton and Obama are the Key to make a deal between the White House and the Pentagon, Trump as the President of the post-disclosure United States.

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