Wednesday, November 2, 2016

What is Going on in this World? | 13:20 FREQUENCY SHIFT

What is Going on in this World? |


Crossing the Bridge of Time – by Stephanie South Kin 56: Yellow Self Existing Warrior/ Samhain

If you are feeling states of uncertainty, anxiety or disquietude, you are not alone. Many are undergoing powerful transformations and quantum shifts of perception as we continue to navigate through a labyrinth of conflicting frequencies within our collective energy field.

We are at a time when the intuitive nonlinear feminine energy is devalued, when peaceful protests are met with violence, and when lies and deceit are made “fair-seeming.” (Note feminine energy is not gender specific and also pertains to all in the minority of the dominant control frequencies, including Nature herself).

These “frequency wars” have the effect of creating confusion, anxiety, inertia and discord as they manipulate emotions, drowning out the imagination and ability to dream. The media is a chief proponent of keeping the masses locked into a limited third-dimensional framework that stifles access to inner realms through weapons of mass distraction.

We have come from the Future, arriving to the Past to assist the Earth in its liberation from false time that holds in place the matrix of (mind) control. To break the spell of false time, we must rescue ourselves (not wait to be rescued)  from all external control factors and mind programs that keep us enslaved to our emotional bodies.

Time is now to work internally to rebuild the Ark and ride the wave to the other side of the Ocean of illusions. Within the Ark of the Clear Light Mind, there is a vast library of Time that contains the archives of lost, hidden and forgotten knowledge.

We have returned to the precipice; a replay from other worlds with the potential to plunge our planet into the same scenario as Atlantis/Mars/Maldek. Time operates in a spiral, bringing similar circumstances to our present time.  It is the job of Those Who Hear the Call, to redirect energy and create a new vision of the World, from the inside out.


Pacal Votan and Lost Planets

We live on a free will planet. There are people who love disorder and chaos. There are others who love order and harmony. Even within apparent chaos there is a hidden order or harmony.

“Return to Natural Time” was the key message of Pacal Votan whose tomb was discovered 64 years go in 1952. Pacal Votan was an emanation of solar consciousness. His special mission is called the Victory of the War of the Heavens on Earth. The War of the Heavens refers to various previous stages of the free will experiment. His job is not complete until Natural Order is restored to Earth. (see The Arcturus Probe).

This year’s U.S. presidential election is on Kin 64: Yellow Crystal Seed. This is a Time to UNIVERSALIZE AWARENESS. One spin later (260 days) is 13 Moon New Year, which is also Kin 64: Yellow Crystal Seed. Of course 64 is key to DNA code.

On the world stage we see the continuous playing out of the abused powers of the four “Babylon Planets” to be tamed and purified as described in the Telektonon of Pacal Votan (as brought forth by Valum Votan/Jose Arguelles):

Maldek: Sex taboo
Mars: Death fear.
Jupiter: Power abuse/False spirituality
Saturn: Monetary greed. See previous blog, “World Events and Lost Planets

This indicates the inner work that must be done at this time.
1) Clear and upgrade perception of sex and relationships (includes addictions and all things pertaining to physical body).
2) Clear and upgrade perception of fear, war and death (disarm yourself, learn how to channel volatile emotions).
3)  Clear and upgrade perception of power and spirituality (clear false perceptions of Spirit. Find your authentic essence) 
4)  Clear and upgrade perception of monetary system/abundance.

In this way, world events can be re-framed and seen as sharpening our intelligence, enhancing our discernment, and honing our ability to see through illusion.  There has to be friction to sharpen the blade.

Don Juan, the Mexican Yaqui Indian shaman, tells Carlos Castaneda the following:

“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so… I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner!”

Who is imprisoning us?

Ultimately all beings, all groups, all powers of control are energetic force fields that attempt to create fences around our consciousness, so that we cannot access our Higher Being. No one can control our mental, emotional or psychic life if we do not concede to it. We are not here to be part of the herd. We are Beyond all limiting labels that divide.


Though it sometimes appears that we are small and powerless, we inhabit a realm infused with Mystery. Sudden shifts in the currents of consciousness can swiftly re-sculpt thoughts and behavior.

All is ultimately an inner journey, and the real challenge is to change ourselves. External disillusionment causes us to return to our essence and listen again. When we do this, powerful Forces can assist us. Universal Force operates in a realm beyond human conception. Ultimately all of life must return to Natural Order after all permutations of chaos (disorder) are played out. All is part of the process of the Biosphere-Noosphere transition. Anything can happen. Everything is possible.

Solar Consciousness

Kin 60: Yellow Galactic Sun, concludes the 812-day cycle of solar consciousness (November 4, 2016).  Join us for a global synchronized meditation on Kin 60, November 4: Turn On Planetary Mind. To assist in tuning to Solar Consciousness, we have also created a special TimeSpace Four ride that is focused on the Sun. Relax and enjoy the Ride:  You can download here.

There are 28 ways every 28 days, thirteen times every year to cultivate yourself in a new time frequency. Activate galactically now. If you are new and want to learn more, download Stopping Time. 

Note for Synchronic Practitioners:

Self Existing 18 is also King Tut day. Tutankhamuns tomb was discovered November 4, 1922 on Kin 70: White Overtone Dog.  The psi chrono for this day is also Kin 70.  There were 70 days between King Tut’s death and burial.

70 + 70 = 140.  140 is Key to the tomb of Pacal Votan.  70 is also a prominent number for star Sirius, also known as the Dog Star for its prominence in constellation Canis Major. The 13 Moon calendar has its starting date July 26 based on heliacal rising of star Sirius.

Sirius is also associated with Goddes Isis (Great Mother of All Nature). Some legends say the Nile flood was caused by the tears that Isis (Great Mother of All  Nature ) shed, after her husband Osiris was murdered by his brother Seth. The first new moon following the reappearance of Sirius after it disappeared under the horizon for 70 days was established as the first day of the New Year. This is symbolized by Isis and Osirus traveling through the underworld. Sirius was the Goddess Isis who gave birth to the son of the god Horus (all seeing eye).

According to their oral traditions of the Dogon tribe, a race people from the Sirius system called the Nommos landed on Earth in an ark thousands of years ago. It was the Nommos that gave the Dogon the knowledge about Sirius B, which they believed used to fill the space of where our Sun now resides.  (For more on the Dogon and Sirius See more in Sirius Mystery by Robert K.G. Temple (1977).


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