Friday, October 31, 2014
DAILY OM ~ October 31, 2014 Feeling Threatened: Afraid of the Truth
DAILY OM ~ October 31, 2014
Feeling Threatened: Afraid of the Truth
by Madisyn Taylor
Facing the truth upfront rather than turning from it will keep your life moving in a forward and positive direction.
Most of us have had the experience of being in possession of a piece of truth that we were afraid to share because we knew it would not be well received. There are also instances in which we ourselves have been unable to handle some truth confronting us. This might be a small truth, such as not wanting to see that our car needs repairs because we don’t want to pay for them, or a large truth, such as not fully accepting that someone close to us is pushing us away. Usually the truth is evident, and we can see it if we choose, but we have elaborate ways of hiding the truth form ourselves, no matter how apparent it is.
For the most part, we avoid the truth because it scares us, or makes us angry, or makes us feel like we don’t know what to do. We often create our lives based on a particular understanding, and if that understanding turns out to be fully or even partially incorrect, we may feel that our whole sense of reality is being threatened. It takes a strong person to face the truth in circumstances like these, and many of us run for cover instead. Nevertheless, we can only avoid the truth for so long before it begins to make itself known in ever more forceful ways.
Ultimately, there is no way to avoid the truth, no matter how painful it is, so the sooner we let down our defenses, the better. When we know the truth and accept that we may have to adjust our lives to accommodate, we are in alignment with reality. At the same time, we can be patient with people around us who have a hard time seeing the truth, because we know how painful it can be. Whatever the truth is, we make a sincere effort not to close our eyes to it, but instead to be grateful that we have access to it.
[photo: TRUTH sculpture by John Parulis, Burnign Man 2007]
9/11 Truth,
Cabals & Conspiracies,
Energy Updates,
Know Thyself,
Personal Responsibility,
Planetary Change,
SaLuSa 31 October 2014 via Mike Quinsey
SaLuSa 31 October 2014 via Mike Quinsey
We will reiterate that nothing can change your destiny to leave the lower dimension behind, except that you lose your way and cannot lift up out of it. The opportunities to rise up are unlimited and if you are on that path you should already have made such progress, that you have established yourself in the level of vibrations that will see you safely through. You will get all the encouragement you need, and as your level of consciousness increases so you will achieve a greater understanding of what you need to do. Keep in the Light that you surround yourself with, and know that you are secure within and safeguarded from any attempt to interfere with your plan for Ascension. Allow the lower vibrations to pass you by without becoming involved in them.
The turmoil that many countries are going through is a sign that they have tried to solve their problems or differences by force, which will never be the answer to such situations. They will come round time and time again, until it is realised that only co-operation will achieve a solution that will bring lasting peace. Your history is a monumental testament of repeated attempts to rule by force, and shows that peace achieved by such methods is never lasting. The answer to all such problems is the application of “love” and the understanding that you are all One. Yes, we know that until people are ready to respond in this way you will not get far, but all solutions have a beginning when the seeds are sown. Love is a most powerful energy that can bring about miracles when all hope seems to be lost. It is therefore important that those who can provide and share the higher energies are dedicated to their role.
After many lives in the lower vibrations you are able to meet the challenge that they present, and as you progress matters will seem easier to deal with. They are helped by the incoming higher energies that are being beamed to Earth from other civilisations. Be assured that many of them are aware of your plight and most pleased to have the opportunity to assist. Indeed, when you have successfully achieved Ascension many civilisations will joyously await their invitation to meet you. There will be a gradual coming together which is consistent with you taking your place in the Cosmos. However, much has to precede such times but you are on course to rise up and become Cosmic Beings.
These are wonderful times to be associated with Earth and her journey into the higher vibrations. Many souls would have liked to be part of the experience, but you who have been selected are the ones that are best suited to the tasks ahead. You are much more than you are aware at present, and it is as though you are coming out of a dream state. Some might liken it to a nightmare but whatever way you view it, the time has arrived for a massive change in your fortunes. Be patient and apply yourself so that you can use your best attributes to help others awaken to the truth. Many souls are unaware that there is no such thing as total death, as the soul is immortal. You may cloak yourselves differently to experience particular lives according to your needs, but always the soul is supreme and holding the Light of Love.
We are both surprised and pleased that you have taken on your tasks with such commitment. Instinctively you know the importance of this time and your joint efforts are achieving success beyond your knowing. So never lose faith in your ability and know that you have much help to ensure you cope with the demands upon you. As you open up you will find that you have far greater abilities than you imagined. It is the reason you were selected for the end times, and we know that you will succeed in your tasks. Indeed for some of you this time round will not be your first experience, and for that reason you may find yourselves on familiar ground. Be aware that the importance of the present time for you and Mother Earth has not gone unnoticed, and Beings from many civilisations are gathered to observe your Ascension. We remind you that it will be the first occasion that you will have risen up, without making the transition through the “death” of the body.
There will be so much to learn that will be new to you, and it will set you on the path to being a Cosmic Being. That is of course quite a way ahead but we would like you to know what you might expect in the higher vibrations. Every effort you put in now will be well rewarded and you will not regret a single moment. Mean time you will be gradually enlightened as to the changes that will be the first of many, and they will help you to quickly adjust to the new vibrations. This is where we can be of great assistance and share with you the benefit of our experience. We want to help you make up for lost time where you have been held back, and quickly introduce you to the many advancements that will speed up your transition to the higher realms.
It is not given to any individual to know the life plan of another soul. You should therefore exercise caution when judging another soul, as you cannot know what the future holds for them. Each of you have made your commitments where your progress is concerned. They are tempered by karmic needs that are neither good or bad as you would term them. All karma no matter who it involves will provide the lessons that will help the soul to evolve. So treat all experiences as essential to your development and upliftment.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased that our contact with you has helped your evolution. Bear in mind that we have been drawing ever closer to you for some 70 years, and in that time we have noted your rapid growth in consciousness. It will continue as the vibrations keep on rising up, and in time they will enable you to completely leave the lower ones behind. I wish you continued success in your work on behalf of the Light, and the Love that you spread around you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
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Weekly LightBlast: Give and Take a message from Jamye Price
Weekly LightBlast: Give and Take
a message from Jamye Price
Thursday, 30 October, 2014
You can watch video version here.
You are a biomechanism of Life expanding through a progress of interaction and choice. It is continual and valuable as you begin to perceive new choices that you didn’t feel were possible. In truth, it is that you didn’t feel strong enough to endure. To forgive another or an experience takes a strength of knowing that within you is the power to choose for yourself. To confront life takes a power within. This is the Give and Take of empowerment. Give your pain to lesson learned and Take your power within. For prior to that, you gave your power to the other or to the experience. Know that you are strong enough to thrive. Your choice Gives strength to potential to form.
The stories of your past are either supportive or depletive, you choose. They are past, yet not complete until you Take the lesson learned and Give yourself the power to choose anew with new strength, new wisdom, new potential that is born from the past. Give and Take is an engine of duality merging into new form, you choose. With every choice you Give and Take of Self and Life. It is your work of empowerment to perceive the visible and invisible aspects of each. As you do this, you find the mutually beneficial mergence that allows new form based in Love, supportive of Life, to emerge. As you Take of Life, you Give it new form. As you Take your power within, you Give Life new potential.
As we sit to Blast Give and Take, we are opening to the natural engine of Life expanding as we choose with the power of Love. We are giving to the Self so that the Self may give to Life as we take our power of peace within. We are boldly choosing peace in the midst of chaos as we open to the constant flow of change. We are well with what is, for it is giving platform to new choice as we take control of our internal focus. We are taking deeply of the Love of Life, allowing it to renew us into new potential forming. Blast on!
Copyright: © 2005-2014 Jamye Price, All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.
This message was originally posted here
Tom Kenyon ~ Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and The Dismantling of 3-D Reality | Laura Bruno's Blog
The savage beast that music soothes may well be that one inside of us! -PB
I’m posting this message from Tom Kenyon and the Hathors, because it
agrees with what I’m hearing from clients, friends and family members
right now, as well as what I sense coming our way. We are, indeed, in
the midst of many Chaotic Nodes, and people who don’t know how
to deal with chaos or uncertainty are having a rough go of it. I keep
suggesting people shift their attitude toward “uncertainty” to one of
exploring and embracing The Great Mystery. This post reaffirms
what I’ve already known based on how many people have contacted me for
urgent support. There’s no shame in asking for clarity and support, but
ultimately, only you can decide to make (and follow through on) your individual leap(s).
Thanks, G!
