Weekly Forecast for November 21-27, 2016
~ contributed by Hillory Skott
Our great big Sun moves into big thinking Sagittarius.
This is a powerful week of planetary play. We are nudged
or shoved along in our evolution thanks to the pull of the
planets. If we lean into our progress, we tap into an
exhilarating life force. Pluto and Jupiter Square this week
growth will occur, what is unnecessary must be edited from
your script. Your freedom is of utmost importance . Freedom
to fully express the real and true you that you came here to be.
Anything in the way of that won't make the cut. Don't hold on.
Trust. A life so fulfilling waits on the other side. The only way
out is through.
Tuesday Mercury, ruler of our thoughts and communications will
connect bringing us expansive ideas on ways to free our selves
up and create what is just and right. Capture these ideas on paper
as you may forget how brilliant todays thoughts and ideas are when
the winds shift tomorrow bringing practical stern Saturn in conjunction
with mental Mercury- these energies are fused in Sagittarius imbibing
every thing with enthusiasm and optimism.
Saturn lets you know there is real world work to be done to get
where you are going. Perhaps the part of you that has to do all
the work to prepare for a holiday, packing sorting organizing,
planning the itinerary, booking the flights, securing the on ground
transportation. Sagittarius is the energy thrilled for the adventure
ahead, fearless and ready to expand and explore new horizons.
These energies do need each other. Alone Saturn might talk you
out of even planning the trip. Fear you into staying put for practical
reasons. Alone Sadge might not get orderly enough to take the steps
involved. This is all a metaphor of course. Can you see it working
in your life?
If you are feeling the dark side of Saturn and Mercury fusing you
might be so sad, lonely, trapped, riddled with fear, sacrificing or
suffering. Not much fun- the fact that it's all happening in Sagittarius
might exaggerate everything too. Make you feel righteous about your
suffering. Remember once we get it- we can let go of the suffering.
We can choose the joy filled story line. Ask yourself why you would
want to suffer in the first place? Often guilt leads to suffering. Guilt
seeks punishment to make it feel better somehow. Suffering is certainly
punishing. Be grateful you can see how this is playing out in your life
and walk away.
Jupiter in beauty and peace seeking Libra is squaring off with Pluto in
always climbing Capricorn on Thursday. This is where we are assured
to grow. Square energy forces it. A structure is being squeezed to
transform. A structure that is no longer serving you. This will
clear the space to lay the solid clear foundation of your new life.
Venus joins Pluto on Friday- Intense and serious would well
describe how things feel this day. Perhaps you become obsessed
about something. It could be political or hierarchical. It could be
the need to make a serious commitment. You will be thinking
long-term value. How to bring value with you long term. Your
needs will be simple and earthy, definitely practical with all this
ha ppening in Capricorn. And thanks to Capricorn even though
your needs are simple, like maybe only one sweater you love all
winter, that sweater can be made of the softest cashmere. It's not
quantity, it's quality that counts.
By Saturday Mercury will dance with Uranus both in far seeing fire
signs. Your attitude will determine how your story goes, and this
energy carries just the right optimistic brave, future seeing vibe you
need to keep you on the path towards the brightest life you can see
for your self. Think big. Let the rock tumbling moments polish you up
grasshopper- You came here to Thrive. Freedom is your birth right.
~ contributed by Hillory Skott
Enjoy a wonderful week and create amazement!
Karen & Salma
Unbounded Potential Empowerment Group Inc. | 49 Canyon Blvd West | Lethbridge, AB, CA | T1K 6X6
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