Friday, November 18, 2016

Accelerated Ascending & Descending by Denise Ke Fay | HighHeartLife

Accelerated Ascending & Descending

alarm Warning: I’m still raw from the sudden illness and death of my cat and haven’t fully stabilized yet, not that most of us are doing so great at stabilizing ourselves from everything that’s happened and will continue to happen. Because of all this and more, this article may contain some serious cursing, heartbreak sobbing from one sentence to the next, general frustrations and sadness shifting suddenly into abrupt joy and excitement caused by Higher Awareness Knowings, all of which will hopefully be explained clearly enough by myself below. Hopefully, but maybe not. I need more sleep, rest and releasing. Thanks for understanding.


I don’t need to say how unbelievably miserable, shocking, painful, unnerving, frightful and downright traumatic life and reality has been since November 8, 2016, election day here in the USA. If you’re a Sensitive/Empath, you FELT (yes, in caps!) massive waves of repeated emotional shock, disbelief, pain, fear, anger, confusion and sheer panic from the human masses in the USA and around the world, and it continues and will increase as this American Brexit-like change becomes increasingly conscious in more people around the globe. Problem is that the masses aren’t consciously aware that all this chaos, negativity, blatant hustle, ugly revelations of what’s always been hidden in darkness and silence until now and wild changes have a positive causation behind them — that being highly compressed evolution. Many times the “monsters” are used to get The Higher Job Done, which in this case is to force humanity to wake up very quickly, and the “monsters” aren’t consciously aware of it due to their monumental egos, narcissism, limited awareness, delusions of grandeur and other low imbalances, illnesses, weaknesses and consciousness.

There’s “disclosure”, which many have demanded from governments for decades, and then there’s real full-blown, ugly and suddenly in-everyone’s-face type disclosure and that’s what humanity suddenly has now. You can’t demand or expect that only the specific bits and pieces be “disclosed” that you want in exactly the ways you expect them (UFOs, ETs and other related things), not during the Ascension Process. No, this is all-inclusive, high low, throw in the kitchen sink spiritual disclosure and it’s not what most were hoping for or expecting but is light-years beyond and is utterly necessary for mass humanity. They need to consciously know so they’ll redirect themselves towards evolving now. Things are so much easier to do and change when you honestly know how profoundly horrible, dark and evil they’ve actually been all along.

One of the main things I’ve been concerned about for myself over these evolutionary Ascension years is if I’d be able to not be affected by other people’s emotional energies when major things like what we’re fully in now happen. Most Forerunners/Starseeds/Wayshowers/Indigos were born Sensitive/Empathic (and much more) and have—like it or not—always felt humanity and their emotional energies. For the sake of our sanity and health we’ve had to learn how to not be run-over, derailed or broken by other people’s lower frequency emotional energies just because we can feel them.

Decades ago I could barely stand the period from Friday evening through Sunday evening because of beliefs the masses held (and many still do) about those hours and days and the almost mandatory “partying” — getting drunk, high, laid or whatever that people were hellbent on achieving every weekend because… because… because it was what everyone did! Repulsive herd mentality. Same with Summer here in the USA and “vacation” time and beliefs that goes with that. Next were the primary “holidays” here, all of which are war and/or religion related. It has not been easy or pleasant living amidst this constant stream of lower consciousness and reality that the unaware and unthinking masses endlessly produce.

What we’re in now is 1,000 times more intense and many have been flattened, shell-shocked, emotionally traumatized by the onslaught of other people’s emotional energies in November 2016. You realize there’s much more to come right? This means the Forerunners have to get ourselves up out of the muck yet again and get back to Higher Work shining the NEW Light that is us while the patriarchy devours itself for all to finally see in this global reality show. Often being a Lightwarrior is far easier than maintaining 5D HighHeart centered life while the old world and consciousness around you descends even farther into negativity and darkness. This is the Separation of Worlds and it’s very visible physically now. Much of it now has to do with those same human masses I was complaining about earlier, very quickly waking up and evolving into something they’ve never even known was possible before November 2016. That is some major evolution happening very quickly and the Forerunner Sensitives and Empaths are and will continue to feel humans and what they’re going through so get back to your HighHeart center and stay there as best you can. Easier said than done sometimes I certainly understand but it’s what we’ve got to do for ourselves, for them, for Gaia, for everything and everyone everywhere. We are the Living Embodied Light and we help stabilize and anchor during profoundly extreme times and shifts like what we’re in now and will be throughout 2017.

emotional wounds

Having said all that great sounding stuff I want to share with you how my 11½ year-old Ascension buddy and best physical friend cat began his physical death process on November 8, 2016, election day, and died on November 16th. Like humanity freaking out that day over the presidential win wasn’t enough. So much for maintaining HighHeart in the eye of the storm for me. Good god almighty this has been the longest 9 days (yes, 9 energies of Completion lasting 9 days) from November 8–16th out of time Zero Zone experience with nearly every fucking minute lasting half an eternity and being emotionally and physically, heart and body painful to the extreme. I’ve worked to stay conscious through all this plus not steer it one way or another but let it unfold while I discerned, as honestly as I could under these highly emotional conditions, what was best for my cat and myself now. This was a 9 energy test/transition for me in so many ways.