Continued blessings on the journey …
Tom Kenyon ~ Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and The Dismantling of 3-D Reality | Laura Bruno's Blog
agrees with what I’m hearing from clients, friends and family members
right now, as well as what I sense coming our way. We are, indeed, in
the midst of many Chaotic Nodes, and people who don’t know how
to deal with chaos or uncertainty are having a rough go of it. I keep
suggesting people shift their attitude toward “uncertainty” to one of
exploring and embracing The Great Mystery. This post reaffirms
what I’ve already known based on how many people have contacted me for
urgent support. There’s no shame in asking for clarity and support, but
ultimately, only you can decide to make (and follow through on) your individual leap(s).
Thanks, G!
Continued blessings on the journey …
Due to time-acceleration and…
View original 920 more words
Thursday, October 30, 2014
29th OCTOBER 2014
Channeled by Holly Hawkins MarwoodTranscribed by Holly Hawkins Marwood
“Greetings Dear Ones. We are the High Council of Orion.
Do you know you have guides? Do you know you have a team of unseen guardians, angels, protectors, supporters, informers, guiders, and on and on that are around you all the time? While this may sound like a basic statement to many of you, for some it will be new.
If you can imagine, in almost a comical way, a movie in which the main character has a host of friends and confidants and supporters around them giving them their opinion constantly, all the time. If you can imagine this main character walking down the road and having that team with them walking, flying, surrounding them, always at the ready, it would seem like almost a comical movie, would it not? This person who is the main character in the movie could feel very confident in their life knowing and seeing that they have all of this support. When the slightest thing comes to their mind that they need to question, that they need to wonder about, they just turn to one or many of their team that’s all around them and they need not wonder anymore. The get the answer immediately! They get the response immediately!
We would say to each and every one of you that you have that support, that team around you all the time. Of course, the human mind goes to the place immediately of: “Who are they? What are their names? What do they look like?” As if they need to be more real through description, which is understandable. However, take a moment and just feel that you have a whole host of unseen supporters around you all the time. Drawing your awareness to that first is so important. It is an awareness of the truth of that as something that you can call on and draw from at any given moment in your life.
It’s as if you know you have ears to hear, eyes to see, hands to touch and on and on with your senses, but then imagine that you have ears to hear the energetic information around you, eyes to see the energetic information around you. Whether you actually see or actually hear, they are organs of receiving just like your physical eyes, your physical ears, and on and on.
We encourage you to expand your awareness to begin interacting with the energy and light around you that is there in constant support of you that you are never separate from. It’s always there. It never has been gone from you. There is, in a sense, nothing to call in, nothing to manifest in. This support is always there for you and really you just need to begin to pay attention to it. It’s that easy. It’s that simple.
For those of you who are newer to the idea that you have unseen support or newer to the idea that you can interact with them on a moment’s notice, we begin encouraging you to think about communicating with them just as if they were walking down the street next to you, sitting in the car near you, sitting on the couch near you, or sitting at your desk with you. They are that ready at hand for you all the time. If you have not had a relationship with them yet, to talk and receive, then you’re going to begin a new conversation with them so that you open up this pathway, this energetic flow of information. We encourage you to be patient as you are waiting and listening and receiving.
Understand that the reception of the information and the guidance that they might be sharing might sound a lot like your own ideas, might feel like things you are ready know, and we would encourage you to trust what every you are receiving in the moment even if it feels like coming from you because energetically they are so subtle it’s likely that the information feels like what would becoming from you: from your mind, from your thought, from your gut, from your logic, whatever it might be.
Begin acting based on the guidance you feel you’re receiving and it will reinforce that flow for you more and more and more, for you to then receive higher and higher level information, receive more energetic information in the moments when you’re consciously in communication with them, and even in those moments when you’re not aware of asking them a question yet they are sharing information with you. Part of this is to take advantage of the wisdom and guidance that’s surrounding you all the time. Part of it is to increase your awareness to live into that greater energetic reality that is Truth. That is inherent to who you are as a being of Light, therefore, then you begin to transcend some of the human limitations that you’ve been experiencing.
Play with this. Have fun with it. As we always say, be gentle to yourself as you’re learning something new, without judging yourself and just trusting that this is inherent to your energies to be able to do this, so it will be there. It will come. Don’t forget you can always call on us for our assistance whenever you ask. We will always be there for you.
Be Blessed.
We are the High Council of Orion.”
© 2014 Copyright Holly Hawkins Marwood
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in its original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the author and a link to clearly displayed as shown below.
Channel: Holly Hawkins Marwood
Please catch up on our Radio show this week we will have a live message
from the High Council of Orion
(Click on the image)
From Depth to Life, by Mona Delfino | 2012: What's the Real Truth?
From Depth to Life, by Mona Delfino | 2012: What's the Real Truth?
Posted on October 29, 2014 by Jean Haines
October 28th, 2014
Guest article by Mona
~From “Depth” to Life~
In these last few months, many people have really been feeling the “jolts” of change in their lives. I’m sure we all are to some degree feeling an upheaval of sorts as well. We recently had a blood red moon, 2 eclipses, and many solar flares of great magnitude to add to the pot. There’s no doubt about it…life just isn’t the same, nor will it ever be again.
Being a Vibrational Energy Healer/Reader my whole life, I would love to add a few tidbits of healthy advice for everyone to consider as these shifts are only increasing… especially up to the end of the year.
1.The changes we are experiencing are about lifting our recognition of our personal power. Both as individuals and as a collective whole, we are becoming new every day. Therefore, we must realize that by moving forward in life, this suggests we change our way of thinking in regards to how “things have always been.” Decisions we make may no longer feel like something we would have done even a year ago, and may be completely in a new phase of changing into the road less traveled. The best suggestion: go for it…. we really can no longer abide by something that our hearts do not feel.
2.As easily as illnesses come on, they can also leave. Energy is actually clearer and much more productive on our planet now. This is because we are being “downloaded” by many means of what the Universe is giving us and also has in store for us. It isn’t a good thing, or a bad thing. In higher consciousness, there’s no such thing. It’s what I call the “As Above, So Below” concept. It’s not that we can just “wish away” an illness, but we CAN wish away a thought. Those destructive thoughts can cause destructive action in the body. Also if you are working too hard, I am feeling strongly that we need to recognize the balance in resting as much as working.
I teach a workshop called “Energy Mechanics, The Science of Healing.” In the last class, I had a student lay on her stomach on a massage table. As the other students watched, I demonstrated a healing right before their eyes. It was only a mere recognition of the students right hip higher than the left. It was obvious to the group that this student looked a bit lopsided. So I put my left hand on the students sacrum and immediately felt a lack of finding time for herself. The hip being higher on the right side (giving) can indicate “putting out too much” and not having enough support. So I removed my hand, and gave the student on the massage table a short guided meditation, which included a cup of tea and a quiet room without interruption. I proceeded to engage her in reading a good book by a fireplace wearing a cozy comfy blanket on a cold evening. This guided meditation was all she needed to find herself relaxing. Then, as the other students witnessed this, they all could visibly see her hip going back into place without anyone touching her. The young woman could feel her hip subsiding away from her tailbone area and relax back to where it should be.
Suggestion: Find comfort in each day by going within for even a few minutes and remembering that you are in charge. For we are the placebo making our lives each moment… just think of all the marvelous things we can teach ourselves!
3.Next, this one is the biggest and best of all… finding truth in connection, not attachment. When I teach this, most people do not understand it at first. If you realize that we attach to other people by deciding how to interact with them, we’ll see that this is actually an old survival issue from childhood. Anger can arise by feeling hurt…betrayed, and heaven help us if a partner leaves us. We get caught up subconsciously in the realms and fears of not being loved, not understood, judged, or accepted. People who have had abandonment issues have difficulty with this one, and yet, just taking time to realize that we are the ones who mostly judge ourselves, that alone will help us in releasing the fear of whether or not we are “good enough.” It’s time to turn things around. For years, we have been taught that we are egotistical if we put ourselves first. It’s true if we are only out for personal gain, however, in the world of self esteem, we must come first. If we don’t, it’s like having debt in your bank account and you find yourself living in deficit. ( Talk about a poor place to be…) This is what Self Empowerment is all about. It’s knowing and having the courage to say no, to rest instead of running ragged, to learn to trust that your world will not collapse if you take a day off here and there… because the way things are going today, you just might collapse if you don’t!
