Dear Sensitive Souls, Are You Feeling These Intense Energies?
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“Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods. To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. Those who are at times described as being a ‘hot mess’ or having ‘too many issues’ are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world.”
~ Anthon St. Maarten
Are you feeling it? This intensity? Are you feeling exhausted for no good reason, or overwhelmed? Struggling to get through the day? Carrying an unusually big burden of oppression, worry or emotional stress, no matter how good your life might be?
Lovelies, it isn’t just the supermoon.
There are a few other factors at play.
There has been a massive recent shift in the earth’s crust and in the fluids that run beneath our feet. That’s part of the reason New Zealand experienced the earthquake this week that has released an enormous flow of positive ions (the same kind as from solar flares which exhaust and unground you). There are more adjustments to come.
These shifts under our feet, and some of the astrological factors at play, are deeply affecting sensitive people.
As we approach 2017, and the energies of 2016 and the energetic era that concluded with 2012 finally come to a close, there is flux and change in the air.
Big change. Big flux.
It’s so destabilizing for sensitive people.
What can you do? Plenty.
Spend time in nature, and with your loved ones. It’s an excellent time to channel and connect to your guides and energetic team. Meditate, pray, and send love into the world, and to all those you love. Especially, send love to those you feel are not living from their heart or who feel isolated or excluded from the community.
Image from
Be really discerning about who you spend time with. These energies will be trawling up emotions for lots of people, which may make interactions tense or difficult. Put your psychic raincoat on and let it all slide off you. Don’t engage (especially if you feel fragile or vulnerable), don’t enter into arguments – all of this just escalates these destabilizing energies.
All of us are leveling up as we step into the energies of 2017. For some people this is an easy thing. For others it will be a massive undertaking.
Work on your shit, close doors, let go of what isn’t working. Think about how you want your life and your world to be and take steps now to make that happen. Even tiny steps count. It’s not enough to think about it. In November we’re sowing seeds for the year ahead. We’re all connected, and our individual actions will always affect the whole. Don’t ever think that you can’t make a difference. We need you more than ever!
Trust that 2016 is a game changer on so many levels. Do all you can to nurture and sustain yourself until we get back to solid ground.
Holding you all in my thoughts, prayers and meditations,
Nicole❤ xoxo
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