Monday, November 14, 2016

NorthPoint Journal:  Your guide to planetary energies for November 14 to 20, 2016 By Pam Younghans

Highlighted Aspects
MON: Full Moon 5:52am PST (1:52pm GMT), Sun quincunx Ceres
TUE: Mercury sextile Mars, Mercury trine Vesta, Mars opposite Vesta, Venus quincunx Vesta
WED: Mercury sesquiquadrate Uranus, Mars semisquare Chiron
THU: Uranus sextile Pallas, Ceres conjunct Eris, Mercury sesquiquadrate Ceres/Eris, Neptune conjunct South Node
FRI: Mercury square Moon's Nodes, Mercury square Neptune
SAT: Venus sextile Neptune, Neptune stations direct

ONE OF THE LEAD STORIES on today's main page of reads:

THE BIGGEST FULL MOON IN ALMOST 70 YEARS: On Monday, November 14, there's going to be a Full Moon -- the biggest and brightest in almost 70 years. "The last time we had such a close Full Moon was January 26, 1948," says Geoff Chester of the US Naval Observatory, '"and it won't happen again until November 25, 2034."

This type of "larger-than-life" Full Moon is called a supermoon, and it occurs when the height of the lunar cycle coincides with the Moon's closest proximity to the Earth. This is the third of four supermoons in a row -- but it is clearly the most impressive one, given that Luna hasn't been this close to Gaia in almost 70 years.

The extra impact of supermoons, as compared to usual Full Moons, may be subtle. But since the Moon has measurable effect not only on tides, tectonic plates, and other components of the physical plane, but also on our human psyches and emotions, we can anticipate that all of these will be more in flux than usual over the next 24 to 48 hours.

FULL MOONS occur when the Sun and the Moon are at opposite degrees in the zodiac. They represent opportunities to come into balance, but can also pull us into duality. For Monday's Full Moon, the Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon is in Taurus, representing the polarities of complexity vs. simplicity, drama vs. peace, willingness to see into the darkness vs. only wanting to see beauty, and the discomfort of deep change vs. the comfort of familiarity.

The Sabian symbol for the location of the Moon at the time of the lunation is very Taurus-like in its simplicity: "A jewelry shop filled with valuable gems." One sentence from the interpretation by astrologer Dane Rudhyar seems particularly important for us as we seek to know the meaning and long-term purposes of recent events:

"The gems that result from natural processes are often induced by extreme volcanic heat and pressure."

The Universe can work in strange ways as it moves us forward in our evolution. Extreme circumstances have the potential to create new forms of great beauty. Two of my clients this week revealed how recent events, and their observations of this entire year, have shifted their sense of their purpose and amplified the voice that is calling them to make a positive difference in the world.

THE SABIAN SYMBOL for the location of the Sun at the time of the Full Moon also sheds light on what we can focus on now:

"A rabbit metamorphoses into a nature spirit: The raising of animal drives to a higher level."

Dane Rudhyar writes that "This symbol refers to the transmutation of the generative power into a more ethereal and subtle form of potency ... the instinctual urge can be raised to a new level."

Whatever our individual opinions and judgments may be at this time, it is clear that our job now is to elevate how we express our own instinctive reactions, and to allow our responses to inspire us from this point forward -- whether that new expression is some form of social activism for those who feel that calling, a new commitment to treat others with compassion and tolerance, or a new dedication to holding the energies of higher love and light for those who feel their greatest gift is their intention and energy field.

THE THEMES of acting on feelings of compassion and finding ways to be of service are repeated in one of the major planetary events of the coming week: Neptune, who has been moving very slowly in recent weeks, comes to a standstill at the same degree as the karmic South Node.

This alignment focuses the dissolving power of Neptune on the negative qualities associated with the South Node in Pisces. It assists us in releasing victim consciousness; moving beyond confusion, feelings of inadequacy, and self-doubt; and eliminating patterns of escapism, avoidance, and addiction. It also can help us overcome feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, by reminding us that we are essential participants in a process. Even the small actions that we take, and the subtle growth in consciousness that we begin to embody, are valuable and have positive effect.

NEPTUNE has been retrograde (moving backward) since June 13. If we've taken advantage of the call of our souls during the last five months and spent time in reflection and introspection, we are now able to access our inner support system more consistently and can also draw on higher spiritual qualities such as compassion more often.

Thoughtful Mercury is also involved in our process this week, being square the South Node and Neptune on Friday. These aspects help dissolve old belief patterns that have been holding us back. We are releasing karmic patterns of passivity and ineffectiveness so that we can be more focused and self-confident in all areas of our lives.

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This is a year to claim your power in new ways, and to release the patterns and emotional debris that have held you back. As you allow this process to happen, you will more fully integrate your creativity into your life purpose. You will also enhance your ability to envision a positive future and to trust that you are guided and supported.

In peace,

Copyright Pam Younghans 2016. All rights reserved.

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