4.Love the person you’re becoming. You contribute more in life than you could imagine. You may feel like you’re going crazy at times, but the truth is, we are not falling apart, we are falling into place. We are becoming better people as the Universe continues to talk to us. Subconsciously and consciously, we are acting and reacting differently for a reason. We are creating a new world, and are in the throws of of being a conscious contractor. The less we judge ourselves, the less we judge the world, and the clearer we become capable of stamina and more energy.
5.Be patient. Look ahead, not behind. Anxiety is from nervousness and not feeling like you can change the past, present or future. Depression can come from fear of the future. Either way, do your best at living in the moment and enjoying as much as you can. Remembering the late Joan Rivers and one of my favorite sayings she said, “Keep Calm and remember that everything is funny!” Here’s to us, our changing world, and the courage to love yourself no matter what! Blessings in Love, Mona~
October 28th, 2014 | Category: Guest Articles, Mona Delfino
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
1 Cib, 14 Tzec, 11 Ik
Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) We come to you feeling joyous! Events continue to move forward. The time comes to bring forth announcements accompanied by the beginnings of a global prosperity. Several nations dedicated to bringing you a new financial system are ready to make a series of vital announcements that are to change forever how your realm uses its many currencies. In addition, a number of up-to-now secret gold and silver depositories are ready to put your global economy back to a worldwide precious metal standard. These events are to cause a temporary deflation once the new currieries are in place. Global fair trade can begin in earnest. These changes are to set the way for new governance. The corrupt and one-sided policies of government are to cease as the globe returns to a general standard of cooperation and world peace. It is time to alter how your world is run and prepare each of you to become participants in how government operates. This is just the first step to your many new responsibilities.
The world, which is now envisioned by Heaven, is to become fully participatory. You are to be educated by your Ascended Masters and by the temporary leaders of your national and local governments in a number of new realities. Further, the law is to switch to common law and to a faithful following in the intent and wordings of your constitution. This process is to be both fruitful and confusing to many. This new epoch is to culminate in our arrival and your transformation into fully conscious Beings of Light. The present is therefore a critical time in this process. The globe is changing from a place run ruthlessly by a series of dark masters to one where you can freely and responsibly express yourselves. This new realm is one in which you need to better understand what is to be expected of you. Hence, it is necessary that a period of weeks and months be employed to assist you in this grand transfer of power from the dark to the Light and each one of you.
You are to be readied to become mature, able Beings of Light, who gladly accept all that is expected of you. This process, as we have stated, requires you to take on a great deal of new knowledge and learn how best to use it to carry out the marvel of your life contract. You are to be provided with the counseling you need to carry this out successfully. The universe is about success, joy and an honoring of who you are. Each success leads to another. You are to build up a quiet confidence and to understand how this process operates. These energies drive our numerous galactic societies. The degree of mutual love and respect constantly grows. We know how each individual works to provide for the greater One. This grand sacred collective encompasses all humans and all Beings of Light. Out of it comes a divine service, which aids the Divine in unfolding the divine plan for physicality. We are deeply dedicated to this, and come to return you to your true and natural state.
This shift in your consciousness is just the start. Your present state of limited consciousness dropped your body and mind frequencies to an extremely low level. Heaven has been gradually raising this over the last four decades. Yet you are still far below the minimums required. This is why you need to use a Crystal Light Chamber to regain full consciousness. Full consciousness makes you knowledgeable about Spirit and the infinite realms of Heaven. During your three days in this living marvel, you are to discover your origins and become privy to your previous life contacts. You are also to learn about your Soul family and why you initially migrated to this solar system. You are here as a special collective, to look after Gaia and her many sister worlds. Once this solar system is restored, you are to learn about the amazing diversity of life that exists not only on this world, but also on the other water worlds in this Solar System. Much lies ahead for you to learn and master!
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with much good news! Our associates are now completing a number of projects which are to lead to the distribution of all funds. At present, the last emissaries of the dark are doing everything they can to block this vital, sacred process. This operation is not to be stopped. The Agarthans and our space family are busily intervening and turning back the heinous acts used by these emissaries to prevent the proper delivery of your blessings. Our main heavenly counsels are most pleased with how these events are going. These things are also to lead to new governance, accompanied by a new prosperity-oriented financial system. These coming events are to aid in a broad healing of Gaia and your various societies. What is next is for us to put together and then present a number of specific lessons on the new realities. These are to set the stage for a number of subsequent events.
These coming events are to feature a global disclosure of not only our blessed space family, but also a full disclosure of Inner Earth. These new realities require that you open your hearts and minds to an entirely new picture of your living home, Gaia. Inner Earth is home to Agartha and its capital of Shamballah. Many religious societies have long known of Agartha and how the Anunnaki and their Earthy minions hid these realities from all of surface humanity. Those avatars sent to you by the Agarthans paved the way for us to find a secure refuge in these most gracious lands. Once there, we discovered a land of blessed ones who deeply support our mission to you. To aid this mission, the Agarthans send special Beings to explore the realities of your realm and assist us when necessary. We are most grateful for their actions.
The time ahead is to be one of specific actions to prepare you for the start of a prosperous and Light-directed realm. This realm is to reconnect to its ancestors in Inner Earth and restore direct relations with your spiritual and space families. Remember, dear Hearts, the long dark night of the Soul is ending. Heaven tells you that a time approaches to return to full consciousness. This process is to be completed in a number of simple steps. The initial ones are currently under way. When these first steps are completed, you are to be judged ready for first contact. Daily, we practice special prayers and ceremonies directed to the swift successes of these initial steps. Here, we ask you to graciously focus your energies along with ours to achieve these divine successes for this realm. Let us all be free and prosperous in this realm! Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we continued our messages. Let this one lead to prayer and a grand focus by you so that this global collective of humanity be set free and achieve the resources to carry out its grand destiny. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
Beings of Light,
Common Law,
Dark Night of the Soul,
Full Consciousness,
Global Reset,
New Governance,
New Reality,
The Vision Alignment Project: A Vision for Flowing with Change
We see a world where we no
longer react, but respond, to the changes in our lives; where our
emotions are much more stable than they have been in the past; where we
embrace all our emotions instead of avoiding them; where violence and
aggression are no longer a part of our lives; and where we approach our
changes gracefully by simply observing them - while, at the same time,
we remain alert and doing whatever is necessary to insure the safety and
sanctity of ourselves, our loved ones, and everyone around us.
Ultimately, we see all people coming to realize that every change we go through is an opportunity for us to withhold our knee-jerk reactions, look at things from a higher perspective, and raise our awareness to a plateau where we know that we are One with all and everything. The changes we have learned to flow with have taken us to a place within ourselves where we know that all is well, regardless of the circumstances around us.
Ultimately, we see all people coming to realize that every change we go through is an opportunity for us to withhold our knee-jerk reactions, look at things from a higher perspective, and raise our awareness to a plateau where we know that we are One with all and everything. The changes we have learned to flow with have taken us to a place within ourselves where we know that all is well, regardless of the circumstances around us.
As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your
Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.
Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.
Montague’s Message for Sunday 26 October 2014 | kauilapele's blog
"My dear, it is our dearest wish to guide and support humanity through the many changes that must happen before the New Age begins. I am very aware that many in your world do not want to prepare. They are in fear. They still cling to their 3D beliefs and way of life. It is necessary to understand that when the Cabal is removed, then all the infrastructure it controls goes with it. It cannot be otherwise. This is a fact that all must come to terms with. Forewarned is forearmed.
Whenever you embark on a journey, you first prepare. This is the greatest journey that mankind has ever faced, so you must prepare for all eventualities. You need to eat, drink, and breathe to survive. This is why I encourage you to get involved in the Centres of Learning which we are setting up, where information on how to create all the necessities of life will be available to all. We are bringing all those who have done the research, together, to teach humanity how to cope in the New Age of Enlightenment that is about to begin.
The Cabal does not want humanity to survive and will sabotage much before they retreat from your planet. They despise humanity. They see you as useless eaters, who are but slaves. This slavery is coming to an end. You are now seeing the final attempts of the Cabal to try to hold on to power. The rush to create police states has begun; their use of false flag events to bring them about, have become obvious to those who are awake. This is not the time to sit back and do nothing, as this gives the Cabal permission to continue its final attempt to create its dream of a New World Order.
Those within the Cabal want to live life on Earth without restrictions. They want their way of life brought out into the open, without the need to hide what they do, in order to survive on planet Earth. Their need for human blood has always been kept hidden from you. Now, evidence is emerging that they feel the need to come out into the open about it. They feel that it is time that you, humanity, understands them. Their need for constant war is becoming very obvious. The brainwashing of young men to fight their wars is deplorable. Armies wear all the insignias of blood sacrifice without ever questioning what they mean. They are told that they must be proud to become a blood sacrifice. They are injected with viruses and so spread them far and wide. They are instrumental in killing off their own species, yet they are blinded to this fact. Those who believe in the propaganda regarding vaccination and are administering them, are also instrumental in killing off their own species.