My cat was dying because it was time for him to do so, but how I dealt with it and what I learned from it all was/is as valuable as our 11½ years together were. This little feline guy has literally been at my side since Spring 2005, and he’s been attacked by Team Dark multiple times right along with me. He’s been my physical Ascension buddy and partner and I’m glad he exited at the end of these 9 energies of 2016, to have a good long and much-deserved rest and play elsewhere. Our relationship was appropriate from early 2005 through 2014, but I’ve known that after his two strokes in early 2015 (5–6 months after my Mom had her stroke in August 2014), that I could Care-give them both for only so long before it took a toll on me and/or interfered with or diminished my Forerunner work. I knew the cat would exit before my Mom, but he and I still had to live and die through all that. What a time it’s been since the start of 2014…

The point I’m trying to make is that because we’re at the threshold of the last 9 yearlong cycle at the end of 2016, and the start of a totally NEW higher evolutionary spiral in January 2017, a lot more people, pets and everything else like companies, systems etc. will suddenly be dying/exiting and no more. Do your best with their sudden leaving and get back in the Ascension saddle as quickly as you can Forerunner because you and your abilities are needed now so very much. The crying continues and will for a while because our fur friends are so, so special, especially these Ascension companions. What Lightwarriors of Love and loyalty they have been for Forerunners and those awakening during such difficult and dangerous times.

Wait, crying again, can’t see the computer screen… sobbing

Physical sounds have been very Zero Zone-ish recently meaning what I’ve heard sounds to me to be highly amplified and slightly distorted in some unusual ways. Space, distance, travel speed etc. has sounded (and been) unnatural again, indicating we’re moving into another NEW area physically and energetically. Also I’ve been clairvoyantly Seeing flashes of human and nonhuman faces and bodies and other strange beings from across time and space. Some very weird-looking beings and many of them really pissed off! We’re most definitely transitioning between the last 9 at a lower level and the NEW 1 at a higher level and it’s drawn in some very strange beings and creatures, both positive and negative into this unusual space we’re traveling through. I’m too exhausted at the moment to give much of a shit one way or the other however. I suspect that’s a positive thing considering how emotionally beat-up I’ve been since November 8th over my cat exiting in super slow motion—in addition to the political patriarchal shit-show insanity and most of humanity reacting to it.

What did everyone think or expect the downfall of the patriarchy was going to look like and be and how did you think the unaware folks would react to it all? Some people want big change but much bigger change is what they’re going to get and not for the reasons or through the people they believed would bring it. Sometimes some people’s “heroes” or “leaders” etc. are just the physical vehicles to collapse what needs to disappear altogether because its time and structures have Expired. The trump chump crew needs to do exactly what they are to shock people into their HighHearts and consciousness so they take personal responsibility and stop endlessly handing over their hopes, dreams, expectations, thinking and power to other people. 5D life and reality requires people to be Self-Empowered, Self-Source-contained and connected or individually Sovereign in other words. Sometimes seeming “monsters” are needed to push people into growing and changing when they don’t know how to or want to. Things are not what they seem at the surface level but so much more, and all very positive because they’re causing people to wake up fast. 2017 will be much more of this as old systems disintegrate under the Light and individuals and smaller Groups everywhere starting to do and build for themselves in 5D HighHeart ways and exit completely from the old ways and beliefs.

ice1-3 icezero-3 icezero-3 ice1-3

Weird amplified sounds. Intrusive never-before-seen other dimensional beings popping in suddenly to have a look-see and feel at me/us here. My body and heart/chest/spine at the heart area hurting terribly due to periods of intense kitty mourning and it letting me know that living with an expanse of high and low is not good because the energetic gap is way too much. Severe physical and emotional exhaustion causing need to sleep/nap/rest and be motionless because we’re in profound transition now. Feeling, Seeing, Hearing multiple dimensions, realities and beings all crammed up next to each other and humanity as the old world and reality enters accelerated Descension and the rest enter accelerated Ascension. Just that’s bound to feel, look, sound and be rather weird and unusual at times. Have you noticed the great increase in Angelic activity recently too? The higher levels and dimensions are as busy, chaotic and yet perfect in all this too but occasionally it feels rather unnerving down here to See Angelic Beings hustling to keep up with so much change everywhere.

I’ve seen the number combination of 1 0 0 1 constantly this month. It’s not 10:01 as in time, but in 0 representing the Zero Zone space after the 9 energies of Completion and before the start of the 1 energies of New Beginnings (January 2017) on a higher evolutionary spiral of existence. Combine all this and it’s no wonder we’re exhausted, excited, dazed and amazed, achy both physically and emotionally, perceiving NEW stuff and beings and much more.

As painful and exhausting as it can be when something or someone in your personal life dies and is physically gone, understand that this too is part of the ongoing changes we’re all going through. If they need to exit, let them and love them for the gift they were in your life. None of us can live in the past now in any way and this can and usually does take some sudden and unexpected manifestations in all of our lives so be prepared to let go of even more. This transition is huge and not all will remain in-body to go through it and that’s perfect. There’s been times when I’ve wondered if I was going to be able to remain in this Denise body and ride this thing to the other side. I think we’ve all had moments when we’ve thought this about ourselves and that’s perfect too.

What a ramble this has been and I’m sorry but I’m not here nor there but in the in-between, the Zero Zone, participating in the release of the old in preparation for NEW fires and connections to be fully lit in our HighHearts and Souls. What does it look like and feel like when your Higher Self and your Lower Self merge in a physical body? We’re finding out as I write this so don’t throw the towel in at this point!❤

November 17, 2016

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