Tuesday, November 29, 2016

NorthPoint Journal  Your guide to planetary energies for November 28 to December 4, 2016 By Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects
TUE: New Moon 4:18am PST (12:18pm GMT), Venus sextile Chiron, Sun conjunct Juno, Venus square Uranus, Venus square Ceres
WED: Sun square Neptune
THU: Venus square Eris, Chiron stations direct, Mars trine Jupiter
FRI: Venus semisquare Jupiter, Mercury enters Capricorn
SAT: Neptune square Juno, Mars sextile Saturn

is the first notable planetary event for our new week. It occurs at 4:18am PST (12:18pm GMT) in the eighth degree of Sagittarius. The Sabian symbol for that degree provides important guidance for us to consider as we begin the new lunar cycle:

"Within the depths of the earth, new elements are being formed: The alchemical fire which both purifies and transforms the very substance of our inner life."

Given that we are at such a crossroads in our evolution, this symbolic image seems especially profound. What piques my interest in particular is that the "new elements" being formed are "within the depths of the earth" -- in other words, hidden from view at the moment, and yet working at very deep levels within us, like the molten lava moving within a seemingly dormant volcano.

THE INTERPRETATION of this symbol by astrologer Dane Rudhyar leads us further into the potentials of the next four weeks:

"Forces are at work in the deepest layers of the psyche, which in their own way respond to the outer stimulation produced by a strong involvement in group ambitions and emotions ... An alchemical process goes on, usually unnoted by the conscious ego, until it becomes obvious that a kind of mutation has taken place and a new level of awareness and of responses to life has been reached."

The keywords for this symbol, and therefore for this new lunar cycle, are "Psychic Gestation." In response to recent events, all of us are shifting in profound ways -- paraphrasing Mr. Rudhyar, "The very substance of our nature is undergoing modifications, on the basis of which a new step may be taken."

AT THE TIME of the New Moon, the Sun and Moon are strongly square (90 degrees away from) both Neptune and the karmic North/South Nodes. A square aspect always indicates a certain amount of discomfort, which is often a prerequisite for change; if we are comfortable, we rarely look for ways to make improvements.

With the Nodes involved in the lunation chart, the coming month is a critical one in our evolutionary process. We are being compelled, through the emotional uneasiness we feel, to move from the negative traits associated with the Pisces South Node to the positive traits represented by the Virgo North Node. This means moving:

From escapism to participation
From confusion to detail-orientation
From self-doubt to self-confidence
From victimization to focused intention
From looking to be rescued to taking responsibility for change
From overwhelm to having strong boundaries

With Neptune aligned with the South Node, our attachment to these old patterns is dissolving. As we release these patterns, we discover new ways to take charge of our circumstances and open the door to improvement and success.

THIS IS NOT an exercise in solitude, however. The asteroid Juno, named for the wife of Jupiter and queen of the gods, is closely aligned with the Sun and Moon at the time of the New Moon. Juno, who I tend to nickname "the marriage asteroid," represents themes of partnership, so we are meant to collaborate with like-minded others now.

But there's also another side to Juno. Those who know their mythology know that Juno (Hera to the Greeks) was in no way a passive partner to her husband. They had their battles -- and oftentimes had a rather dysfunctional relationship -- but through her need to be equal partner, Juno also symbolizes our ability to support women's rights and to be a champion for those who are disempowered or disenfranchised.

The theme of relationships continues strongly throughout the week due to several aspects involving Venus, the goddess of personal love. For the most part, these aspects represent the need to be authentic and self-determined within our close relationships. They also indicate increased restlessness if we feel that our autonomy or our truth is being compromised by the patterns of relating that we are currently expressing.

THIS WEEK marks the three-month point after the eclipses that occurred in September -- on Wednesday, the Sun will be exactly square the degree of the Solar Eclipse that occurred on September 1. If we take the time to reflect, this can be an important time to gain insights into shifts that have occurred within us over the past 90 days. It can also be a good time to set an intention for how we want to further build on the changes that have occurred.

Chiron stations direct (starts moving forward) on Thursday, completing its retrograde phase that began on June 27. Over the past five months, we've been encouraged to turn inward to heal a lack of faith, and to find a deeper level of trust in the unfolding of the Universe. Now, as Chiron begins slowly moving forward, we are asked to start embodying our Faith and our Compassion more fully in our dealings with the outer world.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: The theme of partnership and your need for relationship with others who share your beliefs is emphasized this year. In relationships where you discount your true needs, you will likely encounter disillusionment. Be fully in tune with yourself so that you know who is a match for you and who is not. As you come into greater self-awareness, you can attract those into your life who will support your individuality -- those who you will also be able to hold in your heart, but with open arms.

Yours in peace,

Copyright Pam Younghans 2016. All rights reserved.


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