Those who rule your world, use you in different guises, to kill your fellow man. You cannot continue to close your eyes to all this, as time is running out. You need to wake up. Refuse to be conned by those who are firmly locked into 3D lives, who are like the proverbial mouse on the treadmill, always running but never getting anywhere. This is how they look, from this side of life, when we observe life on Earth.
Every day, more obstacles are being put in your path, requiring you to put more effort into everything, that never gets you anywhere. The Cabal is wearing you down, so you may agree with its demands more easily, being too exhausted to struggle. Survival becomes more difficult every day. You must win this battle of light and dark, for it is in your power to create on Earth a way of life that is everything you could possibly wish for. This is why you are on the Earth at this time. You have returned. You are coming together in order to ensure that life on Earth continues in peace and harmony.
The people of Atlantis were conned, and so it fell, but the memory of that fall was never erased from the consciousness of Man. Those souls have returned to Earth to ensure that it will not fall into the same trap. You need to learn the lessons of the past and refuse to make the same mistakes. It will be tough. I never said it would be easy, but you will succeed.
Some suggest that I expect too much of Veronica. She has lived many lives, even before planet Earth was created. She chose this path before returning to Earth. This is the reason that she is attacked on many levels. Some are being used to falsify facts in order to distract from her work.
[ I, Veronica, ask you to go to our web site. Find MESSAGES on the homepage. Read the report of a séance dated 19 June 2011. It has been on my website all this time. It refutes Kelly's version of events.]
Let us come together, with both sides of life working together to shine a light on all that is corrupt. Learn to see others as fellow human beings without labels, all working towards a brighter future for all humanity. Try to see the light in everyone, then connect with it, for your future depends on it. Prepare for the future. We plan to have twenty Centres all over the world. The first one has to be in Ireland. The reason for this will become clear when we disclose the truth about Ireland and reveal its importance. “Ireland is the key that will unlock everything.”
Important connections were made, last week, that will bear fruit. All will come together when the timing is right.
Always, your adoring, Monty"
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Owl Spirit Animal By Elena Harris, Editor
Owl Spirit Animal
Owl Totem Quotes
“Don’t count your owls before they are delivered.” ~Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter“A wise old owl sat on an oak; The more he saw the less he spoke; The less he spoke the more he heard; Why aren’t we like that wise old bird?” ~Unknown
The owl spirit animal and the power to see in the dark
The owl sees in the dark: As a spirit animal, the owl guides you to see beyond the veil of deception and illusion; it helps see what’s kept hidden. It also symbolizes the ability to cut through illusions and see the real meaning of someone’s action or state of mind.When the owl is one of your power animals, you have a strong intuition and can access information and wisdom that’s usually hidden to most. The spirit of this animal encourages you to look beyond deceiving appearances into the true reality of a situation or a person’s motives.
The owl is a strong spirit guide for discernment and making decision based solid foundations. Call on the owl totem when you have to assess a situation or are going through confusing times.
The unknown and the owl power animal
If you have an owl as a totem or spirit animal, you probably like to explore the unknown. The mysteries of life are a fascinating field of interest. As the owl guides your steps, you are likely to develop an appreciation for life’s magic.When the owl shows up in your life, listen and look out for the subtle signs that are around you. Your animal spirit guide is a great helper to be attentive to what usually goes below your radar, but is now of particular importance.
The owl is also a guide to uncover your hidden potential and abilities. Check whether you need to reveal more of your intuitive nature.
Night time is particularly auspicious for your creativity, so take the time to focus your creative energy then.
Owl spirit animals as messengers of change
Owl spirit animals are symbolic of death in many traditions. In most cases however, it should not be taken literally: If the owl is associated with death, it can be viewed a symbolic death, meaning a transition in life, important changes that are taking place or about to happen.When the owl shows up in your life, pay attention to the winds of change. Perhaps you are about to leave some old habits, a situation that no longer serve you or bring something new in your life.
Dream interpretation of the owl
When you dream about an owl, your spirit animal may be contacting you to warn you about a danger or threat hat you need to pay attention to. It can bring a wise insight about important matters that you should not ignore.When an owl appears in a dream, it could also mean that the intuitive part of you is calling for attention: Pay attention and listen to the subtle signs in your life, to what is important, but not necessarily obviously so.
The owl could also be a animal spirit guide offering you insight about a moment of transition. Since this totem animal is often associated with death, when an owl shows up in a dream, it could mean that you are receiving guidance regarding personal transformation, change.
In many dream interpretations, the owl can represent a deceased friend or family member who comes back in the dream in the shape of a spirit animal.
The owl spirit animal & superstition
Birds, especially birds of the night, are often associated with departed souls. The owl is no exception. In some popular believes, they are considered as bad omen signifying the imminent death of a close relative or someone important. Romans even believed that an owl hooting from the top of a public building announces the death of an important public figure. It could also represent the spirit of a deceased family of close friend.The night owl was the animal associated with the Lord of Death in the Aztec tradition. There’s a similar meaning for the Celts who associated the owl’s spirit with an animal announcing death, especially if it flies into someone’s window while a sick person is inside the house. It was viewed as the spirit animal that would carry the souls of the departed to the underworld.
Other traditional meanings for the owl spirit animal
In Indian American traditions, the owl is called the Night Eagle. The owl totem has a special connection with the night and the moon, while the eagle is connected to the sun.The owl is associated with witchcraft in a number of European and some American Indian traditions. Witches would often take the owl as an animal spirit guide.
In Greek mythology, the Goddess Athena, goddess of the wisdom and war, was represented as an owl. It is said that the Romans believed that someone would reveal all their secrets during their sleep if an owl feather was placed near their pillow.
What is the owl spirit animal revealing about your secrets?
Animal Totem,
Hidden Potential,
Intuitive Knowledge,
Mysteries of Life,
Owl Wisdom,
Secrets Revealed,
Seeing the Hidden,
The Departed,
Small Issues, Big Picture By Jennifer Hoffman | Enlightening Life
Small Issues, Big Picture
By Jennifer Hoffman | Enlightening Life
October 28, 2014
Some squirrels have moved into my home’s attic, which is not a good thing. They are messy and chew on everything, and can be quite destructive. Not to mention that I occasionally hear them running around above my head and I’m dreading the day when one of them might drop through the ceiling into my house. But they’re a small sign of a bigger issue that I need to take care of, which is replacing my home’s roof. If I had a new roof, I probably wouldn’t have the squirrel problem and their presence has become the deciding factor in getting the roof replaced now. It’s a small challenge pointing me towards a bigger issue.
I was hoping to negotiate the roof replacement after I sold my house. But since it has not sold yet and I do need a new roof because squirrels are chewing through this one, it’s a situation I have to take care of now. This is an expensive repair as roof prices start at around ten thousand dollars, the weather has to be right, I’ll have roofers at the house for at least two days, and the entire roof of my house will be removed and then replaced. Considering what is going on in my life, this is yet example of how a small issue reveals a bigger, more important issue and how all things are connected.
The current energy flows and shifts are bringing up immediate problems while highlighting the existence of deeper challenges. My squirrels are a nuisance and they highlight the need for a new roof but more than that, they also highlight completion for me. Rather than waiting to sell the house to think about the roof, I need to do it now. From an energetic perspective, it’s ‘finishing off’ the work I have done here. Think about what a roof is, the cap or top, it’s also the last thing that is put on the house when the outside structure is built.
What little challenges are you experiencing now that are pointing to a bigger picture challenge? The difficult partner, co-worker, or neighbor is an immediate concern that may be highlighting a bigger challenge around your boundaries, how you limit your joy, how much pain you are willing to tolerate to avoid confrontation, what you will do to ensure that you are loved or valued by someone, or your fear of success. When people intrude on your boundaries, they’re showing you where your energy is leaking and is not contained, where you give your power away, or do not own your power. Maybe they can intrude on your boundaries because they don’t exist, or you move them around depending on who you want to attract into your life.
As I have shared many times, boundaries aren’t about keeping people out of your life, although they will have that effect, they are how we manage our energy flows. With strong boundaries you set an energetic admission price for your life, as well as how you will extend your energy to others and allow them to connect with you. People who can understand and are willing to honor the boundary’s admission price don’t even notice the boundaries; those who cannot will not be able to connect with you. One of my best boundaries is this affirmation, ‘Everyone in my life loves, honors, and respects me.’ All that says is everyone who wants to enter your life has to be able to love, honor, and respect you. Everyone who can’t do that won’t want to or be able to connect with you.
I will call a removal service to get the squirrels out of the attic, then I’ll put a new roof on my house. It is the topping off of my work here, putting a new covering on the foundation, capping off the structure, and, since I am replacing a wood shingle roof with composition tiles, putting a stronger boundary in place (one that squirrels can’t chew through).
Here are some ways you can set stronger boundaries in your life:
1. Make them positive and avoid using negative words like won’t, don’t, never, or can’t.
2. Make them general, since they are about energy, instead of naming specific people because one person simply represents an energetic connection. If you have been treated disrespectfully by a friend, then your boundary should be focused on being treated respectfully by everyone because that friend is the small issue that is allowing you to focus on the bigger picture.
3. Be clear about how they serve you. Boundaries work best when they enhance aspects of your life, and it’s easier to get clear about how you want to feel instead of what you don’t want to experience. You can create positive boundary statements by making a list of what doesn’t serve you and writing each thing as a positive boundary statement.
4. Use them to claim your power, so make sure they’re strong and confident. Use words like deserve, respect, honor, compassion, cherish, love, and other words that inspire and encourage you.
5. Don’t worry about how they impact others. If your boundaries prevent people from connecting with you, then there was something limiting about that connection and it was an energy drain. People can always be part of your life, once they are willing to respect your boundaries.
Are you ready to use boundaries in positive, powerful ways and use the small issues in your life to get clear about your big picture? Are your boundaries secure and strong or do you need some minor issues (which may not feel so minor), to help you see the bigger picture? It’s never too late to make changes, as long as you are clear about what you want and are willing to use these changes to serve yourself and your life in more powerful ways that serve your desire to have love, peace, joy, honor, respect, and whatever else you want, in your life.
And as a side note, the squirrels in the attic will be humanely trapped and released into the wild, far away from my house, which has to be done before the new roof can be installed.
If you like this article and would like to work with me because you are ready for profound personal and spiritual transformation, consider a personal intuitive consultation or intuitive coaching, where we work together to examine your life path, purpose, potential, and possibilities and help you choose one that will bring you the joy, abundance, love, peace and power that you are ready for. Click here to explore the possibilities for transformation.
Copyright (c) 2014 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
The Grand Reset Steve Rother a message from The Group channeled by Steve Rother
The Grand Reset
Wednesday, 15 October, 2014 (posted 28 October, 2014) This message has been edited and in spots rechanneled by the group for better clarity in this format.
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"Greetings from Home, dear ones.
Making Space for the New Empowered Human
It is such a joy to be with you all. There is a large family that has gathered again and again here on planet Earth. The Family of Light—you can call it a number of different things--we call it the Family of E, Lightworkers. Many of you have come in at this time with the intention of bringing the collective to the highest level possible. That is very beautiful yet very difficult, so we wish to speak with you about what is ahead and what each of you can do. Dear ones, you can take a part i what is happening in the world around you to make space for the new empowered human. That is truly what is going on.
There are significant adjustments occurring on planet Earth. We have spoken of the tension of the tectonic plates and how humans are picking up on it, sometimes overreacting. You have come in and started to balance the masculine and the feminine. This is a challenging balance for you because you have always seen things as polarity, as opposites. To suddenly begin seeing everything as connected and whole is very difficult for humans, although you are aware that is where you are now Dear ones, you are some of the most important people that can help to ground the new thought in this new energy. Yes, you have come in with this idea but at times it means holding a truth that is against what your parents taught and even what you have learned in other areas. That is one of the more freeing parts of who you are, and the new humanity is available on planet Earth. We are very excited to share this with you today.
The Outbreath of God
Dear ones, the universe moves very quickly or very slowly depending on your relationship to it. During the last 15 years it has moved quite slowly in some ways. More than a decade ago, we told you that there was an in-and-out breath of god that created a beautiful pulsing of the universe. The last time this shifted from one to the other, your universe was born. We tell you this was very interesting, because you have so many concepts of how you can see into the night sky. It is happening now, which is the beautiful part of this.
There is a change of direction which has been occurring during the last four years. Many of you have wrestled with the incredible denseness on planet Earth, as you have felt the changes and positioned yourself in new ways. Some have cleared the decks by experiencing Phantom Deaths of your own, daring to pass by the door you had created for yourself to go Home. Others came in with heightened sensitivities to see, feel and sense things very quickly, which is what made you healers and gave you the gift of being able to connect. Now there are advances in humanity and even your physical body is changing to accommodate the energy. One of the things that we have been speaking about is your Vagus nerve, whuch makes you feel everything. Have you ever had a gut reaction to something? Have you felt an energy and your heart started racing for no apparent reason? That has to do with your Vagus nerve and its evolution, so we wish to share with you the larger reason why it is happening. You are removing many of the boundaries which have made you separate from each other and that is what is taking place in this outbreath of god.
Not all, but many of the challenges that you see in your world are caused by the outbreath or are reactions to it. You are coming into this with a balanced masculine/feminine energy, although before from your field of polarity you saw things as opposites. There are still many who are heavily invested in one energy or the other, rather than both blended together. Those who are very invested in the masculine dominance of planet Earth are overreacting, which is much of what you are seeing on planet Earth at this time.
March 2015
Now your tendency is to polarize everything and say, “Oh that is them, not us. We are different, for that is only this segment of people.” Dear ones, re-member they are humans, they are a part of you and part of your experience on Earth. What we ask you all to do is to start seeing the larger picture of how you can connect based on what you have in common, instead of only how you are different. It is a little bit against your nature because you have come in with this separation anxiety, pretending to be separate from each other while you experience humanity and yourself. It is time to change, dear ones, and that is what is happening now. On a larger scale there is an energy change coming, and that will take some time to adjust to. We wish we could tell you that on a specific date the energy will change and everyone will feel better. What we will give you is a rough date that has to do with the evolution of humanity. shifting and that is in late March of next year.
A Chance to Reset Your Doors Home
In preparation for this new energy, many of you are re-evaluating everything in your lives. This is truly as it should be but let us explain why this is taking place. This is happening because of all the opportunities that you set up before you came in. Many of arrived with incredibly sensitive Vagus nerves so you could do your healing work, yet you find yourself overwhelmed with it and carrying everybody else’s energy even though it was not your responsibility to do so. Coming in with this heightened sensitivity, many of you have placed doors to Home. We call these “Phantom Deaths,” for they are the opportunity for you to get out of the body and return Home. You have set up circumstances, opportunities, even sometimes planted seeds of ill health in your own being, so that you could accomplish this process. Many of you are healers, so you have the understanding that sickness is wrong. It is not, dear ones. Many times it is the only way to release your spirit from that body. You all thought about this at great length before you came in. What is happening between now and the end of March 2015, is that humans everywhere will have the opportunity to re-set their own opportunities to go Home. Many of you are tired and frustrated. If you feel that you have done all that you can do, you will be presented with the opportunities to leave. Re-member, dear ones, you are on the planet of free choice. This is the only planet of free choice at this moment with the exception of the second which is now in motion. The beautiful part of that is that you can change all of this, and if you wish to stay you may re-set your energy at this time. Let us explain what that is like and what it will accomplish—not only for you but for your spirit.
Your spirit carries a certain amount of energy and light that you have been able to hold within your physical, dense bodies. That is starting to change, for there are even photons growing inside your body at this time. Soon your molecular and microbiologists will start to understand even more about the photonics of the physical body and how this can start to grow. It will change everything in your life. For now many of you are tired and know friends who will be leaving, but that is as it should be. Do not consider death in any of its forms to be wrong. Instead it is to be celebrated, dear ones, for it is a re-turning to the Home of the spirit.
Dear ones, you have done such incredible work. Many of you have orchestrated early exits; you came in with such sensitivity that you planned opportunities to get out of here as quickly as possible. Between now and the end of March you have the opportunity to re-set that energy, make new contracts, and set things into motion. This has not been the norm ever since you stepped into this new energy and moved into this new plane of light. The highly charged photonic particles that are hitting Earth every single day are offering a new experience of planet Earth. Quite simply, some of you will feel like leaving and you have permission to do so, dear ones. No one is telling you that you have not completed your mission or you must stay. Here is what will take place if you decide to stay.
Phantom Death
At some point over the next few months, you will go through a process of a Phantom Death. Perhaps your heart will stop on the operating table, and it will be very obvious that it is truly a Phantom Death. Others are on a more direct path. Your spirit is saying, “Go forward. Step forward.” When you come to these opportunities to go Home, they will pass very quickly. It might just be a close call in traffic and all of a sudden you realize, “I could have died just then but let me continue my path.” And you just keep on moving forward, but you will know. These opportunities are to be celebrated dear ones, not feared. You set these up at the beginning before your incarnation and this lifetime began. They are part of the contractual arrangements that you made with planet Earth, and part of your being here pretending to be human.
Re-assessing Your Life
We are bringing this up because the majority of you will choose to stay. Whatever your choice is, it is neither right nor wrong. You are on the planet of free choice and we honor you. If you come Home tomorrow you will be celebrated, but it does not make any difference how long you stay, dear ones. That is up to you. Many of you are becoming excited at the possibility of carrying more light and spirit in your own body, while you are still incarnate. What takes place here when you go through these Phantom Deaths? Whether they are something severe or just a momentary close call in traffic, your life will re-set. When that happens, you will look back at your life and try to determine the path. You will start to re-member everything, going through old memories and ideas, even tossing out your old photography books. You will look at each part of your life to re-visit it the same way that you do if you cross over and go Home, except you will not have the photography books at Home. That is the biggest difference but that is exactly what you do when you go Home; you re-assess your entire experience and re-member every part of this.
You will decide when you go Home which parts you are complete with, which parts you wish to come back in with, or if you are complete all together. It is entirely up to you, for there is no one who judges you. You are on the free choice planet which is an emulation of Home but we ask you to do the same here. For those of you who stay, do exactly the same thing. Re-look at everything in your life…every relationship, every job you have taken, your purpose for being here, and your passions whatever they are. These are the times to re-anchor on planet Earth. If you wish to go you will be celebrated, and you will also find it much easier than you thought. The reality is the transition Home is only difficult if you do not know what to expect. Once you are aware of the transitions it becomes a joyous ride, an energy travel from one dimension to the next. Most of the challenges of transitioning from one area to the other are simply because people go into fear. What happens when a creator being goes into fear? It is then that they create their greatest fears and that loop takes some time to get rid of. For those of you who are familiar with it, you pass very easily and comfortably, then you move forward very quickly. You return Home and you acclimate to Home. And for those of you who are staying, dare to allow yourself to experience it by taking some alone time, because each of you will need it.
You will need to re-assess your place on planet Earth, understand why you came here in the first place, and whether that purpose is still valid or you wish to re-align your purpose for being here. At the same time, you have an opportunity to re-visit every part of your existence. How you have interacted and the relationships you created will come under scrutiny at this point. We tell you, dear ones, it is not right or wrong. Some of you will say, “Well, I can see how I would have a relationship with my lover, my husband or my wife. But what about children? How will my relationships with children change?” It’s very simple. You are moving into an empowered society, so everything must change including your relationships with your children and the long-term commitments that many of you have made. These are exciting times, dear ones, because their relationship to planet Earth is changing as well.
The Physical Body is Changing
You are starting to grasp the higher truths of your human experience. It is a re-membering in many areas, because your spirit is not of the density: Your spirit is truly you. It is the core personality that you carried in for eons of time and not just on planet Earth. Now you have decided to make this decision consciously instead of wiping out planet Earth and humanity, then starting over again. You literally are changing this day to day and we are so excited to watch it. We can see the challenges that you go through and when you feel lost, but we also see who you really are. We love you more than you know. You have already changed All That Is; now you have the opportunity to re-set your energy and put things into motion here so that you can step forward. As a newly empowered human, you will carry much more of your own light and be able to grow in that direction. Right now, dear ones, if someone were to step fully into light body and the world, it would be very challenging because the collective vibration of humanity still does not support it. You would find that lightbody would have huge sensitivities. That is the reason you have so many allergies and similar challenges. You do have your pollution ever since you have been burning the fossil fuels and your Industrial Revolution. However, you also have that ability to change that. The physical body is changing, experiencing a sensitivity level that you never knew before. Currently about 20% of your planet is now allergic to gluten, something you should all be easily adapted to. As you incorporate more light into the body, some of these things will have to shift and your growers are beginning to change their thinking of this. Your grocery stores have already adapted somewhat to the new needs of humanity. More will be coming and you will find rapid changes happening during these times.
The Grand Re-set of Humanity
This is a time of re-set, the grand reset of humanity. The change of the inbreath and the outbreath is taking place and what every human on planet Earth is facing right now. Along with it you have the opportunity to stay or go if you choose. No one is holding you here. If you decide to stay you will re-evaluate everything and feel free to do so. You are relieved of your contracts, even though most of you do not know it. You are re-setting new contracts, so dare to create conscious contracts on your planet. When you meet someone with which you have set up a contract on the other side of the veil, there is a natural pull to come into that contract in some way. Most of those have been released, but that is very frustrating for some of you because you are looking for your mate whom you have contracts with. We tell you, dear ones, that many of them will still be chosen; they simply will not have quite the same pull that they had before. Things that you had to settle, such as karmic contracts, have been completely released as far as the magnetism goes. That does not mean that when you come in contact with someone you do not feel a karmic bond of some sort. You may even wish to clear it, but that is up to you. Does it need to be done for you to be successful on Earth? Dear ones, you have already been successful on Earth. That is what we are here to share with you. You have won the game and now you are building a whole new Earth. We are incredibly excited because this one will be in much more harmony with Home, with where you are from. It gives you the ability to hold more of your creative powers than ever before. We tell you, dear ones, the movement back into light body for all of humanity can be especially difficult for some. Help the others, for that is why you came and why many of you are here right now, to be of service in this grand transition and re-set of humanity.
You think of us as watching from above; we actually are not above. It is fascinating that you think we are up because heaven is not up, dear ones, it is everywhere. You get that when you are children, awakening inside of a physical body when you are lying on your back or being held by a parent. Looking up to see the world, you gained from that all goodness comes from above. You are such wonderful beings. We cannot wait to see what this new game grows into. We are directly behind you all the way trying to open the doors easily for you, trying to make your life a little more comfortable. You do not need to struggle the way you did in the old energy. The path of least resistance will appear very quickly. Allow it to be. Let go of those things that you are holding onto for the sake of holding on and allow yourself to be re-set and repositioned. This is the new world and you are very much a part of it.
It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another every way that you can. It is why you came. Know that it is a brand new game that you are playing dear ones. And play well together.
Espavo I am the Keeper of Time.
The group
The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power”
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This message was originally posted here
The Universe Is About To Unzip Its Limitations ~ a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
The Universe Is About To Unzip Its Limitations
The light that you so seek has become meticulously activated.
You have cleared the debris from the landing field of your soul and
self. You have announced to all the molecular content of your being will
be light. You have come into the center of the Universe that you
represent. Slipping through the shackles that you have worn as
adornments. In the stillness of all resides the truth of the matter.
It is in within the stillness that you will find the bioluminescent
that you need to become. The Light within the cell structure of your
being shifts in luminance as a deep-water fish. Visualize your DNA
becoming bio- luminescent, glowing in the liquid center of your cells,
ebbing and flowing.
We are the Council of She. We sit at the intersection of time awaiting a doorway to remind you that within you are both she and he, the God and the Goddess. When the goddess (God in Us) is activated it has no gender, no specifications. The doorways of the past now shut very quickly. You look back (hoping not to turn to salt) to find who your were but all has been shifted the landscape has been cleared showing a new shoreline.
When You came to earth you told the universe that you were capable, and not to worry you would get the job done. Being earthen a great denseness befell you. Your light shifted and your contracts became a burden. In that burden, you lost your lust. You lost your passion. You lost your drive. You find that very little of earth fulfils you. You want to be happy in your light work. You want to be happy in your healing work. You want to be happy in your life, but you have lost the pizzazz. You have lost your passion. These contracts and burdens that you carry upon your shoulders are like honey buckets from an oriental lifetime filled with what needs to be disposed.
You try to birth yourself anew every day yet no one applauds your cosmic completions, your human revelations, and your accomplishments. Where is the applause? Where is the acknowledgement your soul seeks? A Great Depression has befallen the human race, a planetary sadness a giving up before the tides turn. This energy comes from a DNA remembrance of a time that is aligned with the three falls of Atlantis. A time when you tried so hard to lift the world, to lift the light, to lift others to a point of safety, and you did not succeed. Lifetime after lifetime, existence after existence you have given yourself 100% and you have not seen the completion of the contract.
We the Council of She ask you to ‘take it to the limit one more time’. We send you comets asteroids solar flares. We send you postcards from Sirius, from the Pleiades, from Arcturus and Andromeda. We send you etchings from the green grass and signature songs from the birds. We do it all for you. To keep you from giving up, for you are the hope of the planet. You are the ones who have never given up, even though they wanted to. In this lifetime, you come to clear on a cellular level the three falls of Atlantis. Not only earth Atlantis, but the destruction of the star Atlantis and the energies that befell it.
You have reached out to God Almighty, to Great Spirit, to everything holy throughout all time and religions. Your prayers fell upon deaf ears and a closed heart. How could your Mother/Father God, your Creator, your Benefactor, not save you, not help you, not show you the door out?
You come to consciously clear the times that you were the seers the shamans and the holy wise ones, the priests, those that believed when no one else believed. You held that belief until the very last breath time after time. You have stood for good and God in every level of your being and now we ask you to hold that trust and belief one more day, one more thought, one more heart beat. Take it to the limit of your light one more time.
You are going to find that the God that you have worshiped, the God that you have prayed to is but a division of God. You have seen, known and experienced but one slice of that ‘PI of Light’. The universe is about to unzip its limitations and open up for you to see exactly what needs to be birthed. The vibrations that come to you already cause confusion within the brain. There is so many levels of communication that you are hearing, on so many levels of light, you are seeing, on so many levels of heart, you are experiencing, so many levels of dark that you are vanquishing all in the same breathe, in the same day, in the same thought.
Each singularity that you are is divided into millions of components. Each one of your thoughts is touching everything. Everything through your past, everything through your blood and your family history, everything through the stars, everything through the universe and all time all space and all dimensions. You are the place that life intersects life.
If you could see the fabric of light that you come from, if you could know the Akashic record around each of you, you would understand that there are no failings, there are no shortcomings. Always you have lasted until the last minute and never have you given up even when the universe did not show itself to you, even when your people were not saved, even when you could not heal your tribe, even when disaster happened. You believed.
We know that you have many disappointments and anger at the Creator. We know that sometimes you feel your prayers have not been answered. We know that you feel as though you have been discarded and deserted, but that cannot happen. You know that you are never alone. We ask you to take it to the limit one more time for all that you have ever believed in and everything that you could not prove.
We are the Council of SHE. We live within you, as you live within us. We are an ocean and you are the streams, the creeks, the rivers and the ponds that we open our arms and our hearts to. We leave you with a knowing that is stronger than anything that you have encountered.
We are the Council of She. We sit at the intersection of time awaiting a doorway to remind you that within you are both she and he, the God and the Goddess. When the goddess (God in Us) is activated it has no gender, no specifications. The doorways of the past now shut very quickly. You look back (hoping not to turn to salt) to find who your were but all has been shifted the landscape has been cleared showing a new shoreline.
When You came to earth you told the universe that you were capable, and not to worry you would get the job done. Being earthen a great denseness befell you. Your light shifted and your contracts became a burden. In that burden, you lost your lust. You lost your passion. You lost your drive. You find that very little of earth fulfils you. You want to be happy in your light work. You want to be happy in your healing work. You want to be happy in your life, but you have lost the pizzazz. You have lost your passion. These contracts and burdens that you carry upon your shoulders are like honey buckets from an oriental lifetime filled with what needs to be disposed.
You try to birth yourself anew every day yet no one applauds your cosmic completions, your human revelations, and your accomplishments. Where is the applause? Where is the acknowledgement your soul seeks? A Great Depression has befallen the human race, a planetary sadness a giving up before the tides turn. This energy comes from a DNA remembrance of a time that is aligned with the three falls of Atlantis. A time when you tried so hard to lift the world, to lift the light, to lift others to a point of safety, and you did not succeed. Lifetime after lifetime, existence after existence you have given yourself 100% and you have not seen the completion of the contract.
We the Council of She ask you to ‘take it to the limit one more time’. We send you comets asteroids solar flares. We send you postcards from Sirius, from the Pleiades, from Arcturus and Andromeda. We send you etchings from the green grass and signature songs from the birds. We do it all for you. To keep you from giving up, for you are the hope of the planet. You are the ones who have never given up, even though they wanted to. In this lifetime, you come to clear on a cellular level the three falls of Atlantis. Not only earth Atlantis, but the destruction of the star Atlantis and the energies that befell it.
You have reached out to God Almighty, to Great Spirit, to everything holy throughout all time and religions. Your prayers fell upon deaf ears and a closed heart. How could your Mother/Father God, your Creator, your Benefactor, not save you, not help you, not show you the door out?
You come to consciously clear the times that you were the seers the shamans and the holy wise ones, the priests, those that believed when no one else believed. You held that belief until the very last breath time after time. You have stood for good and God in every level of your being and now we ask you to hold that trust and belief one more day, one more thought, one more heart beat. Take it to the limit of your light one more time.
You are going to find that the God that you have worshiped, the God that you have prayed to is but a division of God. You have seen, known and experienced but one slice of that ‘PI of Light’. The universe is about to unzip its limitations and open up for you to see exactly what needs to be birthed. The vibrations that come to you already cause confusion within the brain. There is so many levels of communication that you are hearing, on so many levels of light, you are seeing, on so many levels of heart, you are experiencing, so many levels of dark that you are vanquishing all in the same breathe, in the same day, in the same thought.
Each singularity that you are is divided into millions of components. Each one of your thoughts is touching everything. Everything through your past, everything through your blood and your family history, everything through the stars, everything through the universe and all time all space and all dimensions. You are the place that life intersects life.
If you could see the fabric of light that you come from, if you could know the Akashic record around each of you, you would understand that there are no failings, there are no shortcomings. Always you have lasted until the last minute and never have you given up even when the universe did not show itself to you, even when your people were not saved, even when you could not heal your tribe, even when disaster happened. You believed.
We know that you have many disappointments and anger at the Creator. We know that sometimes you feel your prayers have not been answered. We know that you feel as though you have been discarded and deserted, but that cannot happen. You know that you are never alone. We ask you to take it to the limit one more time for all that you have ever believed in and everything that you could not prove.
We are the Council of SHE. We live within you, as you live within us. We are an ocean and you are the streams, the creeks, the rivers and the ponds that we open our arms and our hearts to. We leave you with a knowing that is stronger than anything that you have encountered.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -
Physical Tips for dealing with the solar flares | Dana Mrkich - Evolution Revolution
Physical Tips for dealing with the solar flares | Dana Mrkich - Evolution Revolution
If you are feeling the effects of the Solar Flares as either exhaustion, pain, or too much electricity running through your body, the following things can help:
1) Get outside. Find some grass, trees, water, or at the least just have the sky above you. Being inside a house or office with all its electrics can make you feel worse (if it's feeling too much), because the solar energy goes through all those appliances and then out to us, on top of the fact we are receiving plenty already directly from the sun. Better to step away from the appliance and electrics/computer influence as often as possible! I'm taking Jax swimming soon, so yes I'm listening to my own words!
2) Take a bath, thrown in some epsom salts if you have any.
3) Rest if you get a chance.
4) Say thank you and be excited because just like labour, which is not easy, this is all leading to new birth and is a gift. Receive it with open arms!!
(c) Dana Mrkich 2014Dana Mrkich - Visioning the Dream Awake at9:21 amShare
EarthSky // Science Wire, Space Release Date: Oct 27, 2014 8 A week of solar flares at one giant sunspot The biggest sunspot on the face of the sun in more than two decades erupted on October 26 with its sixth substantial flare in a week. The bright light in the lower right of the sun shows an X-class solar flare on Oct. 26, 2014, as captured by NASA's SDO. This was the third X-class flare in 48 hours, which erupted from the largest active region seen on the sun in 24 years. Image credit: NASA/SDO The bright light in the lower right of the sun shows an X-class solar flare on Oct. 26, 2014, as captured by NASA’s SDO. This was the third X-class flare in 48 hours, which erupted from the largest active region seen on the sun in 24 years. Image credit: NASA/SDO A giant active region on the sun erupted yesterday (October 26), with its sixth substantial flare since October 19. This flare was classified as an X2-class flare and it peaked at 6:56 a.m. EDT. This is the third X-class flare in 48 hours, erupting from the largest active region seen on the sun in 24 years. This huge sunspot – called AR 12192 – is around 129,000 kilometers across. That’s big enough for 10 Earths to sit side-by-side along its diameter. X-class denotes the most intense flares, while the number provides more information about its strength. An X2 is twice as intense as an X1, an X3 is three times as intense, etc. An X-class flare erupted from the sun on Oct. 25, 2014, as seen as a bright flash of light in this image from NASA's SDO. The image shows extreme ultraviolet light in the 131-angstrom wavelength, which highlights the intensely hot material in a flare and which is typically colorized in teal. Image credit: NASA/SDO An X-class flare erupted from the sun on Oct. 25, 2014, as seen as a bright flash of light in this image from NASA’s SDO. The image shows extreme ultraviolet light in the 131-angstrom wavelength, which highlights the intensely hot material in a flare and which is typically colorized in teal. Image credit: NASA/SDO Solar flares are powerful bursts of radiation. Harmful radiation from a flare cannot pass through Earth’s atmosphere to physically affect humans on the ground, however – when intense enough – they can disturb the atmosphere in the layer where GPS and communications signals travel. To see how this event may affect Earth, visit NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center, the U.S. government’s official source for space weather forecasts, alerts, watches and warnings. Liked NOAA NWS Space Weather Prediction Center Government Organization · 63,194 Likes · October 27 at 7:35am · Here is a week-long look at Region 2192's seemingly nonstop solar flare production in SDO/AIA 94 imagery. Enjoy! 65,198 Views 691471,207 Read more from NASA NASA's SDO Observes More Flares Erupting from Giant Sunspot October 28, 2014 SDO captured this image of the M6.6-class solar flare, peaking at 11:32 pm EDT on Oct. 28, 2014 A large active region erupts with a mid-level flare, an M6.6-class, in this image from NASA's SDO on the night of Oct. 27, 2014. The region will soon rotate over the right horizon of the sun and will no longer be facing Earth. Image Credit: NASA/SDO The sun emitted a mid-level solar flare, an M6.6-class, peaking at 11:32 pm EDT on Oct. 28, 2014 – the latest in a series of substantial flares from a giant active region on the sun that first erupted with a significant solar flare on Oct. 19. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which constantly observes the sun, captured images of the event. To see how this event may affect Earth, please visit NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center at, the U.S. government's official source for space weather forecasts, alerts, watches and warnings. UPDATE: October 27, 2014, 5:00 p.m. EDT Sun releases another X2.0-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of an X2.0-class solar flare bursting off the lower right side of the sun on Oct. 27, 2014. The image shows a blend of extreme ultraviolet light with wavelengths of 131 and 171 Angstroms. Image Credit: NASA/SDO A large active region on the sun erupted with another X-class flare, an X2.0, on Oct. 27, 2014 -- its fourth since Oct. 24. The flare peaked at 10:47 a.m. EDT. X-class denotes the most intense flares, while the number provides more information about its strength. An X2 is twice as intense as an X1, an X3 is three times as intense, etc. To see how this event may affect Earth, please visit NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center at, the U.S. government's official source for space weather forecasts, alerts, watches and warnings. NASA's SDO Observes More Flares Erupting from Giant Sunspot - October 27, 2014, 11:00 a.m. EDT two blue images of sun with bright flare lower right NASA's SDO captured images of two M-class flares erupting from the same region on the sun. The flare on the left peaked at 8:34 pm EDT on Oct. 26, 2014; the flare on the right peaked at 6:09 am EDT on Oct. 27, 2014. The images show EUV light of 131 Angstroms, which is typically colorized in teal. Image Credit: NASA/SDO Continuing a week's worth of substantial flares beginning on Oct.19, 2014, the sun emitted two mid-level solar flares on Oct. 26 and Oct. 27. The first peaked at 8:34 pm EDT on Oct. 26, 2014, and the second peaked almost 10 hours later at 6:09 am EDT on Oct. 27. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which constantly observes the sun, captured images of both flares. Solar flares are powerful bursts of radiation. Harmful radiation from a flare cannot pass through Earth's atmosphere to physically affect humans on the ground, however -- when intense enough -- they can disturb the atmosphere in the layer where GPS and communications signals travel. To see how this event may affect Earth, please visit NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center at, the U.S. government's official source for space weather forecasts, alerts, watches and warnings. The first flare was classified as an M7.1-class flare. The second flare was a bit weaker, classified as an M6.7-class. M-class flares are one tenth as strong as X-class flares, which are the most intense flares. The number provides more information about its strength. An M2 is twice as intense as an M1, an M3 is three times as intense, etc. The series of flares over the course of the previous week all erupted from a particularly large active region on the sun, labeled AR 12192 – the largest seen on the sun in 24 years. Active regions are areas of intense and complex magnetic fields that are often the source of solar flares. Active regions are more common at the moment as we are in what's called solar maximum, which is the peak of the sun's activity, occurring approximately every 11 years. What is a solar flare? For answers to this and other space weather questions, please visit the Spaceweather Frequently Asked Questions page. Related Links › Download high resolution media from all flares from AR2192 › What does it take to be X-class? › View Past Solar Activity Karen C. Fox NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.A week of solar flares at one giant sunspot | Earth Sky
A week of solar flares at one giant sunspot
The biggest sunspot on the face
of the sun in more than two decades erupted on October 26 with its
sixth substantial flare in a week.
bright light in the lower right of the sun shows an X-class solar flare
on Oct. 26, 2014, as captured by NASA’s SDO. This was the third X-class
flare in 48 hours, which erupted from the largest active region seen on
the sun in 24 years. Image credit: NASA/SDO
This huge sunspot – called AR 12192 – is around 129,000 kilometers across. That’s big enough for 10 Earths to sit side-by-side along its diameter.
X-class denotes the most intense flares, while the number provides more information about its strength. An X2 is twice as intense as an X1, an X3 is three times as intense, etc.
X-class flare erupted from the sun on Oct. 25, 2014, as seen as a
bright flash of light in this image from NASA’s SDO. The image shows
extreme ultraviolet light in the 131-angstrom wavelength, which
highlights the intensely hot material in a flare and which is typically
colorized in teal. Image credit: NASA/SDO
To see how this event may affect Earth, visit NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center, the U.S. government’s official source for space weather forecasts, alerts, watches and warnings.


NOAA NWS Space Weather Prediction Center
Government Organization · 63,194 Likes
· October 27 at 7:35am ·
Here is a week-long look at Region 2192's seemingly nonstop solar flare production in SDO/AIA 94 imagery. Enjoy!
Read more from NASA
NASA's SDO Observes More Flares Erupting from Giant Sunspot
October 28, 2014
To see how this event may affect Earth, please visit NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center at, the U.S. government's official source for space weather forecasts, alerts, watches and warnings.
UPDATE: October 27, 2014, 5:00 p.m. EDT
X-class denotes the most intense flares, while the number provides more information about its strength. An X2 is twice as intense as an X1, an X3 is three times as intense, etc.
To see how this event may affect Earth, please visit NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center at, the U.S. government's official source for space weather forecasts, alerts, watches and warnings.
NASA's SDO Observes More Flares Erupting from Giant Sunspot - October 27, 2014, 11:00 a.m. EDT
SDO captured images of two M-class flares erupting from the same region
on the sun. The flare on the left peaked at 8:34 pm EDT on Oct. 26,
2014; the flare on the right peaked at 6:09 am EDT on Oct. 27, 2014. The
images show EUV light of 131 Angstroms, which is typically colorized in
teal. Image Credit: NASA/SDO
Solar flares are powerful bursts of radiation. Harmful radiation from a flare cannot pass through Earth's atmosphere to physically affect humans on the ground, however -- when intense enough -- they can disturb the atmosphere in the layer where GPS and communications signals travel.
To see how this event may affect Earth, please visit NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center at, the U.S. government's official source for space weather forecasts, alerts, watches and warnings.
The first flare was classified as an M7.1-class flare. The second flare was a bit weaker, classified as an M6.7-class.
M-class flares are one tenth as strong as X-class flares, which are the most intense flares. The number provides more information about its strength. An M2 is twice as intense as an M1, an M3 is three times as intense, etc.
The series of flares over the course of the previous week all erupted from a particularly large active region on the sun, labeled AR 12192 – the largest seen on the sun in 24 years. Active regions are areas of intense and complex magnetic fields that are often the source of solar flares.
Active regions are more common at the moment as we are in what's called solar maximum, which is the peak of the sun's activity, occurring approximately every 11 years.
What is a solar flare?
For answers to this and other space weather questions, please visit the Spaceweather Frequently Asked Questions page.
Related Links
› Download high resolution media from all flares from AR2192
› What does it take to be X-class?
› View Past Solar Activity
Karen C. Fox
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
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